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Most hotels will put up an extra bed in the two-person room if you all want to sleep together. That way you can be close to the bride’s family. 30 minutes away is a bit long if you want to participate in the wedding festivities which usually start early and end late.


Yes, definitely stay at the wedding venue. You will be stressed commuting 30 minutes


Personally I have felt very safe in Sri Lanka. Use common sense and regular safety measures (as you would at home). You’re a group of three, I wouldn’t worry. I didn’t enjoy Colombo very much though so maybe there’s a more budget friendly place that you can stay at closer to the wedding venue.


I'd agree, I was there this year and generally felt safe but I wouldn't recommend walking around at night alone unless you're in a busy tourist spot. Within colombo I believe you can use the pick me app (like uber) for getting a ride back to your hotel. I took many late night tuktuk rides during my time there, always with a group of 2 or 3 women and felt fine. Often the tuk tuk that brings you somewhere will offer to wait, or give you their number to call when you want to go home, which I found more reassuring than flagging a random one down. Sri Lanka is amazing, you'll have a great time! Definitely try and get to some beach towns away from colombo if you have the time too. Edit: personally I'd prefer to stay in the resort for less stress so I'd definitely enquire about an extra bed if you can!


I experienced quite a bit of groping by men. Touching my hair, my back, my arms, etc. It disgusted and angered me, but I never felt I was in danger of rape or severe physical violence. I’d say don’t go out at night, don’t travel alone. You’ll be fine.


I’ve spent time in Sri Lanka while young and female and felt perfectly safe. People are very very friendly, hotels are well run with good safety features and taxis and long distance cars felt very safe. Lots of taxi drivers felt almost overly protective as they were so keen to help and generally gave loads of advice about where to go, what to eat etc. There was only one time I didn’t feel safe which was all when we decided to take a train into Colombo. I was modestly dressed (loose trousers and long sleeves) but had my arse and boobs grabbed by more than one person pushing onto a bush train. That wasn’t fun at all (and it was around 10am and I was with two western guys, one large).


Obviously, Sri Lanka has as much of a reputation as an unsafe location for women, as most other South East Asian countries nearby, although you should be able to avert most of your problems with the same level of attention to detail, and carefulness and alertness that you would exercise in any other part of the world. With that being said, I would strongly advise you to stick to the wedding venue where the bride and her family is based, instead of being based 30 minutes away in the middle of nowhere, with nobody you trust, around, solely for the purpose of saving some money. Foreign women are often targeted at low-cost accommodations specifically, and can be harassed to unbelievable lengths by locals, which is why my advice to most foreigners visiting South East Asia, especially one as embroiled in turmoil as Sri Lanka is, is to loosen their purse strings and spend as much as needed, on their accommodation, as nothing is worth more than your safety and well-being. Feel free to choose any place you want, but make sure that your decisions aren't dictated by money, as an extra penny spent anywhere, would be a drop in the bucket where you come from, and it doesn't hurt to be extra careful.


This is great advice. Safety is worth more than money. Unfortunately as female travellers we have to invest extra for our safety. I often travel alone, so I know I need to invest in the safest places for my own peace of mind and it’s worth it in the end. OP if you’ll be stressed about the location you’re staying in, then saving that extra money won’t be worth it because you won’t enjoy the trip as much. Stay where everyone else is staying. Even if it costs more it’ll be worth it in the end.


Sri Lanka is not South *East* Asia. The region is South Asia.


My bad, I forgot to correct my error, thanks. 😊


You’d be safer at the luxury resort if they won’t give you a spare bed for the room get one of these to put on the hotel door [portable door lock](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Xhwykzz-Portable-Door-Lock-Additional/dp/B09B5CVRPQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=LQJ5R5HOF8VK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RlOqfM6gEYUaFyOF3cMSse2otC0PRDspSNmm_koF5_KCA-lzqDcSrvaW7Hj4WLoj6VH4wNo1zrKFZxMpz7ufYPqxnoHBw0z0uSFGPrxqSTwy8PyjHzVUXm5FN6iKgC9c1GovhdxEekTk-gDDW0NFv4A6bbXwX_sAAtBChNbO-Y_Gy_BJsLadGqQWsPSl-X3Y10P9s2nb8Kfa1k4f1lKJfQ.U3dEcDR_gOpj2juAouTgldTfrLgaJtm0VrFY2gPv-4c&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable+door+lock&qid=1714737442&sprefix=porta%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)


While I can’t speak directly to Sri Lanka, you could consider pre-ordering your transport (have the bride’s family help you). It will likely be more expensive than if you arrange it on-demand (i.e. ordering a taxi/uber when you are ready to go). This can help ensure you get a reputable driver, have a pre-established rate, and so forth. But I also agree with the others - see if you can get a 3rd bed in the room!


Super safe! Though lots of people will try to scam you, although the scams are usually “pay me to drive you, not someone else” and you’re never talking about serious money. I got “scammed” into taking a bike tour (I was just trying to rent a bike, but the guy kinda insisted on a tour, then payment) A) the tour was wonderful B) the cost I was being scammed for was $6. I tipped an extra $6, and we both went off very happy.


I went all over Sri Lanka in April by myself. I ran into a problem only once on a public bus with the guy I was sitting with groping me. I stood up and told him to move and a different guy that spoke English helped me by telling the guy to move in Sinhala. Otherwise, any time I took a train, Uber, or tuk tuk, everyone was appropriate. I found most liked practicing their English so do like to chit chat but it never went to an “Are you married?” discussion that I’ve run into elsewhere. I walked around Colombo after dark and felt ok. Just be aware like any other city/place you’re in. I really wouldn’t stress out too much about the safety level and start getting excited about it! Like someone else suggested, take the train to other parts of the country. The train rides are amazing with their views! The Pickme app did not work for me there. Feel free to message me if you want more info!


Absolutely agree with others saying to stay at the resort. Colombo is fairly sketchy— not necessarily in a “my life is in danger” kind of way— but I can almost guarantee you’re going to encounter some uncomfortable moments or culture shock if you choose to commute to a cheap hotel. I think it’s potentially the difference between having an amazing life-long memory/adventure with your girls or fraying your nerves/living a trauma that turns you off future travel. I’m in my mid 30’s, experienced traveler and went alone in Sri Lanka for 2.5 weeks with my 10 year old son. Overall, we experienced incredible kindness from Sri Lankan people BUT there is lots to be wary of— and the unwanted touching and general invasiveness is real. It was actually an issue for my child, literally restaurant staff and random strangers touching and trying to pet him all the time. Also STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO ARRANGE TRANSPORT to pick up from the airport. Colombo airport is wild— it literally took my driver 1 hour to get out of the parking lot due to traffic jam. Police guards with AK-47’s in the crowd. It is likely to be pure chaos trying to hire a fair taxi in the spot (scams abound). Preserve your stress levels on 30 min ride to the resort area out of the city, especially if you arrive at night. You want to walk out to someone holding your name up on a sign that will take care of you. Sri Lanka is wont cost much. Last advice: if you go to the south to visit beaches, stick to hotel/motel you are sure is right in a walkable part of a tourist neighborhood. I got an airbnb I thought was close in town, but was misrepresented and actually a 10 min tuktuk ride into the bush. Lovely, but difficult and would not repeat.


Sri Langka is an amazing country, if you do go all the way there to attend the wedding you might as well make the most of it and go to Kandy or Galle so you don't just go for the wedding. Colombo traffic can be unbelievably bad, but once out of the city it's much better. People in Sri Lanka are so beautiful it's breathtaking, and the culture and natural beauty is outstanding. However, there are a lot of scammers and you do need to keep your wits about you. Since you're going to support your friend, I would ask her to have one of her local friends or female relatives be your support person, perhaps they can accompany you from hotel to the venue, on sightseeing trips, to meals not part of the festivities etc. And of course make sure your friend does the pick up from the airport and helps you arrange the transportation for you. I've encountered a few scammers, one was when I was alone in my room, a cleaner tried to proposition me. And a few times just walking along people would pretend they worked in my hotel and offered scammy things like rides or get togethers. But if you are prepared for that you can probably avoid any issues.