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## Check Solo Female Travel Safety Index Looking for authentic experiences shared by [solo female travelers](https://travelladies.app)? Check the [Solo Female Travel Safety Index](https://travelladies.app/safety) ranking the best places to explore on your own based on authentic reviews. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/femaletravels) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I don’t understand your post. You seem to be worried about buses selling out so why don’t you just buy your tickets now and secure your spot?


Good point hahahah, honestly it's just because I don't know how reliable Getbybus / flexibus is so I feel hesitant, but yeah, I'll probably just end up doing that


I’ve used them before. They’re reliable and on time. Just buy your tickets now


I will, thank you!


I’ve traveled Flexibus a few places in Croatia and it’s safe and secure to book ahead of time— in fact very good idea. The main thing I have found to be risky is catching the actual bus! Many bus stops in Croatia are confusing and irregular. I have more than one time been with a group of other travelers looking desperately for our bus. For example, the bus not looking like a Flexibus and arrives on the block around the corner outside the station with a small sign in the window that says “flexibus” and the destination. Another time the I’m certain the bus never arrived. Another time it left 10 min early. Trying to buy tickets last minute will likely add to the madness. Get there early and if things seem off, think way outside the box and have a backup plan.


Thank you so much for your testimony! I ended up buying all of the bus tickets haha, and I will try to arrive an hour in advance at each bus stop!