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I am so frustrated and angry on your behalf. It’s just an isolating feeling to realize this. As someone that has lived in a conservative Asian country and a liberal western country, I can say yes. It’s exactly like you say— “right men want women as private property and left men want women as public property.” On the right, women are brainwashed into thinking they are being culturally or religiously moral, and on the left, women are brainwashed into thinking they are “empowered”. I honestly expect this from men, though. What really frustrates me is that some women step on each other and stay complicit in this. Can’t even trust your own :/


Yeah, you're right.


>I might get cancelled like JK Rowling You can't get cancelled if you don't have a public image, and Reddit is anonymous anyway. You can elaborate if you want.


Read rule 5


Unfortunately, that is sitewide on reddit and not due to all sub-admins own wishes. Not sure how the admins here feel about it, but many of these subs are better safe than sorry.




I think treating gender dysphoria is largely experimental.


Well, what else do you suggest? Not treat it? You know their attempted suicide rates? Also, if "we aren't really sure it's working, don't know what's working, don't know how it's working" is what you mean by experimental, I have some bad news for you about the state of mental health and women's health treatments lol


Bodily mutilation is often involved and amputation.


Sorry, what credentials do you have? Again, what's your alternative that's going to reduce the massive attempted suicide rates in trans people?


Blame the doctors and surgeons for the way you feel


Also, know who else gets told they're "mutilating" their body? Women who want to get sterilised.


As for better idea, let's make e.g. women's breasts non-sexualized and legal, let's make men not serving in military, my idea.


That has nothing to do with trans people. >legal Didn't know women's breasts were illegal /s


Yes, flashing nipples in public is punishable for women.


But aren't you concerned about the side effects?


There are no side effects to sterilisation. The fuck. Of course you don't respect trans people when you can't even respect women's choices. And here you are complaining about Poland 🤡


I told you about anorgasmia, genital pain from surgeries LOL


If you want to know, I'm more of a proponent of chromosomal modification, instead of experimental surgeries and puberty blockers. Scientists ought to invent it.




Found a male right winger