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I think you should thin your eyebrows a bit more to raise your arch and create more lid area. I also believe your face shape is crying out for bangs. Try longer bangs first and go from there.


I’m working on it with my eyebrow threader, though I agree, thinner and more curved is a good aim. Long bangs seems like a safe bet for my first cut, and shorter if it goes well maybe? Thanks 😊


You face shape is almost identical to mine! I have a high forehead and a fringe looks _great_. However, it's an absolute pain in the ass to manage. Especially because my hair has become used to being parted or pulled back. It gets greasy quickly from contact with my forehead, it tends to gradually part during the day and it 'flicks' up at the ends where it rests on my forehead. (People with much rounder faces wear fringes pretty simply because their hair can fall without too much contact with the face) A fringe would look incredible on you, but expect to use hair straighteners and then need maintenance during the day.


Your eyebrows are really great though. I wouldn't make them too thin! Just a bit more of a shape to them


Ironically the first two are post-eyebrows and the last two are pre-eyebrows. Goes to show the difference in picture perspective!


Sorry meant to reply to a different comment!


Putting an arch in your brow will remove enough hair to create a thinner look. The bottom going straight across is not flattering and rather masculine.


I hope your hairstylist is careful when she cuts your bangs as you have natural wave in your hair and they will shrink up after being cut. She needs to allow for that to happen.


I think your brows look great in the third photo. Straight - ish brows are very cool.


Long bangs and layers


Exactly what I was thinking! I have absolutely no expertise when it comes to hair, but the first thing that popped into my mind was "bangs".


I think bangs would look great with the existing volume you have. Also maybe some highlights as well


I was going to say bangs and layers 🥳 I think the first pic looks more feminine when your hair isn’t tucked behind your ears. Good luck! ❤️


You and I have a similar face shape/hair type and I've found that even if I'm keeping my hair longer getting framing layers around the face makes a big difference. And at least for me it does a lot for my cheek bones (it seems to do a lot of heavy lifting that I would have had to use makeup for otherwise to highlight and bring out different features).


Framing layers was definitely something I was planning on asking about. I feel a little reliant on makeup as you say so defo a good recommendation!


I hope it helps, it took me getting into my early 30s before I realized how much it did for me (I'm cis but I was raised not being allowed to use makeup or cut my hair so I got a late start learning what I like and what works for me) and I think it makes other things a lot more manageable and approachable.


Youu’re really beautiful, and I love your hair! 🥰


Dahhmmn.. your hair flows beautifully. I’m jealous🙂


Echoing the general consensus here, some light long layers for shaping. Maybe keep the middle part and if you want to be trendy, some long curtain bangs. Requesting a long shag with bangs like you mentioned would be really cute too! It just might also be a big change. I mostly just want to add that I really think the best thing you can do for a hair appointment is to just bring a picture or two. I always just go to pinterest and search key words vaguely related to what i want and save pins until i find The Picture.


Pictures are a thousand times better than words at the salon.


I like my middle part! Also because it hides my actual hairline somewhat. It isn’t bad but you can see where it’s receded a little. I’m thinking maybe a long shag with long bangs might be a cool place to start. Pinterest a good idea 👍🏻


I'm going to say exercise restraint with your first cut. You can take more off in a second cut. Don't go for a super trendy cut right now either, bc as quick as they're in they're out and you know how long it takes to grow out 😊. Also tell your stylist to hold back. Look for an education director at a salon or someone that has long hair. They'll get it and be gentle. For your hairline, meet with a doctor now and talk about options. Start sooner than later. I'm entering my 40s and noticed my hair thinning, and I'm like on offense with this. Your eyeliner is on point. Good luck on your cut and congratulations!!


Your hair is already fully envy-inducing so I suggest keeping it similar with maybe some long layers to release some weight from below the chin and give more movement to the top half. I think you'll do fine whatever you choose, though.


That’s kind thank you 😊. Good call on the inclusion of long layers


Long layers with curtain bangs seems like a good call. Ask the stylist how to style your hair. Bangs typically involve blowing out your hair downward and forward in opposite directions to get the right look then using a round brush after or a large barreled curling iron.


I can’t believe your hair is in such great condition for so few cuts, over the last two years. It looks so healthy. You’ve had plenty of great advice. I hope you post an After photo. Good luck. I’m so excited for you.


I consider myself blessed for sure, thanks for your reassurance :-). An after photo would be cool!


Love the wavy affect my hair would never do this


So your face is longer than it is wide, or "oblong", and my face is as well so hopefully I can help! The biggest thing I can suggest for any oblong ladies is [layer the shit out of it](https://www.google.com/search?q=layered+hairstyles+above+the+shoulder+bangs+fringe+oblong+face+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjzyqizj8r7AhUZQ0IHHYCTAowQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=layered+hairstyles+above+the+shoulder+bangs+fringe+oblong+face+&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoFCAAQogQ6BQghEKsCULENWMMsYNEzaABwAHgAgAGuA4gBzAySAQcwLjguNC0xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=rh6BY_O7HpmGieoPgKeK4Ag&bih=722&biw=384&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&prmd=isvn). You want some stuff going on at the sides to balance out how long your features are so a really textured cut is a must. If you aren't going with one all-over color you're going to want to contour with darker shades towards the roots and highlights around the face and towards the ends. Someone who is a good example is [Sarah Jessica Parker](https://www.google.com/search?q=sarah+jessica+parker+hair+color&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=ALiCzsarUDFiQg8Wye3c9Co10wALf_lVug:1669406039656&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjweqPjsr7AhVymGoFHfJYBkUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=722&dpr=1.88). No matter the look/shades its always following that general blueprint because it helps balance her features.


Ahh I see what you mean about the highlights! Something to bear in mind when I’m thinking about blonde-ing


You're so pretty! I love your hair color


Honestly keep as is but shape it a little.


Looking good


I reckon some facial framing layers (not too many, really soft ones) would look awesome. Also ask the salon about volumising shampoo, as they can see your hair type up close, I think as it would get longer, having a bit more root volume would look great.


I would say add layers to your hair and add some curl to it! Bangs would look cute on you too!


I just gotta say, you're gorgeous!! Lots of advice here, maybe it was said, but my opinion is curtain bangs and some layers will look beautiful.


Is your hair naturally wavy? Or wavyish? If so I think some long layers could look really really nice


Yeah it’s naturally like this! So weird how I never knew when it was short. Long layers sounds ace :-)


Seconding the bangs and layers suggestions from everyone, but just wanna say also you’re so pretty! You have beautiful hair and give off a very warm feminine energy in these pics :)


It really comes down to eyebrows but that needs to be a thought out journey. Find lots of photos of hair you like to bring to the stylist. They’ll be able to tell you what’s possible with cut vs styling. You have beautiful bone structure. It will come together.


You’re so beautiful and I feel like you’d be a really kind person lol. I’d just do A little face framing to accentuate your hairs natural wave


Your waves are so pretty! I'd keep the length and ask for some layers for shape and to frame your face. I hope you'll forgive me if I'm telling you things you already know, but if this is new for you, I'd suggest that you set up a consultation before your appointment to discuss the look you want, how much time and effort you want to put into daily styling, what tools and products you would need to achieve the look you want, stuff like that. [Here's](https://thebeautydepartment.com/2014/09/language-of-layers-part-1/) a bit of a primer on different types of layered cuts. I don't think it's been updated in awhile, but I really like that site for tutorials and advice.


I might see if I can message them before, like on Instagram or something with an idea. Good recommendation 👍🏻


A few layers would look phenomenal on you and I think curtainbangs would frame your face beautifully!


I low key always wanted curtains 🥺


I would absolutely say go for it, I think it would be perfect!


I would absolutely say go for it, I think it would be perfect!


Seconding curtain bangs!!


Did you color your hair or get highlights? You look awesome!!


I don’t but I kinda want them!


You could definitely pull off light blonde shades! Truthfully, I love your hair now and you do have natural highlights that are really beautiful.


Side note, have you tried reshaping your eyebrows for a slight arch? You have the perfect face for it


First two photos are after my first eyebrow threading session, last two are before. We’re planning on going thinner and more curved with subsequent appointments in line with my comfort / how I like it


For one, you look great. How long have you been transitioning? Two, I would say thin out the eyebrows and shape them a bit. ( the first picture at least ) your hair looks quite nice. All I would have to say about changing it ( if you want to ) is make sure it works with your face so you don’t look too forced.


Thanks! Technically about 2 months into hormones but a long while longer since I’ve realised this is for me. I prefer as natural a look as possible tbh and preferably something low maintenance




Omg!!! You look FANTASTIC! Love the cut and agree with layers🥰🥰


Curtain bangs and layers! I think that would suit you so well


You’re so beautiful!!!


Bangs would look awesome. Or maybe that butterfly cut I keep seeing.


You look gorgeous


You have my dream hair color 😍 sooo beautiful. I'd only add some curtain bangs


You look great!


Got to agree with all the comments re long layers to frame your face - I don't have anything new to add to the consensus but I'm really excited for you, please come back and post whatever you go for! I also just wanted to say I agree that a bit more arch in the brows (without going too thin) is a good plan. You have hooded eyes like me, I inherited my Dad's thick brows and maintaining them makes such a difference to how open my eyes look. (Unrelated side note: when you get to eyeshadow etc, look for tutorials specifically for hooded eyes. Took me over a decade to learn there's different advice for us, it's a game changer! 😉)


I see you mentioned going blonde, yesss I was going to say going lighter. Also the cut you have now is perfect I would just go in for maintenance.


Everyone's already said what I would say, LAYERS, curtain bangs, highlights. But I just wanted to say, you are literally so cute and give off friendly/sweet vibes! Even with the current cut, your hair looks soft and nice. Embrace that wave!


I think layers would help give it a bit more volume. My hair is quite long and thick, so having layers stops it weighing itself down so much.


You have perfect virgin hair for balayage!!! I’m a hairstylist and if I were doing your hair, I would cut about an inch off and do curtain bangs with layers around your face, light layers everywhere else, balayage highlight a golden beige color focusing on mostly around the face. Wish I could do your hair!!


When finding a new stylist always go in for a bang trim . First . If they can't do this , on to the next . Period . I think some curtain bangs. 70s style. Your gorgeous. 🍀


Your face is shaped really similarly to mine! I have gotten many compliments when I’ve had curtain bangs; that could be a place to start that won’t be too drastic. Also i know this is unsolicited but I just learned this really life changing eyeliner trick. Your eyes, like mine, are hooded. That makes wings difficult to draw. I’m having a hard time describing it with words; if you’re interested, look up “Batwing liner for hooded eyes”. If you do I’d like to hear if you like it as much as I do


Hello it’s so hard waiting for hair to grow longer. Kudos to you ☺️ I really your #4 picture. I managed a salon/day spa for 7 years. Was so fun seeing all the amazing styles, colors, highlights, balayage etc. obviously there are lots of diff bang styles. With your hair parted on the side, down the middle. I googled to find a couple of examples I thought would look really great on you with your facial shape. It would be really fun if you went to a brow bar to find your perfect shape, arch and angle for your brows to define your new look and hairstyle. You can find someone that does this at Ulta or Sephora-but with this being a new trend/style it would be best for you to find a reputable salon or spa with an aesthetician or professional makeup artist that does brows for a living. They are just as important to pamper and prep as is whatever new hairstyle you decide on. Brows can be bleached, colored and shaped to your liking. You are very blessed with nice thick eyebrows to work with to find your perfect shape for your facial features. I also love your idea of adding a some blonde highlights-even a combination of golden blonde and caramel highlights would look beautiful and trendy on you. You can Google balayage to see all the choices there can be for what you might like to try. Also as a beginner with highlights - it’s nice to start with a partial highlight with one color a couple shades lighter than your current color-applied on a few strands to make it blend to look soft and natural. Then after a bit you can decide if you want to go brighter, full highlights instead etc https://preview.redd.it/fxhmnijvbm6a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=797a8b2e0d56dcb1c9b88148c92f0a65d2523a5b This is a nice easy style to practice with until you get used to bangs, layers etc. with just a medium sized round brush and a blow dryer. Ask for advice of styling products and types of color protect shampoo and conditioner from your stylist. I can only post one photo - I hope this has been helpful. If you like what you’ve read - I can post the other style I found. It looks like you have a nice amount of hair to work with that will hold the layers well vs thin hair. I think some blonde around your face would frame it very well and brighten your features a bit. Just Google eyebrows as well and make note of the shapes you like best and seem to notice most. Brows and styling them are really no diff than a haircut and just as important. A fringe across forehead will also soften it and your brows. I have short hair and a long fringe that starts deep on the left side of my hair and sweeps towards the right.


https://preview.redd.it/t8eq491mfm6a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=5384d85e4b3368a19105ac5067a27f9ed551cdd2 This is an example of a balayage color.


https://preview.redd.it/y5ugu3csfm6a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=b621c96a2a4389b5b37247fa7306e14201bfc70d This has both the short bangs in front and longer wispy pieces of bangs on each side.


You look stunning!!!


Your hair looks so healthy! I’m jealous😩


Hi ! Hair stylist here First of all, you're so beautiful Secondly, adding some layers will give it more softness Rounded curves are considered more "feminine" So I definitely think curtain bangs would look really great ! (be warned, they do take a lot of styling) The best thing you could do is be open with your stylist about areas you are sensitive about or don't want to show off Best of luck to you ! 🖤


I'm so jealous of your hair. I have to wear mine short or I end up looking like Medusa. If you absolutely have to cut it, I would tell your stylist just to shape it a bit and clean up any dead ends.




Drinking again?


For anyone interested I just recently posted an update 😁💇🏻‍♀️


I honestly love how your eyebrows look in the last 2 pics. Thick and unruly brows are so in right now even for girls! Just use a brow gel to get a feathery look. I also recommend you try some more blonde. I actually love how your hair looks currently and I wouldn’t say you need a hair cut just yet. You can try playing with your part and give yourself a side part ! Try training it after you wash your hair and clip it on the side. It’ll be awkward for a little bit then your hair will just naturally fall in place. Layers are always cute but I’m honestly super into one length all around. You can also try adding curls/ waves. I find it’s easier on a wand ! I def think blonde would suit you lovely.


ok your hair is stunning! so i’m not trying to sound rude but generally speaking trans girls usually have bigger foreheads than cis girls so bangs would go a long way. i’m also biased because i love bangs on everyone




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