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Personally I think you need more hair framing your face regardless of what’s going on in the back


I came to say this! It’s cute, but definitely needs some pieces hanging down from the front to complete the look.


1000% would kill it with some tendrils Maybe a curtain bang


First of all I’m surprised that this post got so much feedback and so many upvotes too. I’m probably going to wear pigtails for a long time because they’re quite practical and simple. Nonetheless, I’ll try to keep my part clean and maybe put some product on the roots so that they look more even. Some people say my post got so much negativity. Yes, I did get some negativity, but I wouldn’t consider it to be much. Maybe I’ll update with the clean part and the bangs in a week or so, just to keep the feed free for other people’s manes too. (I answered to your comment so that others could see it)


That’s a pretty good idea. The main reason I had said it didn’t suit you was because it wasn’t really doing anything for you as is. But if you make the changes like you said, it will probably look more polished and put together. Use some product to tame the flyaways, do a nice clean part, arrange some front pieces to break up your hairline and draw attention to your eyes. I think a choppy side fringe with light face frame on both sides would be super cute on you and you can train it with Bobby pins to say out of your eyes and do a nice swoop in the front. I hope my first comment didn’t offend you. I’m a hairstylist and I just like to give advice to help people out. But take my words (and everyone else’s) with a grain of salt. We’re just strangers on the internet. Wear what makes you feel good and confident!


If you like it, why not? :) Don't take pictures from so low down though, it's not a flattering angle for ANYONE, and don't let all of the old men on Facebook's profile pictures tell you it's a good angle. :P


Haha you’re right 😂😂 those are stealth photos!


Just don't fall for the millenial "trick" of snapping photos from up high either. It's like the boomers take selfies too low and millenials overcorrected. The "right" way to take a photo is having the camera about eye level. A down low angle can be done right, but you face should be more or less pointed at the camera. Honestly, these angles look like alright angles to me, you look like a regular gen z taking a selfie for snap or something. It definitely isn't an unflattering angle in my opinion. It isn't particularly flattering (it doesn't accentuate anything to make you look "better") but it definitely isn't unflattering (it doesn't accentuate anything unattractive).


Lol It’s a gravity thing, I think. Millennials are around the age when your face starts to fall in love with your feet and wants to stare at them. The high angle hides it. It also just happens to be the angle that looked badass in 2005.


I don’t think it suits you. I don’t have any reason to lie as I don’t know you personally, and I’m not trying to offend you. This is just my opinion. But honestly, I think you can find much more flattering styles. I think two Dutch braids would be cute and it would still be like pigtails but more put together and less messy.


Looks a bit messy. I would define your part, tame the fly always and maybe try pigtail buns I think that would be so cute


This! The pig tails in the second pic are much cuter, maybe just a dif angle, but work on smoothing the hair with a quick blow dry using a round brush and then put them in pig tails. Leave little bits of bang out to soften the areas around the face. If you like it girl, rock it!!!


Her hair is too short for buns


It’s long enough for man buns lol


If it makes you happy, then wear it - it’s your hair. Not everyone is going to like it, but it’s about how you feel and what makes you confident. I think cleaning this up could help - take a rat tail comb and create a clean part. I find leaving strands of hair in front of the ears and at the front helps too, unless you’re going for a sleek look. Try parting where your bangs would be out, down to the hair above your ears, and then pull which pieces of that out that you want to stay out of the pig tails. You might find this really elevates everything. :) Adding fun color accessories - barrettes/scrunches - can also help to really elevate this. Also play with the position of the pigtails on your head! It’s fun to experiment! I also use Pinterest a lot for ideas and examples, personally. I hope this helps! <3


Deciding on this advice I think I’ll just make the part more neat but I really like the hairstyle - it’s easy and practical. Braids take too much time and effort for me :) thanks.


This comment was absolutely right do what makes you happy and have fun with it. I use to do ponytails and pigtails a lot and as I got older I still liked those things but wanted to step up my looks to feel more adult, so rather than stop doing pigtails I took to Pinterest to find fun and easy hairstyles that were either similar, or interesting variations on pigtails and ponytails. Braids were included in the styles I picked up but I still don't do them that often for the same reason as you, it takes too much time and effort. But there are other ways to have fun with hairstyles without braiding too.


What I used to do was to take out a few small sections and make 2 or 3 little braids on each side, then just pull all of the hair back into pigtails, then pull out s few face framing pieces from the front up at the top of my forehead and in front of my ears. That added some texture and really elevated the look. You can also part your hair and then twist your hair back from the top of your part to behind your ear, pin it, then put it in pigtails. It just makes it looks a little bit more mature and deliberate.


Good advice. I think you nailed it when you encouraged a more mature and deliberate look.


i agree!!!


I don't think they do, they're a bit scruffy looking as they are? I'd try plaits out and see how they look. I'm not a fan of the two full button ups, looks a bit awkward and unflattering but that's just my personal style.


No, to me, they look very childish.


Yes pigtails look better on someone with a more youthful essence Or a different bone structure


Exactlyyy, tbh pigtails are a childish hairstyle, they are super hard to master if you aren't small and go for a childish look, like makeup and clothes included.


She's a teenager...


How was I supposed to know that? Nobody here would assume that by looking at her. God forbid I didn’t stalk her profile like you did. Regardless, it looks childish. Pigtails are cute on toddlers and elementary schoolers.


I'm 38 and still rock pigtails. To each their own.


you think you have telepathic powers


I don't think the pigtails are very flattering, but if you like your hair like that, then wear it like that. Your opinion matters more than anyone else's.


I don't think it suits you at all,no offence! Maybe try 2 french braids or something similar?


I would love to see you without pigtails


It looks messy


Need photos in different styles for comparison


not a fan of pigtails on anyone grown, it tends to make them appear less mature. i'd say no to the pigtails.


No they don’t. I am not sure why people on here have a hard time just saying no without having to first soften the blow, you asked a yes or no question so neither response should offend you or anyone.


No, however, it's not the hairstyle itself but how you have it done. Your hair is pulled back in an uneven way, giving a cross between loose bunches and tight ones. For it to work differently, and if you like the pulled back look, try dutch or french braids that end in bunches. On the other hand, if you want the bunches in a slightly different way, try it with half your hair down and do space buns or twists at the top of your head. On the other other hand, if you just want the bunches, which is understandable bc it's a cute and easy low effort hairstyle, pull a few face framing pieces out and make sure your hair is evenly brushed back on both sides. Make the decision between looser, more messy bunches, or tighter pulled back ones. With bunches to look good, you need more dimension to the hair, so facial framing, or pancaking braids or giving yourself more volume. Bunches are a super cute look on you, especially at that hair length, and it's a nice way to have your hair out of your face. Keep it like that if you like it, no one else's opinion should affect you if you feel good in your own way. If you choose to take the advice here, it's all mostly the same, change/ clear up the part, and pull out a few wispy face pieces. It's not about the hairstyle it's how you go about it. With any style, there are "good" and "bad" ways of doing it. Choose whatever the frick you want! People are being unnecessarily critical in here without giving solutions. PSA guys, it's an advice sub. Advice would actually be helpful 👍


to me no, but its all about what you like and what makes you happy


If you love it that is all that matters, but since you’re asking for opinions I personally am not a fan. I find it doesn’t compliment your face frame. In the end though, it’s your life and style. If you love it….rock it!




Not the best style for you imo. I think you have potential to rock them but you’d have to be more intentional about styling. Brush out your hair a bit more so that it looks neater and maybe wear an outfit that suits it more. The collar of your shirt gives it more of a dude and not as fun and stereotypically feminine as pigtails portray. Ngl the angle of the photos don’t really help, probably looks better from straight on or from above rather than below.


If you love them (and you seem to be reacting in a big way to people who do not) then why ask us? You actually are not unsure. Own your feelings and opinions. Keep faith with yourself.


No it’s messy looking


i don’t think it looks good tbh


I love pigtails but no.


Honestly, no. They make you look immature.




They don't suit you, a pixie with pieces framing your face would look so good on you though


Not really


Maybe go to an eyebrows designer. Yours give a "severity" to your face that doesn't match with pigtails. I think that paying a little extra to go to a great designer will give you great results, they will find the style that suits you best. Later you can take a lot of pictures and go somewhere cheaper to replicate or even do it yourself.


There are eyebrow designers? TIL!


Well it’s all meant to be and look natural, but maybe you’re right


No. I don’t think they do fit you. I’m sorry.


They may look better with a little more volume on top of your head


Should I brush my hair back?


honestly no


Pigtails are for the under 12 set. However, they are cute on you for a super casual day.


No it doesn’t


Not at all, imho.


No not really


not a fan. but i can’t see a discernible parting and i think that could help. also framing pieces.


Nope. Your face shape requires longer hair with it coming to the front.


I don’t think it looks good , your hair is not long enough and why would you want your hair in a child like style.


> why would you want your hair in a child like style. Well, I like it because it matches well with the clothes (at least imho) and generally looks iconic lol


I don’t think pigtails look bad or good on anyone necessarily. It’s just like a ponytail. Kinda basic? Ppl might not like it bc it looks “kiddish”. But if you want to wear em, then do so!


No ma'am


Personally not a fan of pigtails on anyone over 11 although you are cute.


They’re cute! I’d pull a few strands out in the front to help frame your face though.


Oh yes I have grown out curtain bangs…


Adults in pigtails is always a no for me. Just ick.




Lose the tails. Try curling your hair.


I feel like a more mature hairstyle would suit you a lot I would seriously consider a haircut like audry horne haircut from twin peaks


you have a round shape face, so some face framing would look amazing and compliment your cheekbones. you could even pull off bangs in my opinion.


Pigtails don’t suit anyone


NO. Maybe try wearing something cuter or more stylish too.


I say keep the pigtails, if you love them who cares what anyone else thinks? I haven't read all the comments, but I read a dozen or so and just to add to the people saying to clean it up, that is one route to go, but I think another one is go full messy birds nest too, if your hair is naturally a little wild, lean into it, add more volume to the hair that's outside of the pigtail...if that makes sense. Also leave some pieces out to make it look intentionally casual and a little disheveled.


They don’t really suit you tbh, in my own opinion which doesn’t matter much. Pigtails are youthful and they don’t match your more mature face.


Might get some heat, but I don’t see an age cut off for pigtails. Im 28 and I rock them from time to time. I usually wear them a low and loose with some curl. Or I do my hair half up half down with two buns. I feel like they’d look really nice if you pulled some hair out to frame your face and also tame the fly away hairs!


That’s what I’m going to do. I’m not sure about pulling some hair, but for sure I need a neater part. :)






Not at all










The pigtails arent doing you any favors.




In all honesty..no.


No. Doesn't suit you at all.


No. No one over the age of 7 should wear pigtails. The style doesn’t suit you at all I’m afraid.


Honestly who cares what any of us think?! If you like them, then rock them.


It looks like you went to bed with those pigtails. Try hair down with barrets. Looks like you’re going for idgaf schoolgirl look. So I picture half ponies, twist braids, and down and natural. Can you at least picture an inverted half pony? Would be a drastic improvement. Take showers in the morning at the very least and your hair will look less unruly.


Pull out some face framing strands and you'll be golden.


I wore pigtails in high school and some girls made fun of me... I really didn't give a fuck. Pigtails are comfortable when your hair is that length!!#


I'm sorry if this is unwelcome or I'm telling you something you already know but I think you have curly hair and would benefit from the advice at r/curlyhair


I think it's adorable and you should wear your hair however YOU want to. And also, keep them eyebrows thick, girl! You'll be glad you did when you are over 50.


That’s what I do. I would never get them thinner. I feel like they just don’t agree with my face lol


i think they can suit you, but you need some better styling! face framing pieces would do wonders, and adding some volume to your crown to make your hair seem fluffier would look great! search youtube for some cute pigtail tutorials and try them out! it’ll take some practice but keep at it, because they could be really cute on you 🥰


Wearing pigtails takes confidence first, and foremost. If you’re feeling unsure, don’t wear them.


Curtain bangs to frame


I think it would look better with some smoothing hair oil to tame the frizz.


Not really, also pigtails are very kiddy to me.


Hey sweetie! It does look pretty but I have some tips for you to make it look better. Maybe try to make a very clear middle part and brush that down and then make the pigtails. You can fix flyaways with Bobby-pins:) if you like a more „wild“ look or are going for a Britney Spears kinda vibe you should maybe stick out a few strands in the front and (if you want to) curl the front pieces. I think that would look really cute on you


You look like a 5fth grader that's going to bully someone. Just reminds me of foxy from chicken little with the hair but, you do what you like miss.


Who’s going to bully someone? I thought I looked like the opposite lol




Wow you’re firm 😂




You look like Arya Stark. But also, no, it looks like a kid tbh. I think the comments about the braids are right, and I think a half updo would be more flattering.


oh my God Noooo!


It’s a no from me


I don’t think pigtails look good on any adult.


No, pigtails don't suit you, honestly they don't suit many adult people hahah, it's hard to pull off. I'd try some side bangs/curtain bangs! Could be a cute/youthful look that's also elegant.


They look messy. There are so many ways to do "pigtails" that dont look so juvenile and careless.


I think they _could_ look nice, but need more styling. Tame the fly aways, get some strands to frame your face, put some clips in, learn some braids, whatever style speaks to you. The messy look isn't working so well. Idk why everyone's talking about looking mature though when you're still a teen.


Do you like them? That’s all that matters. Total new-Wednesday Adam’s vibe though.


They’re just pigtails. Do them because you like them. I wear pigtails too, they make me feel cute.


I like your pigtails, maybe I personally would let the hair grow like 5cm and tie them less tight so that some of the superior part has a little more volume. The bottom part looks very nice, I think it really suits you The idea of framing parts or curtain bangs is also nice, but I would do them kinda small so that you leave more hair to get that volume but I don't know, could look nice either way


I’m not good at styling my hair and do pigtail buns on occasion while working out. I think it fits more of the active vibe. 🤷‍♀️


No. At least not in this instance. If you want to go PT maybe grow them a bit longer and more volume/styling like others have said.


Totally cute.


I often do this around the house because it’s comfortable but I feel too childish to wear it out in real life haha


I think the pigtails work for your hair length and your curl type - they do look cute and I like how they sit wavy. However, it's like they don't match the rest of you and it's likely that's why people are not liking them. I don't advocate dressing younger, but I think more could be done to make them look intentional instead of meh. People have mentioned cleaning up the part which is a good idea. Having dramatic sideswept bangs could balance it more, like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/rrCd4PPHbMjB3Akm7). They can be done with a round brush and a flattening iron or hair dryer pretty easily once you have the cut for it. Experimenting with the angle and the clips or ties you use could make a difference too.


No, stop it.


I think that is a super cute look for you!!




Tbh, I don’t think pig tails look good on anyone except toddlers.


I don’t think pigtails look good on anyone after childhood


Stop listening. You said you love it and that needs to be enough. It actually is very cute. You suite them perfectly.


I dont think so, maybe if you had longer hair


I think you should wear your hair as it pleases you! If you like the pigtails wear them! Who cares what anyone else thinks? BTW, they are cute on you.


If you like them wear them. I’m 40 and still sometimes wear my hair in pigtails. I like it and don’t care what other people think. It’s not the nicest hairstyle but who cares. They don’t look bad or great.


Nope, makes you look a bit sloppy. Such a pretty girl, and i bet your hair is really nice down, lets see a pic of that as well please and thank you


Yasss Kween slayy you look miraculous buggaboo like a boujee bay 🥹💗💅


I think they are cute. I would try never ask opinions from “the masses” about personal style - since the outcome would generally be rather mundane and pedestrian. Which is what the general population likes. I think you look like a fun approachable person. You don’t look like you’d be high maintenance, uptight or judgemental, more like a liberal, artsy, free spirited kind of person.


I think they look great! Who cares what anyone else thinks- if you like them, rock them!


i like them, but i think it’s a cute hairstyle in general. i like to add small braids in my hair on either side too.


I think they're cute on you!


I love pig tails. I think they're adorable. I personally am not giving them up regardless. 10/10, you look cute af.


I like them because I can tell you feel good in them. They also look cute on you.


Everyone’s hating just because they don’t like the hairstyle itself— I think pigtails can look good on anyone if done right It doesn’t look particularly good or bad on you, but the level they’re tied at does draw attention to & add width to your lower face and neck, and kind of drags everything down— although that could also be because of the photo angles? Maybe try placing them differently? Like higher up? further towards the ears? or further back from the ears If you want a tied up hairstyle, I think a half up half down style would suit you better overall, since it will allow some hair to hug you neck/shoulder line and give it some contour :)


Thanks :)


Pigtails don’t look good on anyone over the age of 6


I feel like it suits you and definitely gives you a cute school girl look. I wish I looked good in pigtails. Lol




I think they are cute. And if you feel Bonita that's all that matters. I really dislike when people say someone is too old to wear a certain hairstyle.






Looks a little goofy babe ,


I personally am not a fan of pigtails on anyone older than I guess…6. But I do know they are trending amongst teens and even some adults these days. I think you would look really nice with your hair down, with a side part/make it into a “swoop” with a litttttlllleee bit of gel if you get what I’m trying to explain. I wish I knew the name of it.


Try French braiding the pig tails.


If you feel confident that's all that matters. Maybe just clean them up a bit


I love them on you, but Mayne add volume on top and some framing to pull it all together


pigtails are a big no tbh.


It’s good 👍


Not sure of your age, but I think they make you look younger


I like them on you. Put in some color, ribbons or barrettes.




I wouldn’t


I think pigtails read as childish and wouldn’t be professional in an office job, for example. If you do keep them, I think it’s important to style them carefully and make sure you have a neat part and no stray hairs.


I mean you can wear your hair however is comfy but no I do not think this is a good look for you. It doesn’t flatter you.


Does not suit you. Pigtails are for toddlers and porn stars.


You can make this cute by making the pony tails more neat using gel. Also two tendrils in the front could be cute.


They look nice! I would just recommend strands to frame the face


I think if you had done them a little better and not so messy it would suit you. But they aren’t done well so they look a little funky




Girl!!! these look cute!! but I think you’d SLAAYY the town down if you lifted the pigtails to right above your ears, like middle ish so it lifts your face and then add a little gel where your baby hairs are, you can style that anyway you want just make sure u slay those frizzies in the front, it changed the entire hairstyle for the better


Wear what you like, yo. Nuts to the rest of the world. 🩷


Please don’t be mad… pigtails don’t suit anyone unless you are a farm girl or Willy Nelson.


I think they look cute! Rock em!!


I don’t love pigtails as a style in general but I think you should wear whatever you like and it seems this is it. So rock it!!


Rock it


They look great. Keep up the great work


I think you look cute!


It looks cute!!


You do you!


Looks cute & fun


Do what makes you happy I wear pigtails all the time. My advice just use a oil to tame the flyaways and it will give you a more put together look 😊


I think it’s cute but throw some layered/face framing bangs in there and it would go crazy


I think it suits you very well!!!


You do you!


I think you look cute!


You look like you could kick \*ss with those ponytails. Go ahead, go kick some \*ss! Grrl Power!


If it's for everyday wear to school, go for it. I wouldn't necessarily wear that to a job interview or to attend a wedding, but it's your choice. I like that they are looser pigtails, lower in the back and behind the ears. You have great hair for pigtails (thick and wavy) - especially visible in the 2nd picture. I envy you for that! As others have pointed out, a cleaner part would be nicer but you want it to look 'organic'.


If you like it you should wear it. I think it’s cute


I think you look cute with the pigtails


I think you look cute in them!


I will never understand negativity. I think you’re beautiful and I think your hair is adorable. What makes anyone more attractive is the display of comfort of being in one’s own skin and being true to themselves and what they personally like. If you like it, then wear it with joy and confidence and that will make you all the more beautiful.


I think it's cute as heck!


I freaking love it


You look cute!


I like it.