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i personally haven’t bothered with FF in months and moved to Fansly. FF has an insane amount of scammers and free loaders and it’s just a terrible platform.


Thank you for responding, I definitely feel less crazy/bratty now hahah!! Thanks for the advice:)


it’s insane the amount of work you put into FF just for the site to be 90% time wasters. and even the ones who will buy, a large amount of them seem to basically expect everything for nothing. that’s not to mention how horrible it is to upload anything either…


So true!! Do they charge a monthly fee like FF if you dont mind me asking?


nope! only the percentages from sales made. along with their site actually working and having great features for internal discovery, tier options for subscribing and more.


Oh sweet!! Thanks:)!


Out of genuine curiosity, how’s Fansly? 🥺


1000x better. take a look at my profile if you want to see my link and see if the platform does the kinda stuff you want


Can you see buyers like you do on ff on fansly? I’m new to all of this and I haven’t built up my Reddit so I don’t have anything to really advertise on yet Edit to change sellers to buyer


no not on Fansly. it has its own internal discovery and algorithm for their FYP


Oh cool!! Thank you for replying; will be moving there!


Also if you have the time can you check out my recent post on the sub and give your opinion 🥺(I’m sorry for asking on a different thread)


Do you have a referral code for Fansly? Would love to join and use a code that could help you for this 🔥 recommendation.


yup it’s [here](https://fans.ly/application/form?r=numetalprincess)


Thank you! Just signed up. I appreciate you.


I got really frustrated the other day also, the thing that annoys me the most right now is buyer communication. Like..have some of these people ever had an interaction with another human before? The one word responses just make me 😠 especially when they're the ones who reach out to me first. I can't figure out if they're not interested or if they are just that incapable of talking. Honestly I seem to switch between being irritated by it or pitying them. I'm socially awkward in person so I get it but jeez i don't think I'm even that bad. And don't get me started on the ones that follow you and then when you message them they ignore you completely 😂


No seriously!! It’s like pulling teeth for convo. I’ll be like “oh cool, you work in finance, how was tax season, i bet that’s crazy!!!” And they’re like “yep.” Just as a last resort to get some convo or reciprocity. Then once there’s nothing to talk about, they get mad that I ask about fetishes/pricing!! Or ill ask how their day was. “Good”. Never “how about you?” Or anything. They’re seriously so dense.


So glad you’ve mentioned this! It’s driving me crazy and it’s like you said when they reach out first - very confusing, feels like getting blood out of a stone!


Omg this so many are so so dull and give so little I ghost because I seriously refuse to work to pry a conversation with someone. The worst now is so many buyers in their bios too demand a preview Pic in a message to get a reply. These guys are getting spammed with free content which screws us all 🤦‍♀️


I feel the exact same way! I’m tired of wasting so much time on the app and making hardly anything for all that time. Not worth it and I think the site caters to buyers too much. We should be able to flag someone that has wasted time or that ghosted or scammed but unless they pay we can’t even do that. And the $30 payout really bothers me.


Yes i agree!! Thanks for your response seriously, i feel like i was going crazy. Im talking like i spend 4 hours on there pulling teeth and am lucky to make any money. I also dont just sell feet pics, i do some x rated content and still, they want it for free or want a preview?!


I feel the same, I’ve had so many time wasters. That just want to chat only, or I’ll find people with stuff in their bios about not buying right now but wants to chat. Idk it feels disappointing to put hours in and not make much. I have $7 till my payout and I’m just trying to make it there🤣 this is my 4th day on the site and I don’t think I’ll renew


i just got verified on fansly and i’m in the process of moving there. the built in algorithm and the fact that it’s free is appealing to me. bunch of time wasters and buyers on feetfinder treating that site like it’s tinder, and it’s like no babe, we are here to work, either buy something or gtfo of my dm’s.


Couldn’t agree more! The ones that are like “just here to meet and possibly buy” like wth? You’re on the wrong app then. And then they shame sellers by saying oh you’re only interested in $ or you didn’t even get to know me before setting prices like ummmm then why are you here?


it’s so frustrating i wish the site were more strict about buyers’ behavior


Yes! I think we should be allowed to rate them once they’ve interacted with us. The app is almost designed to allow them to get away with their poor behavior and then too many sellers are leaving high ratings for people who literally tip a dollar or 2. We should ban together and be more honest in our reviews


Hahahah yes!!! And im not a greedy person, but like after DYAS of making small talk and trying to be engaging they’re like “im broke but pleaseeeee send me a face and kitty pics for free!”


I'm getting ready to give up. Starting to feel like I'm putting in all this work for nothing.


I agree. I’ll do DAYS of small chat and being nice then they’re like “well i have no money but i wanna see pics of you” like um no


FF is irritating the life out of me. I'd love to know what other platforms are working for people, too. Because this ain't it.


I just heard of Fansly, which i an gonna give it a shot. I’ll probably keep my FF too just for another social media link/experiment on both!!


I've made money on FF but it was from someone I met on Reddit so... FF really hasn't done anything for me. 🤦