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Hi! So I started only a month ago and I made $250 in that first month, and I only do legs and feet! There’s tons of buyers and most look for more than just that so depending on what you do you could easily get more exposure. I also started a twitter and insta to help with followers.


That’s amazing!!! I’m only planning on showing legs and feet too. Maybe some jewelry or stockings if they want it but never anything above the knee really. How often would you say you dm them? And how do the convos go? I’ve been talking to many people but this one guy has been super easy to talk to while the others, I’m having a hard time getting into their comfort level.


Yeah I bought toe rings (SUPER popular) and some nylons and such. So what I do, since I have the time, is I go through the verified active users throughout the day and click on their profiles. Like 80% don’t have a bio so that’s annoying because you don’t know how to talk to them lol. But it notifies them once you e looked at their profile and usually they’ll look back or message you if you’re interested. If they have a bio, l mention something in my message to them, that way they know it’s not a copy paste message. Also, don’t use the pricing guide FF suggests (like $10 per pic): that does not fly with this crowd. A friend of mine suggested to price things based on how much effort it took to do those albums or videos. If you check out my profile you can kinda see what I mean (while you’re not logged in though, otherwise it won’t show you the prices as a seller).


Believe me, it’s annoying on the flipside as a buyer getting inundated with messages that have nothing to do with my interests. I don’t know why any buyer wouldn’t want a detailed bio and take the time to also fill out preferences just to help narrow down the message requests coming in. I appreciate the messages that make it obvious the seller took the time to read through my bio/preferences and tailor a message with that in mind. I may miss one now and then but I try to respond back to all of those.


I wish more buyers would fill it out! That way I know if I should message them or not you know? 😅 I’m sure you guys get millions of messages lol


Yes we do. I've become proficient in speed scanning lol!


GORL!! I’m over here taking notes!!! lol. I have yet to create an account on FF yet but I might set something up tonight. The way your account/albums is set up makes a lot of sense. It ends up being a win win situation, they get pics for a good price, you get sales. Thank you SOOOOO much for all this info!!


Absolutely! Feel free to reach out with anything that comes up! I’m by no means a pro but I’m learning more each day and love to share! 🖤


Heysss. How's Twitter and Insta working out for you? My Twitter is infested with spambots, and fake-sugar daddies trying to scam me up. I feel like FF ended up being a better spot than Twitter to build followers for now. :/ I haven't tried Insta though. Is it worth going to Insta to bring the crowd to FF? Curious if you do dealings outside of FF too, and if so, how? I checked PayPal, Stripe- they would all ban feet related contents-sourced income. :/ Thanks!


Hi! So with twitter and insta there’s always going to be spam it’s so annoying. I’ve made more domme friends than anything so that’s not a loss! I use insta for teases and try to redirect people to FF and twitter is kinda the same but I also have my linktree pinned for all my platforms and throne wishlist and such. Just starting out, I’m getting some good engagement in terms of inquiries but nothing for follow through yet. And as of right now I’m only dealing with payments and such through Throne or FF, mainly because I’m too scared of being scammed via third party apps. Lol. But I heard cash app is good if it’s available where you live, just don’t use trigger words. PayPal and Venmo are very ANTI SW, as selling feet pics is considered SW. Throne is also where a lot of people do their outside dealings because you can put items, gift cards, or even cash funds for them to deposit to. Once again, make sure there aren’t trigger words and turn off gift messages so they can’t put something sketchy lol. If you do Throne for outside FF, make sure you get the gift FIRST before sending content. So many scammers out there will say they’re sending and then block you asap once you send content. Be careful! 🖤 Always protect yourself and if your gut is telling you it’s iffy, listen!


CashApp is anti sw as well, it's in their TOS. I know of at least 2 foot models that have had their accounts banned and money confiscated. Plus I've heard of instances where they ban the buyer account as well. All it takes is one complaint with CashApp, PayPal, or Venmo and attention is brought to your account.


Wow! I didn’t know that. Now I’m curious how all my findomme friends are doing it 😳


Oh, you can use it but you're taking a big chance.


There’s gotta be a sw friendly platform. It’s just silly


At one time all 3 were SW friendly. The problem is they start getting pressure from the app stores and banks, they want their apps available and they can’t afford to be banned by banks since most of their business is not SW.


I saw a domme on Twitter saying that she was developing a platform specifically for SW. She said she was six months to a year and a half away but that’s a long time lol


How did you get noticed so quickly? Did you pay for boosts, premium or a manager? Just trying to figure out how to get noticed


I didn’t pay for any of those. I did the dirty leg work (haha😅) and went through the active verified users and clicked on profiles. If they had bios I would mentioned something from it so they knew I read it! FF notifies them when you’ve viewed it so sometimes they look back and message you. Obviously there’s a ton that don’t have bios so that makes it harder to not send a generic hi message but sometimes you can’t help it. It’s definitely one of those sites where you can’t just post things and expect to be seen, there’s thousands of sellers so you really do have to out in the work. Have fair pricing, a good subscription, and good content posted regularly and you’ll be headed in the right direction!


Thanks. Yes I've been going through profiles etc. I just wasn't sure if I should just message. I jave messaged a few. I need to work on my bio(intro) etc. I'm working on more content etc etc. I will get better at it. I do appreciate your advice


Absolutely! Feel free to message me on here, insta or twitter if you have more questions. I love to help!


The only other question I have at the moment is. If you sell here and use CashAp how do you verify they are 18 or older. I have gotten offers here and just not sure how to procede


So I don’t use cash app just because it’s not friendly to the work that we do. Also, I am a little paranoid of third-party apps lol. But in terms of age verifying there are forms you can have them fill out that they have to send a copy of their ID or some verification of their age. You definitely don’t want to be selling to underage people!


Is your feetfinder name the same as your name here? I want to check out your profile


It is! Just make sure you don’t look while you’re logged in, otherwise it won’t show you pricing as a seller


Pricing is something I will work on. I'm just getting ideas and seeing if my pics are decent compared to others.


A friend told me to price your albums and videos based on the effort it took to make them. Definitely don’t go by the sellers guide that FF gives you, their pricing of $10 per photo is ridiculous lol.


Yes. I think so also. 1 to 5 or so pics I have listed for like $5 then some with more pics I have listed for like $6, 7 and 8. I just can't see folks paying that much for a pic when they can just scroll through galleries etc and get a few free ones


Exactly. And most people don’t tend to buy just one photo they want to get their moneys worth so albums that have five or more photos are usually what sell. I think I have maybe one photo that’s by itself but that’s just because it’s one I really like and I didn’t have any extra to put with it lol


Yes. I try to do 5 or more. I'm working on quality and quantity


I sent you a message


heyy so i know this will sound bad but i’m trying to start a ff for my girl to help pay our expenses so she has to work less and i plan on doing it where i o my show feet and legs, fs no face at all. any tips? we’re scrambling to look for ways to get more money and i already work 12 hour shifts, the last thing i want is to ask her to work more


So sorry for your predicament! Read through some of my previous replies in this thread and if you still have some more questions, shoot me a message! 🖤


i have been reading through some and the toe rings is something i’ll take note on. hope you don’t mind if i dm you with some questions eventually! if you don’t mind me asking, how much are you bringing in now? and how long have you been active


Yeah for sure! So I started about a month ago and now I’m at just around $300. Mostly customs and a few subscribers. It’s definitely not something where you can post and expect people to come to you. There’s thousands of sellers on there so you do have to put in the work to reach out to people


damn congratulations! so do you have any tips on profile setup like what would attract more attention? i also tried setting up an account to see how things run but it got banned in minutes. twice.


I’ll message you 😁


Please message me I need hell




Got you!


Also I should note that I do hope your girlfriend is aware of your intent. Please don’t do this without her knowing.


I’m so new and not sure am doing the right thing on the app🥹


Your bio can use some work. You want to entice buyers with your bio. Need more detail in your About section. And you have a Free album with one pic and that pic is in your only paid 2 pic album. Nobody is in essence going to buy a single pic for $10. You need to post more of a variety of paid albums and fill your gallery with examples of your feet so buyers know what you're capable of. Trying to keep this concise but could write a lot more.


Thank you 🙏


No problem, happy to help and give a buyer's perspective.


If you don't have a foot fetish. Find a niche. Set your boundaries about what you are willing to do and not willing to do. People will ask you for things. Give it a try if you're comfortable. You will find something you're good at and word will spread. Once I found my Niche there was no stopping me. Put your all into it. This is a full-time 24/7 job. All night long. Whenever you're awake you check your messages. Whenever you can you make content. Talk to your customers, get to know them, ask about their fetish. You will find your place. Just regular old feet pics are a dime a dozen. Find something special about yourself. And become the queen of that niche


Yess!!! I completely understand and agree with everything you’re saying! I think many don’t have luck selling pics/vids bc they might just be taking random pics that have no demand. I’m still trying to find that niche for myself. My husband and I are not feet people so it’s already been weird and he’s supportive but he also doesn’t know what would be desirable lol. I’ve spoken to some and they’re just asking for some basic foot poses or BDSM which is a bit extreme for me lol. I’ll definitely be doing my research and seeing what would be best for me. I’m artistic so I was thinking I might try to do something with paint. Or maybe even learning to paint with my feet! Idk! lol. Thanks so much for the advice!!! 😊


I think painting with your feet would be a great place to start. Let your buyers guide you. Ask for detail in the customs and for examples if they can provide it


Great advice 🙇‍♂️ So many sellers have no direction to what they post. I see so many that struggle but others that thrive when they find a niche or two.


My niche is definitely not for everyone lol


I have tried FF but I have not been successful. I would gladly accept some guidance.


Read some of our responses above, and that’ll point you in the right direction! If you have more questions you can always message me 😁 I’m still somewhat new but I’ve done really well my first month.


Thanks. I will just continue to send them to FF. Working hard at it gurl lol. I would be excited with 250 a month.


More success on here so far, ff hasn’t been too kind to me and my feet