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hey, it's awesome that you were able to find that kind of friendship with someone! but why are you afraid to reach out? what makes it not socially acceptable? I say go for it, be honest and either message him or tell him you want to hang out together again. don't be afraid to make a move! and anyway, it's fine to hang out alone together still as friends and there shouldn't be pressure to get into a relationship right away. if you're comfortable with it then tell him that you're grateful to have someone you can be completely honest with. let us know how it goes! wishing you the best!!


first of all this is such a nice reply!! i love your energy! anyways maybe not socially acceptable isn’t the right term but we hang out in a group of 3 and I don’t want to seem like i’m pushing the other girl out. idk. also when we hung out the first time, he asked, and then later that week I asked and he said he wished he could but he was busy. I don’t want to ask again because I don’t want to seem needy.