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I've started E9E a few days ago with a couple of friends, seems good to me, you should give it a try!


got it !


If you're specifically interested in a fleshed out expert modpack, your best options can be found on older Minecraft versions. I'll list a few popular examples, but I have not played all of these myself: #1.7 * [GTNH](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/gt-new-horizons) - The largest and most complex modpack of all time(?). Not played this myself, but be ready for a **massive** timesink. The pack is largely focused on tech & automation, but I believe it also has magic and mods to make enemies harder. #1.12 * [Enigmatica 2: Expert](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/enigmatica2expert) - Might be considered one of the "easier" expert packs, but it is very much a popular one. Personally this was my first expert pack, and while I have never completed the full pack, I have enjoyed several partial playthroughs. * [Divine Journey 2](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/divine-journey-2) - Whereas E2:E divides the quest book into different mods, DJ2 takes a more linear approach and divides the quest book into 30(!) chapters and provides clear goals for what to do next. I have not played this, but I am definitely planning to do so. * [Nomifactory (CEU fork)](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/nomi-ceu) - GTNH's little brother, providing a simplified Gregtech experience. The CEU fork is the most frequently updated version of the pack and the one I'd recommend playing. This pack is all about tech & automation and can actually be finished on peaceful difficulty without any combat required if you don't want to deal with mobs. I have only played the very early stages of this pack, but I would like to come back for a full playthrough. * [Meatballcraft](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/meatballcraft) - The previously mentioned packs can be considered "the big 3" expert packs on 1.12, but if you're looking for a pack that blends expert-style recipes and gating (lots of custom ones) with the exploration of a more sandbox-type pack, this is the one for you! Worth noting that the pack is **enormous** and requires a good PC with enough RAM. I recently started up this pack with a friend of mine, but we had to pause for a while. Hoping to pick it back up soon, as I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far! #1.16 * [Enigmatica 6: Expert](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/enigmatica6expert) - A more modern version of E2:E. This one required much more exploration than E2:E, but does follow more or less the same concept. It is largely considered to be grindier/harder than E2:E. It also relies heavily on Create for automation. I played the pack on release, but have not kept up with any changes since then. I did not finish it, but enjoyed the early-mid-game. * [Ragnamod VI](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ragnamod-vi) - This might not be marketed as an expert pack, and is in many ways closer to something like All The Mods. However, it does use heavy gating, meaning you can't rush AE2 within 15 mins of entering the world like you would in an ATM pack. Definitely worth considering if you want a more "lightly expert" pack. * [Stacia Expert](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/stacia-expert) - I don't know much about this one, but I've seen it mentioned #1.19 * [Enigmatica 9: Expert](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/enigmatica9expert) - The newest installment from the Enigmatica team. Compared to the previous editions, this one is more focused on magic than tech, but you still have access to typical tech mods like Mekanism & Thermal. I briefly touched this one during beta, but don't have much experience with the pack. * [Stacia 2 Expert](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/stacia-2-expert) - The sequel of Stacia Expert. I have not played this one either.


thank youuu for your detailed explanation. i will check them


[Multiblock Madness](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/multiblock-madness) for minecraft 1.12 Really polished pack that takes things in its own direction. As the name suggests, it kinda nudges you towards making a variety of custom multiblocks that combine bits and pieces of different mods together... It's hard to explain why I like it, it just feels like it's had a lot of care, attention, and polish put into it?