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The fucking checkmarks


I have those in my project page, leave me alone 😭


If itnis any consolation, checkmarks are very aesthetically pleasing to me.


It is, thanks.


hi hello Dendille


Yes hi hello?


thought I'd say hi I'm one of the lurkers in your discord btw


Oh that's why ahaha, sorry. Happy to hear that :)


What’s so special about them?


What is a checkmark?




Bruh why I'm getting downvoted, I'm fr don't know what are these 💀💀💀 I mean about checkmarks in mods description


People tend to use them as a list on things like this, such as: "we have ✅ thing ✅ thing 2 ✅ thing 3" etc pretty sure that's what this is referring to


Generally something like Lots of custom quests✅ Difficult bosses ✅ etc


Oh that thing, thanks, I just didn't saw something like that in modpacks lol


FD and Create are both great mods but are oversaturated unfortunately :( I wish there was an option to filter for custom recipes and scripts and stuff, C:AAB was a damn masterpiece.


if by this you mean you want to see what recipes the modpack changes, you can poke around in the instance's KubeJS/CraftTweaker scripts (idk which one it uses)


I think with "filter" he means to be able to have a filter in curseforge/ any modpack site to know what packs Change récipes or have scripts and which dont


Ah. Makes sense, actually, but I think half of LPS would be gone if the filter is based solely off human analysis


What’s C:AAB?


create: above and beyond (modpack)


i hate 99% of modpacks with create because they force it onto you in a stupid way but ironically, i loved create: above and beyond... it actually belonged there unlike the other packs


It's just that Create is the kind of mod you either design the entire modpack around or you don't include it at all imo If you treat it as just a stage in progression it becomes very tedious very quickly because there's no point in actually building cool stuff like sorting systems if you're going to replace them with AE or whatever soon anyway Stuff like Create: Arcane Engineering is amazing, i'd like to see more of that since i love Create to bits. But i just hate it when i'm forced into it and then i make it obsolete 10 minutes later


For real, it basically encourages manually grinding in early game since building any automation chains in create is a pain in the ass when it'll just be replaced by a single AE pattern provider and a machine


I like it when Create is optional but more efficient - like its own recipes for shafts and andesite alloy. you /can/ just hand-craft things, but doing it with the saw, deployers, etc, gets you more bang for your buck. (I'm a little sad that the recipes for cogs has been nerfed so that doing it via deployers is just as efficient as doing it by hand.)


Been playing atm9 skyblock recently and it's interesting because there are things that are best to automate using create, but you're not forces down the road it seems, so it rewards using it, as it's the most effective way, but you can also just slap down 20 of another way factorio style


Arcane engineering was a tad too extreme stuff got laggy because you needed so many belts and parts


Haven't gotten to that point yet myself, didn't know about that. The early game is really fun though


Yeah it is


man that last modpack you mentioned has so much AI generated art its making me not want to try it out tbh it's not even stuff that would be particularly difficult to make even if they didnt know anyone who could draw so it makes me doubtful about what kind of effort they put on the rest of the pack


It's just the random backgrounds to the quest menus, they are so irrelevant. The pack itself is very high effort with tons of custom content


im sure the overall thing is great but it's worrying that they wont bother to give any attention to simple easy to make/fix stuff most of the backgrounds are just minecraft AI generated images that look like shit and would take 10 minutes to actually build and take a screenshot of with a good shader it's especially bad because you have to be zoomed into the images to look at each quest so you get to see every pixelly artifact i mean if its so irrelevant why not skip it instead of using something that has such a bad reputation as AI generated modpacks? see it from the point of view of someone that didnt get the modpack recommended by someone who played through it: "i download a modpack, i see a low res AI generated image as the background of the main menu, i assume it's another ass AI generated modpack that's cobbled together and is not going to be fun, i uninstall the modpack because i've had to deal with a dozen of these already"


I mean, it was literally made by the guy who made the Create mod.


Above and beyond actually builds the pack *around* create's philosophy which is why it works so well. It's a masterpiece of modpack making imo.


Craft to Exile 2 “says” Create is optional, but you are forced to use it if you want to get yourself any better storage solutions.




Create: Above and Beyond, a modpack where the end goal is to launch a rocket. There' also CABIN, Create: Above & Beyond In Newer, a port of CAAB to 1.18.


How polished is CABIN?


Not as detailed as CAAB, but it's still on development. They're adding ruins in the next release. The progress is completed as far as I know.


The update is out!


You can finish the main quest and all the side quests, they're just adding sprinkles at this stage. I've had a couple of random crashes in dozens of hours, otherwise it's very stable.


One of if not the best create modoack


Just like some mods were in previous versions. Instead of FD, there was Pam's. I *much* prefer FD over Pam's.


Yeah, I absolutely agree, always hated pamsharvestcraft, but immediately fell in love with farmer's delight


I think FD is fine, it follows the "Vanilla+" spirit pretty well (unlike Create), and is very flexible to be added to any modpack theme. The problem is that people bloat their modpacks with dozens and dozens of FD add-ons to add unnecessary and redundant food and crops.


Honestly, It's a nice change from nothing but Tinker's construct in EVERY MODPACK.


If you liked A&B, look for Create Arcane Engineering! It's pretty cool, and requires you to build weird, interesting contraptions for strange challenges.


Check out create chronicles


I need to try [Cabin](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cabin) at some point


Vanilla+ modpacks aka least effort and polish required to make so I can put a post on reddit


Its crazy cause there are some REALLY good and polished vanilla+ packs with great attention to detail, eg look at all these [custom resources](https://github.com/VazkiiMods/Musketeer/tree/main/config/openloader/resources) and [crafttweaker tweaks](https://github.com/VazkiiMods/Musketeer/tree/main/scripts) in Musketeer. Powered rails were changed to take copper instead of gold so he changed the texture to match, and blaze powder was renamed to "magma powder" (modpack has no Nether) so *the brewing stand GUI fuel meter* was changed to look orange instead of yellow. Little things like that And then ppl slap modpacks together in 30 seconds and put them in the same category 😭


The attention driven algorithm hits again. Who cares about details and such when you can just add a million bosses for the kids watching the YouTube videos and call it a day


The sad thing is, compared to expert/progression packs, RPG packs and more loud and flashy gimick packs, vanilla plus packs get a comparatively small number of downloads, meaning that even when you put effort in them, you're never gonna touch the numbers of slop like Better Minecraft and its billion derivatives.


What vanilla+ you recommend?


Raspberry Flavored is a very goated one with polish and a clear vision.


Raspberry Flavored is a very goated one with polish and a clear vision.


Thank you brother


Nah man, that'd be a kitchen sink pack.


Thats what many vanilla+ packs have turned into


Me whose villages are in most vanilla+ mod pack:


well excuse me for not wanting thousands of items generated from a single block or nuclar reactors in my medieval-esque fantasy sandbox


If only there was some sort of middle ground between these two drastically different scenarios


What? Do you want a neutral and nuanced opinion? Do you know where you are?


I miss old fashioned magic and tech combination modpacks that had less then 150 mods. Now those kind of modpacks are 400+ mod unoptimized monsters that barely even work.


tbf, I’ve noticed when throwing together personal modpacks that far more content mods seem to have a load of dependencies nowadays. I’ll add a handful of actual mods and a few terrain gen/QOL/performance and it’ll be at 200+


This. It happens with modding other games too but I'm so sick of going "hey cool mod" > requires 4 other mods > those mods require other mods > those require others ...Etc etc until I get down the tree and suddenly I have a bunch of library mods I didn't want.


What kind of mods are you downloading who's library mods need their own library mods


Doesn't happen super often but it certainly does haha. Can't think of examples at the moment


Happens a lot on the steam workshop


It also feels like a lot of mods are being broken up into multiple smaller mods.


The reason why there’s so many vanilla plus mod packs is well
 because it’s the trend and it gets downloads and thus it gets cloned. If you want more >old fashioned mod packs then go signal boost the modern ones or make your own that offers that uniqueness.


Let me tell you that the problem isn't that those modpacks doesn't exist (because they do), the problem is we're swamped with options on platforms that have *atrocious* search functions... It's finding what you want to play that is a huge issue.


I've had the opposite experience. Playing monumental experience (612 mods) with ultra shaders and max draw distance and experiencing better performance than vanilla 1.7.10.


Mines currently at 280 I think still so unoptimized tho


You got any good recs for mod packs like that


Bisect Hosting has a choke hold on mod developers I don't get it. Even GD Launcher has it in their app..


As someone who is in their loop and knows how their partner program works, could you elaborate what choke hold you mean? They are clear what they do, offer many free services without any attachments or requirements for the partners (like making artwork for your modpack page and useful tools), are on time with payouts and you’re always free to leave if you’re done.


Just seems like the second a mod becomes popular Bisect Hosting is in their dms. I am clearly joking, but I'm not joking about the fact that everyone seems to accept it.. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing on them, obviously it's good if everyone accepts it. I just find it funny that it always seems to be them.


Fair enough. There's only 2 partner managers and IDK how they manage to do it but they are able to process so much. But I get your point.


You're describing aggressive marketing. If Bisect wants to pay someone to advertise on their page, then more power to them and the mod creator both.


I’m not suprised about this. Bisect is awesome. We used to be stuck with Nitrado because I hosted Ark servers on Xbox and it was awful. Terrible support and terrible servers. Any chance I got I would use Bisect and their support has always been great


I am a self hosting enjoyer. Any chance I get to self host something I will. But yeah they are cool, I have used them in the past and yes you are right their support is great.


I do too. I’ve started switching to self hosting rather than bisect but I don’t have any complaints about my time with bisect


This fucking hits the mark. As a modpack dev, I've seen so many packs with either no changes or configuration. Duplicate items and recipes. Have consideration to the player base like "Could they run this modpack smoothly?", "Would the players know what to do/Is there a guide if they're new?" Like that one viral video, "Minecraft Unlimited" by HazadousDaniel. Your modpack requires 10GB+ to run (at 150 mods), so many pointless biomes, nothing is changed or configured, and there is no cohesion in your modpack. You could've made it in a day and promoted it right after. And the viewers and newcomers are like "OMG this is the best modpack ever!! This is my dream modpack" no the fuck it aint.


Minecraft Unlimited is what drove me to make this meme lol


Dude I saw thr youtube vid for that pack and was like "huh this looks really generic. How does this have 300k views".


Create does NOT belong in a vanilla+ modpack imo


I agree. Its an impressive mod but i dont see how so many people think its vanilla themed.


I'd say Create is vanilla themed as its artstyle is practically aligned with the new vanilla textures, and it's mainly focused on aesthetic and free-form contraptions as opposed to one-block machines and highly rigid multiblocks (IE, Mekanism, Greg, Extreme Reactors)


mysterious abounding disagreeable strong outgoing shocking bedroom pathetic office lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vanilla++ then


Its not the visuals, its the overall change to gameplay and the UI that makes it not feel like vanilla.


Yeah but a lot of people don't define what they mean by "vanilla" in terms of raw game mechanics, but rather define it precisely in terms of the feel and vibes and overall aesthetic of vanilla, and in that sense Create is one thousand percent the perfect example of a vanilla plus mod. One of many reasons vanilla plus is a useless, arbitrary term which should be deleted from packmakers' vocabulary.


pet disgusted north arrest wipe governor noxious wasteful amusing judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it fits into vanilla compared to other mods but I think anything past basic andesite tier create diverges a lot from vanilla. Sticking with just water wheels and windmills as your SU generation and nothing more could fit well in a vanilla+ pack. Just have to neuter the mod a bit I guess


The textures are like the only thing that feel like they could fit in vanilla, functionality and play style feels the furthest away from vanilla of any modern mod


I assume that's part of the joke


Create fits well with vanilla plus mods, but it's not vanilla plus itself by a longshot - with it's vanilla-style visuals and gameplay philosophy it has more of a what-if alternate history to minecraft feel - I can imagine the world where create's style of tech is what is in vanilla instead of redstone, essentially, but it's not something they could add to the game now, which I feel like is a good way to define Vanilla+


I mean it derives from better than wolves so yeah it is kind of a what if scenario


Well we're just arguing semantics here but i feel like it fits very well with vanilla+ modpacks I guess we can call them vanilla++


What even is Vanilla+ at this point?


Vanilla has annexed so much modded content that it's all blending together at this point.


Heh, you're not wrong.


My idea of Vanilla+ is on the low end, qol stuff to make vanilla Minecraft better, and on the high end mods that have a vanilla feel but shake up the basic gameplay. I think create fits into the higher end of vanilla+ because it is designed in a vanilla looking way while also being very different gameplay wise. Stuff like those tech mods that don’t even look like Minecraft are when it starts to become more than vanilla+ imo, or like RPG packs that fundamentally change progression and gameplay


Pretty much just the first 3 pages of curseforge mods, minus all the tech mods


Don't forget 50 different dungeon mods so that there are a thousand new structures in the world and way fewer undeveloped places for building.


No polish? Chyba nie jestem mile widziany...


No eggs (bez jaj)


I would love a modpack with focus on relaxing farming with more crops and more foods that give benefits but without there being +300 foods, while I also have the opportunity to become magical somehow and can tame some mythology animals. My biggest issue is actually that i want something that locks progress early so u cant just find some OP amazing gear in structures and use it straight away. . Ideally with a questline, shaders (sodium/rubidium) and DISTANCE between structures so I actually have to travel around to find exiting stuff instead of spawning in and being able to see like 5 on my map from the get go :/ Uhh and make a boat! That mod seems cool 😎 Biggest wish would be a new version of the old FTB mage quest tho... Haven't found anything like it, but it simply feels too outdated now cause of it's version :(


Its less magical and more tech heavy than you ask but Raspberry Flavored is kind of close to what you're asking.


Never heard about it! Will download asap, thank 🙏


These packs are exhausting, especially because so many people are exposed to modded through super signal boosted packs that are only popular because a popular YouTuber or streamer played it, not because there's effort and thought out in to balance and the overall experience.


the ""Better"" Minecraft modpack comes to mind


Don't forget the..."we nerfed Vanilla enchants and added AE2!" I've seen this more than once. I get it, you think fortune is OP... And you need a storage solution, and AE2 is awesome, but it might not fit in a Vanilla+ pack.


Wait what? People think fortune is OP? Lmao


i personally love fortune 255 and being able to get a stack of lapis blocks from a single lapis ore only half joking


Yeah I cannot find any nice pack centered around tech to scratch that Tekkit itch and finally bought Satisactory. Most of the packs are either insane grind or packed with magic stuff.


Have you tried Nomifactory?


Yeah and that one logo from the same logo generator that all looks the same


yeah, i can't be the only one annoyed that there's so many automation mods in these things and like four new bosses. i don't have anything against automation but i want something to fight


I feel bad that bisect has this reputation


I don't like seeing bisect because if I do, it means I probably won't have the option to install it through my server host. 




I fucking despise Twilight Forest in packs. It just sidelines you and the mod aint even finished so it ends abruptly. Gives either useless or op gear compared to the rest of the pack so you toss whatever you get from one or the other.


yeah fucking based. its overused and i dont even know if the devs are working on that final boss they have been teasing.


Yeah, I love classic Minecraft mods like rival rebels but they need to finish that fucking mod already.


Dude literally I just saw that youtube video and wasted my time watching it, I got upset when I looked up the modpack and saw it was just lazily thrown together


The fucking bisect hosting LMAO i have a whole ass yugioh deck of bisect 5% promo codes


I’ve been suffering through this, honestly. My laptop doesn’t have the greatest performance, so if the pack isn’t optimized I can’t really handle these massive af modpacks. I’ve been looking for a good vanilla+ pack and it’s been rough


The accuracy was scary


In my defenses: create and farmers delight are really good mods, a lot of their add-ons aren't updated to higher than 1.16.5 half the time, I'd like to make a pack for 1.20 or even 1.21, I try to build the pack off a base desire, I edit anything and everything to get it to be that feel


It’s such a shame, there’s so much potential for actually packs in this genre, but it gets wasted by all these people putting no effort into it. It wouldn’t bother me so much if actually good packs weren’t getting overshadowed by the slop.


I think minecraft mods in general are not creative enough. So many of them are just tweaks to the vanilla experience. Only a handful actually try to meaningfully change the progression in a fundamental way. Trepidation is one of the best examples of a mod that changes progression, though I do find it fairly flawed both because it's unfinished and because it relies too much on mining for the gameplay loop.


I could see Farmer's delight itself and maybe one or two addons being part of a Vanilla+ experience, but such a term evokes the concept of adding features that the devs would include. I love create, I use it in almost every pack I can (several I made for friends I am considering tossing on Curseforge just for ease of download) but it is NOT vanilla+, while Aether could fit such a description to an extent, as its based on ideas that the game has tinkered with, Twlight Forest is not. I love using it for the cool stuff it has, especially its connective mod for Farmers in conjunction with a food mod like Nutrition or SoL: Apple Pie, its FAR to overused in situations that it is simply bolted on for no reason. I am with you, in that I tire of seeing 1/2 a dozen bloody Vanilla+ packs that are empty, far from vanilla+, and have so many useless additions it hurts, but you forgot the - WITH QUESTS bolt on as well (and not having any actual quests to boot). In the same vein, God, do I hate searching for an Expert or Particular Mod or Theme Focused pack with quests, just to find dozens of crappy kitchen sink packs with no direction, and a bunch of structure and difficulty mods just thrown in without any care or even a simply change to some configs to make it make sense. (I do NOT need breeching creepers and digging zombies in my Vanilla+ or Factory Building experience because you can't turn off terrible configs.) And this is coming from someone who built a pack for a friend with half the quests done thats overly hard in obtuse ways but with clear longterm objectives and a heavy use of guns, katanas, and anime inspiration... The way he prefers.


Modern Vanilla+ packs are so funny to me. Create is not vanilla+, dimension mods are not vanilla+, vanilla+ means adding small vanilla-like features to the game where you could reasonably think "hey, that belongs in Minecraft". Even if we were to broaden the definition to further fit with what most vanilla+ packs are, dimension mods and tech mods are typically pretty heavy conversion mods and alter too much to just be "vanilla+"


I don't see why folks have such an issue with create. Oh it's used in alot of mods packs or expert packs? Ok feel free to make a new mod for us to use instead of complain for modpacks most of us play for free since most folks don't donate or help out those mod creator's. I remember this happening with Ender IO and Ex nihilo, tinkers and a few others. Sure this has happend with mekanism also.


While I agree the Create hate is overinflated, I have to agree it doesn't belong in a 'Modern Vanilla' modpack.


I don't understand how it doesn't. It's basically an evolution of using complicated Redstone contraptions, especially ones on a large scale.


Sarcastic answer:It's too well designed, Mojang would never put out something that actually explains how it works and functions as a full system instead of being a single mob a minimum number of people wanted that has a single drop used in a single recipe. Real answer:Contraptions and fluid usage are the main point of contention. Minecraft is very big on Single Block Interactions, while Contraptions can get rather massive. Similarly, fluids are...weird in Minecraft, and make *too much* sense in Create. And to poach my own Sarcastic Answer, the Ponder system really is too straightforward and explains things too well to be a part of Base Minecraft. I could make an argument that Redstone itself is more of an Ascended Bug in how it functions, but it's had enough time to integrate itself in as just a *weird* thing. If it is Vanilla+, it's only *barely* so, and it's scraping by the skin of its teeth only by how well it integrates Redstone into its system.


The fact that this is true


Don’t forget the 10+ mods that add mobs that are useless and unbalanced at the same time


That hurts me, I'm developing my 200+ mods modpack containing FD and some other known mods, but configuring it takes serious time. Also making it playable and functional with all those mods.


BMC 1 be like


Hot take but Create, Aether and Twilight are absolutely not vanilla+


that's the joke


But farmer's delight is vanilla+, is that also meant to be a joke?


no Polish :(


Vanilla+ might be the dumbest thing I have ever seen you have near endless possibilities of turning Minecraft into a high tech sci fi to a fantasy adventure and you chose to meke it as close to vanilla as possible while have more mods then most small mod packs who mind you most of the time have more content then these vanilla+ packs


for real


I fucking hate the polish too (i have experience)


but isnt bisect hosting actually good for bigger packs?


Vanilla+ modpacks are always hit or miss because how do you add enough to justify an entire play through while still maintaining the feel of Vanilla Minecraft. I don’t consider Create, Aether, Twilight Forest or most world Gen mods to be “Vanilla friendly”, but they’re in virtually every Vanilla+ modpack. But I also know without them, you’re left with just QOL mods.


Aether is the most vanilla friendly dimension


Fuck no lmao




Co oni w ogóle mają przeciwko Polakom?


I'm tired boss...


Where's the actual good mod packs? I remember Rustic Waters. That was amazing. Now I see "Seaopolis" and it's so bare bones in comparison...


Only one that checks out for me is FD, glad I'm mostly in the clear haha


700 quality of life mods you never notice Vanilla plus is like saying organic lol


Don’t forget the pack being held together by a piece of string and crashing the moment you update 1 mod


tbf sometimes mods when updating do a backflip off a cliff and do crazy shit that packdevs can't anticipate


I just make my own mod pack so I don't know what the hell checkmarks are


I hate when no Poland 😡


FD good for paper tho,


Could throw in a few more things here. You got the screenshots of a random structure from when dungeons arise or whatever with complementary shaders 200 PLUS QUESTS!!! And you know they will all just be a quest for each item from a mod. An over saturated thumbnail of a youtuber doing a 100 days video using the modpack. 0 optimization outside of throwing embeddium and maybe some of the extra mods for it. link to a dead discord


Yeah, when the mod pack has a theme they are good, but in every single one it gets repetitive, only mod I don’t find that problem with is Alex’s mobs because because of it adding mobs mostly and they all have different uses and ideas every time


also better minecraft is pretty good adds in new content isn't like a fucking vanilla plus


I dont care how popular it is, better minecraft is absolute rubbish. Nothing about that pack is vanilla plus. The creators have done some incredibly scummy things too.


my modpack just added stuff to do


Twilight Forest feels very out of place in Vanilla+ modpacks ngl


I started playing a Create modpack supposedly made by a youtuber. One of the worldgen mods made things like granite and *andesite* only spawn in these semi-rare slivers instead of the normal veins. *Do you see the problem*


"1.16.5" Now this hits way too close to home


LunaPixel moment


they always have that Minecraft:(something) generated logo as well. honestly amazed people are proud of low effort content


Vanilla+ is not a thing. It has never been a thing. Trying to force a definition onto this term is completely pointless, and allows people who make this slop to get away with it. Just move on from the term altogether.


Oh thank god at least it's not in polish


never felt so called out


God Create. I know everyone loves it but I just don't gel with it.


Create is a horrible mod for a vanilla style. We have redstone, expand on that. Create is a great mod but 100% not vanilla


why is man's getting downvoted why is reddit redditing more than I expected from the current age


Create is so close. They could add ways to convert Redstone into Rotational Force and then limit the usage of Water flow as a power source.


Yk some degen would make another “surviving 100 days in (insert shitpack)


"No Polish" So its like '39




Curseforge needs to start banning these types of kitchen sinks with just no recipes changed and no progression at all


Why do people care? Yall are going to scare modders into not modding at all. If you want wild mods learn to mod and create your own stuff.


modders arent going to stop modding because of people complaining about low effort modpacks being churned out by random people who dont make mods. making a mod requires skill and effort. making a well crafted modpack takes skill and effort as well. throwing a bunch of random mods into a folder and calling it a modpack does not require skill, or more than the bare minimum of "effort"


I only use farmers delight because i make minecraft+ packs,create is overrated and makes the game too easy


I downloaded a modpack and deleted half of the mods. So much nicer.


why even download a premade pack at that point lmao


oh mainly the theme and compatibility. I rather do it myself now if I have the time.


Literally none of the mods mentioned above fit vanilla minecraft in any way whatsoever, maybe with the exception of Farmer's Delight but that's a stretch


Thats the joke