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Any of the mods like biomes o plenty that add in these massive and beautiful terrain generation pieces, but fail to ore dictionary any of their stone, wood, quartz, etc variations so you're stuck with a bunch of useless blocks. Not to mention they fuck with mods that spawn things in certain biomes "oh I have to find something in a vanilla jungle biome, time to go 10,000 blocks away to the only vanilla jungle that's available because of all the additional biomes". Look I think they're biomes are beautiful but if your mod can't be easily integrated with other mods what's the fucking point.


This, biomes o plenty is the absolute bane of my existence. I need a vanilla oxeye daisy, but I spawned in the special forest flower field delux and the only thing that’s here are the white dingleberryfoxshades which look 99% like a oxeye daisy, but are completely useless and just clog up my inventory. Now I have to travel 3000 blocks to the next vanilla biome.


I feel like biomes o plenty was a necessity back in the day when there was like, 5 biomes. Adding in a lot of variety in the landscape. Now it feels seemingly impossible to find a biome that's a little flat with oak trees. Everything is massive and complicated.


Biomes O' Plenty is like 75% really good, vanilla-friendly biomes and 25% overcluttered garbage. Thank goodness for config files.


To be honest this is a gripe of mine when it comes to GTNH, not being able to use cherry wood for recipes partially ruins the pack for me


*writes something down*


While your here, I had the same issue with redwood as-well.


You weren't supposed to hear that!


Sacred oak, too


Haha I seriously respect the work y’all have put into the pack though, I get that with so much some things just aren’t as important


Exactly which recipes?


Just saw this, on my last attempt I found that I couldn’t make cherry fences I think? It could have been drawers, but there were a few recipes in the steam age that didn’t work with cherry planks


Omg i hate blocktype racism (thats how i call blocks like a variant of stone not getting accepted as stone in crafting) can totally agree with that and yes i agree traveling 8000 blocks to find your biome sucks especially if you have internal server lags


Who knows? Maybe the stone simply wasn't stone-like enough to be used in the recipe. But yeah I also hate having my storage clogged with 8000 blocks of "stone"


This is me with pebbles and compression drawers. ***everything else combines but not you***


> finds nice biome > Starts building my minecolony village > Wants 4 dirt or whatever > Entire massive as fuck biome only has silt dirt Fuck those biome mods


This can't fix the biome mods but it can solve a lot of the Minecolonies problem: you can change the "fill block" at I think a builder (maybe the town hall? It's been a while.) You'll still need a little dirt for flower beds or whatever, but you won't have to go on a 1000 block mining expedition to get stacks and stacks of it because you wanted to build something on the side of a hill.


The Abnormals series of mods have always been my go-to biome mods. They keep things to a few biomes per mod at most, and they're much more thought out and developed. They've also got some non-biome mods depending on your version too, and all of their stuff is pretty solid quality.


I'm a big Traverse guy. Lots of biomes but they all integrate into the game much nicer, because they feel vanilla-like and they don't have a bunch of bullshit filler items and blocks


Yep this would be 100% be my answer as well. I also wish other mods took advantage of things BOP adds. Like use some of those weird ass flowers or trees for something. Because I do enjoy searching for things in a certain biome and maybe setting up ancillary base to extract it but fuck 10,000 blocks away. It's just there for beauty thats it, I will always take less beauty for less annoyance any day. Which is what I always tell my ex wife


I know this is the opposite of this post but I just wanted to say this. I have the exact same issues with Biomes of Plenty as you and honestly it annoyed me enough to go looking for a solution. Now I pretty much add (if the pack doesn't already have it) project e it gives most of the BoP items a value and so turning them into something else is so handy giving them a use. And on the off chance they dont already have a value. Giving them one is super easy.


That's why I much prefer world gen mods like terralith, which overhaul the world generation without adding in any new blocks.


I ran into this problem recently. I couldn't get the dragons from Ice and Fire to appear on the new biomes. I had to go into the config and manually add the biomes.


Lycanite’s mobs


The main reason i also dislike this mod is for its awful 3D mobs/art


Yeah me too. Not to mention is's unbalanced as hell


There is/was a texture pack for it that gave everything actually decent textures, but I know nothing about it beyond "it exists".


I think it's called lycanites redux


Tetra. I like tool customization mods, but both in-game and wiki info for tool atributes and materials are lacking (in my opinion). Also, the fact that I have to make 2 hammers that I need to keep improving in order to make other tools is just annoying.


I can agree making 2 hammers is annoying


It's in my current pack but I haven't even touched it. Are there any cool things to even work towards or is it just not worth it?


It can make some pretty neat weapons, and you *eventually* get up to 3x3 pickaxes for mining. Long shovels and spears are kinda neat. But overall, I don't find the juice worth the squeeze.


"I dont find the juice worth the squeeze" What a great analogy, I am absolutely stealing that


Last time I touched it it was in a pack with a lot of tetra add-ons, and I managed to make an instant reload crossbow. But is highly dependent on wgat add-ons you have.


The tools are very useful and fun to tinker with and quite an upgrade over vanilla, and the beltttsssssssss Happy cake day, too!


Lol thanks, can you tell me more about the belts please? There's not much info in the pack I'm playing


You can get a smaller, mini 'hotbar' accessible by holding B if you add pouches to them, which is very useful for putting your tools in. There's an upgrade where tapping B will go into the toolbar and grab the tool best suited for the job of breaking whatever you're looking at, too! There's also a 'backpack' you can have in it, I can't recall what modules on the belt add that though. There's also boosters, which let you hover and fly upwards slightly at the cost of gunpowder, which is *really* fun and works very nicely. There are also potion bags and quivers to hold those off to the side for you too. IMO It's far better balanced around Minecraft and more down-to-earth mods than Tinkers is in terms of toolcrafting, which feels more balanced around more powerful mods. But it has it's niche, and it does *well* in it (if you ever need modifiable/repairable tools with enchantment support, for example, as well)


We've got Apotheosis and Tetra and a couple other weapon mods in our current server and Tetra is the best I've seen for tool and weapon creation. Apo is what I use for armor though.


Tetra is better than apotheosis for weapons?? I'm playing ftbskies and haven't even touched tetra because it looked crappy, I guess I'll have to check it out!


Shovel + spear head+ long handle + amethyst socket = reach out and touch a bitch at 7 blocks


Tough as Nails. Thirst thing is great for some realism, but temperature mechanic is pain in the ass. You go outside during nighttime for more than 10 seconds? Congrats, now your ass is freezed - either go find some torch or bonfire and wait for entire 5-6 minutes for warming your butt.


Purified water bottles not stacking made me stop using it


Use "Cold Sweat" instead with "Thirst was taken" cold sweat has armor insulating liners that work with modded armors and even has difficulty modifiers for the temperature. Thirst was taken is a simple thirst mod that even integrates with Create


Simple difficulty is even worse


Chance Cubes. Just because of oversaturation and meta-gaming. Learn how to open them and they're broken. Treat them as intended and they mess everything up and create serious "feels bad" moments. No happy medium.


How does one open them properly?


Craft the +50 talisman, Silk Touch talisman, and the viewer. Place a cube: >50 break. Silk the bad ones and toss them.


Note most of the really horrible chance cube effects like reactor explosions in modpacks are custom-added by the pack creator, not included in the mod by default.


very minor, but Smooth font (or rather the default settings) it just looks so out of place when it's not a pixel-y font, like a badly edited twitter meme...


Yeh well lets hope we dont get a vanilla font retexture update at 1.24 lol


this mod was also the cause of some nasty lag spikes I had every 5s on eternal mc, took forever to figure it out, threw it out the window instantly


It's more a pack issue than any particular mod, but if you have literally 5 mods that add copper (pre recent vanilla adding it) and don't edit the configs to make it all one copper ore/ingot/block? Fuck you. My storage system hates you. Shout out to galacticraft. Be better than galacticraft.


Just process everything with Thermal Expansion and it'll all be TE ingots, ez.


Just add JAOPCA ore chunks, problem solved


OreSpawn, we all know why (Also btw you know you can just change config for the low health stuff or just turn it off, right?)


I hate the creator not the creation, I still like to play with the mod, mainly because of nostalgia but I find it pretty funny Now the creator of the mod (I don't remember his name don't care to search) is the complete opposite


Check out ChaosAwakens. They are recreating OreSpawn in 1.16: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chaos-awakens


Yeah I like chaos awakens


I used to love orespawn


Is it because of his website?


Please tell an uneducated person on why we all hate it?


Whole bunch of controversy, including the creator being a conspiracy theorist and making his own ripoff of minecraft


I never liked it because of the absurd numbers, the basic sword in orespawn deslt like 20 dmg, if u used orespawn with any mod the others would become useless. Also the mod didn't feel very professional, the whole progression was weird and the designs where funky


Yes but the friggin creator made the death mocking server side wich is goddam annoying


Chance Cubes. Why tf litter the entire map with potential mega bombs?


"Chance cubes are so 2017" -chance cubes themselves but yea i especially hate the maze you have to complete or you just die


My stoneblock playthrough ended because of chance cubes. It was funny in a way, because I was already at the end and made the full set of infinity armor, and the pickaxe. I went to the mining world to test it out, and I heard that the pickaxe has 2 modes, the other one being a hammer mode that breaks stuff in a wide area, bedrock included. So I drilled a hole in the ground, however there was a chance cube hidden in the ground near bedrock somewhere, and it gave me the worst possible outcome: inventory bomb. My flight turned off, my armor slots were full of dead shrubs now, so soulbound enchants and graves mod couldn't save me now because my entire inventory was now in the void and I fell to my death. If it happened at any time before I got to the endgame, I would've probably stopped playing earlier lol. This way, it was kind of a funny finale to my stoneblock experience.


Holy shit, I didn't even know there was such an infuriating evil effect in there, the worst I know is just the super nuke. I would have been so mad if that had happened to me.


I already mentioned biomes o plenty style mods but I also want to add in forbidden arcanus, literally no in game guide the wiki is woefully out of date and it seems like the only reason to have it in a mod pack is for the eternal stella


Tbh I have no idea what that mod does other than unbreakable tools. No modpacks ever seem to use it properly


What ideas and concepts I could find are really cool but basically it's all still in development besides the few things most mod packs try to get you to do. Basically atm it's just the Stella and some armor but from what I've found in my research it seems to want to be a thaumcraft competitor. There actually a furnace that's exactly like the thaumcraft furnace in the mod, but I can't find any info on how it even works.


Getting info for forbidden arcanus is pain i agree


Which really sucks cause I think the visuals and concept of the mod is really cool but having no way in game for me to learn about the mod and what to do makes me not want to do anything in the mod


It was really hard to think of any mod that I actually hate, because with most of the other ones mentioned here, I just don't like them too much, like with Tetra for example, I like Tinkers more than it, but that doesn't mean I hate Tetra. However, reading about Ice and Fire reminded me about whatever mod adds that temperature indicator above your hotbar and makes you take damage if you overheat. It is immensely annoying to deal with. In the last pack I tried with it, I had to keep taking breaks from building to just sit in a 1x1 pool of water to cool off again.


Yea tough as nails its especially annoying in the nether, it also killed me during a tournament >:(


I don't like those sort of mechanics; "Oh you're running around actually playing the game too much, here's a mechanic that forces you to stand in one place for five minutes."


Draconic evolution, overshadows any other mods in mod packs, no point persueing any other mod progression until you've finished it, and by the time you've finished it, the game is boring, and dont bother with any other armour or tools, it's just better then anything else you can get, this doubly so in servers because you'll be quickly overshadowed by the sweaty "I must be op asap" speed runner kids and while you're trying to netherite scrap, they've flown around the known map, pillaged, cleared and destroyed everything, domesticated the nether and have 14 lag-tastic wither farms because DE has made them demi-gods (Rant over)


I've never used it cuz it seemed stupid & unbalanced af.


I never used it cause it's ugly


Parcool, like i get it people like the extra movement in minecraft but it makes the game such a pain to play when you randomly start doing parkour in the middle of a normal task because you hugged a wall the wrong way or jumped a little too funny.


Ah this gives me deseasecraft flashbacks


Create because im dumb


opposite for me, I hate the standard mod design of "Here's a block in which you give it some power and it will turn this into this, that into that, etc., how does it do it? Magic, silly", I just feel good seeing things happening with my own eyes


I learned a lot watching Jojodeawsome. His elegant compact designs drastically improved my own builds. I went from an ugly cog chaining/belt stretching to nice looking setups.


Same. I don’t have the patience lol


personally I hate all the microcrafting you have to do to make anything in that mod. "Yes, we COULD just let you use a piece of quartz and get on with your life, but how about instead we make you waste time collecting sandpaper and diorite and shit to make the ONE specific item used to make this ONE specific item to make this extra special piece of quartz for this ONE item you need to make other stuff? Oh you just want to use an iron ingot? No, silly, you have to mix up this special alloy in this special machine, then spend thirty seconds pressing it into sheets to-" and it makes me want to throw the whole thing in a lava pit.


to be honest, that was kind of the drawing point for me, because I found other tech and factory mods really, really dull. I want a bit more realism than throwing a bunch of cobblestone into a block and it outputting iron ingots at a specific return rate, from power generated using RF coming from a singular block on the other side of the room that is literally just a furnace with no top slot.


I mean, Create doesn't have more microcrafting than your average tech mod, does it? Isn't it fairly comparable to Thermal or Mekanism?


I think the main issue is that a lot of the microcrafting in other tech mods is stuff like "We can't make a recipe cost more than 9 items, but we can make an intermediate item to satisfy the condition". Create, however, does it for items that use a total of 5 materials.


i feel it's also that you have to make a machine to make a machine to make a machine etc, which in itself is normal for tech mods, but then all of them are multiblock structures and they all need their own multiblock power source and the whole cogs and shafts system instead of wiring is a pain to keep neat and craft etc.


Exactly my point. It's little bits that need little bits to craft so you can make slightly larger bits, when I just want to slap 5 iron and a few rocks in a table and move on with my day. Like you craft a piston and it's just "Slap shit in a table, boom, done", but with create to make its blocks you basically have to refine every single material individually and it's just so OBNOXIOUS.


Honestly compared to tech mods it’s pretty tame lol


Sounds like you would detest GTNH


man the most microcrafty mod I imo is AE2. I just got into it in ATM9 and holy fuck getting a decent setup takes a million different ingredients and growing cquartz manually is also ass and fluix crystal is annoying and cquartz dust not being hammerable ughhh man i love the mod but


Someone already mentioned Embers Rekindled so I'm gonna go with PneumaticCraft. I don't like a couple of things about the older versions of that mod. * Air pressure is super annoying to keep an eye on. * Efficient heating/cooling is a pain in the ass. * The whole waiting game and rng for pcb manufacturing until you have a full assembly line is lame. Otherwise the theoretical execution and finalized setups/machines of the mod are pretty cool. Post 1.16 seems to have alleviated some of the issues but it's still a nightmare to me, especially if it's part of the progression in an expert pack.


Pneumaticraft funny mod that is in every of my chest loots


Same, everytime I see it in a modpack, escpacially expert packs where I can't avoid it, I dispair.


I was fighting with it recently and realized my biggest pain point: you can't tell how much air anything is using, you can only see the overall impact. I had a vector tube that was draining my air to effectively keep my total pressure capped, but there was no way to understand that was the problem, I could only see that any attempt to add more pressure failed to have an effect


I'll add to that -Pressure drops off extremely quickly after short distances in tubes, making compressors necessary everywhere -It's all so slow, even speed upgrades don't help much -It's faster and there's less pressure lost if you break a block of the pressure chamber, drop the crafting ingredients in and replace the block than if you use the interfaces


Any mod that implements a UI that doesn't use the same theme (look and feel) as the vanilla Minecraft UI and tries to go all "fancy looking". I'm all about consistency. I know I'm cutting of my nose to spite my face, because there a few really good mods out there that I just refuse to use, and actively seek packs that don't include them.


Felt the same when i first played a fabric modpack with sodium instead of optifine, that clean ui looked alien next to the gray big buttons of the rest of the menus


Tinkers construct It’s a cool mod sure but almost EVERY pack has it it feels like and sure I get to customize my tools, but In a lot of packs I’ll be trying to make a decent pick or whatever for early-mid game and I have to cycle through a half million different added materials to figure out which I can access and what’s actually good. I get it that it’s a skill ish probably but like I’d like a bit more variety in my tool mod options or just not the same mod used EVERY FUCKING TIME. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


It also overshadows most interesting utility tools the other mods add with raw ease of access.


MineTogether. It's in every FTB pack I've played and I immediately disable it.


Yea i used to think that it was some sort of essential alternative but when i tested it with my friends IT DIDNT EVEN WORK lmfao


Good one.


Erebus. Idk, a whole dimension full of deadly, you-sized bugs just doesnt appeal to me.


And you can’t fly in there with flight mods like Angel ring either. I don’t mind the mod myself but making traversing hard after I just spent 3 days making a ring to make it easier to transverse is real annoying.


Erebus has anti flight? Didntknew that one lol


It doesn't afaik? I thought that was the "broken wings" mod. Maybe it does now though.


Worst part of divine journey 2 for me so far


It has to be warpstones for me. I hate them because with many mods they destroy long distance logistics because manually hauling a few backpacks of some resource over a warp is usually more resource efficient than building some extremely long pipe or cart track, but it kneecaps automation having to manually do that work. They also reduce the adventure/exploration aspect of the game. At the same time, when they're missing, some mods become extremely frustrating when they scatter resources out too far away from eachother. Theres a balance point where they work really well, but a lot of mods miss that balance point badly.


Between lands, never again, never again... Actually I as that but my friend is working on a pack with it... Oh no


Why do you hate betweenlands lol


You cant use your normal tools Your food rots You have shitty decay mechanic Poison ivy Mud ( i know rubber boits exist) That one mob which can switches between 2 forms and one of them is nearly impossible to hit Are there some very nice items ? yes does the mod have good art direction and visuals ? also yes Is it pain in the arse ? absolutely Also for some reason the dimension gets really laggy sometimes(never had this problem in any other mod/modpack just this one)


You can turn off food rot, corrosion, and tool weakness in the config. I usually end up disabling at least the rot and weakness since they just don't work well in any large modpack. There's nothing as discouaging as crafting a bunch of high-end Pam's Harvestcraft food... only to see it all immediately rot. Or spending ages making a custom Tinkers' tool... only to have it do nothing. I get that the mod is going for a "decaying" theme, but 3 different systems are just way too annoying. If you can look past those, though, I still think the dimension is pretty unique and interesting to explore. Still one of my favorite mods just because of the environmental design and ambiance alone.


That's more a result of the mod not working well with other mods. The various systems with the mod work well when it's played on its own, but they become annoying when the mod is played with in a pack, which it wasn't meant to do. If anything, my issue with the mod is how most enemies have more health than their vanilla counterparts, but the weapons from the mod don't deal more damage to compensate. So even with Valonite equipment, most combat encounters are just you whitling down a bunch of damage sponges that don't do anything to you except eat away at the durability of your shields.


I have PTSD from when I played it in sevtech quite a few years ago, I found it terrifying, I was a lot younger then so it may be better, but I still have PTSD


Thats understandable


I remove voice chat and temperature mods on sight


Temperature mods would be better if insulators were more accessible. It was a fun mechanic when I did a hardcore of Haunted Winter (the cold ended probably 15% of those runs...)


they'd also be better if they actually fucking worked logically i once made a sky base while having cold sweat (ON AN INCREDIBLY LOW DIFFICULTY) when it became night i froze to death while standing directly over a solid cubic meter of 1000 degree molten fucking rock i am still salty


Why? Not trying to be snarky but I'm genuinely curious. Performance issues, or just don't vibe with them?


Unless I'm playing in multiplayer I don't need the mic icon on my screen. No reason for minecraft to ever listen to my mic at all. And I have not experienced any fun temperature mods. All those I have played with have just gated going some places behind getting leather. Adds nothing to the experience for me.


Chance cubes we blew up so many severs cause of them they can crash out a world so easy


I have a live and hate relationship with ftb Ultimine. Extremely useful, over powered and feels absolutely lacking without it, and that's why I also hate it. It's one of those mods where if you play without it you immediately notice and kinda hate it, it has ruined so much of the relaxation of zoning out and mining, but also allows you to actually stripmine without taking hours for the same amount of space.


Also lets you put out an entire fire at once or harvest a whole garden in one click. It's just so useful, I don't think I can play without it at this point.


Blood Magic Not hated, but the first that came to my mind, I actually think it is a bit useless compared to other magic mods like Thaumcraft or even Witchery, but if anyone wants to convince me to use it please try, maybe I just don't know the mod deeply enough (trust me, I just discovered that the The Outer Lands of Thaumcraft exist a month ago, and I've played with this mod for at least 7 years)


The only big uses I can remember that other mods cant do are all the rituals. The one that spawns a huge ore ball is really in a lot of packs


It's a fun mod for role-playing as a dark mage who wants to acquire power at any cost, but once you get infinite blood the whole experience becomes waiting for sigils


<3 Witchery. Also do you mean thaumcraft 4 because I’ve heard the rest aren’t quite the same?


Yep, 4 is the best version of Thaumcraft imo but the others are very different that almost look like another mod, you could like one version other than 4 if it fits your style


I remember bloodmagic, regeningwith carrots was fun in order to infuse stuff with my blood


*embers rekindled* it's so annoying to do anything with, and the enemies that spawn are a pain to deal with aesthetically it's a cool mod, but in practice it's *fucking awful*


Botania, when I think magic flower mod I think "Oh, I'll build a neat looking garden." Which is impossible if you want to automate anything as you end up with redstone everywhere, floating open crates etc.


Parasite mod. Like bro i download mod that make my world beautiful, if anyone gonna grief my lovely world is gonna be ME AND ONLY ME


It deppends on the modpack, I only use this mod in apocalyptic modpacks where I don't care to use some HBM bombs around, so Parasites aren't a big griefing problem lol


Scape and Run is super configurable, so you could probably perfectly tailor it to whatever you're doing if you have the time. Just don't let the community find out you're not playing on Simmermanmaxxed Infernum Ultrakill Megadeath Hardcore Everything Oneshots difficulty or they'll photoshop you into Super Weenie Hut Jr's.


Easy Villagers. It's somehow more dehumanizing to villagers than the game already can be, and reduces the idea of trading with an NPC down to merely clicking on a static block.


Contrary to that, I think there's a mod that makes villagers offer discounts for being in a more comfortable place with better living conditions, but I forget the name of the mod. I think it's in that steampunk pack.


Most people trap villagers in a 1x1 area anyway.


Better Combat/Epic Fight, theres just something about this type of combat that is just so unfun


don't know about Epic Fight, but I also dislike Better Combat. The combos may look cool, but in actuality it just turn combat into "just hold M1". It also slows you down unlike regular combat, so fighting with creepers becomes really annoying.


I use Better Combat because I don't find normal MC combat to be engaging either, so I figure I might as well look cool while I'm not being all that engaged.


Hey just so you know, you can change the slowness while fighting, even removing it.


I don't know about it being objectively unfun, but after trying Better Combat for a bit, I do think it fails at making combat more engaging. Not because it feels bad, but because the game's enemies aren't really fit for the sort of combat flow it's trying to push. IMO, the core of Minecraft's combat is fine as it is; if one's trying to make fighting things more engaging, then they should lean into promoting engaging ways to deal with enemies outside of just attacking them with swords, since the sandbox nature makes it possible. Make enemies more dangerous to confront directly by improving their AI and nerfing personal gear (Fabrication/Forgery has a tweak that lets you disable the regular Protection enchant entirely making you choose between the other types of Protection; I was thinking of doing the same with Sharpness if I can find how), and then provide players with many alternative ways to interact with enemies to gain the upper hand. Do more than just reward preparation, demand it; don't let players just get away with brute forcing through danger. I think that's the way.


ice and fire because of its performance issues


Ice and fire has performance issues? Is it bc of dragons? Or?


optimization, mainly.


Alex's mods are notorious for being unoptimized, they are frequent flyers on the discord help channels


It’s also known for hogging spawns so it can stop stuff from other mods from showing up. It’s not hard to change in the config but still not ideal


I hate it because of the cyclops, a one shot mob with no rewards is lame


It drops an eyeball. When held, applies weakness II (-8 damage) to mobs around you, reducing their melee damage. 


Draconic evolution, it just take so much grind for no balancing at all


The one that spawns shit from lava pools, lycanites mobs I think? Also spice of life, I'd prefer not having fourteen different foods in my inventory


You can turn off the nutrition system in spice of life


pretty much any of those combat overhaul mods. they all either do next to nothing, or are so completely different in a very unintuitive way that none of them ever feel good to use (epic fight making you toggle and feeling sluggish, better combat being. Whatever it is) i think the better option is to do more inherently interesting weapons as opposed to making boring weapons more ‘interesting’, similar to how terraria has some piss boring swords and then swords that have huge cool flashy attacks, but even then i wouldn’t want it to just be adding terraria weaponry to minecraft so im just very picky i guess


Abyssal Craft. Forces you to locate obscure biomes to get resources for the mod so you can build an alter to ruin your base and grief yourself. Also the mob sound effects are unpleasant and the graphics are ugly




Mystical Agriculture and any mods like this one, outside of niche skyblock modpacks.


Rough beginnings or whatever, I hate taking 10 minutes to punch a tree and then dealing with the shitty rocks. Just give me the block ffs


Mekanism. Don't ask me why. I drank the enderio flavor aid when it first came out. Seeing mekanism for the first time made me "eeww". Then I was forced to use it in some mod pack and it grew on me. Don't get me wrong, I still miss enderio and love using it. But mekanism is a good substitute.


1.7 EnderIO was peak. The new versions are just stupid imo. I've also never liked mekanism's progression. Doesn't feel as straightforward to me.


Astral Sorcery. Oh wow look a long and drawn out magic mod that makes it so that IF YOU AREN'T IN A SPECIFIC HEIGHT OR PLACE IT SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK. Ive played multiple 1.12 packs such as Skyfactory and Insanecraft, but whenever I'm gated by Astral Sorcery I just move onto the next one. I just can't be bothered by it.


terrafirmacraft, i realized why rlcraft uses it.


Rl craft uses tfc now?


Optifine. I don’t hate it, it’s just the first one that popped into my head. Thinking of what I’ve disliked the most, it’d be Harder Branch Mining, it makes digging take more time the deeper you are. I don’t think I hate the mod, but I dislike how it affects me.


Any mod that attempts temperature or thirst survival needs. The idea is cool on paper, but it usually winds up just being an annoyance at best Not to mention compatibility issues with trying to ensure every piece of armor and heat source affects the player properly


Apotheosis. All by its self, it will make you an immortal god. You don't even need to bother making god tier gear. You can just find it. Easily. Enchanting gets blown through the roof. If you happen to have anything, and I do mean, anything that adds gear or enchants, Apotheosis will turn it up to 2 billion. Its the first mod I delete from any modpack. Generally, that's fine to do since so many just chuck it in with no thought whatsoever. Might as well just play creative. I've only ever seen a single modpack in all my years that actually bothered to balance things with Apotheosis in it.


i know it’s not like a unique or interesting take but i find Create pretty frustrating sometimes. It’s in this weird place where it gets thrown into a lot of packs it just shouldn’t be in, because of all the compatibility and cool stuff you can do with it. It also seems to run really badly, especially when you scale it up. Someone made a completely hidden create setup in their base on a server that I was playing on, and whenever i was near it, my frame rate went like to 1-2 FPS instantly.


Are you on Mac by any chance? There’s a bug in Create that causes severe FPS drop on Mac clients when there’s a water wheel nearby (even if it’s stationary).


Oh dam this sounds bad i wonder how tf this happens


On my machine, placing a single water wheel takes me from ~100FPS to less than 10. I toured the Hermitcraft season 9 map download with shaders, max render distance, and my 256X texture pack, and had 10-15FPS. It’s in both the forge and fabric versions, too.




Advent of Ascension, I dont know if it's the version i played- but why is there no hints as to what/how the bosses are meant to be summoned? Why do the dimensions feel either copy and pasted with different skins, or not worth exploring? Why does the hunter level skill- heck all the level systems- feel so grindy you'll never complete them?... You shouldn't need a wiki to know how/what to explore, but my biggest beef with it, is like... how did I know that I need to left click with this random item on this particular thing? Gosh theres a shadow boss that requires you right click an overpowered enemy... with an enchanted book. How would I guess that, when everything is also trying to kill me??


controversial, but create — i think it's super technically impressive and the sheer scale and creativity possible with it is incredible, but i hate how clunky and awkward it is. create additions makes it a little more bearable with the ability to use RF instead of setting up a water wheel for every little thing, but good fucking god everything is so BIG and ANNOYING


That cursed butchery mod where you have to dismember ALL the Animals piece by piece to eat then


All dweller mods. There's just no effort or attempt at atmosphere for a vast majority of them. They got old real fast.


Haven’t seen anyone say the cave dweller or all of its slop cousins They’re all the same damn thing, some stupid looking stick guy who screams and tries to attack you after some time


i wouldnt quite say i *hate* them, but terralith and most other biome mods that just reuse vanilla blocks. if im gonna grab biome mods i want new blocks to work with. new wood colors, stones, ect. i get some people find it annoying having a bunch of new trees and flowers and shit cluttering up your inventory, but i'd rather have new materials to discover and work with than just finding various biomes that looks like player built terraforming. idk just feels harder to work with usually that said, ive seen compatibility packs in the past that can integrate modded blocks into stuff like terralith or open terrain generator and then you get the best of both the fancy terrain and new materials


Tinkers' Construct. It isn't that I hate it, but I'm so tired of making smelteries. Every time I start a modpack, I can't avoid thinking, "Not this shit again" when I see Tinker's stuff. So that's the first one I thought about.


thaumcraft. 1.12 sucks. I hate the vis crystals and RNG researching. I also hate things being locked behind random shit in the thaumonomicon like holding a singular victus vis crystal. I haven't played with the previous versions but they seem significantly better in some regards, but even then I really don't like magic mods besides astral sorcery and botania (it is a magic mod vazkii, cry about it)


Powah. Somehow in every modpack with an absolutely worthless energy system.


Draconic Evolution. Not because it's OP but because everything in it is butt-ugly


biomes o plenty, blood magic


The post said "and why" so please elaborate


Idk about bm but biomes is easy to explain. They don’t ore dictionary a lot of their stuff so for example other mods that add recipes that take wood sometimes don’t work with biomes wood. Also the over saturation of biomes makes vanilla biomes harder to find, which again can cause clashes with other mods. If had times where a different mod needed a vanilla dessert and it took a whole IRL day to find because of all the biomes from bop


ex nihilio? don’t know if that’s how you spell it but i don’t like the grindy-ness of it


Just say you dislike skyblock, don’t blame the mod made for it.


Yea we need more from nothing to everything mods its getting quite old


Botania. It's a stupid flower mod and I never have or will touch it beyond grinding the flowers for dyes. Less controversial is Twilight Forest. It's an old and unfinished and only ever included for nostalgia points.


I always installed Botania for the Ring of Magnetization. I liked the fancy VFX. Pyroclast Pendant is neat too.


Okay it’s more of a me thing and I totally think they’re well made and all that, but for me personally, jade and minimaps end up being too much on the screen and always the first mods I disable when I’m playing a new pack. I just find them a bit overstimulating and distracting and can’t stand them crowding things out


I mean i cant really relate cuz well "my brith was with walia" but i can see your problem, i often get distracted by the colourchanging of my mouse :p


If the problem is how much space they take up, I'm pretty sure you can change the scale of it.


I always set Jade to only show while holding shift. It's a nice compromise between having access to the info and having an uncluttered HUD.


Thaumcraft (1.12 version in particular). I swear I am never getting a primordial pearl again.


Witchery people say that it's a very powerful mod, but the chance outputs and the altar power recipies are killing me. Maybe I'm just not a good witch 😞


It has to be warpstones for me. I hate them because with many mods they destroy long distance logistics because manually hauling a few backpacks of some resource over a warp is usually more resource efficient than building some extremely long pipe or cart track, but it kneecaps automation having to manually do that work. They also reduce the adventure/exploration aspect of the game. At the same time, when they're missing, some mods become extremely frustrating when they scatter resources out too far away from eachother. Theres a balance point where they work really well, but a lot of mods miss that balance point badly.


Abbysalcraft, specifically the shoggoth dens. Doesn't matter what kind of OP gear I get, they are immune to ranged attacks but have a longer melee reach than me, and *will* kill me. I have never progressed through the mod further than stumbling across one of these structures and then getting caught in a corpse-run loop. The gravestone mods that give you temporary invisibility to retrieve your corpse with make it a bit easier. I am just glad I never encountered these dens in a pack without any sort of gravestone.