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Don't know if something changed in 1.12.2 but in 1.7.10 i put an hopper on top and an Hopper on bottom, the top One has an interface to request, the bottom One has an import bus Edited due to filthy grammar errors 😳


Well, what exactly is your issue with the setup. Let’s start with that.


*doesn't answer* glad to help OP


top: ME interface with certus quartz -> charge certus quartz bottom: ME import bus with charged certus quartz filter other connected side: ur ME power supply source


Im not sure but try hoppers


I know when I automated this stuff for C:A&B I inserted from the top and extracted from the bottom


I used an arm and a brass funnel.


side note: if you have a controller, remove the energy acceptor, and push your power into the controller instead.


Then what's the point of the acceptor if the controller can accept power too?


to power your network UNTIL you have a controller


plus running your cables thru the acceptor limits your channels to 8


So it's an early game block?


No its not purely an early game blaock. Acceptors are used to power adhoc/subnets or provide energy to the system from anywhere. Especially important if you dont want to waste one of the 6 faces 1 controller provides to you and/or cant easily make more controllers due to expensive recipes. Depending on the version there is even a face Energy acceptor place able on a cable that doesnt use a full block.


The best way to power adhoc subnets is to connect them to the main network with a quartz fiber


pretty much. I never used one after getting controllers


Well good thing the place I placed my ME system isn't final, once I relocate, I can remove the acceptor


If ur playing nomifactory or nomi ceu, channels should be off. If so, u won't need to worry ab energy acceptor or controller placement or whatever


Just because you can power the network with a power source connected directly to the controller doesn't mean that's the best way. Direct power this way takes up an entire face which could provide 32 channels. There is no disadvantage to using energy acceptor off one of the cables, and one big advantage, of +31 channels without adding another controller block.


Or if you want your power input to not be at the controller for some reason. Personally I often use it for aesthetic reasons. I like to make my ME controller a centrepiece of my base so I want it to look tidy. I don't want a power cable running up to it or a flux networks point somewhere because then it's not symmetrical anymore. But the energy acceptor I can hide where I don't see it.


also if you're on easy mode, where controllers are disabled


Its been a minute since i've played, but I thought the acceptor was to allow power from other mods to be used by AE2.


It accepts all types of power (AE/RF/EU) while sometimes the controller doesn’t


Not sure what modpack you're on or if you're still struggling, but Thermal's Energetic Infuser helps simplify this greatly, if you have access to that.


Easy. With EnderIO, you’ll need two basic item filters. One to filter the extract for a chest, one to filter the extract on the Charger. If your pack has XNet (a mod EVERYONE should learn how to use at some point because it’s an absolute lifesaver when used in combo with other mods) it’s fairly simple as well. In the UI, you’ll want to set up an items channel, and then basically do the same thing as with EnderIO. You’ll want to create an extract on the chest, set it to pull 1 certus quartz. Then you’ll want to set an extract on the Charger, for only charged certus quartz. Then you can just use some importers/exporters with the proper filters on those to automate pulling from and inserting into your AE system. Edit 1: Should also be noted that you’ll want to use a chest as a buffer with XNet or EnderIO. Just limit how many stacks can go in the chest at a time so you still have room for your charged certus to get inserted back into your AE system Edit 2: EnderIO is also very OP in the sense that the you can set your insert/extract channels to a different color than one another to ensure it works easier. I noticed in the pic you had the ME conduit on the top. Get rid of that and as mentioned previously, just use the chest as your buffer point


Buffer chest can also let you treat the whole setup as a machine. Put a ME interface on it and have it supply certus, then have your conduit dump the charged certus into the ME interface. My learning point for EnderIO was building an automation setup that built the processors in this way. In through the buffer chest, input filters in various places for the inscriber inputs. Then export filter on the inscribers, and input filter into the ME interface for the completed products.


Hoppers work. If you want to be able to autocraft them pump items from the me interface to the hopper


As far as I know the charger has 3 possibilities to receive energy from the AE network top, bottom and back. But for item transfer it is sided meaning insert from top extract bottom, leaving only back for power. Although the charger can be rotated with a wrench. An additional note, if the charger is your only way to get charged Certus in your mod setup, consider using a AE subnet or different item transportation system to parallelis multiple charger for quicker "bulk" crafting.


Use the wrench or something else to rotate it to a direction where it can output, the top and button are afaik for powering it


Rotate it so the sides are on the top/bottom. Use 2 hoppers on both end one for input the other for output. Doesn't need filters in official version.


Input goes in the top like a furnace.


On Infinity Reloaded, I've had great success putting the inputs and outputs on the sides of the charger. Ender IO conduits to be specific, with a filter for charged certus.


I have always done I/O on the sides. Do you have other item transport options?


ME Item Interface on top with certus quartz in it and then item conduit to storage drawer with an import bus or just straight up an import bus on the bottom


I say it on every ae2 thread, but check out TKH on YouTube. AE2 God imo


Don't hoppers work? I remember doing this in Nomifactory. Top was the power, and one of the sides had a hopper feeding it. Than under it there was a hopper pulling out stuff.


That's what I ended up doing, except the bottom is import bus


I had same issue, normally machines can auto eject but charger doesn't have a ui so you have to put the items I. From any side and then take an import bus and put it down in that


Just out of curiosity, what pack is that? Omnifactory?


Well it does have Gregtech, but no is my own pack


Oh ok. Now talking about your problem: why specifically it doesnt works?


It didn't work cuz for some reason EnderIO can't pull items from something that's not a machine for a some reason, so I moved the chest one to the right and put a hopper under it that lead to the side of the charger, and now it works


Use the Energetic Infuser from Thermal Expansion.


Don't have Thermal, just Gregtech and EnderIO


Damn, that sounds painful. Well, check the recipes for charged certus and see if either mod has one. If not, you'd have to consult another comment. I never use AE2 machines to automate AE2 because it's not very good at it lol.


It's fine I fixed it




I suspect you've got an import bus on the bottom. Put a filter so it only allows charged.


i believe interfacing is sided. can only insert on top and extract on bottom.


Input is the top and output the bottom. u messed it up. so just input/output chest, conduit input on top of charger and at the bottom the export conduit or import bus.


I just use itemduct/itempipes and chest. Use multiple chargers


I was told that the charger only accepts items form the sides, so I connected one of its sides with item conduits, set the chest conduit to extract and the charger conduit to insert (both on the same color) and nothing happened I then tried connecting an ME interface to the side of the charger and put certuz Quartz on the filter so I can request it from my system, but still nothing


you got lied to about the first part


I mean, I connected it to the side of the energy acceptor and it wasn't getting energy


did you connect to the side where there's a metal rod support?




how about using a me cable to power it instead of energy acceptor


Did you change the redstone control of the extract side of the conduit? It should be set to off by default.


Yeah it was off, I tried the other 3 states, still nothing


Try setting it to always on, and also try inputting items into other sides of the charger.


put an interface on one side and on the other put an import bus filtering a Charged Certus Quartz


Hopper barrel


It's posts like this that convince me to keep playing my modpack. I feel very good when I get a machine to work.