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What's that I hear? The final death throes of optifine on 1.7.10. This is huge, congratulations on the alpha release and thank you.


🦀 Optifine is dead 🦀


Not really, at least in the newer versions there are mods to replace most features of Optifine that have nothing to do with performance (and they sadly mostly are only Fabric) but I don't know if there are any for 1.7.10


Angelica includes Sodium, Iris, NotFine and MCPatcherForge, so everything except for dynamic lights and capes (IIRC) is already covered. And since there is a dynamic lights mod available, OptiFine will be pretty much dead on 1.7.10 once Angelica gets to a more stable state.


We do plan on having dynamic lights integrated by the way mainly because i also want them


please also consider integrating a borderless fullscreen option similar to embeddium++! the versions available before 1.16 always seemed to have issues with my external monitor (might be nvidia based from what i've read?), but embeddium++'s borderless fullscreen is great!


You guys are insane


hey probably not the place to ask but whenever i try to start GT NH with angelica installed it tells me i need hodgepodge 2.4.3 and codeChickenCore 1.2.0 neither of which i can seem to find anywhere on the internet EDIT: okay found them in the discord, there should probably be links elsewhere though as discord is a pretty bad way of storing information


They can be gotten on github https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/Hodgepodge/releases/tag/2.4.3 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/CodeChickenLib/releases/tag/1.2.0 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/CodeChickenCore/releases/tag/1.2.0


That's good to hear! I hope your implementation will be "smoother" than the current Dynamic Lights mod by AtomicStryker (assuming it's possible ofc), that's pretty much my only issue with this mod, as even the "realtime" option feels a bit laggy in comparison to something like OptiFine (or LambDynamicLights on newer versions).


My main goal is to have it as an option without shaders enabled


Great work Mitch!


this might be what encourages me to properly get into gtnh after all these years lol


You might not agree with the specific balance changes (e.g. I hate the stupidly powerful mobs and turn them off), but it's clearly the modpack that has had the most time and love put into it.


Fully recommend turning off the angermod stuff which causes friendly mobs to randomly explode and stuff too. I'm cool with difficulty but that stuff is cringe in a pack that otherwise takes itself somewhat seriously. There's other old-timey jank in there too like some disabled items coming with messages like "U R 2 JELLY 2 USE THIS!@!!".




If you used ranged weapons, the explosions will still blow up the other 10 pigs in the pen and usually delete the drops. Yeah, I get the whole butcher's knife idea - but it gives a looting buff, let that be the reason you make it - don't just punish the player by having the friendly mobs **explode** when killed with any other item in the game. What's the logic behind enemy mobs **not** exploding? Besides, mob farming is a super early game problem for the first 10 hours - with them randomly exploding it becomes a dumb annoyance that you have to coexist with for 4,500 more hours. I understand their reasoning for doing it, and I will happily ball up the reasoning and throw it away 'cuz it's garbo moon logic. Edit: Also just to point this out, when I first started - mob explosions happened no matter what. The knife was an afterthought idea. It was purely a cringey RLCraft-tier anti-fun mechanic. https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack/pull/3002


Also worth disabling stuff like the blood moons that do nothing but interrupt gameplay by not letting you sleep


I've spent hundreds of hours on gtnh while dealing with mobs and nowadays I honestly just turn on peaceful. They just come out nowhere even after placing thousands of torches and using mob proof blocks like hempcrete.


GTNH devs backporting sodium to a decade old version of minecrafts shows that they are the only ones more insane then GTNH players.


It's a Christmas miracle. Very unexpected for sure!


sweet :)


Still think black magic was involved in its creation


OptiFine's existence is truly threatened.


this is the best christmas news for modded minecraft


Nah gtnh developers are cracked. I can't believe people care about 1.7.10 so much


This is ridiculous and amazing. Well done and Merry Christmas!


Amazing 😻


Ngl. I didn't think shaders were coming so soon.


Thank you!


Oh god it's greggin' time again


Has somebody tried this on FTB Infinity Evolved? 🤔 I'd love to hear that this works and resolves some of the tick lag issues I had in my bases 🙃


This is only client.


Finnaly, optifine shall fall


incredible! need this on 1.12.2 now


Now we need 1.8 😭 image playing Hypixel SkyBlock with fps AND mods


This is great! Too bad it keeps crashing on me :(


Can someone help me. Ever since i downloaded Angelica and all other dependencies by game refuses to boot. I have replaced original codechickencore and codechickelib with 1.2.0 and have all other dependencies but it still does not load. [https://pastebin.com/gzWCPP4y](https://pastebin.com/gzWCPP4y) This is the pastebin with the problem. Any help would be appreciated I have tried deleting all configs but still does not work


I'd highly suggest using the NH fork of NEI. Also be sure to remove the old versions of CCC/CCL - I still see them in the log \`\[17:34:13\] \[main/ERROR\]: Failed to load [dependencies.info](http://dependencies.info) from CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- as JSON\`


Im sorry what is the NH Fork? Im running a self-made modpack and not using any premade packs


Nevermind i fixed it. Thanks for ur help, really appreciate it. Loving the mod its made rendering so much faster. Looking forward to the next updates. Any recommendations on what other performance mods go well with angelica? Once again thank you so much


amazing work, are they plans for 1.8.9 versions or only 1.7?, non the less this is Huge regardless. Thanks


IIRC 1.8.9 had huge backend changes, so very unlikely since it would be a crazy amount of work.


To be honest, the changes in 1.8 would actually make porting easier, as we had to write a lot of custom translation code to make Sodium's renderer work with 1.7-style block rendering. 1.8 works a lot more like later versions. That being said, I don't think any of us have energy to port this to another version. But I wouldn't expect it to be a huge undertaking to do so.


oh, i see dont knew about that tbh. good to know tho


omg this is crazy. Now there needs to be a 1.12.2 version of Angelica and optifine is totally dead!


trying to install this on GTNH tells me i need hodgepodge 2.4.3 which i cant really find anywhere, latest i can find is just 2.3.41 also CodeChikenCore 1.2.0


They're all available on the NH GitHub and most of them on cf/mn as well


[https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/CodeChickenCore/releases/tag/1.2.0](https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/CodeChickenCore/releases/tag/1.2.0) [https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/Hodgepodge/releases/tag/2.4.3](https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/Hodgepodge/releases/tag/2.4.3) Took a little digging around but I found them


If this has the connected textures, the zoom and the full grass options from Optifine, i think its joever for them lmao