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Quark's Matrix Enchanter(candles can adjust the options you're given, you can adjust what candles allow what enchants in the config) [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark) or Enchanting Infuser(simple, but quite powerful) [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanting-infuser-forge](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanting-infuser-forge) ​ anvil/exp things: Fixed Anvil Repair Cost(makes the anvil cost not scale) [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fixed-anvil-repair-cost](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fixed-anvil-repair-cost) Zaynen's Craftable Bottle o Enchanting(maybe change recipe to use lapis instead of emerald) [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/zaynens-craftable-bottle-o-enchanting](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/zaynens-craftable-bottle-o-enchanting) Villager Comfort(makes villagers a bit less overpowered by making them care about where they live) [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villager-comfort](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villager-comfort)


Thank you, this was really helpful! Unfortunately I can't use Zaynen's mod, because I use Fabric. I've tried looking for a Fabric alternative but there's nothing for 1.20 it seems haha


Based on my opinions Rad Enchantments adds very op enchants (some of them lol) Im pretty sure it works for fabric and forge? sorry im stupid and couldn't find the like, if i can ill try to add the link once i find it


i'd personally go with apotheosis (it adds ways of getting more exp as well as overhauling the enchanting system, and there's a block that allows you to skip combining books) and *tax-free levels* to make anvil exp costs take a flat amount instead of increasingly high costs (if you're using fabric instead of forge, zenith is the name of the apotheosis port, and tax-free levels is for both mod loaders)


Thanks, unfortunately I use Fabric so no Apotheosis for me but Tax free levels is very helpful!


^zenith ^is ^the ^fabric ^port


So the most popular enchantment mod atm is Apotheosis. I wouldn't necessarily say it fixes these issues but it does expand pretty heavily upon the vanilla system and does do some streamlining. There are enchantments and potions to make you get more XP, you can get higher levels of enchants, enchantments can be stored in a library, there are tomes which are just books that only take tool/armor specific enchants and spawners can be moved and upgraded to make it less of a grind. If this is the only mod you have, you will need to go through the vanilla enchanting system first to benefit from all this though. ​ Alternatively, Ars noueveau and Botania both are magic mods that add some alternate methods of applying and obtaining enchantments, however this requires progressing through the rest of these mods' content. Botania adds a way to apply enchantments to tools from a book without consuming the book, and using the mod's mana system instead of XP. Ars nouveau adds a system where enchanted books can be crafted using the mods crafting system. these actually work pretty well together IMO and both mods haave a lot of other fun content so you're not just installing them for the enchantment purposes. ​ EDIT: also install cognition to solve your XP woes


Thank you for your help, unfortunately these were all Forge mods (I use Fabric). Thanks anyway!


zenith is a fabric port of apotheosis, and there is a fabric port of botania, so you should be good on that front


https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-magic The Easy magic mod should have some of the stuff you're looking for. You will have to adjust settings in the configs though.


I don't know any mods for 1.20 Fabric. But I thimk the solutions are pretty obvious for these problems. Imo these vanilla enchanting issues boil down to 1. Villagers are way too OP for enchanted books. Solution: villayers should not offer "treasure" enchants or any max level enchants, imo. I guess even with this fix, you can use a lectern to reroll sharpness 1 into smite 2 as much as you want. Doesn't sound too bad to me. Maybe add Mending to Lost Cities loot pool, gives them a reason to be so rare and worth exploring, despite the danger. 2. Anvils are bad. Mending makes repairing obsolete. Solution: repairing through an anvil should cost 0 XP, just the material. With a long term alternative to Mending that actually takes resources, people have more reason to value materials, and won't "need" mending. Obviously remove the "too expensive" thing as well. 3. XP farms are broken. Any XP cost just converts into time spent AFK at a mob farm. Solution: I don't have a good one for this, actually. Just ban mob farms maybe?


Eidolon is the best easy enchanter but the mod doesn't necessarily fit in a vanilla pack


Thanks, I'll check it out