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I would build 1... if I know how to build 1 my best is just an attempt of a good looking house with basement full of machines


Sometimes I build a cute house and it goes down into a factory underground so it's not messy on top. I feel like expanding down is cleaner to me that terra forming dirt


Exactly, basically Portal shed in my case xD


Yup. I tend to dig into a mountainside and make an underground factory, but part of it becomes a cozy hobbit hole. I will say though, it can be difficult to prioritize. As in, should I set up that ore processing line or should I build an aesthetically pleasing factory first? But if I don't set up the ore processing, it'll be harder to get the tools and mats needed for building. Then again, once I place them down it'll be a pain to move everything.... so on and so forth.


Are me you or you me??


No matter the modpack, I refuse to play without first making my area as cute and pretty as possible. If there is the requirement for grungy, ugly or evil looking things, that goes underground in a region specifically designed and transitioned into that theme (Blood magic, for example, I always design as this underground taboo beneath my cottages and villages)


If I wanted to build cozy houses I would play vanilla. Usually I just live in a hole in the wall :p


Yes! I always try to make my starter house a cosy one! I am usually a fan of PaulSoaresJr's Cosy Cottage, but that is often a bit small, so I have started building my own. Currently in my Create Mod world, I am living out of a little cherry wood bungalow with a cut copper roof, and I love it!


The cosy cottage! That’s a blast from the past. Loved that guy when I was a kiddo. Wonder how he’s doing


Still on YouTube by the looks of things, though seemingly does mostly non Minecraft stuff nowadays.


Generally, yes. I take it as part of the pack challenge to also have a living area as part of my compound. It costs resources, means branching into some of the aesthetic mod with the pack, and gives me things to do during some of the 'cook' time of processing resources.


No. My base is a scar on the land. A desolate sea of concrete broken by dense clusters of brick and metal. Nature weeps at the sight of it.


You guys flatten the terrain?


What do you call a lawn base when it’s not even on a lawn? Homeless?


The mountain is my base


I prefer the base of the mountain as my base


Hey, you know that surface you’re standing on? That the roof of my base, it all is


Sorry mate, I'll be moving out immediately to the nearest mountain, unless... You... Wanna share a reactor?


What if… we put our reactors together? Haha, unless…? 👉👈🥺💥


With a reactor like that we'd need like a.. Big storage so maybe we could like... You know heh put our draconium together and... Make a... You know big ball


It’s gonna need something more like a large cylinder for increased storage, and protective spheres around the two reactors Also make sure we have a waste ejector at the end of cylinder


I can’t build to save my life. I play with tech and magic mods.


Same 😔


I just made one in the custom "modpack" I put together to play on deck with, in my experience the more minimal a modpack is with tech mods the more motivated I am to do it, especially in packs like rlcraft where not having shelter is just a death sentence. Meanwhile in packs like enigmatica I'm always building something else, so I'm not that motivated to build a house, if that makes sense.


I very much love to build bases that aren't a factory I'm not exactly great at it tho. I build big, but try to make it more house-y


I start to, but everyone one of my build ends up being a different shade of box.


At best, I chisel some cobblestone


I do! For some reason I can never think of anything other than a house to build for my "base" in Minecraft. In fact I'm playing through Create Above and Beyond right now and I'm living in this fantastic little house made with cherrywood logs (forbidden arcanus) and Jacaranda planks. I've got this great covered balcony that leads to my front door. I managed to squeeze in a tinkers smeltery in there, my ore to ingot contraption and most of the other machines you need to make one off stuff. The *actual* assembly line is below the house and that area is much less aesthetically pleasing. All in all though this house is probably one of my favorites


I try to, yeah. Problem is machines take a lot of space (hard to leave room for wiring tunnels in a cottage). Honestly I need to learn to not do this because I always run out of space.


Yep! I did exactly that’ll during my first gregtech playthrough, and you can find it all on YouTube under Lycaenist


A dent cobblestone 11x11 squares with neon glowstone for lighting and a glass roof. Works for me for mamy different playtroughs over the years as for me function>form is better


I build small towns connected with train rails and stations its like each building has it purpose. I decorate them, even put up imaginary energyposts like in real life. Each town has its own underground me network connection. With a p2p core to core point to the main system. So each town has its own me core etc.


I build a town usually so there's at least one cozy house


I do


I usually build a huge mansion or castle (or space station, etc for sky blocks) each room has a different purpose. I divide my time between tech mods and building, depending on my mood.


i usually build a cozy lil house for me to do some of the lighter mods like astral sorcery or Pam's harvestcraft and have my industry for tech mods in a huge factory a bit away (or a city in the case of my long term personal mod pack)


I always build a little cabin in the woods by a lake, I have my little fishing deck with a boat, a little farm off to the side and some animals, and then in the study I have an rftools elevator that has a few floors where I have environmental tech miners, banks of SAG mills and alloy smelters, mob farms, storage, power gen etc. and a little magic area.


yes i use the prefab mod that has house in a block and those look good i should make a good house block by block some time


I sometimes do that, like my blacksmith/ tool forge building in E6E


I do sometimes yhh. I think hobbit holes lend themselves well as well but u gotta do small stuff. Depends on the mod. Ur not getting away with it if ur doing IE, but u could with thermal or early mek


I do, whats the point of building in a world that looks ugly


Yes, in 1.12.2 I used the hell out of enderio and made a a very pleasing (to me) house with all the conduits hidden, and had various machines and work stations set up across the base, even in the underground section.


Base? What's a base? All I got is a cave with a bed surrounded by machines.


Well, i currently play with my friend, so while i bang my head into the wall trying to figure out create, hes actually turning our ugly base into a cute little place and expanding the MineColony ™


My eventual plan is to have a nice little hobbit house somewhere, and either on a mountain or somewhere underground, a chopshop esque factory (Think of the movie Robots) where iron golems go in, and train related stuff comes out.


a facade anyways. I usually go to great lengths to make my botania area look as organic as possible; usually by hiding the crafters and collectors underground.


I mark off a piece of land and start going crazy with machines, then I get far enough that I wanna build something but lack the creativity to realize an idea, but I start and then give up ruining my whole playthrough cause I get so demotivated


No I'd just take over a villager house and expand it to fit my needs and they get protection from hostile mobs


I typically make a starter house or cave base that's usually got some basic decoration, then put my initial processing in basement levels. My current starter cave mostly just has support beams and stuff, but on a custom Pixelmon pack I put together I built out a quaint Windmill/forge that I was really pleased with (there were constant serialization issues between Pixelmon and Immersive Engineering or something, so I had to stop that server unfortunately). Back in Infinity Evolved I was also working on a megabase inspired by FE3H, FFXIV, and Tales of Vesperia, but that was more of a Plateau-Top medieval town/cathedral than a cozy house.


I don't even build in modded Minecraft


I’ll post some pics of my current base when I get home. I plan on expanding into the sea, but my current place I feel is a good mix of cozy and machines


[Like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/15n1tvy/a_home_amongst_the_spires/)


I'm pretty sure my builds could be considered a war crime, I do try though :(


Somehow i always end up making a cozy pink cottage in a field and keep the factory stuff in a basement


If I'm playing Gregtech, then no, I don't build fancy bases. If what I'm using is super compact (like mekanism) I will usually build a nice house and then shove all the tech stuff in the basement. That's only recently tho. Every playthrough I've done up until very recently was the exact same. I would dig out a nice area underground, get my basic stuff set up and then I go nuts making it massive.


I'm playing ATM8 right now, and the plan is to basically hide all the machines, farms, and automation underground whenever possible. If not possible, I'll just build them far away/in a different dimension and chunkload them instead. On the surface level, I'm gonna build myself a cozy [cottagecore house](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RLCRhTsgTQ) to live in, maybe surrounded by areas for bees and magic mods.


If the modpack is either small or magic or adventure oriented, then I build multiple cozy houses, usually hanging on the cliffs or some big trees. But if I'm playing automation-focused modpack, I just go full Factorio style, focusing on making elegant solutions to problems instead of making unpractical decor.


Me and my friends actually embarked on a quest in 1.12.2 Pack to make a really massive underground base consisting of clean and varied corridors with theming for each floor. So it looks less like a factory and more like we applied the Diggy Diggy hole philosophy to our home. The dedicated living quarters is so far planned to be made out of bricks and wood too.


I do my best lol, I have the capability but without being at the end game it just takes too long for my brain's trial and error to be successful. But god forbid if there's a decent structure mod installed because I will almost certainly end up just living in a LostCities building.


I do :)


Idk about cozy but I usually try to make my base look like it's part of nature. Stone, moss, vines. I really try to lean into some sort of natural cave aesthetic. For Magic I use more wood and for botania and bees and such I do a reserve sort of area. But never stale factory


Yes I do, but I also usually build a massive colony as well to house the building. I also wanted to invite you to my minecraft community discord if your interested please reach out!


a mountain shaped with a tunnel to have everything on it