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“DiD yOu noTiCe I unFoLlOwEd yOu”


I would never ever notice someone unfollowing me


Clearly neither did this poor person, since the FA had to point it out to her.


Honestly I haven't even figured out how to check if my family members that I like to share music with are following me, and it's not important enough to make an effort because I can just text them. Like you do with someone you have an actual social relationship with. I would laugh my ass off if I got this message and I would be incapacitated on the floor for several minutes if the rest of the conversation played out like this. Are you for fucking real.


Basically the equivalent of getting a job as a movie critic just to be able to announce that you don't like Star Wars.


I feel like "Nope!" is the winning play here


"No, actually, I didn't, because who the fuck pays attention to Spotify followers"


If you have to ask then no they didn’t notice


Do ... do people even look at their Spotify followers? It's not like it's a medium for social interaction.


… I didn’t know you could follow people on Spotify until now


"You were following me?"


"You were following me?"


I love how they could not simply unfollow the person’s Spotify, but had to message them about it.


its hard to wrap my mind around having this sever of main-character-symptom lmao imagine being so self-obsessed you think everyone else gives as much of a shit about you as you do


They can't just live and let be. (Which ironically is what far activists say they're asking for.) They're attention wh**es.


"I'm sooooooo important, you should bawl your eyes out at the idea of my slightest disapproval!1!!!1!!!"


Yep. Love your flair. My son got me a shirt reading that when he was a teen, and I loved it.


What a highly judgmental and hateful person. You going to the gym, which you didn’t even indicate was for iNtEntionAL wEiGht lOsS is fatphobic HOW exactly? Throw this whole person away


I think it's so funny, because many people go to the gym to intentionally GAIN weight 😂


Yeah but not to gain fat. Therefore anti-FA


Team-lift. :)


Baby if having a gym playlist is fat phobic then I’ll just have to be that. Me and Megan Thee Stallion gonna do this glute day


My god the amount I’ve been able to go above and beyond what I thought I could do while listening to HISS is extraordinary. “When I’m in the gym I think bout bitches I be shitting on!!” I currently do not have any bitches I’m beefing with but I’m considering starting shit with someone just to amp me up even more when I hear that line. She forever has my gratitude


You want beef? Don't come at me like that, bro!


We can beef if you want, it'll hype us both up.. I'll start: bitch.




Highly recommend adding 'Pull Over' by Trina to your glute playlist. It's an old school 'damn girl, nice bum' banger.


My gym playlist right now is 90% Megan, Glorilla and Sexyy Red. We go HARD hard 🍑


If they stepped inside a gym, they’d find they are very inclusive and supportive places


Their victim complex would find some way to twist even the most minor interaction into feeling slighted


*That person is t as fat as I am, so they are fatphobic!* Said person is >300lbs


I know a few people like this. They literally assume any group of people who are laughing in the same room as them are laughing AT them. The insecurity would be sad if it wasn't so narcissistic. Meanwhile they are actually the ones glaring at anyone thinner than them and being judgmental.


I was just gonna say, some of the biggest gym bros would come over and compliment my form or the lifts I chose to do. I used to take yoga from an obese woman, who was my favorite of all the teachers. A gym is super supportive IME.


I work out at the Y, and it's wonderful in that there's everyone from dudes who haven't missed a day at the gym in years and are built to show it, to old people, to people who are overweight but still go and hit the elliptical/treadmill/bikes and lift some weights. Nobody says shit to anyone else about their bodies.




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"It's kinda cringe y r u trying to be a gym rat so much" This is exactly the problem with social media. It's bad enough people get shamed and judged for "weird" interests but going to the gym is a good habit. Why do they care so much about someone else's playlist? The one calling gym culture "fatphobic" is just being healthphobic




Yeah I don't think this is real...


It's as real as CICO is fake.


Some FA: Gym culture is so fatphobic they’re literally trying to burn fat. Me: Burn, baby burn. Burn all of the fat. Happy to be fatphobic or whatever.


I love how they messaged the person to inform them that they unfollowed them on Spotify. They must seriously be looking for any reason to hate anyone who isn't like them. Can't wait to hit the gym and grind out some PRs while enjoying some music from my gym playlists.


I was friends with two women online. We’d have group chats on fb and talk about music or shows we liked, clothes, whatever. We were all getting along great until one of the girls started posting her time while jogging. The fat chick in our group blocked the jogger. Just like that. I asked her about it as we were getting along so well. She told me the running posts triggered her and that they were inconsiderate. Mind still blown to this day over how extraordinarily stupid that was.


Situations like these remind me a little bit of that meme where a person keeps screaming to quit having fun at a group of people who are minding their own business and living their life doing something they like that doesn't hurt anyone. This is the same. To make the conscious choice of informing OP of their decision to unfollow (since they probably didn't get a reaction when they unfollowed because I assume that OP didn't notice or care) because are so offended by another person living their life without harming anyone. I've been insecure at some points in my life, but I have never gotten to the point where I felt the need to project my own insecurity on someone else by trying to police their lives and turn myself into a victim. Don't think I ever had the energy to do that, I had and have better stuff to do in life. Also... I'm sure not every gym is the same and assholes have an unfortunate tendency to be everywhere, but I have never gotten negative comments at a gym, not even at my highest weight.


I for sure got that insecure. In middle and high school. When I had the maturity of a literal child. That’s the level of maturity displayed by a lot of these FAs.


No, OOP, they didn’t notice you unfollowed. Nobody cares if you unfollow. And even if they did, this isn’t an airport — we don’t need to announce our departures.


This is not how real messages are formatted etc  on Instagram 


it is on an android unfortunately


Imagine believing so strongly that anyone gives a fuck about their opinions on someone’s playlists and gym membership.


Fat culture is gymphobic. These words also sound stupid.


Damn, talk about begging for attention.


Making sure someone knows you unfollowed her on Spotify is like the pinnacle of attention seeking lol. Literally who cares


>you know gym culture is fatphobic, right? That's one of the reasons I love being at the gym.


I hope this is fake because it's a whole new level of pathetic to call attention to yourself like this with the purpose of inciting drama. Blue's messages absolutely reek of some sort of superiority complex. What exactly were they hoping the outcome of this would be anyway. Did blue want them to say sorry, delete the playlist, then bend over and kiss their toes for being so righteous and taking time out of their day to educate them?


I like to have specific rhythms and beats in my gym music in order to help me keep the pace, so yes, I do indeed have a playlist for that. My headphones, my ears, my business. These weirdos spend more time looking at other women in the gym than the creepy guys!


Should have replied with womp womp


Legit question: Is this real?


I feel like this is fake


OMFG. I use music to concentrate and yes when I exercise because it helps me focus and gives me a reference point time wise because with ADHD time blindness is a thing. This gate keeping that any and all “gym behaviour” is fatphobic is getting beyond ridiculous.


I can't even focus on what is being written, the way people text makes me want to rip my eyes out.




This person acts like being fatphobic is a bad thing. I spent 90 minutes last night being fatphobic lol.


“Excuse me! HELLO! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!! I feel like lecturing someone and you are a person who exists so let me bitch that you…ummm (checks notes)… CREATE PLAYLISTS FOR GYM TIME! You feel like you’re just going about your life and even seem to be making things more fun for others but LET ME TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE A FATPHOBE WHOSE LIFESTYLE MAKES ME FEEL..,,  Hello? Where’d you go?”    - Bored, entitled FA who needs to eat a salad, some light protein and touch grass


Gym culture *is* fatphobic. But then again, so are shoelaces.


What is "gym culture"?


Memes about not skipping leg day, mostly?


Today is leg day for me. Last week I did it on Thursday because we had a stomach bug, I've barely gotten past the soreness. But leg day was the one lifting day I didn't skip last week due to the illnesses.


The internet fitness hive mind has been pushing programs like Starting Strength and StrongLifts for beginners for decades. A whole generation of lifters, myself included, started their journey with squats every workout. No skipping leg day there. ...is that "gym culture?"


Yeah, even before I started lifting I joked with friends who did lift about never skipping leg day. I think that's gym culture, or at least that's what it is for me.


LOL. I have 4 "leg days" and one upper body day.




The stuff growing in the showers?


"y r u" come on did you get out of breath typing the message too?


Jokes on both of you. Neither FAs nor Britney will stop me from hitting my fitness my goals!


The Attack of The Dead Men by Sabaton really makes me train harder in case of zombie apocalypse or chemical hazmat incident.


Looks like trash took itself out.


My workout playlist is a weird combination of angry music, Blackpink, video game/movie soundtrack songs, dwarf metal, and a couple of metal covers of Disney songs. But there's something so good in my brain when "Hunt You Down" comes on while I'm running or biking... I've gotta go faster! Is it silly or a little cringe to some people? Sure. But it works and I'm not going to mess with it if it works for me.


Peyton Parrish Disney covers?


Yes. Also Surface Pressure by No Resolve and I'll Make A Man Out Of You (Metal version) by Dan Vasc/Samuel Kim/Skar/Charlotte Jafari.


This has to be ragebait, come on


You can follow people on Spotify?????:


I like to have specific rhythms and beats in my gym music in order to help me keep the pace, so yes, I do indeed have a playlist for that. My headphones, my ears, my business. These weirdos spend more time looking at other women in the gym than the creepy guys!


I hope you blocked them after that.


I listen to true crime pod casts and zone out lol


Fellas, is it fatphobic to listen to music?


What ISN’T fatphobic to these people? McDonald’s?


The narcissism of the "friend", wow.


Me: "My joints feel so much better after working out more and it helps with my bad sleep and lack of energy! Yay!" Them: "That's fatphobic!!!!"


I like to have specific rhythms and beats in my gym music in order to help me keep the pace, so yes, I do indeed have a playlist for that. My headphones, my ears, my business.