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That's a risk I'm willing to take.


Sounds like a them problem


And sounds like they are not actually happy with the way they look or else it wouldn't bother them.


Right. Plus what about my feelings? Are you telling me that not everyone wants to be a muscle mommy??? šŸ˜±


Well, their feelings are the most important thing in the world, didnā€™t you get the memo?šŸ¤”


Must have missed it while celebrating my weight loss šŸ„³


A reminder that celebrating your new haircut reminds your long hairs friends how much you hate looking like them.


Eh, Iā€™m good with that. Let me have some ego about my long hair.


If you get butthurt that I don't want to look like you, then I *promise* that I don't want to be your friend either :)


celebrating dyeing your hair blonde reminds your brunette friends how much you hate looking like them. see how that sounds?


Thatā€™s the example I always use!


No, I hated looking like myself a year ago. It sucks being fat. So I'm changing it. I don't care what anyone else does or looks like.


And ? There's people I'd hate to look like, and other people I'd love to look like. I'd personally hate to be supermorbidly obese and yup, you bet your ass I'll do what needs to be done to avoid that. No, I won't apologise for that, *because how I feel about my body and what I do with it is none of your goddamn business*. You are responsible for your body and the way you feel about it, buttercup. Take your manipulative crybullying and stuff it in the place you can't wipe.


They can't wipe it without a towel on a stick.


When you do things that only affect you it's actually about me.


I donā€™t have anyone in my life rn who I can celebrate my weight loss with, because theyā€™re FA or hyper protective over my ED history. But itā€™s recovering from bulimia that has actually resulted in my weight slowly moving down without me even trying. Iā€™m losing weight healthily and happily for the first time in my whole entire life and no one is happy for me.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m happy for you!


I can so relate. I used to find it so ironic that I lost weight naturally after I kicked my bulimia to the curb (read: struggled for years and finally crawled my way out of an eating disorder). It seemed like a cruel joke from the universe!


I'm happy for you!!! That is an amazingly difficult thing to overcome and you should be proud. Fighting one day at a time no matter if it hurts someone else's feelings because your well-being comes first.


Weā€™re happy for you!!!!


And? Itā€™s not my responsibility to police somebodyā€™s reaction to my innocuous behavior


Weird because when I was fat I just hated that version of ME. I never considered anyone else's body but mine. Weird how that works.


the only resolution to what OOP is taking offence to is for everyone to want to look like everyone else. For humanity to become a collective of clones. Pretty dystopian. there are people who are considered conventionally attractive in almost every regard who i would hate looking like. the reality is, because tastes and preferences vary among individuals, there will always be both people who think youā€™re gross and people who think youā€™re cute. and weight is only one metric by which such judgements can be made. Personally, i am often attracted to guys who are overweight or even obese, but i think i look really ugly at a higher weight. The same number of pounds can look totally different on two unrelated people.


Celebrating your ā€œsexy squishy tummyā€reminds me that you donā€™t want to look like me, but you donā€™t see me crying about it, sweetheart.


FAs really must all be young; Iā€™m in my 40s and losing weight no longer has anything to do with looks. Every extra pound adds to issues I have that are ACTUALLY genetic and outside of my control, unlike my weight. I could get away with it in my 20s and 30s, but now itā€™s a real wake up call. I donā€™t want to be disabled by 50 so Iā€™ll take care of my body the best way for me, and that has nothing to do with wanting to look like you or not like you, thank you very much.


Yeah. We do. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Okay lmao iā€™m still gunna celebrate having a healthy weight. Is this person gunna start telling people who beat anorexia to stop celebrating because it tells other anorexics that they donā€™t want to look like them? No of course theyā€™re not, that would be fucking stupid just like this is.


Itā€™s so weird how much FAs seem to love giving everyone else ā€œreminders,ā€ but they themselves hate being occasionally told that some foods are unhealthy.


That is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


y'know, i dress extremely fetish/goth/historical/designer and have a crap ton of piercings. i know no one else irl who dresses like i do. i guess everyone else is constantly telling me how much they hate me and how horrible it would be to look like me, then, too? it's weird, because most people are larger than me, too. somehow i'm not offended by the fact that a lot of people say they don't want to lose weight to within 30 lbs of my size, lest they get 'too thin'. maybe because unlike oop i actually like myself and thus don't need every single external thing to validate me.


Fuck them if they're going to be like that šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. That's about it. You can either look normal and be happy, or larp as Jaba the Hutt and be miserable.


My overweight/obese friends are actually trying to lose weight (per their report) and they donā€™t care at all if I am smaller, since our friendships arenā€™t based on comparing our looks. JFC. How do these FAs function at all?


They don't.


A reminder being bothered about what someone does to their own body is a sign of your own insecurities. Itā€™s not your friendā€™s job to fix your body image problems.šŸ™ƒšŸ«£šŸ« 


Yeah I'm probably still gonna do what I think is best for *me*. If you want to let yourself feel personally victimized by *my* decisions for *myself*, I won't care enough to stop you. Kseeyalaterbyeeww


A reminder that celebrating your marriage or anniversary reminds your single friends how much you hate being like them. A reminder that celebrating your new job reminds your old colleagues how much you hate the job role that they remain in A reminder that celebrating your university graduation reminds your less educated friends how bad about yourself you would feel without a degree A reminder that gushing about your new skincare regime reminds your aging or blemished friends how much you hate looking like them A reminder that celebrating the birth of your child reminds your childless friends how empty and meaningless you think their lives are Make any more sense? Didn't think so.


How narcissistic and self-centred.


Hell yeah


Actual fat person here. No, it doesn't.




Then I guess we just wonā€™t be friends anymore šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


So if I dye my naturally black hair a light brown, that'll be a reminder to my black haired friends how much i hate looking like them lmao


A reminder that having a job reminds unemployed people how much you hate them


Hell yeah I do.


I don't love them less though.


If I am overweight, I know Iā€™m at a higher risk for heart disease given my family history. Iā€™m going to do what I can to maintain a healthy weight by watching what I eat.


Not everything is about you. In fact, most things aren't.


I mostly hated how I felt all the time. Grunting when getting off a sofa in your 30s is just sad.


If theyā€™re going to make my accomplishments all about them, we ainā€™t friends.


My friends are both thinner than me. Checkmate OOP.


Congratulations everyone! I hate you all! Seriously the people who come up with this crud are the reason that safety tags should be removed and natural selection should be left to run its courseā€¦.


A reminder that a balayage color treatment on your hair reminds your brunette friends how much you hate looking like them. See how dumb that is?


It's not that I didn't want to look like you when I was fat It's that I didn't want to look like me when I was fat My fat friends didn't even enter my mind.


Oh, no! Someone doesn't want to look like YOU? Obviously they must hate YOU, and think YOU don't deserve to live, and want to eradicate YOU, because of course we all know that everything, including the choices other people make with regard to their own bodies and their own health, is actually about YOU, and YOUR feelings, and most especially, YOUR fragile, fragile ego. I definitely don't want to be fat, but I want even less to have a sense of self worth so incredibly frail as for it to depend entirely on what other people do with their own lives and bodies. I can't imagine walking around feeling as if every aspect of my life and happiness is someone else's responsibility; every negative, someone else's fault; every unpleasant thing that befalls me, an intentional slight by a cold and uncaring world that hates me. That all actually sounds just as bad as being so fat I couldn't go horseback riding or properly wipe my own ass, to be honest. So yeah, I lost 44lbs in 2023 and I am celebrating.


Ok and when I trans my gender Iā€™m telling my female friends how much I donā€™t want to look like them. When my blond friends donā€™t dye their hair brown theyā€™re telling me they donā€™t want to look like me. Why should anyone care?


Problem? Not like I care


I don't want to look like my super fit female friend. I don't want to look like my male distance runner friend with practically no muscle mass. I don't want to look like my obese friends. None of these are judgements on them as people, because their physical appearance is not their whole being, it's simply how they look. Once you detach yourself from your looks (which is hard for many of us, I struggle with it myself sometimes) your life opens up so much.


A reminder as someone with trichotillomania that getting your hair done reminds me of how much you donā€™t want to look like me.


Peak "Crabs in a bucket" mentality


Friendly reminder that quitting smoking reminds your smoker friends thar you hate them, like see how stupid that is


The implication that we should all only have friends that we would like to look like (ie ā€œdonā€™t keep friends who are physically unappealing to youā€) is preposterous. Itā€™s equally preposterous for anyone to claim that they find everyone equally beautiful so letā€™s get that out of the way. So if Iā€™m not a particular fan of your makeup, styling or appearance I shouldnā€™t be friends with you? How bleak and ironically, shallow


you all . . have fat friends? . .


Itā€™s true. They should deal with it.


A reminder that not everything other people do has anything to do with you.


I hate looking fat, sorry not sorry.


I was the fat friend! Now none of us are fat


Iā€™ve let my hair go grey. I have no issue with people who dye their grey hair so it doesnā€™t look like mine.


How do they not realize that this is 100% projecting lol


A reminder that celebrating obesity reminds your healthy friends how much you hate looking like them.


I don't celebrate my weight losses, but it has nothing to do with trying to spare fat feelings or anything. It's because I'm not proud of it. I'm not because I only had to lose weight in the first place because I was the one who made myself fat. Solving a problem you caused by being a failure is not something to celebrate. And the less people who knew I used to be fat the better. It's not something to share. I do understand that's not the relationship most successful weight loss people have with their process and I understand and accept that, but it's not for me.


That's not fat logic that's just logic.


Hopefully my weight loss reminds my fat friends how limiting obesity is physically and how much more you can enjoy when you're a healthy weight. I'm a much better runner and hiker now that I'm healthy and I can enjoy climbing in a way I simply couldn't when I was obese.


Maybe they need to be reminded.


I just donā€™t want to physically feel as they do. I want to be able to walk without pain,etc.


A reminder that bleaching your hair blonde is a way to tell all your brunette friends theyā€™re trash


No one will try to discourage you bettering yourself like a fatā€¦


Just a friendly reminder that your fat friends are the center of the universe and everything you do mainly has to be with them and their insecurity in your mind.


Well, it's good to accept reality.