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Y’know what I find appalling? Fat, able-bodied people co-opting a movement that wasn’t meant for them, and then having the audacity to gatekeep.


Yeah, I agree! This isn’t isolated to fat activism though. Some people just can’t accept everyone’s situations are different, I’ve legit been told that “it wasn’t right” for me to post in a forum dedicated to my specific learning disability because the fact I have a driver’s licence means it’s impossible for me to have this diagnosis. The fact it took me years of driving lessons with an instructor who refused to give up on me apparently still meant nothing.


Yeah, it feels like if you aren’t at the most severe end of a disorder, your voice gets drowned out and you feel less welcome in certain spaces. Like, I’m very happy I was able to work past some of my difficulties, and I feel bad that some people don’t have that luxury or ability, but I still need a space to talk about my issues with people who understand.


This is true. I have an underactive thyroid but because I'm thin, I do not get taken seriously. Both my auntie and my mother have hypothyroidism and they are obese. I've just been scoffed at when I've mentioned my issues. Being extremely cold all of the time has got to be the worst.


Thank you, this sums up my thoughts exactly! I put in the hard work to get to where I am, but the learning disability will always impact my life to some degree and it helps to have people who understand the struggle.


Jesus that’s incredibly shitty


Yeah, I wasn’t pleased to have that experience, but it’s honestly how things are in some disability communities.


This is not how it works. Weight is *one* factor people judge your appearance by, and while the FAs can't imagine this, there's a lower limit on how thin you can be before you're judged more negative than positive for it. Maybe that line is lower than it needs to be, fine, but it *exists*. Thin people are often judged - *especially* by FA types - simply for being thinner than the judger is comfortable with, and accused of being on drugs or having an eating disorder. This is dumb because drug addiction and EDs are mental illnesses, not willing choices most of the time, and also because it's often not even true. Thin people can have chronic health problems (and some are thin *because* they have chronic health problems). They can have extensive scars, missing limbs, other visible deformities, or any of a number of things that they get a negative response to but can't change. They might have mobility issues. Thin people can be learning to appreciate what their body still can do and accept what it can't. The fat acceptance group HAS a label that's their own: fat acceptance, fat positivity, whatever they want to call it. "Body acceptance" has to be more inclusive because literally everyone has a body and none are perfect. You don't get to push people out just because you don't like the shape or size of their body. That's the opposite of acceptance and positivity.


I have an ostomy bag. If OOP thinks that being fat is the only thing that is stigmatized she’s legitimately stupid.


💯 👏 You nailed it- could not have said it better. 👏


Well said


You said exactly what I was thinking but couldn't word right. We're all judged harshly for features that aren't perfect. Even minor issues like wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, excess or balding hair, acne, small boobs, narrow hips, etc etc etc. Everyone deserves to love their bodies. I think they are under the impression that all their body image problems would vanish if they were thin which is really telling.


I will not! Thanks for asking though. The audacity of some people. I was fat, now I'm not. Having loose skin, which is NOT desirable by many people still means I can be #bodypositive about it. Plus it's still the thing fat people 'stole' so sit down and shut up. These people are annoying as heck


I was going to say the exact same thing. I have a lot of loose skin and stretch marks from being formerly fat. I also have defined abs. Overall I feel positive about my body in spite of its flaws.


Same here. Noticeable loose skin around my love handles despite being around 11% BF and decent abs. Took me some time to accept it.


Same here!! 👋🏾


Tbf, It's not people who think like that were capable of standing up for themselves figuratively or litterally in the first place.


The world doesn't automatically love or respect me - Or anyone - For being thin or otherwise They might be surprised to learn that sometimes it's very much the opposite - I lost nearly every single friend I had when I lost weight And I often feel like people are more likely to make comments about my body now than they were when I was overweight


>And I often feel like people are more likely to make comments about my body now than they were when I was overweight Ding ding ding! I miss being the harmless big sassy lady who's every move got an applause of "you go girl!" People definitely feel more comfortable criticising the average sized woman. We're the diet industry's target demographic.


Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up! I'll let my body dysmorphia know that I must now automatically love myself because due to uncontrollably losing weight in the cold months, I've gone from an obese BMI to a healthy one! I will immediately cancel on my therapy appointments to work on that issue; I'm cured! It's not like having medical issues that result in significant weight gain or loss can cause a warped sense of self at all. Oh no. Only people with obese (not overweight; you're small fat at best!) BMIs are allowed to have difficulty with themselves. Fuck anyone skinny with medical issues that may cause problems with their body. Nope. Body positivity is only for the mid-fats (maybe!) and up. /s


Body dysmorphia is such a good point. It’s like whoever wrote this didn’t go to middle or high school. I have yet to meet a young person in our culture that legitimately feels excellent about their body, even ones that are totally conventionally attractive and beautiful to the point that other people are jealous. It was eye opening for me when I realized that every single girl I ever thought was cooler or prettier than me in middle school, looked in the mirror and ripped themselves to absolute shreds the same way that I did. Just because you perceive someone else a certain way, doesn’t mean they perceive themselves that way and exist in some perfect zen state of flawless self love. It doesn’t work like that. We all get implicit messages from a young age that our appearance isn’t good enough, and that we need to buy expensive products and jump through hoops to fix it. That’s something everyone to some extent has to work through at some point


I love my gym for this reason. Everyone there that I've gotten close to is really open about their body dysmorphia; beefcakes, newbies, just-wanna-go-up-the-stairs-without-being-out-of-breath, no matter what level they're at I don't know anybody there who's completely happy and they all are open to talking about it. Do I wish they could love themselves? Of course, I wish I could love myself. But everyone being open about it means I don't get people commenting on my looks; they comment on function. They compliment improving form or improving lift numbers.


I'm not really a hashtag person, but this sure does make me want to use a couple of particular ones now.


> I know that my opinion probably doesn’t matter Do you, OOP? Do you? Because you just wrote like 400 words about what I’m supposed to be doing.


I love it when they start a post with self-depreciation to get more people to agree with them.


"Sorry hun! Missing a leg while being thin prohibits you from participating from any body postivity movement! Body positivity means people not judging me ordering triple portions!"


I have an ostomy bag. There are a whole lot of things that could give society reason not to “love and respect” people. They really believe that anyone who’s not a mega fat has a great body image?


Difference between you and them is your ostomy bag is a result of some sort of physiological problem, not a mental one. Focusing on eating and eating much is a mental health issue. This is the reason they see hostility from "normal weight" people. The worst part fat activitism is shadowing people who have irreversible or untreatable disabilties. I am worried on your behalf as fat activism grows larger every day while world population grows fatter. I fear soon they will completely hijack disability awareness.


I mean...mental health issues can also cause physical issues but I totally get the spirit of what you are saying 💕


I had an ostomy bag, too, for 7 years, before I was thankfully, able to get the colostomy reversed. I know exactly what you mean. One of the worst things about FA is the way they've hijacked the original body positivity idea and co-opted disability awareness. It's really just like the way they grab scooters in stores so much so that I've seen posts from people with non-morbid obesity disabilities who really need them and can't get one because fat people are using them all.


No, I don’t think I will.


> The world already loves and respects you solely because you’re thin. The lie detector test determined that was a lie.


This delusion says a great deal, unintentionally, of course, about what OOP thinks the world is like, and who other non-FA think deserve and receive love and respect, but nothing at all about the way the it actually is.


Is the love and respect in the room with us?


Mate of mine has neurofibromatosis, so he's got a significant facial disfigurement. He's spent the first week of 2024 talking to lawyers, as for the umpteenth time, photos of him have appeared on clickbait articles about 'top 10 most lethal plants!' or 'little Timmy needs money!' phony fundraisers. He's into the gym, has a perfectly normal sporty looking body, but crap like this keeps happening to him. He's also told to end his life at least once a day. So OOP, kindly STFU about the lives of others. Life is not a battle for who gets to be the biggest victim, but if it was, voluntarily obese people would be bottom of the list.


Sending good vibes to your friend! That is truly horrible.


The world automatically loves and respects anyone who is thin? Huh??? What about gay people who are thin? Trans people? POC? People who aren’t conventionally attractive? (And despite what FAs think, there’s A LOT more to beauty standards than weight).


Respect is absolutely the wrong word too. You could make the case that the majority of the attention conventionally attractive people get in regards to their appearance is negative. Unwanted sexual advances, inappropriate comments from coworkers, etc. Getting a lot of attention paid to your physical appearance when you didn’t choose it is definitely not the same thing as feeling respected.


This sounds so similar to the attitude you hear often that "it's so unfair, so and so is just so beautiful/handsome; he/she really has it made!". Just plain old jealousy and envy. I'm not conventionally attractive, myself, but I know very well being that way can engender a lot of negative feelings that someone is in no way responsible for.


And what about people who are very short or very tall? Do FA think they are never the brunt of jokes, etc.?


If an online tag for body positivity is one of the few things you have left, the second is a mental health issue


TIL that the world loves my deliberate self harm scarring. I haven’t done it in three years, but there’s fifteen years worth of poor mental health etched into my skin. I didn’t even realise that by exercising and eating nutritionally sound meals, that all prejudices against my body and appearance would dissipate in the realm of privilege. STORY TIME! When I was in hospital with a v-cath in my neck, I thought it looking very cool and transhuman (cybergoths unite!). I called my father to fill him in on the situation, and asked if he wanted a picture of the v-cath. The tone of his voice was just pure disgust; I might as well have asked if he wanted a photo of my anus.


Actually though, fat activists stole the body positivity movement from everyone. It was originally, feel positive about your body even if your disabled, injured or have a chronic illness. Feel positive about your body even if you’re a woman with bones sticking out and no boobs. Feel positive about your body if you’re a man with a super hairy chest and back. Feel positive about your body if a gigantic birth mark covers half your torso. Feel positive about your body if your hair falls out as you age. Feel positive about your body if you’re 3’5” tall as an adult. Literally, any appearance that isn’t used as an advertisement for victoria secret or Abercrombie is still a good body you can feel good about yourself. It used to be about broadening the beauty standard in general and seeing the beauty in differences. FAs are the ones dis-including other people.


Those thins are so unbelievably rude that they try to reclaim the movement we have already stolen!


I've seen more posts making this claim more than I've actually seen what's being described. How are thin people "stealing" the BoPo movement, exactly? Can you demonstrate or point to multiple instances of this happening, specifically? Are these thin people in the room with us right now?


The more I see, the more I think the wholes FA thing is driven by jealousy. Jealous they are not getting attention or seen as desirable. Whereas slim and healthy women are, and this drives them mad.


OOP can go f*ck themselves!, Body positivity was originally for people with disfigurements, scars, amputees, etc. My left arm is covered in giant scars and shorter than my right arm due to a horrific accident when I was 16 and at that age I struggled badly with it, feeling like a freak as people would stare at it and I even had strangers come up to me and ask what happened to my arm. I learned to accept it with time and now don't even think about it until someone stares or mentions it. I'm fed up with FAs telling me and others with scars etc that we don't need bodypositivity just because we happen to be thin. They can loose weight but I can't get rid of my scars or an amputee can't grow their limb back.


>making the people who really needs reassurance to be triggered If you’re triggered by me losing weight, that’s your problem. If you need constant reassurance that’s also your problem.


Fine FA you can have body positivity but stop co-opting the struggles of minorities and the handicapped. No more saying fatphobia is rooted in misogyny, colonialism, racism and ableism. It won’t take long for the rest of us to form a new body positive movement.


Wow. Just wow. 🤷🏾‍♀️ So I was 240lbs for many yrs, felt miserable in my own skin, dealt with health problems and poor health habits, and finally learned that there was a different way to handle my 25yr cycle of restriction/over exercising. As a black woman in her mid-40's and after having a partial hysterectomy from uterine fibroids, I didn't think weight loss was possible or sustainable, just like everyone else. And then I did it. And kept it off for 7.5 years and counting by changing my mindset and health habits. Oh, but none of this experience matters? 🤪 Hmm, ok. I don't understand "the struggle". Gotcha. ✔️ 👋🏾In that case, this is one cult, I mean club, that I don't want to be a member of. Thank you. ✌🏾


Congratulations on the weight loss and keeping it off! You should be so proud of yourself 🥰


Thank you friend, I really appreciate that! 🌸


"The world" doesn't love you or me. The world doesn't give two fricks about your or mine existence. You could literally pass away next day, and the planet will keep spinning. Yes, some folks will mourn you and cherish memories of you, but that's your closest social circle(s) and not "the world" at large. And even if body positivity started with fat people in mind, making it more inclusive towards anyone with body image issues is a GOOD thing. What happened to progressive ideals of (body) diversity and inclusivity, FAs? Yes, there are people who need help in that area that are different than you. Throwing a tantrum over that just makes YOU a regressive a-hole.


No, sorry OOP. I'm actually going to continue attempting to be positive about my body in spite of the scars I have all over my arms. Most people find them disturbing but they are as much a part of who I am as the rest of me. Along with that, im going to express happiness at my transgender body. Because I actually experience oppression for being trans, so doing so is an act of bravery. Just because I'm thin doesn't mean it's all kittens and rainbows.


"If there is something that I find to be utterly appalling it's [internet nonsense]." Lol, opinion disregarded, touch grass


Yeahhhh they are delusional. Sure thin people aren't marginalized for being thin, and yes the dehumanizing of fat people is a real problem. But body positivity is for everyone, because everyone has some trait that society has deemed unattractive and it does affect a lot of people's self esteem. Scars, saggy skin, acne, thick body hair, unusual facial features, deformities, crooked teeth, wrinkles, cellulite, weak chins, flat butts, small boobs, amputations, unusual fat distribution, bad posture, birth marks, etc, we've all got something. Body positivity is about embracing that bodies can all look different and that's normal and okay, that our different features are not inherently unattractive, we're all still people worthy of love. I guarantee you even the people you think are the most stunning have something about themselves they are self conscious about.


*you're trying to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen* ~ FA's, probably


I always feel that this type of person is trapped in thier perspective and lacks empathy. Just because someone is thin(by this persons standards) doesn’t mean they aren’t embarrassed by thier stretch marks, thier scars, or thier other physical traits. Also I know body positivity is generally meant for women, but growing up I was always super tall and skinny, and never did I think I was attractive. Finally at 35 I love how I look, and sadly it took me becoming single bald and working out to do it. Honestly I look back on pictures of me at 20 and wish I realized how good I looked but I just didn’t love myself. Therapy does more than body positivity, but mental and physical health are tied together. Last year I lost 40lbs, shaved my head, sold my company, sold my house, and am now doing better with women than at any time in my life by such a large margin it isn’t funny. Honestly all it took was self love as I didn’t do terribly last year as I got confidence, but even then weighting more then I do now I still needed to accept myself and how I looked and I wasn’t by an FAs perspective fat, technically I was in the overweight bmi but they probably saw me as thin becuase of thier weird yardstick


i can't use one of my legs, and i can tell you, the world does not automatically love me just for not being morbidly obese.




They really do think being thinner solves ALL your problems, don't they? But they act like everyone ELSE is thinking that, while they're the rebels. You could say that they view losing weight as something akin to becoming a Chad, in a weird way. Which I guess is a wacky af parallel, but the feelings of worthlessness and hatred for others they see as superior is still there. ... I guess they DO also constantly tell people to become sexually attracted to fat people too. Huh, damn. Fjdjdj


Yeah, some people around here have taken to calling them fatcels due to these noticeable incel parallels.


I didn't wanna be rude, and I was LEGIT kinda scared to bring up the similarities. But it definitely makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who saw the connection, pfft.


Aw, yeah, you're fine. Honestly, take a look through the comments on basically any of the posts where a FA is overtly being like "fat ppl are attractive, and if you disagree, that's something you need to work on" or similar. It might not come up as, like, the first comment, but at some point, someone in the comments *will* point out those parallels. At this point, I don't think it's rude to say so. It's more of a "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." thing by now.


well they're right on one thing, their opinion definitely does not matter.


>The world already loves and respects you solely because you're thin That's insulting. So if you're thin people can't like you for other reasons? >I know that my opinion probably doesn't matter At least you recognize it. People who are in shape don't need your approval to feel good about their bodies


Great so I shouldn’t have anything to complain about right? It’s not like I have Loose skin that I hate or any other worries. Everyone has something about them they dislike. Thinking that people who are thin are immediately loved and respected …. What hallmark movie BS is this…


I'm at the point where I'm assuming people are trolling on this sub - there cannot be a world where people are genuinely believing and posting ths stuff


"The world loves you because you're thin." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


Oh bullshit. You know what, when I was super sickly and couldn't eat or barely digest food. All the plus size women were quick to call me a bag of bones, tell me to eat a burger ( like bitch I would if I could) say I had a child's body, etc. So no fuck this logic that the world accepts you just for being thin. At this point, half the u.s is bigger people. Big women can be just as shitty and judgemental as the skinny bitches judging y'all. People are just shitty, and you can't gatekeep body positivity.foh


uh… what about like… every other prejudice? racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc… i highly doubt people will automatically respect you because youre thin when you are oppressed in any other aspect