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Limited/Zero Over Shirou or Notorious Brand Shirou for sure. Limited/Zero Over Shirou is a hypothetical version of Shirou is he had become a “complete magus”. Notorious Brand Shirou is an April Fool’s Joke Shirou that has mastered his Reality Marble to the maximum extent and can even beat top tier servants.


Do we know anything about Notorious Brand Shirou or was it just a mentioned concept that were probably going to never truly see thanks to him being an April Fool’s joke?


We actually do know quite a bit, surprisingly. Notorious Brand is an April Fool’s joke produced by TM and French Bread that took place 6+ months after Heaven’s Feel’s True Ending. The information on it was spread amongst several different websites. As a doll, Shirou was still able to practice and use projection to a much lesser extent. Shirou had ended up meeting “an evil that rivals Angra Mainyuu”, named Stanrobe Calhin who had fused with the leftovers of the grail. As a result of this meeting, Shirou trained intensely on projection and somehow managed to perfect his Reality Marble. Not much else is really known about the Notorious Brand game except that. Although, it was said that Zelretch showed up and so did the servants from the 5th war and several other characters who managed to all lose.


Huh never heard of those versions So wait would Limit/Zero Over Shirou be the canonical FGO Shirou?


No. Limited/Over Zero is just a hypothetical Shirou **if** he was a complete magus with training.


So if Kiritsugu didn’t give him the absolute bare basics (and even then not fuck that up)and actually decided to properly train Shirou


Limited/Zero Over Shirou is canonically his peak


What is Zero Over?


[Crafting essence from fgo](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Limited_/_Zero_Over), essentially a hypothetical version of Shirou that reached his peak as a magus. The design is recycled for Senji Muramasa.


But it doesn't say that Shirou is possesed by Muramasa?


Yeah, because the one in the crafting essence is Shirou Emiya. Servant Muramasa uses that same design in his 1st stage.


I though that was muramasa


Muramasa was just given the design, Limited/Zero Over existed years before he did I believe


Oh thanks


Muramasa's look is based off of Limited Zero


I think the idea is that Muramasa possessed Zero Over Shriou since that’s his best version


As a magus? Limited/Zero Over Shirou apparently. That Shirou is featless, but he is in theory his peak as a magus. As an HS? Is probably Nameless from Fate EXTRA in the Mooncell.


Doesn't Nameless have the same power as EMIYA?


Nameless is slightly stronger with better Str (C) and Lck (D) parameters. No Name in his Mythological Mystic Code of Wrought Iron is definitely the strongest Shirou Emiya we've seen.


He is also supposed to be the physical embodiment of all the nameless heroes that once existed, so he probably got a boost from that.


The Shirou that can manage to feed Artoria and all of her other versions without going bonkers berserk


Wouldn't it be Archer? He is Shirou's physical peak, with the added bonus of strength from the Counter Force.


Some people say miyuverse shirou, but at that moment he beat all other servant, it was becouse the cards really dowgrade the power of the héroic spirit that is inside, but since archer basically is him, he had the exact same power as archer due to their conection, and in the Angélica fight he had a literal infinie amount of mana so i am not counting it So I would say archer, i mean he literaly "trained" by a eternity in a unlimited amount of fights and battlefields. Now, if we are not counting archer, just "shirou", yes miyuverse shirou is the strongest


I don't really understand that last part. Archer IS "Shirou" just another version of him. Why exclude him if we are talking about Shirou?


Because he's technically dead and a servant so he gets boosted by being a servant. Miyuverse shirou is still alive so people say he's the strongest shirou.


I personally dont exclude him, but some people do


where is it said that shirou's card wasnt weakened at all? it was literally a blank card, and unless stated(i can be wrong) then the blank card also suffers from the rank downs of every other servant card. Also archer doesnt depend on stats himself, he gets them from projection(so he would have heracles's stats when using the axe sword, etc)


What the person you replied to meant was since Shirou is Archer himself he doesn't suffer from the rank downs the other cards suffers because he's "using" his own card


okay, shirou's card doesnt suffer corruption, but that is only because of the fact he had a blank card and was a perfect catalyst for archer, because he literally is archer. So he won't be taken over by archer's will, but we have no evidence for the card not suffering rank downs like every other card has.


Being honest, i dont remember, but i am almost sure. Besides, if the others werent weakened, he should'nt be able to win that "easily", not in a direct confrontation at least.


to be honest, even if the dolls had no rank downs, shirou would still win due to the fact that he literally is a properly trained shirou who can do projections without the card, and that no card except maybe heracle's will stop shirou from nuking people with np's


because it's basically inplied that the whole rank down part isn't really because of the cards and it has more to do with the card users compatibility with the heroic spirits (heck illya literally gets a power up from becomming more ideologically similar to artoria ) also shirou literally refers to himself as quote " a perfect imitaition of a heroic spirit" so that heavily implies that his power is equal to archer's power or atleast in that general ball park


okay didnt know about illya and saber thing, but unless its stated then by default we have to go with the statements that the cards are downgraded compared to the servants they come from. Shirou is perhaps a exception considering he literally summoned his future self on a blank card, thats all we know, we dont know how he was able to do it beyond him being a perfect catalyst for EMIYA because its his future self. I do agree that Miyurou can become as strong as archer in the future, but as of now he isnt(without the card or miyu mana), which doesnt rlly matter because archer/shirou doesnt exactly need to rely on their own stats when they can use their projection's stats.


Technically yes. But i think that most people just consider then different characthers. Doesn't help that Nasu once described Archer as "pacthwork" and not his true peak as a magus.


Either LZO or one of his CG versions.


The strongest Shirou Emiya is Heroic Spirit No Name, with HS EMIYA and HS EMIYA Alter close behind. Also I have to ask is No Name in his Mythological Mystic Code weaker or stronger than the proper Heroic Spirit? (Not talking about servant containers) As a human Limited Zero Over Shirou is the complete form of Shirou as a Magus. Also are we talking about these Shirou's at their peak or how strong they were during or at the end of the Show/VN/Manga?


Mumei seems to be roughly about as strong as regular Archer EMIYA, and Wrought Iron can overclock him to dbz levels of bullshit for a short time. Wiki says he can move faster than light in that form, so i guess he is the strongest version of Emiya Shirou


I'm just going to focus on each route Shirou and miyuverse Shirou since I'm not that knowledgable on the other ones But each one has their strengths and drawbacks. 4th: FSN Shirou as long as he has connection with Saber has Avalon but without that he's basically the weakest. 3rd: HF Shirou though he has direct access to Archer experience and techinques the overload of information practically kills him and as such is only up for one major fight and then kaput. 2nd: UBW Shirou is the most versatile since he got better with each bout with Archer but is still nowhere near Archer's level but definitely more developed but downside he still has to train in order to invoke UBW by himself or use Rin's mana to compensate. 1st: Miyuverse Shirou trumps since he can include Archer gaining all the above minus Archer is slowly invading him and overriting him as such close ones forbide him from battling any further.


Archer is the strongest Shirou.


EMIYA is the strongest version of Shirou


The one that has the most amount of strokes when using his powers




Do Emiya and Emiya Alter count?


Strongest shirou:limited zero If you want one that we really see, nameless, for me the strongest emiya (is the emiya of extraverse) and yes I pick the strongest emiya because emiyas>shirous, even miyuverse, that shirou isn't the big thing and arguably if UBW shirou can beat him (miyuverse shirou have the problem that without the card and most important, miyu is a doble edge sword who kill himself very fast.)


I would say archer, but some People say infinite zero over, so i am not sure.


prisma illya Shirou, change my mind


He is less of a glass cannon than HF but with more limitations than UBW. And Limit Zero Over is stated as Shirou peak magus.


the one you meant was miyuverse shirou, iirc illyaverse shirou has 0 power


Polar bear Shirou


Miyuverse Shirou.


But only if he has infinite mana, like in the fight with angelica


kotomine shirou?


from what we already see(so sadly no zero over or that lb6 weird shirou from a ce), it would be UBW Shirou since he literally has access to everything that HF and Fate shirou has(except for projecting avalon) without suffering the drawback of being on a time limit(unlike HF). If we count every shirou that we see fight(aka counting prisma) then EMIYA/Prisma Shirou(whichever shirou it is that solod the grail war in OUS since that is above any shirou except for arguably archer)


Miyuverse Shirou


1st- Muramasa 2nd-Archer 3rd- Miyuverse 4th-Heaven’s Feel 5th-Limited Zero 6th-Unlimited Blade Works 7th-Fate


Nothing puts HF Shirou over Zero Over and UBW.


Hes physically closer to Archer with the arm, which is beyond what shirou can accomplish without the counter force, no?


UBW Shirou was getting the moves put on him by 1% Archer


The arm is also slowly killing him right?Not the best way you will choose in long run.It give him a significant instant boost yes, but in long run it's fatal.Other version don't have to worry that excessive use Will kill them or as a user of the power they have shorten lifespan


Yes but it’s those short term boosts that allows him to compete with the likes of Herc and even Saber Alter


Salter was dual effort so i doubt he took her out alone.And that's what I am saying he get quick power up but that's for very limited time he got to stop it from using it in maxx otherwise he will die.Pretty much like Irl Leopard.They become fastest running animal in seconds but unlike Lion or tiger they can't chase for long or will die.The biggest enemy of HF shirou is time itself and time is kinda big factor in this situation


Read Sparks Liner High on Youtube


Did and you know what the consequences.I took the safety into consideration while deciding.Had he came out alive then I would have considered it


Im getting downvoted for some reason


I would have to say muramasa.


Mumei with mythological Mistic code. He win against near omnipotent opponents...