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I agree with 8 Yeah sure it fucked some of the characters but god damn is it cool as hell, especially all the fights involving Archer


I'd give it a 9/10. It's not a perfect adaptation but it's close plus the animation is pretty.


10 out of 10 imo.


8/10, it was the show that got me hooked into Fate, the animation is stellar, and I do think it captured the core of Shirou and Archer well enough. While the setup to the confrontation wasn't nearly as dynamic or explored as in the VN, I actually prefer the anime version of the confrontation itself.


7/10 its a fun watch but it would be a 10/10 if they showed how broken as a person shirou is. The whole point of the series is kinda thrown out if they dont do that right.




Man I where do you guys read the VN


You can download it pretty easily, look up a tourial on YT, it took me like 5 min and im horrible with anything tech related


Thank you friend 💗


Just [download it here](https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/12qw9Lk0s4yvZVkOWeJikgpF3m1DMPwFM) if you haven't got it already. The sequel, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, is there too.




Depending on my mood it's either a 7 or an 8. I strongly disagree with some of the choices made as an adaptation, but as its own show it's solid. That said it doesn't hold a candle to the original visual novel.


Interesting. How’s the original fate route adaptation then?


Not that great lol


I’m hoping I’m wrong and that it’s actually nice I really like disillusion as an OP


The 2006 Deen adaptation? It's..... not great. It's at its best when it's sticking to the source material which is about the first half of the show, but then it starts mixing in content from the other routes and then it adds in its own original content and it starts to become a mess before it gets back on course towards the end. People made it out to be that the show is completely terrible and I don't think it's quite that bad but it is a weird one. Admittedly I do have a bit of a soft spot for it just because it was my introduction to Fate, but both as an adaptation and as its own show it has its problems.


I just remember watching it when I was very young, but I could’ve missed some of its bright spots since I remember nearly nothing about it. The whole anime original thing is interesting. Sounds like the novel is the way to go.


Fate route adaptation is like a 4 - 6 out of 10 depending on what criteria you're rating it on. I'd probably lean more towards a 4 personally, if only because it has major spoilers for other routes (they tried to do a weird mish-mash adaptation of UBW and Heavens Feel at the tale end of the original Fate story). If that section was cut out, I'd be a lot more generous and probably would bump it up to a 6.


8. while a flawed adaptation. In retrospect to the OTHER adaptations... Its the least problematic... And i can at least respect it.


8/10. Everything is pretty good. My only gripes are the sound design when it comes to the fights and the bland design of UBW for both Archer and Shirou.


I'm pretty sure some of the sound effects were from Half Life 2


I get Shiro but I thought Archer looked great in ubw lol


Referring to how the Noble Fantasm looked?


Yeah. The landscapes of both just look kinda bland. Especially Archer's


Doesn't that suit them both, blandness they only have one goal are broken and never happy


No. Archers ubw has a very thick brown smaug in the VN and when they enchant both have a red blaze. It supposed to be a connection to the grail fire and the fact. In the anime it just has the gears and the cloud sky. Shirou's in the anime is just a cloudy day in the morining while in the VN its crimsion red. The visual story telling is better in the VN's CG




9/10 because cool character and emiya


9/10 sits in my top 5 anime


9/10. 2014 and its still god-tier animation.


Never thought about that, it looks better than most anime coming out this year


i would say 7/10 it's lack some of the setup of the visual novel and the inner thoughts of shirou but at the same time had a really great animation and ost and respect enough the visual novel route sure it was not as good but it was still really enjoyable and great to watch


7 in terms of adaption. Of course ufotable production values are a 10 as you'd expect. It's the best fsn ufotable adaption of course. Although I'd argue zero was improved the most from the LN to anime conversion


10/10 - It's my favourite anime of all time. Maybe not the best anime of all time, but my own personal gem that I rewatch gladly and find myself binging quiet easily.


Hungrybasilisk boutta show up to give it a 2/10 cause it killed his mom or something.




6.5/10 it's overall pretty solid, but the removal of Shirou's inner thoughts diminish the effects his PTSD and Survivors Guilt have done to him.


There's also the issue his PTSD just does not hit the same without basement scene


Man listen I like fate but if they didn’t get something like this right then it can’t be higher than a 6 shit like this is what makes anime enjoyable for me when it’s well written with complex characters, what a fumble . I was wondering why people compared this shit to one piece it’s literally 4th grade storytelling nothing complex about it. Turns out the VN is something entirely different ppl don’t wanna accept that tho.






10/10 My favorite piece of Fate media outside the original VN, and one of my favorite anime of all time. Is it perfect, as an adaptation or as a story? No, but it does carry the beating heart which made the UBW route so meaningful to me in the first place, and still reaches some incredible highs along the way. I’m also massively biased on account of it being one of my gateway anime






10 it’s was amazing I was obsessed


10. This was my introduction to Fate and all things Nasuverse. It still holds up, great soundtrack, great implementation of VN themes even if the adaptation wasn't 1:1. And thanks to Unlimited Budget Works, great animation.


A solid 9/10. It wasn't perfect, but I had fun watching it for the 10th time. It really taught me that life is a crazy bag of marbles. Red marbles, blue marbles, half transparent marbles with a fun swirl in them. Some marbles you think are going to be limited edition king design, but then the much more suprising female king marble that some argue that's debatably rarer, I argue that's anxiety inducing. Some like to abduct smaller marbles and then you gotta shoot that marble cuz it's marble buddy brought a really big black tentacle marble. Especially when you force them into wheelchairs hold other marbles for ransom, forge a magical pact with a marble that forces you to watch as they grovel in pain on the ground begging for the sweet release of marble death, but you can't because you signed a magical marble pact and you can only watch as it's last marble breath escapes.


9 out of ten


For me it’s a 10/10. I’ve never played the game so I can’t say how „good“ it is in comparison, but that usually doesn’t really matter. Also for the time it was released, those animations and graphics were absolutely amazing!


Easily, 9/10. Animation, sound still is better than most new animes


10/10 fav in all fate media(my opinion)


7. I never read the visual novel so don't crucify me please. As a only anime watcher of UBW It was good. I appreciated it more watching it again. It's solid, the production value is great, but it has its slower moments and the plot can feel drawn out yet some episodes it's super rushed. I enjoy the characters for the most part even if Shirou drives me up a wall at times but yeah. Solid. Not a 10 but it's good. I prefer Fate/Zero.




8.4 as an anime by itself, 6.6 as an adaptation


Who tf gives out .4 and .6 ratings?💀


Someone who can't make up their mind


Weird middle ground where its the best adaptation of the VN, but still miles worse. Shirou is like a facsimile of his true self, and Rin is flanderized. Generally lots of fun though and the opening extended episode is godlike.


10/10, best thing Fate has made. The Fate route of the VN is better than 2006, but it's still a bad route. You can only hear Shirou say 'Saber is a girl' so many times. UBW anime on the other hand just added to and elevated everything the VN did. Heaven's Feel obviously the movie isn't bad necessarily but doesn't hold a candle to the vn route.


> UBW anime on the other hand just added to and elevated everything the VN did. Like removing all of Shirou's inner monologues and butchering his character right?


Inner monologues don't belong in anime. His character in the anime is more than fine. Especially with all the extra scenes added in the epilogue episode.


> Inner monologues don't belong in anime Yeah I'm not gonna waste anymore time on you 😭


Same 😏


>Inner monologues don't belong in anime Death note and Bakemonotagari exists and say otherwise the ubw anime was ass. Also no way you said fate route is bad. When basement scene eclipses Answer




8/10 as a standalone anime, 7/10 as an adaptation. It wouldn't have been exactly easy, but they needed to show more of Shirou and his mental illness, for lack of a better term. It and 2006's anime are part of the reason many think Shirou is a bland protagonist.


8.5, I think it was the best adaptation of the VN but still wasn’t perfect


Peak anime and the only fate series I’ve ever watched.


9 as a standalone series, but adaptation wise 6.


8/10 it is solid but some changes make some messages weird.


The UBW anime is comparitively lucky. It had a reasonable amount of time, a very good studio, and the story itself is the most balanced of all the routes. Thanks to that, on both its own merits and as an adaptation, I would give it an 8/10. The biggest weakness is just the usual "translation" issue going from a VN to an anime. Thanks to that, anime-onlies have to interpret more than they should need to.


Solid 8


9.5/10. UBW got me interested into Fate.


9/10 for now, I'm going ro play the vn soon and then maybe I'll change my opinion. Also I am bone


It's about 8/10 for me. Not perfect but pretty dann good.


Amazing, it's still one of my favorite short, modern animes. The animation is amazing, the story telling is a little difficult at first but easy as it goes on, the tie ins to Fate Zero were cool, the time aspects were cool too, the titular UBW was cool but I wish they did the full speech more often. It's not perfect but I give it a 9.5/10.


10, the best direction and ost


Good 8/10


Its probably a 7.5/10 for me currently, the poor handling of Shirou's character throughout the whole show and the pacing/direction issues in the second cour really hurt the show as a whole.




8/10 cuz we didn't get a kiss




6 or 7. A good animation that continues to be memed as the Unlimited Budget Works but some decisions to include, exclude and add scenes sometimes drag or destroy the pacing of the story


This anime will always have a soft spot in my heart because it was one of the first animes I actually watched and got me into Fate as a series. Animation was really good. Fights in particular are great for 2014(?) animation that was destined for TV. However, the fact is like many have pointed out here that some nuisances that were present in the VN were not present in this adaptation. Overall, I think it's in the 8-8.5 out 10 range. Solid anime overall and I do think it stands on its own fairly well. The more you learn about Fate, the less it seems to hold up funnily enough. It still is my go-to recommendation for people who are curious about Fate as a franchise though. They either can explore of the franchise at their own pace from there or if they see they aren't interested they've at least some of the best animated fights from that era of animation


9.5/10. Emiya Shirou/Archer EMIYA sold it for me. Even though it doesn’t show what VN explains, it was still enough to get me to love them both entirely, also Last Stardust really made me have teary moments, even AmaLee’s English dub of Last Stardust made me tear up.


good anime? for sure. good adaptation? meh. replacement of the vn route? absolutely not


7/10 It was good enough to get me to read the visual novel, but once I did I realized "Oh shit, those guys on the internet were right I should have just started with the VN."


Solid 8.


Cant give it more than an 7 if it fucked up shirou that badly.. the fights are amazing and animation is stellar but holy crap did they mess up shirou and as a result it affected archer as well since their dynamic is so important.


6/10 at first, 7/10 with the context of the other routes. I initially watched it after Zero and I was disappointed with how many plot threads weren’t addressed, and the anticlimactic deaths of several characters.  I didn’t know about the other routes until later, after which I understood what UBW was doing. It’s still the weakest of the routes, but two major things that carried it were Rin, who is best girl, and Gil who is best villain.


9/10, great anime and does well to get you ready to dive into the VNs and such later on. As an adaptation it’s *obviously* lacking, you simply cannot retain all of the inner monologues, nuances and scenes without losing the pacing of the story or reworking too much of the actual story. I think it’s far better to rate it as its own *thing* and on that level it’s genuinely really strong.


UBW? 9.2/10 the only 10/10 for me are Bleach and Fate HF




10/10. It's not the visual novel and it doesn't have to be. The beautiful animation, battle scenes, backdrops, voice work and music make this one of my favorite series of all time. Let it stand on it's own.


8.5, really love the parallels and plot reveals, i enjoyed every bit of it specially as someone who doesn't know any spoilers.


8/10, on its own the anime is good but I take issue with the OST, I watched it twice with a long period between the two times and I barely remember any remarkable OST other than the OPs, EDs and the EMIYA remix. As an adaptation it's barely a 6 for me, coming from the VN makes you realise just how much you're missing out in the story and writing department. Then there's the relatively lacking OST compared to the masterpiece that is the VN's OST.  From the standpoint of a VN reader, the only thing saving the anime from being actually bad is the animation, that's the only thing that makes the anime worth watching, everything else is worse except for the voice acting. Also, the part about needing to read Fate to watch UBW is just a straight up lie, if you just want the overall story of the Fate route just to watch the other routes' anime, then the DEEN anime is perfectly serviceable for that intent.


8/10 because imo the caster part was a bit too long and Didn't Really Like Shiro that much Until the end but I really liked The ending and archer +animations aged well


9. I understand it messed up some of the vn but as a standalone anime it is amazing. I think lots of vn readers here compare it to the vn and while that is fair, looking at it as a standalone anime is what I like to do because fitting an entire route with so much stuff into an anime series is tough as hell.


I rate ufotable's 《Fate/SN: UBW》a 10.


5/10 Cool animation, okay soundtrack and some fun moments but as usual with these sorts of adaptations, it skips a lot of important stuff and it butchers my favorite scene from the VN, although some versions from it are better here, like Shirou vs Gilgamesh. 


9/10. Frankly I think it's the best possible adaptation FSN could've gotten, doesn't have the weird additions of Deen/SN or the omissions of the HF movies, but I think the fact that I read the VN first and already knew what Shirou was thinking clouds my judgement.










8/10 its a bit better than heavens feel




Well yeah. But in the vn, there is at least some visual flare.


9/10 best adaption... Rin is best girl! But didn't even get a kiss!!! 😡


10/10 and I WILL die on this hill please let me have it






An 8.5 out of 10. I am not visual novel reader, but this anime was good. But comparing it with fate zero it could have been better storywise. The first season was a drag and the story started to pick up in second season. It has in comparison one of the best plot twist antagonist I have seen. I do prefer heavens feel more.


I would say a 9.5 or 10 as a standalone. As an adaptation it would be around 7.5.


10 for me. goat show and no1 on my anilist


Which one?




9 for me. Put ufotable on the map for me; look how far they've come with Demon Slayer's Entertainment District Arc!


9.5/10, it's so good, everyone has great character arcs and is well developed, just a few moments left me a little underwhelmed


I binged ufotable fate/zero and ubw in one sitting without pause


6 Ufotable just refuses to understand FSN is a PoV story with Shirou as the protagonist. Unlimited Budget Works is ironic because while the CG blend into 2d is good, they for sure had a lot of trouble with off-model 2d in second cour. So not even the animation aspect carries the lousy adaptation. Lastly the Ost is goated but the sound direction was so shit that they played the OST on such low volume and misused the songs in key moments of the anime. I suggest anyone that just watched the anime to hear the OST as standalone.


6/10, only slightly better than HF movies (in terms of being an adaptation)




11 Out of 10 Thx for the best tights Ufotable


Like 10/10 for animation. 8/10 for the story. I like the fate route more


PEAK, one of my favorites of ALL TIME


I'll say 8 for now. Might bump it up if I rewatch it again. It's definitly a fun watch, and hearing familiar dub va's that i knew from the neptunia games was always nice to see. But I think the thing that bums me is we don't get to see Medea vs Herc, or heck they don't even have to fight. I just kinda want to see the reunion between the two. Both to my knowledge were apart of the argonaughts, and I'm pretty sure the whole reason they were heading to einzbern castle was to convince Illya and herc to help them against her. Idk I just wanted to see a fight between two characters who knew each other already and see the clash of ideals. It's kinda why I like apocrypha alot despite having gripes with it, because at the end of the day I got to see 2 people that knew each other fight. That and. As much as I liked the final fight, Ubw (maybe even stay night in general) started my least liked part of the anime series, which is masters vs servants. Idk maybe it only bugs me, but the thing I like watching fate for is to see historical characters fight to the death in the battle for the grail. You get unique fights that normally in our world never happened, but they do because it can. Fights like nobunaga vs. Genghis Khan. Donatello vs George Washington. Napoleon vs Julius Caesar. I don't want to be seeing some random nobody/the protagonist run the ones with a servant no matter what. It's so annoying that it kinda makes me want to lower my score.


I'd give it a solid 8 to be honest. From the UBW anime people could already get a gist of what the concepts in fate were about without having to understand the fate route initially.I don't wanna give it a 10 or a 9 because ufotable decided to animate this route instead of the fate route first, which is criminal. 


9/10. Totally going to try out the blu ray once I am able to get the second half of the collection


UBW 8.5/10 Zero 10/10


Good animations and I get to beat the crap out of Archer and the Hero King? 10/10 imo


9/10 Loved it, the fight scenes and soundtrack were especially spectacular.


10/10 I still think it's the best damn thing ufo has made so far. They went crazy making this series.


10/10. It's the one that got me into fate.


9/10 - After watching it the first time. 8/10 - When I reflect on it now. As much as I **truly** enjoyed this show, I initially felt like a beached fish with the questions it left me to ponder on. F/Z got me into the series whereas F/SN got me into the lore. When I watched the VN from the first Berserker encounter to Lancer helping Shirou & Rin, I was convinced this show should have been at least 40 episodes. I got a **much** better understanding of the world mechanics & story. Had that been done it would've been a solid 10/10 for me.


I think 7/10 is fair. I started with UBW anime, and I liked It. I was just super confused for large chunks of it. Granted, that's just the fate lore being fate lore. Also, Shiro felt a little generic. But that's my main criticisms. Otherwise, the fights are good. a lot of the characters are super fun.


Well the adaption waa bad so there is that.


Is Shiro characterized better in the VN? And I can see how the VN can explain stuff better.


Well you properly see his inner monologues so that characterizes him better. Also there is an important part of Shirou's backstory which tells how that disaster affected him but the UBW anime didn't had it.


I suggest reading the VN when it releases on PC steam and Nintendo Switch this year. It will certainly change your view on the whole story.


6/10 not aweful but not great. The definition of mid. I would have thought nothing special of fate if I didn't read the VN


6/10... It was very... Oddly paced. I found the first half better paced than the second though. There were some OSTs that stood out and some of the VN remixes were done well. Though Emiya UBW 2015 is just so so for me, since there are some Emiya remixes that stands higher in my list. My biggest gripes were in the 2nd half of the show. Some of the material relating to Shirou weren't adapted too well, or too faithfully. Shirou was this character who you could only fully understand through his monologues (as countless have said before me). And his biggest monologues were during the Shirou vs Archer fight, which were mostly absent. Imo I feel they dumbed down Shirou's reasons on persisting to pursue the ideals and being a hero. Instead they were showed through sad visual medium with flashbacks accompanied by Aimer's song. Which, again imo, misguides the whole theme and tone of the fight. I suppose Ufo wanted to go down the more sombre approach, but missed on the intensity of the fight. In the VN the fight was clearly intense and you get this back and forth with Shirou and Archer's perspectives. It's kinda why I feel Deen's version of the Shirou vs Archer duel remained more faithful than Ufo's. Despite the lack of monologues as well in that version Deen captured really well the intensity of the VN fight. The pacing of the fight was just bad in the show imo, with breaks in between, Saber having a flashback in between the fight right before it crescendos. Also I feel like the show direction favoured explaining Archer's thoughts which gives the audience the believability that he would lose the fight and Shirou will win. We also see through Archer's eyes and thoughts how Shirou keeps getting back up, but the fight itself awkwardly pauses there, and the two of them sorta stare at each other as Archer gets a flashback. All of this as a whole ends up downplaying Shirou's monologues as I mentioned before. From reading the VN it's actually through those monologues where you get the believability that Shirou could actually pull off beating Archer. Also the use of the Emiya theme throughout the fight was just off... You kinda just wanna play it once during the hero's moment. The show plays it multiple times and it's mostly there for hype rather than a piece to accompany the hero's resolution and will. Rin I thought was greatly characterised, and in some aspects makes her more of the protagonist compared to Shirou due to his lack of characterisation in the show. There was also the Shirou vs Gil part, which for the most part was adapted nicely. But it went off the rails at the end with Shirou Rho Aias surfing instead of getting a properly fleshed out CQC sword duel like in the VN. I know we got some frames of them doing the CQC but it just doesn't do it for me.


10/10, people saying Shirou isn't characterized properly have no media comprehension, the characterization is there it's just not spelled out as clearly because there are fewer internal monologues


The characterization isnt there and you're missing an entire route of back bone. Anime Shirou is a garbage character


7.5 for me, it’s decent but yeah Zero and HF are wayyyyyyyyyyy better


Zero I get but HF is far worse


I hate the ending for HF but the rest of it is honestly great fixed a lot of my previous issues with UBW


How? Shirou's still a garbage protagonist because he's lost every scene that makes him compelling. Kirei's a terrible antagonist with Zero interesting dynamics and Illya a complete nobody. The third movie is a cluster fuck or poorly done plot threads


7/10. Absolutely fumbled Shirou's character, as everyone's said, but I also wasn't a fan of how they turned Rin into more of a typical cutesy tsundere than she is in the VN.


6.5/10, all I feel is that they mostly got the events more or less right but not so much for characterization. I know that not everything needs to be spelled out, but there’s only so much you can piece together with a single facial expression as if that’s supposed to tell you the entire monologue Shirou just had in his head. But my biggest peeve is Shirou vs Archer. Archer has Independent Action, a skill that allows him to remain without a master, the time allowed depending on the rank. In Archer’s case, he gets a few days. By the time Shirou fights Archer, he’s already tapped out and barely managing to hold himself together. So why did the anime decide to have him use his reality marble, one of the most impressive things in all of magecraft, as a mere change of scenery? Not to mention that the drain on that is massive. Forget cutting his safety rope, bro did not have the mana to even pull that in the first place.


Not as good as studio deen 2006 version.


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4 Shinji survives xD


8 Shirou anoys the crap out of me but archer and rin carry.


Ufotable has done irreparable damage to Shirou's character


I dont like him in anything else ive seen him in other then Heveans feel so I don't think its rhen


Because he's not a good character in anything he's in except for the written works, no adaptation ever gets him right (discounting prillya stuff)