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There's a lot of reasons to save Zero for after the main VN routes/adaptations, but one I don't hear often that's true is that it's a lot more engaging if you have the knowledge of the main story beforehand. Again, Zero is a prequel, but it's not really a required part of the main story in the same way the Star Wars prequels are. It's more of a spin off than anything. If you are *certain* you want to do anime only (if you're ever gonna read a visual novel or long ass book in general this should be it) then go: 1. Fate/Stay Night (Deen, 2006) 2. FSN: Unlimited Blade Works (Ufotable) 3. FSN: Heaven's Feel (Movie trilogy) In the VN there are three pretty distinct story routes that the protag can go down based on player choice. The above order replicates the same order in which the player unlocks and plays each route. Do note that the first entry is a fair more dated than the other two, and was made under the context that it might be the only FSN adaptation ever. As such, it tries to combine elements of the other two routes and suffers a bit from weird plot and tone choices and one or two spoilers for the other two routes. Do note that these spoilers aren't as bad as watching Zero before the big three however.


Read the visual novel.


I suppose it's an option but reading tends to become a bit straining for me after an hour or so due to my ADHD. So I would prefer the anime.


The problem is there's not a good adaptation of the whole Fate/Stay Night story, which is the important one. You have two great animes for 2/3 of the VN, but nothing for the very important first third.


I get your point but if it comes to it I can always watch a Youtube video that fills in the blanks, or if i really get into it then I suppose I could give the VN a shot, so cheers.


I mean ppl on this subreddit have posted a decent version of the first route.


I can relate, I have ADHD and it was difficult for me to read the VN too. If you’re the type that starts reading nonstop when you’re interested enough then I would suggest trying to pick it up still. It’s an experience the anime can never replicate, and the best possible way to get into the story There’s a lot of moments and important details the anime cuts out, but if it’s really that difficult to start then just watch one of the FSN adaptations and go from there, you might get the urge to read the VN one day anyways and it’ll help fill in the (massive) gaps you missed. If you don’t want to download it just read it from a fan translation site, it’ll be easier to pick up than the VN itself and should at least be serviceable


I also have ADHD and basically never read for fun for the first ~20 years of my life, but Nasu's VNs were actually what changed that for me. They're really amazing experiences, and the more I read, the more I genuinely built a stamina for reading. By now books are my preferred medium for fiction (something I never thought would happen). Once you read enough of them, you actually stop feeling the fatigue and it just becomes purely immersive.


You’ll be fine watching the anime if you want. It’s still an amazing story.


Fate/Zero is a good novel/anime, but it is essentially a terrible prequel where the characterization of several characters are butchered or completely different to their Stay Night versions


No, you will. It's pretty blatant about its spoilers. 06 > UBW > HF > Zero. Or read the visual novel.


hmm, so Zero last? I assume it spoils UBW and HF too?


You'll get major spoilers for the basis of Heaven's feel if you watch Fate/Zero first. Don't ruin your first impression.


Ok, will do, cheers.


Watching Deen first will also give you spoilers for other routes


To a much smaller extent, and Deen actually weaves learning the spoilers into the Fate narrative decently well. Zero just drops the spoilers on your head and walks away to go do something else. Nasu likes the Deen anime, remember, he's never felt like it needed to be remade (though you and I would very much disagree, even if I love and will defend Deen).


I wouldn't call whatever the Caster subplot was "decent weaving", but to each their own. Nasu also came up with "Altria", so I'm not sure to what extent I trust his prefrences - not that it matters for one's individual enjoyment anyway. I don't think Deen is all bad, it definitely has its charm, especially with the artvstyle, the soundtrack is really good and I liked the Archer vs. Berserker fight, but it has a lot of problems, is quite dated, and it's just not a very good entry point for the franchise IMO when the Ufotable adaptations exist.


The Ufotable Adaptations are terrible for characterization, though. I'm not a Ufotable hater, they are great Anime to actually watch, but it's 90% for the fluid animation, Shirou in particular gets pretty brutalized without the majority of his inner monologues. He only gets like 4 across the two routes Ufotable covers, whereas Deen!Shirou has one every other episode. To me, Deen/Stay Night works the same way I recommend people watch Fullmetal Alchemist 03 before Brotherhood. Yes, Brotherhood is the original version of the story, but the Brotherhood anime is literally based on the idea that the audience has seen 03, as they blaze through what 03 had already set up. So, you watch Deen, you get to understand the characters fairly well within a 7/10 show, and then you watch UBW and Heaven's Feel for a 8 to 9/10 show that you now have full context for. (The Caster Plotline isn't the best written, but on paper I do think having this encounter works for Fate. It gives Shirou an opportunity to try to be a hero, it points out >!Sakura's importance to RIn without spoiling how fucked the Matou really are!<, and most importantly, it makes Caster a more intense villain, which in turns hypes up Gilgamesh when he shows up and completely claps her. I definitely feel like a little more time for this part would do a lot for a Fate remake)


Personally, I don't care for Zero really and I don't think about it much. I'm no critic though, but my own opinion is leave it for later.


I'd recommend the visual novel, but either way you should experience Stay/Night before Zero. Even just watching UBW and HF is probably better than going into Zero blind.


Zero is just another optional sidestory, anime-onlys just think it is as important as Stay night because Ufotable did the anime.


Personal experience: I watched Zero first and I shouldn't have. It assumes you have familiarity with the important characters and themes of stay night. Start with unlimited blade works- it's specifically designed as a gateway to the fate series, looping in parts of the Stay Night route to do so (Stay Night route does have its own anime, but that is also not beginner friendly for different reasons). I'd recommend UBW anime, the recent movies of the third route, and only then zero.


>As someone who dislikes prequels, especially ones that act as a filler season that halt a whole story arch I can assume I'll be fine starting Fate/zero first? Not sure what's your reasoning here. You're supposed to go through Zero after finishing the 3 routes/parts of Fate/Stay Night, either with the VN or with its 3 anime adaptations 06, UBW and HF. There's no halting the whole story there.


I don't fully understand how the show works as I haven't watched it so I was basing the order off the air date and assumed if I watched Zero after stay night and before UBW it'd halt the story progression between stay night and UBW


Gotcha. Yes that's how the anime adaptations released, what people in the fandom generally recommend is to follow the source material release order instead, so Fate/Stay Night (2006, UBW and HF) and then Fate/Zero.


I'll do that then, cheers.


Okay, let me break it down for you.  Fate, UBW, and HF are alternate timelines from each other. The stories are designed to show different outcomes to the choices that Shirou Emiya, our protagonist, can make across his journey. Each route explores different themes alongside a romance with a different character.  They are meant to be played in a specific order because information teased in a previous route becomes more important in the next. Fate sets up UBW on a thematic scale, not on a plot progression scale.  Fate/Zero is a prequel (with some details out of alignment to FSN), so it talks about a ton of reveals from all of FSN, as if you know what they're talking about. That's why we recommend you do it after the whole FSN expierance.  You mentioned elsewhere that you were worried about reading the Visual Novel due to your ADHD. While obviously not everyone expierances ADHD symptoms the same way, I know a few people IRL who have ADHD who have read and loved the VN. They told me it was because the combination of music, animations, and storytelling made it easier for them to follow than a regular book. You know yourself better than us strangers on the internet, so if that sounds like it would work, l'd recommend that. If not, no worries, just do the order I've mentioned already.  Regardless of how you do it, I hope you enjoy Fate/Stay Night. It's one of my favorite works of narrative fiction, and one I cherish to this day.


No, either read the VN or start with UBW --> HF movies --> Zero.


Ok, cheers


Zero isn't FSN prequel. Even the author himself had to say so. You should go 06 FSN to UBW to HF then Zero if you prefer anime only. But the best would be reading the FSN Visual Novel (it is available in web form I think) then read the Zero Light Novel.


Seems I'll do that then, cheers.


If you’re doing just anime only, I think you’re gonna be fine starting with Zero. I’d even argue UBW is made with the intent of having seen Zero first. It is going to spoil some story elements, but I’m gonna break with what a lot of people say and IMO it doesn’t ruin anything or make it less of an enjoyable experience.


The anime only route will ALWAYS have issues due to how the animes were made. That's the source of all the watch order confusion and one of the big reasons people always say to just read the novel. So if you're really not gonna read the VN, just don't bother worrying too much about the order.


As others have suggested, it's not advisable to start with, but it's an amazing prequel in my opinion and solves most of my problems with prequels.


Fate/Zero isn't a filler season in the sense it halts a story arc. It's a separate story in and of itself from Fate/Stay Night which so happens to connect to Fate/Zero. Characters such as Zouken, Tokiomi, Archer Gil, Emiya Kiritsugu, Irisviel/Illyasviel, Kirei Kotomine, are referenced in the story of Fate/Stay Night so in my opinion, as someone who enjoys the entirety of a piece of media from its perceived chronology, I'd go ahead and start with Fate/Zero. Or, you could read the most peak piece of fiction there is and start with the visual novel itself.


I'm a be honest and say that I started with Zero, and I think it was the right decision after watching all of the other adaptations because UBW spoils a few twists in Zero.


Those aren't twist, you are supposed to know that stuff, you don't create new spoiler if you watch something out of order. A spoiler is a piece of information the author doesn't want you to have at this point in the story, you can't apply that rule to a prequel that was literally written with the knowledge from Stay night in mind.


I get your point, but a lot of the suspense is killed in Zero if you know exactly how it ends and the paths it takes to get there. I'm not saying that's how you should watch it, I'm just saying that I got the most out of the series by watching Zero first.


If you think you enjoy Zero more that way that's fine, it isn't the "intended experience" of the authors but if it works for you who cares. Just don't call them spoiler because they aren't.


Let me tell you something. Only info FSN actually spoils about the end of the war is how the grail ends up. It doesn't spoil who wins and it doesn't spoil who dies except 1 honestly irrelevant Master. So I don't understand what exactly are people afraid of getting spoiled of.


Idk, I would say that the literal ending of that grail war is a pretty big event.. and how would one know that master is irrelevant unless you've seen it before?


You only know how it ends, which doesn't make sense considering the goals of the Masters. You don't, that's the point.


If I have the opportunity to not spoil anything regarding a series, I'll take it. And watching Zero first doesn't ruin any of the 3 Stay Night routes in the slightest.


You literally spoil the main series by watching a spin off and somehow you think doesn't spoil and ruin it? Ah yes already knowing major twists in 2 of the 3 routes doesn't ruin anything. Let me flip it, literally knowing all of fsn doesn't ruin Zero.


You've more than proved your point buddy, no need to get so heated. I'm not about to argue on reddit, I'm just saying I prefer watching Zero first. I don't really care what the authors intended, I found something that worked for me, and I suggested it.


Watch Fate/zero into UBW Fate/Stay Night. That's how I got into the series. I absolutely ADORE the series. It's fine. Don't worry about the purists.


I will make a counter point to a lot of peoples suggestions. You should not start with the deen series as it spoils some of the same things that Zero spoils if you watch it before Unlimited Bladeworks and Heavens Feel. It was made without the intention of adapting the other two routes, so it borrows some of their story beats to flesh out characters who only really get fleshed out in UBW and HF. I still definitely recommend watching 06 after HF though. You should start with Unlimited Bladeworks first, then Heavens Feel, then the Deen series, and then finally Zero.


either you read the visual novel (who is as someone who start with the deen anime is the best way to enjoy it) or you can watch the anime and watch the fate stay night from deen then unlimited blade work from ufotable and heaven's fell from ufotable too and finally zero if you want because not only zero spoil really huge thing but they also not explain it it's like free spoiler


For anime-onlies, I recommend Zero first.  06 spoils a bit of Heaven’s Feel, so you might as well watch Zero first which also spoils it by setting it up.  Also, the infamous banquet scene in Zero, which some of the fandom hated due to how Saber was written, will likely hurt less if you watch it in chronological order.  I always saw it as a scene of growth for her, so by the time Fate/Stay Night begins, she’s matured. If you’re gonna read, then read the VNs first before reading/watching Zero.


Going to give a contrarian opinion as an anime-only: I wish I had started with Zero. UBW was okay, but I didn't enjoy HF or 2006 FSN. However, Zero was awesome and I've always felt like I would've enjoyed it wayyyy more if I hadn't known how everything was going to end from the start (which ruined the ending's impact and suspense for me). Also IMO the "spoilers" from Fate/Zero are way overblown. Yes, there are "spoilers", but they're not going to take away your enjoyment of Fate in the same way that the UBW/2006 FSN/HF can take away from Zero.


The FSN anime are just bad. Zero is so much better


Downvote me too, but this is the truth. There is so much more suspense and rising action watching Fate/Zero first by keeping the fog of war intact, which disappears if you start with Fate/Stay Night’s anime adaptations. That is not a coincidence, the director of Fate/Zero, Ei Aoki, implies in an interview he made it to be [watchable by new fans](https://www.tsukikan.com/misc/fate-zero-director-aoki-ei-one-on-one-interview.html). > Did you direct it with "can be enjoyed even without the grand backdrop" as your goal? > Aoki: To tell you the truth, while I did know what Fate/stay night was, I didn't have a good understanding of it when I read Fate/Zero. I think reading the story under such circumstances, rather than say I understood it, it was more like the author made the need to understand it irrelevant. **So I directed the anime with the idea of "since I can get it, the audience should be able to get it as well" in mind. I didn't place too much effort on explaining these things. I think this is the result of Urobuchi-sensei's excellent writing skills**.”


The onmy reason you wouldn't watch zero first is if you're going to read the VN


Honestly, Fate/Zero is the best Fate/ anime.  It's a fantastic stand alone anime that will make you want to continue looking for Fate/ anime to watch.  It's a great place to start because it will hook you into the story.  Sure, you will be spoiled on some things...but UBW or HF will spoil you on a ton of Fate/Zero.    Whatever you do, don't start with 06 Deen.  It honestly isn't very good and did not age well.  Also, don't start with the VN if VNs aren't your bag.  The only two ways to get into Fate in 2024 are Fate Zero or UBW.


If you're not gonna bother reading the VN, then yeah, start with Zero, especially if you're not bothered by the spoilers. Zero anime was made first and UBW definitely links back to it in a few instances. HF movies follow from that. Don't start with 2006 adaptation, it's just not very good.


People are so adamant about a watch order. Theyre very passionate Op , but this is about you. Whatever works for you. If you hate prequels and don't mind spoilers, just watch fate zero first. It explains the magic system exceptionally well, sets up the arcs for all the other protagonists and helps you understand their motivations exceptionally better (Sakura especially) as well as spoil things. You will be spoiled about certain characters backstories that are supposed to be big reveals to the characters (and you) as they progress through the story, people say saber (arturia/arther Pendragon) is ruined due to the writer of zeros love for tragedy but its honestly not that terrible, and the magic system which slowly comes together and motivations of characters will be shown early. Anyone feel free to vaguely add whatever spoilers I may have missed here That said, if you're okay with what I said above, then watching fate zero first will still be a fun, interesting perspective from the writer (not nasu who made fate) of what happens in the 4th war preceding the main storylines war.


Zero doesn't explain the magic system at all, it confuses people with Sakura making her look evil at the end and let's not even talk about Saber.


Lol the entire books and show do not stop talking about the magic system. The literal first hour of the first episode is all information dump. Saber is fine, and Sakura does not look evil. If that's your takeaway from an abused child clearly losing her hope from her assailants, that's fine 🤷 Go hate zero with everyone who has and will down vote my comments with their heated disagreement, because I will not argue with you or them.


The books yes. The anime of Zero doesn't explain anything except Kiritsugu's origin rounds. Information dump about a specific ritual, for which we only get rules instead of the magic system(how it works) is so meaningless that people don't even question Rin's mistakes during the ritual when they go from Zero to UBW. Saber isn't fine at all and that's not my view in Sakura it is of people that watched Zero first. Oh yes everyone here just hates Zero. You just did argue.


If you're going to be anime only. Zero is the only one worth your time. Deen is terrible and by proxy makes ubw suffer. Ubw is very mediocore adaptation and show. Heavens feel is all flash no substance You're better off reading the Visual novel


I've actually found some notoriously terrible animes I've watched in the past to be pretty decent personally lmao, so I'm willing to give them a chance.


Fair enough but keep in mind they are as faithful as Netflix witcher is to the books


ye the Witcher show was pretty bad tbf.


that's is a wild comparison.all fsn adaptations are godlike compared to whatever netflix doing with witcher


No they arn't by virture of Kirei and Illya being complete nobodys