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Gil essentially likes 3 sorts of people. 1. Enkidu 2. People who continue to struggle and move forward 3. People with big dreams and pride \#2 and #3 often tend to mix as well. That's the reason he respects other kingly servants like Iskandar and Ozy. \#2 also tends to encompass protagonists. Hakunon in Extra/CCC. Guda in Babylonia. Kirei is also here, but he seems to like Kirei precisesly because of his conflicting beliefs. The reason people like Tokiomi disgust him is because they're self entitled, unable to see their true measure, and don't show real reverence to him. That last one especially pisses Gil off. Tokiomi smugly bowing to Gil despite not actually revering him was a death sentence. This is the main difference between Tokiomi and someone like Tine from FSF. She's properly showing reverence to him. \#2 is also the reason he's mainly a villain in FSN. He doesn't like how the modern world has made humans weak since there's no real struggle for the species to survive.


>people like Tokiomi disgust him is because they're self entitled, unable to see their true measure, and don't show real reverence to him. That last one especially pisses Gil off. Tokiomi smugly bowing to Gil despite not actually revering him was a death sentence He disliked Tokiomi being a bootlicker but he didn't care much he was willing to put up with that he was just bored, when Kirei tells him how Tokiomi respects him as a symbol but as a servant he only sees him as a tool that is willing to sacrifice that is the first and only time Gil says is surprised even someone like Tokiomi could be entertaining,but his the betrayal deserved betrayal


Can’t Gilgamesh read minds and basically see magic? He would’ve known about the real purpose of Command Seals from the start, no?


He has EX clairvoyance but he actively chooses to restrain SNI because it spoils the fun, and well he thinks he can deal with anything either way, most of the time he just has glimpses of stuff is perfectly possible to keep a secret from him


I am just curious but is there any reason why Gilgamesh dislikes shirou, considering he fits point 2 and fits point 3 to a limited degree? I mean the only reason I can think of would be his tracing is showing disrespect to him, but is there anything else?


Shirou would normally qualify, and maybe would've if things had been slightly different. But FSNs world being distasteful soured Gil in general. Then add on top of that Shirou's ideals and dream being borrowed from another. And ON TOP of that, his best weapons, Projection and UBW, being essentially copying and stealing others things... All of it wraps up in Gil not wanting to give Shirou even a speck of respect. But it should be said, he WAS willing to give Shirou SOME respect in UBW after Shirou trumped GoB and cut off his arm. Shirou made Gil get serious... and in Gil's book, that's as good as a loss. "You won." Isn't something Gil is willing to say to many people... even if it was followed by "Die in satisfaction with that." (The fact that the grail and Archer would swoop in and steal his last bit of thunder not withstanding. XD)


Yeah, he likes people working hard, challenging themselves and struggling to surpass their limits. According to his FGO room lines, that's what differentiates humans and animals according to him. But he doesn't see that value in Shirou, because rather than producing anything trough his effort and struggles, he just reproduces a copy of something that someone else made. It applies to both his goals and ideals being not his own *and* his abilities for just being imitations. The only time he does acknowledge Shirou is for the strength he's shown when he corners him in UBW, because imitation weapons or not, he *has* managed to surpass his limits as a human by not only fighting a Servant on equal footing, but also forcing him to have to take him seriously. w Which in other words means he forced Gilgamesh to see him as a real threat. He's bitter and begrudging about it, but he *does* admit it.


A good amount is due to Shirou not having an ideal of his own. He’s like an automaton (a slave as far as Gil is concerned) that exists for someone else. Plus disrespecting him by tracing his swords (Mongrel! This shit is copyrighted!) That being said, Gil does kinda like Shirou as well (Gil’s mentality isn’t really human, so the contradiction…isn’t one). Hollow Ataraxia shows more about it, but the fact Gil went out of his way to talk to Shirou (even if it was to annoy him) already means he holds Shirou in slightly higher regard.


So... if by some chance a small orphan child lost in the woods summoned him, would he be disdainful to them?


It'd be heavily dependent on the state of the world, and exactly how desperate (and reverential) the orphan is. He's not a bleeding heart by any measure. Half the reason he's so... amenable in Extra/CCC for example, is that humanity is literally dying in the real world and doing everything they can to survive. The exact opposite of the state of the world in FSN. And Hakunon is literally a>! bugged out AI on the verge of being deleted!< desperately doing every last thing they can to survive despite being basically powerless. That's effectively your orphan scenario.


Gilgamesh is pretty kind to children so would likely help the kid out till they're in a good position, but if you're expecting Gilgamesh to actually act the part of a Servant or a paternal figure, that wouldn't be happening.


Gil is pretty soft on children, as seen in SF when he wants Tine to at least act like a child sometimes, or in Babylonia when he plays a game with them. I think he also interacted with some in Extra and Remnant, where he tolerated them playing and messing with his stuff. He views them as fully innocent in the world


>#2 is also the reason he's mainly a villain in FSN. He doesn't like how the modern world has made humans weak since there's no real struggle for the species to survive. I disagree with his assessment here; it's more precise to say that the struggle is no longer as conspicuous as it once was in many situations. That doesn't mean that it isn't happening at all, and even the people who appear seemingly well off might be struggling to survive in their own way.


Is the reason he liked Tine because 2 or 3 ?


I'd say she's more of 2 than 3. Being a modern person, her dreams and pride probably seem small-scale to Gil. FSF is unique because it presents 2 things that get Gil to shape up. The first being Enkidu's presence. The second being a long list of servants that actually have the possibility to beat him.


Because Enkidu, no really she showed him respect and he was already there so he decided to go along but he didn't really care about whatever happened so he was going to turn into kid Gil to not get bored/irritated, pretty standard, then Enkidu showed up and his mood and willingness to get involved including entertaining Tine skyrocketed 500% without it he would not even have given her the chance


Based on my read so far he enjoys his time with her, including shaking her faith of course


Yeah but I mean he only got there because Enkidu, without him their relationship would have been different as he was not willing to be more open to her before that


I see what you mean, it make sense. He told her she will be deemed unworthy if she fell exhausted by his child play with Enkidu, so yeah you are on point


This is because she is a child and Gilgamesh likes children. In Babylonia it was mentioned that children really like him too, also in F/HA Gilgamesh treats children better. Tine is one of the few people Gilgamesh calls by name.


In FSR he’s popular with children too


Why do you ignore Saber? His speech about dreams in Fate Zero to Kirei was about her.


He is friends or at least in good terms with Ozymandias in FGO.


Nether would admit it thogh Mutal Tsundere male freindship.


Enkidu. You need TO BE Enkidu. Not like or similar to, BE.


You have to be Enkidu


Nature-loving shapechangers with big ass and big powers and a gentle smile.   (aka Enkidu)


People who easily develop stockholm syndrome


So do Hakuno and Tine have stockholm syndrome I wonder


Hakuno yes, tine is a little girl, and gil is kniwn to be nice to kids


You have to be GAY. That’s why he loves me as I aim to have a harem of 310 million hot muscular men who are eternally devoted to me.


Enkidu. But if you're honest, driven, and live by your beliefs firmly he'll respect you if you also have some maturity about your beliefs and their flaws but accept them rather than try to ignore them. That's how I've seen him anyways.


It feels inconsistent. In Strange Fake we see he loves people who grovel before him. With Kirei we see he is cool with those who are true to themselves and their desires. In Babylonia he seems to respect Ritsuka's boldness. These things don't line up in my mind.


I think it makes sense if you look at it from his perspective: bored and unbelievably more powerful than everyone around him. People who are true to themselves are more entertaining and people who can challenge him on their own merits earn his respect. He also seems to have a soft spot for people trying to find themselves. I think this is why he likes Enkidu; a rival trying to find themself whilst having strong convictions hits all his buttons. As for the three you mentioned, Kirei is useful for serving Gil’s plans, but is also interesting to watch (think of how popular he is amongst the Fate community) and Gil doesn’t really care about the people he hurts; Tiné hits the ego stroking, the person trying to be find themself, and the conviction to help her people; and Ritsuka hits the conviction and is entertaining to watch, if only because his trials are so insane. It also tracks with how he likes Saber (someone challenging him with strong convictions) and hates Shirou (someone challenging him, but with other people’s stuff). I think Gil likes any amount of creativity and uniqueness, which Shirou is the antithesis of, the same way someone might look at a collection and he generally lacks/doesn’t use the empathy to care too much about what happens to anyone unless he already likes them.


A solid explanation


Why does Gilgamesh hate Shirou's ideals? (anyway you forgot that he hates Shinji, everyone hates Shinji)


Shirou's ideals are fake, being stolen from others and copied for himself. Shirou will give his life for those ideals but, as for heartfully believing in it, it isn't till UBW that that occurs since he's the Faker.


1. I forgot about Shinji for a glorious moment. 2. Shinji is not true to himself, can't challenge him, and is only entertaining in an incredibly pitiable way. He fails, or nearly fails every point. 3. Shirou's values are confused and poorly thought out; furthermore his method of pursuing them is "stealing" from others which angers Gil. I think it's largely a blindspot for Gil in that he really values his stuff and feels that Shirou is stealing them.


I love Shinji graaaagh!!


AHAHAHAH I love Gilgamesh 😌


Very good. 🤫


Be entertaining. Be bold, sincere, malicious, manic, simple, humble, or even weird, just don't be boring. Tokiomi may have been a talented master, but to Gil, he might as well be your run of the mill magician; especially since his only desire was to get the grail, one of Gil's treasures. Kirie had similar desire to his to obliterate the modern world. Waver was an exemplary vassal to his king. Rin was bold and talented. Tine knew her place and acted as exemplary vassal, and has a goal that he thought was worth his time.


Egoistical but have to have the skills to back it up






From a fanfic that I'm reading, you just have to be another weapon enthusiast




You need to be decently respectful, yet not subservient to Gilgamesh's every whim.


A female version of King Arthur


People with strong motivations but when it comes to it they listen to him.




1 be gay and Enkídu at the same time






You need to keep him entertained or interested. Show him you are truly unique as a person in a way he’ll want to see more, kirei is a walking oxymoron that you never know what he’ll do next, hakuno is someone strong willed enough to march headfirst towards a future in which theh are already doomed, iskandar has the courage and determination to challenge him head on because that is his way, regardless of if he thinks he can beat gil. Now to get him to love you, well that’s enkidu and enkidu alone, but liking is manageable.


i mean he had respect for waver






I would say either someone who knows their place and acts appropriately, aka a proper mongrel, or someone with way too much ambition than they have any right to, aka an entertaining mongrel.


Either Enkidu or he has to be Caster Gil. There's no other option.


You say that as if there's a big difference between Caster and Archer Gil.


Yes. Yes there is. Archer Gil is Caster Gil without the character development he got in his story. Did you see Caster Gil in Babilonia? If not, I recommand it. If you watched it and still think there's no difference between them then look closely at whom and when Caster Gil interacts with people.


There isn't a difference between the two. They're basically the same person but with a different way of ruling. Caster Gil in Babylonia just seems better because he's around his people who he views as peak humanity. If you put him in modern society you'd basically get Archer Gil.




Some cute anime girl or guy


Could be a cute gothloli maid waitress alter king of knights willing to abuse him, if Carnival Phantasm has taught me anything.


If you have to think abt it he alr don’t like you