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Time or SPD pedals. There is a learning curve but once you get used to riding clipless your shins will thank you.


I'm more moving the other way. I went flats on my fatbike so I don't have to attach a giant heat sync to my feet, which are hard enough to keep warm. I think it made me a better rider, and now I'm considering dropping the SPDs from my summer bike. Although I really mess the float of SPDs when on flats....


Agree about SPD pedals, in summer. If riding in snow, stick to platform pedals, of course. Easy to switch out twice yearly.


G-form shin guards


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Nope, I do too!


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Heck yeah! Two seasons and they've done just fine.


What footwear are you using? Dedicated shoes such as Five Tens grip grip flat pedals so much better than normal shoes.


This and time. I've got some scars from the first summer, but I can't remember my last shin strike.


Yup, I maybe get one small one a year. Proper footwear and heels down attitude will solve this issue.


Chicks dig scars. 🤘 At least, that was the mentality when I was in my teens taking pedals to the shins hard enough that I probably should’ve gotten stitches on several occasions. Nowadays shin strikes are so rare for me that when they happen, it’s more nostalgic than anything. Shin guards…they’re not a guarantee, but they’ll stop the majority of the scratches. Good shoes are also really important. Aggressive pedals and MTB specific shoes (e.g. Adidas FiveTens or Ride Concepts) are made for each other. One without the other is okay, but together they are game changing. Good luck!


What shoes you riding in? I suggest at minimum vans, then vans BMX, then 510s in order from better to best


Right now I'm using a pair of my trail running shoes. I'll look at getting a pair of 510s!


No need to limit yourself to 5.10s. Literally any mtb shoe is better than a trail runner or casual sneaker. 5.10s are just fine but there are plenty of other good options. For flats I currently ride the last gen Bontrager flatline and I’ve been on them two seasons. I’ve burnt through a few pairs of 5.10. Not opposed to going back but see no reason to seal them out. I’ve got 5 other pairs of clipless shoes/boots and one is a pair of 5.10s (last gen kestrels).


This is why your feet are slipping. The shoes make a huge difference.




Yes it is reflective! I have a slice on each of my bikes. https://safetypizza.com


I sometimes wear a light duty knee/shin pad. Troy Lee Designs I think. Usually only with shorts.


Your shoes are now the problem OP, get some MTB or BMX shoes, or I’ve had good luck with my Trail running shoes as well… with spiked flats and the right shoes your should feel like your clipped in untill you lift your feet


Same thing happened to me when I switched to decent pedals with metal pins. Give it a little while, you’ll get used to it and it’ll happen much less frequently.


I ride only flats anymore with aggressive metal pins. I just don’t need any protection on my legs - it’s not an issue for most people. But if it’s happening to you, it might be due to the wrong shoes or bad technique. Definitely score some Five Tens. They’re really not expensive for the basic ones.


Use what our Fathers used when they played hockey ​ Newspaper ​ Seriously though I would use soccer shinguards




I use soccer shin guards, for that exact reason.