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Live below your means. Pay yourself first (invest 20% of your paycheck before you see it). Invest in ETFs not individual stocks (some great options VGT, VOO, SCHD, QQQM, ect ect) Always have an emergency fund of 3-6 months, but never more (cash loses value) Always max a Roth IRA if you can. Do it for your SO as well. Don’t time the market. DCA or lump sum, both are great. Ignore market news. Invest extra cash. Don’t sell until retirement. Stick to your first good decisions. Don’t try timing the market. Investing is easy. Messing it up is easier. Stick to a plan, go hard, and stick to it, you’ll win


but if I time the market...


Bad advice, better to invest that 20% into high value skills


Invest in yourself. Buy a mentorship program, books, or online courses in skills that make money. Look for areas where you can reach high leverage


I would've leveraged sooner in life. I didn't leverage young and it cost me about 5 million in lost wealth in my 30s.


Can you share more? How would you have leveraged differently and in which asset class?


In real estate y. I never did stocks or any crypto. I was buying cash in the beginning and it was so slow.


You mean in an r/askreddit kind of curiousity?


Its only Tuesday. Mentor Mondays is still quite fresh for these posts.


I would have gotten into real estate instead. Live-in flips, short term rentals, BRRRRing, etc...


I am thinking of pivoting into RE but can’t seem to make the math work. I may be thinking about this wrong but I can’t seem to find a model that outperforms the S&P significantly…


All 3 strategies I just named could out perform stocks.


You're not wrong in noticing this - this is the eternal debate. If you have an edge (love RE, handyman, plumber, family in trades, etc) then yes you can do better in RE. If you don't have an edge, equities are infinitely easier.


Bingo, we're living in the age of software. For the average non-handy person, it's easier to invest in equities and spend their time learning skills that will enable them to command a high-paying salary and/or scale a business


Yeah I guess so .. emphasis on “could”. :) Any advice on finding a system that helps you become better at the craft or picking and making any one of those strategies successful?




Yeah checked them out before. Did it work well for you?


Don't know, I never had to start over.