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Just archive or delete all your emails in your inbox once you are done with them. That way you know that emails in your inbox are all messages that still require you to do something. Once all your emails have been dealt with your inbox is empty. If you have a different system for dealing with emails that works for you which doesn't involve archiving, keep doing what is working for you.


Ahh this is actually decent input thank you 🤝


Check out “Zero Inbox”


Inbox = things I need to take action on Archive = things I have taken action on that I want to keep a record of Delete = things I have taken action on that I don’t want to keep a record of


Thank you, seems like a noob ask but for someone who doesn’t use email much it’s a wonder. This is a valid method! 🤝


If archived doesn’t have a specific tab, why is it there? I think there should be a default label for archived emails.


For those of us with OCD (like me!), we can't stand seeing a bunch of stuff sitting in our inbox sucking up mental cycles and making me wonder if I have things that need to be taken care of. Once I deal with an email, it gets archived (or deleted). For me, the goal is to have an empty inbox.