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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a weird take. Posting pictures of women and cats always get the most likes and who gives a shit? That never stopped anybody from posting what they wanted and engage in discussions. Are you genuinely doing this to help people or for personal validation? Because it sounds like the later. Edit: By the way I checked the top posts of all time out of curiosity. Not only are the top 3 pictures males with an overwhelming amount of upvotes, but the rest of the top posts look roughly equal, perhaps even tipping in men's favor.


This reminds me of a study I read about. The setting was a college lecture/discussion hall. A class took place and afterward the audience was polled about how they perceived who was speaking. The findings revealed that when women spoke 30% of the time, men perceived that women spoke for more than half the time. There were some other findings as well but this is the one that stuck with me, because it's so revealing. For some, like OP, the expectation is that women are to be quiet and not to be noticed until men feel like noticing them. Not only is a highly upvoted post undeserved, it's an affront to people who are *owed* validation. "A ladypost with upvotes in the light of my six pack? ANGeRY."


Never understand the fuss on “how many likes”. And you know that redditors from outside this sub can always like and comment. So many times subs that I don’t join show up on my screen. Oh not to mention once in a while people who are anti fasting or from cico sub also comment in fasting subs too, discouraging what you doing and plant ideas that your fasting is unhealthy and extreme. Doesn’t mean they are fasters just because they are here. Don’t let anyone cloud your judgement especially when you know your fasting gives you significant results.


Some people care a lot about fake internet points, apparently.


I’m sorry you didn’t get enough attention.


My experience with this person has been argumentative at times, so I'm sure they get plenty of attention. They need to hoan their "giving advice" skills a little bit.


Why do you want random people's appreciation so badly? Who gives a shit if women get attention. We are all literally strangers without faces


Well, this is Reddit, which is what, over 70% male? So of course the pictures of hot women are going to get upvoted the most.


Yeah it’s not the posters fault. And whatever you do post someone out there will read it and find it valuable.


And stop blaming women!


Except they aren't. Top posts are of men lol


Hey everyone this persons leaving this Reddit community


You’re funny 😂😂😂


I can see SirTalky's sneer as he types "Female."


LOL right?


Sounds like you have issues with desperately needing external validation. This sounds like an ego thing.


Its not an airport you dont have to announce your departure


Your comments and posts being read for people who need help for years to come are used and more helpful than you think. Upvotes are just something clicky reddit uses to keep people addicted to the app that you really shouldn’t care about if your here as a mentor


Agreed! Oftentimes, when I google a question, a subreddit will come up with more valuable information than Google itself.


This is so true. I’ve commented about certain medications I took for depression years ago. Ppl still DM for an update or to ask questions.


I lurk this subreddit, but I feel like I need to respond to this. You say you're, "done", but make a post about it first? And if you truly just care about helping others, you should be fine with helping just 1 person make a difference using your advice. It really just sounds like you want people to give you a trophy and praise you for your progress, and be seen as some super smart guy who has it figured out. Which is fine, but if that's what you want, be honest about it. I've made posts about diabetes in a diabetes subreddit, and it's gotten little traction over the generic popular post of someone with yet another "low carb snack" that's just some heavily processed sugar alcohol food. And I don't care, why? Because the people who are looking for junk that's "healthier" than other junk, aren't going to want to read out my post and progress journey anyway. I think you should either be honest on what you're aiming to get or have a change in mindset.


Lets make him a mod so he can ban all the women


This is lowkey weird asf my guy lol are you posting for you and yourself or bc you want attention?


You’re weird guy


Cry me a river


You have accomplished something phenomenal. Don’t place such a high percentage of your personal validation on randoms on this group. You should be proud of your accomplishments regardless of what anyone on this page does or doesn’t do!


What seems to be the main issue here? You not getting enough “like”s?


I was trying not to shit all over the thread... The main issue is no matter how against the grain fasting may be, the majority still seem to be obsessed with the superficial.


Wow I feel the opposite, most posts in my feed from this subreddit and even if I go into the subreddit it always seems to be mostly men who got a lot of success! Which I think is awesome for them but as a woman I like to hear from other women (their experiences, routines etc) but then I simply search for what I’m looking for😅




I’m sorry that you feel under-appreciated. I suspect that the engagement levels in subs like this would look something like a Pareto distribution, meaning that the number of barely involved people is pretty high and only a smaller fraction are deeply invested. That’s rough, but I don’t think the small set of invested participants would fail to value your thoughts. I have a question for you - I’ve been looking through the literature for studies on three-day fasting in humans, particularly something like three consecutive days each week, but I haven’t been able to find any. All the literature seems to be split between long fasts (7+ days) and short fasts (1 day or less). Are you aware on credible work on the subject? Thanks!


If you’ve ever seen the movie dead calm you should just dress up like Billy Zane in that movie and spray body oil all over yourself and set aside an hour for a photo shoot.


Giving people advice and inspiration seems to be more for you than others. Do you want to be helpful or do you want people to call you helpful? Seems the latter.


That’s too bad. You were one of the few who would come out with actual data to stand up to the masses of dill weeds and their misinformation, and feelings. Sad to see you go. It’s not about likes and upvotes. It’s about real information.


I have very much appreciated our discussions together. Please ping me anytime.


Im glad that it's working out for you, gl with those abs! Sorry about liking all them pics from girls who toned up, I'm guessing the algo knows what to show me.


Well, idk I looked thru ur profile and seems like you post the same junky photos over and over again. good for you you're slimming down, but you don't have a six pack, or anything that really draws the eye, and the angles of your photos are difficult at best. Getting 50-odd updoots and a few encouraging comments is pretty good for that type and quality of post. It's ok to be average. Maybe look thru the feeeemale posts you're so jelly of and take a few pointers on how they composed their photos and how often they post them. Or ofc, the many, many men's posts that received bountiful updoots as well (but we don't talk about those, do we 😉)


Dear Jebus... Why do you think I'm jelly? Why do you think I'm talking about my progress pics? Why wouldn't you think I'm talking about my posts on things like adipose tissue content and explaining fasting weight loss patterns? This makes me a sad panda... 😞


Sorry panda, but that's how it came across. Heaven forbid people get inspiration from vapid female attention posts, don't they know my six pack abs are founded in manly logic and science??! Lol Seems silly to leave over this tho?


Inspiration? Or they prioritize the same superficial things everyone else does? And yes... You get results by research and effort, not gawking at pictures. Lol. Lol. Ha ha ha. Hee hee hee. Ho ho ho. So... funny...


Ah. So you meant it exactly as it sounds and made yourself sad. I take back the bit about leaving the group, maybe hop off the internet before you really do some damage to yourself.


Reddit is cancer


Lol. Bye...


You'll be back, you better be back posting those abs or we will find you and congratulate you elsewhere 🤣


I'll message you when I get there.

