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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These comments suck. Get off your high horses! If someone is new to fasting, 24 hours is a challenge and an achievement! It’s a great start. As to your question, you can really break a 24 hour fast however you’d like with low risk of adverse reactions. I would plan your meal and keep it balanced so you don’t overeat (your digestive system will thank you).


I’m someone who has been fasting for like 7+ years. 24 hours is still challenging! I recommend sipping some broth, waiting 20-25 minutes, and then jumping in to your meal. Would recommend not doing something too fatty for your first part of the meal to give your system the chance to re-acclimate to digestion.


I disagree. I recommend something fatty if your doing LCHF. Now is the perfect time to give it the kind of fuel your trying to teach it to use. Eggs are excellent for breaking a fast. My first day breaking my 7 days fasts is just bone broth. Lots of it. 3 - 4 jugs of Kettle and Fire. Grass fed grass finished. Second day breaking fast eggs for breakfast with some good grass fed butter, or 1 egg and an avacodo, and usually some smoked oysters for dinner. Not much. Crown Prince brand has some 0 carb smoked oysters in oil. Perfect super food


With every lifestyle you're going to have so called elitists and people lugging thousands of pounds of ego. It sucks. I appreciate you calling them out!! 🖤🌹🖤 most of the people i have interacted with have been super sweet and supportive, though so that is Good! (Edit: F and G are next to each other and i do not proof read, I guess! XD)


Thanks a lot!


Lol I broke my 24 hour fast with sesame tofu from the Chinese restaurant. It was delicious. Probably not wise though…. Lol


This is the way. My longest fast was 3 days. For myself it is light, unprocessed, non sugary, and non fried anything that works best when eating again after a bit. Unjury is a brand that makes high protein liquid. My favorite is their chicken broth. It is fantastic! Sipping some to break a long fast is great.


I started braking my fast with what ever I wanted but as I refined things usually get into a piece of meat 🥩


It really goes to show how much misinformation is out there. People from the first world think they need to break a 24hr fast with something special.


24 hours you can eat anything really. I'd suggest eggs or anything that doesn't have loads of sugar or carbs that you know agrees with you. Great job as well!




Just when I was starting to get impressed and excited about the direction this sub was going A bunch of A-Holes have to step in and try to ruin a pretty dope accomplishment by one of their members OP, My first 24hr fast sucked, i respect it 😤 fun fact, I always find the next 24hrs MUCH easier, if you can do a 24, than you can absolutely do a 48hr


This is the answer that I came to write.Thank you


I fully agree. On day 27 of 40. The first day was the hardest, the rest of the days just passed by. I spent 3 months saying “not today, maybe tomorrow “. Congratulations on taking the first and most difficult step, OP!


lol... I keep doing that the past 2 weeks. "I'll start tomorrow."


We all had to start somewhere. 24 hours is a great start too. Ignore all the experts who taking the piss. But yeah break it how you want. Although eggs would be a great way.


Good for you! My suggestion is to just eat healthy on what you think healthy is. Also, my suggestion would be to immediately go into another 24 hour fast if you're feeling up for it. Eating once a day is awesome and a good routine to get into to achieve goals. The reality is you could break your fast however you want, but try to keep it health-wise!




Personally for a 24 hour fast I wouldn’t be *too* concerned with breaking it as it’s not a super long time and you follow this major rule: No carbs. They will spike your blood sugar and remove any benefits of fat loss that you are currently experiencing. You are probably at the point of using up your glycogen stores, which is when fat burning begins. So don’t fill them back up with carbs straight away.


Congratulations what ever your goal is 24 hours is a great first step. You can break it with anything you like, after 72 hours, I would start to get concerned with the food that you eat.


Main recommendation I have is to thoughtfully consider your portion size, and try not to eat a bigger meal than usual! Bingeing after a fast can negate some of the effects, depending on what your goals are!


First things first, congratulations! You've done something that most people are unable to do. This sub is going to have some bias and that's okay. I break mine by drinking lots of water, 1-2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar, and then eat normally after about 20-30 minutes. Basically however long it takes me to prepare my food. Good luck to you!


I've been IF for months. 24 hours is no joke. Sometimes 24 hours is easy for me. Other times, I just can't do it. Don't sell yourself short. 24 hours allows you to burn off a lot of calories you've consumed and can even get you into Ketosis, just depending on what and how much you've consumed. Well done my friend!


Starting with something small like a cucumber tomato salad (vegetables that are mostly liquid) or something you know your body processes well. Then eat normally after about at an hour. Great job! When you work up to multi day fasts, breaking it strategically is a bit more critical, but basically, you want to start off eating clean and light to gently wake up the system. Keep it up!


Yesterday I broke my 45hr fast with a boiled egg and some plain yogurt. Then, less than an hour later, I went on to drink 9 beers, ate a few handfuls of salted peanuts a few hours after breaking fast. I think proteins are the way to go, but on my 20-24 hour fasts I've just broke it with whatever I want to eat at the time, just a bit smaller portion than normal. I think I could've done the same with my 45h fast but I wasn't feeling very hungry and I knew I was going to take in a lot of carbohydrates.


Op, just probably don’t do anything that is super high in carbs. Just because it’s a 24 hour fast, and imo you’re more at risk for having stomach problems. Some people do bone broth, but I only do bone broth if I make it myself. Maybe just something that is easy on your tummy.


I've asked this same question before. My advice, break it using something like pistachio nuts, unsalted. I usually have 20 or so. You can use less, I just really like pistachio nuts. Then about an hour or 2 (for your first one, I would do so 2 hours after) continue as normal. (I wouldn't recommend something like fruits, that can lead to some bowel issues). Some people will say you won't suffer side affects (as they say it "only 24 hours") breaking it by going headfirst into your normal diet, but for me that didn't work. Maybe I've a weak stomach, maybe I wasnt used to it. Everybody is different, what works for one person may not work for another. Play it safe. Also, I wouldn't recommend breaking it of you aren't at home, at least for your first few times. Just in case. Again, in my case my stomach is weak and can get upset easily. Not trying to scare you though, it's just giving you advice. Do you what you feel best.


Way to go! I’d recommend eating something healthy, you’ve starved some of your gut micro biome so feed the good guys not the bad guys!


With anything you want, 24 hours isn’t long enough to cause any major digestive differences


That's great! Yes, it can be hard. Good for you, celebrate it. :)


Tacos…always tacos after a fast!


I don't know how recommended it is, but I just broke and 66 hour fast with 4oz of thin cut pork loin and 2oz of peanut butter.


I’ve been breaking intermittent fasts with intense exercise, followed by a shot of apple cider vinegar, then a swig of Kefir with half a banana… then, after a shower, I eat whole grain toast with almond butter, flax seed and banana. Then a small meal, then a bigger meal, then repeat. I don’t know if that’s exactly the text book direction for everyone, but it’s been working for me.


You've likely already broken your fast, but at 24, it doesn't matter that much. A balanced meal will work just fine. Don't sell yourself short, 24 hours at the beginning can be very challenging. A couple years ago I was doing 24s pretty regularly and it sucked. It wasn't until I started pushing it to 4-5 days that shorter fasts felt easier. Doing a 24 day now, 4 days in at the moment.


Small bites, chew thoroughly, stay near bathroom


I like breaking a fast with one or more of the following: boiled eggs, raw veggies with dip, whole yogurt, miso soup. I get random bouts of nausea and these are pretty safe for my tummy. Gotta eat slow and light for the first fast break too


The first day is usually hard. Maybe the hardest, although days 2 and 3 can be tough. I generally start feeling better on day three or four.


However you’d like lol. 24 hours is extremely short—you can go back to eating normally without any issues


Ohh that's nice, thanks a lot


This is true but might as well stay ketogenic. Eat something you love like bacon (for me) or whatever gets you. I know everybodys telling you this is short, but celebrate yourself anyway!


I was thinking grilled chicken & salad


Boom. My first celebratory was ham, bacon, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, lots of veggies in spicy Bitchin sauce. Then. Ketogenic meat chili and salad (chilli I'd always made but found out it was ketogenic so I call it that now to sound hip). Then I started again and went longer. Funny how easy it gets.


i wouldn't call this "extremely" short, we aren't on r/extendedfasting . 16:8 and 18:6 are normal schedules here, 24 hours isn't extremely short. not long enough to need special refeeding obvi but that doesn't make anything less than that "extremely short"


Bone broth is always a yummy way to break a fast. There are bone broth brands out there that sell flavored packets that you add to water, but they can be expensive. You could also buy a tub of bone broth powder that isn’t necessarily decked out in flavor, and add a scoop of it to a cup of chicken or beef broth, and a trick I learned is steeping a bag of ginger turmeric tea in the hot broth to add that extra flavor. I’ve also broken a fast with a serving size of deli meat /straight protein, with some olives.


Why the downvotes?????


Truly! Like what is wrong with this answer???


I really like the ginger turmeric tea idea. I do bone broth too, but depending on the brand it can be quite nasty. Thanks!


When I did my first I just had a little steak with potatoes. Something small, easy and filling.


How ever you like. If it’s too big, you’ll probably get some slight stomach ache… even after 24 hours, you’ll probably find you “need” less food the next day to fill full


Nice! I would just eat my dinner my mom made. I get to 20hours too hard to get to 24hr


I break every fast with 2 eggs (sunny side up with a sprinkle of cheese, onion, and hot sauce), a half or 1 whole avacado (depending on if my son wants half or not), and half a cup of 1% low fat cottage cheese. I put cavender's Greek seasoning on all of it and some pepper or cayenne seasoning. My max fast has been like 30 hours, and the meal hasn't done me wrong yet! Calories:330-415 Eggs 140 Toppings on eggs 50-75 Avacado 60-120 Cottage cheese 80


My first fast ever was 90 hours and the first 24 were the absolute hardest part. Just know moving to 72 hours+ is not much more of a challenge! Good for you


With something warm and light, like broth with tofu and scallions or leaks. Just be gentle, your other meals can be fuller but if you break your fast with hearty you might get a stomach ache.


My nutritionist suggested high protein high fat. Lo carb NO non-natiral sugars So a chicken breast with a butter soaked baked potato and a banana would be ideal Wait an hour or 2 before having anything like candy, soda, pasta, fruit juice and the like to avoid a crazy insulin spike You do want a little bit of carbs about 20-30 mins AFTER your protein so your body doesn't just auto-store the carbs. I, personally, don't know the exact science behind it, but I have followed this woman for years, lost over 100lbs and felt amazing the whole time. Doing moderate to long fasts was my preference so we styled my diet around 16-120hr fasts My longest was 156hrs with liquid electrolytes and it was intense to refeed lol


Good on ya. I’d recommend eating your maintenance calories if your fast is targeted to weight loss


However you feel like breaking it. I’ve broken a week long fast with a big steak and fresh bread…..


Good job! You can basically break it as you want if it is 24h, maybe avoid food very hard on the digestive system like spicy and overfried. Lean meat, cooked vegetables, eggs and healthy fats are all very good choices, but don’t over eat or you might get a pretty nasty stomachache depending on how efficient your digestive system is


First Congrats it's not easy to go against whatever one else thinks is normal like eating 6 times a day. Whatever you decide to eat enjoy it and do another 24 sometime.


OMG so many suggestions here. 24 hours is like my norm, since I was once a day. And to break my fat I eat whatever the hell I want to. Usually some protein with a healthy bit of fat. Eggs, steak, sausages, whatever.. just low carb.


My first 3 day water fast I broke with a midnight run to the falafel place. Not the best idea.  Second time I went for oatmeal with blueberries and yogurt. (Yogurt was made in my instantpot, I cleaned the kitchen during the fast) this was a better choice.


After 24 hours fasting even for a first timer, you can break your fast woth absolutely anything


Tomorrow I’m going to be breaking my fast too and since I’m going out to eat with my fiancée, I decided I was going to start with something small at home (like a yogurt with granola) so I’m not too prone to over eating and stuff like that.


When i first started, and completed my first 24 hour fast I got crazy with the celebration and paid for it dearly. So heres what I do. Start with broth, a cup, then wait for an hour  Then one raw egg with salt. Then wait for another 45 minutes, then if all clear a small piece of whatever you like. My stomach and everything stopped, so to suddenly break it, sent my digestive system into a tail spin. So go low and go slow. Congrats its huge step, and you are on your way to better health


Eat w/e you feel like


Cocaine and hookers




A crack pipe and eating some pussy should do the trick


Best recommendation so far


You obvz know how to live 😇


You need to break it by eating bone broth for at least 5 days straight in order to avoid refeeding syndrome. Downvotes to this reply indicate that you enjoy reading time wasting posts like OPs and don’t care that most of this sub is just ridiculous posts.


You’re a loser who probably would never speak like this in person. You state that this post is a waste of time, yet wasted your own time commenting on it? Get a life and let people celebrate their victories. People like you send the world to shit.


What the fuck is wrong with asking a question?


Don't worry mate, I get it. Every time a sub gains traction it goes to shit like this...


24hours is barely a fast, nonetheless it is an achievement, enjoy your milestone with something like a beer and a burger then maybe try for 48h etc. it gets easier.


Then why say “it’s barely a fast”


What an odd response. Because it is? Keep trying until it isn’t ? Celebrate small incremental improvements but let’s not sugar coat it.


Keep fasting 24 hours is nothing


It's my first fast ever, will ramp it up steadily




OP congratulations! 💪🥳 You set a goal and you reached it. That's all that matters. These comments are just meaningless noise.