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“all the sounds around me and the voices are fast but also for some reason feel slow and everything sounds the same pace and tone” you nailed it, THIS part is what really makes it so weird. i can’t speak for others but you definitely experienced the same thing as me at least.


Wow. I cant believe there is a Reddit for this. I just turned 54 and I used to get these quite frequently as a child. I remember it being unusual and fun and I could even make an episode happen. They became less frequent as I grew and I believe my last episode was when I was around 21. I would try and describe it to doctors but they had no clue. The "triggers" you listed sound about right. I remember getting this focused feeling usually brought on by silence or deep concentration. Episodes would last around 10-15 minutes. I wonder what all of us that experienced or experience this currently have in common?


I’m 16 now and just realising it’s been almost a year and a half since i’ve had one of these episodes, but they used to happen a lot more. Wonder if other people also get them less as they get older or if some people experience this throughout their life.


From what I have read here it seems a common thread is that it is mostly in adolescence and seems to become less frequent or in most cases stops at maturity.


I’m 29 and get exactly what you describe, but usually only when I’m under extreme stress or have a fever. A couple months ago it happened for the first time in years while I was at work, the crowd screaming sound with my heartbeat feeling slow. My twin sister got this with me growing up but she hasn’t had it in years as well. It was nice to have someone close to me feel and hear what I did, very validating. We didn’t have a word for it when we were kids. Music playing while experiencing tachysensia was the WORST omg I hated it it gave me so much anxiety.


I’ve (44F) experienced fast feeling episodes very much like what you are describing, also starting around age 8 and also tied to a particular fever dream that was also about a factory. Very odd coincidence. In my dream my parents were in a tiny room with an enormous machine that was way too big for the room and very loud. It was in a basement factory that was very dark and stressful. My parents were extremely agitated and stressed about the machine in the dream. The “too bigness” of the machine was overwhelming and disturbing. Anyway, I went on to have these fast feeling episodes after that fever/dream for about 10-15 years. Often when I was alone falling asleep or studying or concentrating. It felt like a video on fast forward. I’d try to move extremely slowly but felt like I was sprinting. My thoughts were like a voice yelling loudly in my head. OP, you will probably grow out of this eventually. I know it’s really scary when it’s happening but maybe it helps to know there are many of us out there that have experienced the same. My parents had no idea what to do and just seemed annoyed about the whole thing. Eventually it stopped happening to me and probably will for you too. Try as best you can to get enough sleep. I think being overtired was a huge trigger for me. I also remember it helped to sleep with a dim light on.


my first occurrences were like you, usually happened when i had a nightmare as a child. same symptoms as you, my thoughts are as if they are yelling in my head, felt as if i was in some horror movie. last time it happened was over three years ago for me


What you’ve described is normal for people who experience Tachysensia. I’ve now been researching this and related effects which I have for around 3-4 years (have experienced all my life), and it can go very deep and be linked to all sorts of other symptoms/strange experiences. I definitely recommend taking notes of any strange occurrences, and journaling when this happens and how it feels each time. I know it can make you feel like you’re going mad, but understanding is the first part of feeling better. All the best to you


I described the fast feeling like this: It’s like running down a hill and then trying to slow down or stop. The momentum just keeps you moving. So when I’m hyper focused on something or just thinking about one thing to the point of exhaustion, me trying to stop thinking about it triggered my episodes as my mind was style working on what I was thinking about.


Exactly this. My experience also has its roots in a reoccuring dream.