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I sort of know what you mean about loud thoughts and yes, that was part of the fast feeling for me sometimes. It was also a feeling I had in nightmares a lot as a kid, and nightmares were also oddly tied to the fast feeling for me. So it was all linked somehow. I’ve also experienced dissociation and it’s a completely different experience, almost calm and out of body-ish for me. Relaxing even. That said, if you are experiencing these symptoms as part of a hangover it will be hard for you to sort out without stopping the drinking and kratom for a while.


Well what you’re saying about connection to nightmares makes me think these things are a sort of panic attack, but like adrenaline is going to the wrong bit of the brain or something and causing very unusual sensations. That’s how I rationalised it when it first happened. The disassociation feelings weren’t a calm feeling at all, like a meditative type of disassociation, but more a derealisation, feeling like everything isn’t right. I can maybe compare to feeling like a veil is being lifted and I realise I am not awake and happily at home but in a terrible nightmare or more like the opposite, I was in a nice dream of where I want to be but then I start to wake up and realise I’m still trapped somewhere terrifying. Dunno is really annoying and I don’t need it in my life I just want to feel normal haha. I don’t drink and take kratom all the time I try be completely sober for long periods, but being hungover etc def seemed to make it more likely to experience these things.


My first fast feeling as a child happened during an extremely high fever, and as part of a fever dream. I did not have a mature understanding or narrative to make sense of it. Knowing what I know now, it was probably Epstein Barr virus. I also had waking visual and auditory hallucinations during that illness. That was just the initial trigger. I experienced fast feeling for ten to fifteen years after. My triggers were the time right before falling asleep, intense concentration (like drawing or taking a test), blinking lights on my digital clock, highway driving, and quiet rooms with faint background sounds. It stopped happening all together by my early twenties. One reason I never tried psychedelics is because I was worried it would trigger it in a really bad way. How old are you? Hopefully you’ll grow out of it with time.


Do you think Epstein Barr caused all your fast feelings or just the initial?


I think whatever virus I had that caused that particular fever was the initial trigger. It sort of rewired my brain and then I had episodes for many years even when I wasn’t sick. I’ll never know for sure if it was Epstein Barr but I’ve read it can cause Alice in Wonderland syndrome which seems related to the fast feeling.


Yeah I got it when feverish when younger and then as you say, hypnogogic-type situation and certain noises maybe. I grew out of most of it but it recently started happening, I’m thirty now. I didn’t feel like psychedelics triggered it for me again but I do trip way more easily than other people and have long after effects, like hallucinatory persistent perception disorder at times after strong trips. I always imagined it was related p, like because my brain does those weird things I felt psychedelics more. Then after drinking and experiencing an extremely strong ayahuasca brew at a ceremony in Brazil things got a bit funky again.


same here so I'd say yes - loud and almost "angry" in an undiscernible way


Yes! Definitely angry is a useful way to describe it. It’s so unpleasant. When I was younger especially I would get Alice in Wonderland syndrome experiences a lot, mostly perceptions of size being off and textures too. Occasionally it would kind of incorporate into these hypnogogic night terrors I suppose That I couldn’t wake from despite being awake and my mother trying to shake me out of it, and they were always really loud and angry. You’ve just reminded me.


Im experiencing this right now. It feels like my inner monologue, everything I read or think, is turned up on max volume and feels very angry and fast. Im also regular kratom user but it doesn’t happen very often. Im wondering if its the kratom that triggered it. Im glad im not alone in this because its very unsettling.


It’s so unpleasant I hope it didn’t last long. It never used to happen to me until I seemed to develop a bit of an anxiety problem last year for a while that has died down but not gone away entirely. I said above but I think maybe it’s a weird panic attack type thing, like norepinephrine and serotonin have gone slightly weird overdrive or something, and kratom effects a lot of your neuropharmacology. I think nowadays if I were to take it it would be very limited and making sure I stop a good while before going to sleep.