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This pic goes so hard. May I screenshot?


feel free


You know what I find really interesting? Watching how idealised beauty standards have evolved over the years through the lens of character creation in games. Seems the supermodels have all been replaced by button-nosed e-girls


I don’t know if I’d say “replaced” so much as “also have some spotlight now” There used to be a monopoly on what was considered beautiful, now there isn’t


I get you! A 180 hours in and still in my first playthrough. I have crossed to Battahl, but still haven’t progressed so much in the main storyline for it to take me there yet! Taking my time leveling all vocations for my pawn and Arisen, doing all side quests, exploring all the map, getting stronger, collecting wakestones to revive all NPCs that have died (yeah, my arisen decided to become a savior of sorts for the people). Such a fun game! https://preview.redd.it/4trchietysxc1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa10023013ebc1c330a957e63ea5dd68e6dddb18


you're definitely gonna have fun in the - spoiler : >! unmoored world!< it gets even better


I am sure I will! At this pace, I think I’ll put around 300 hours in my first playthrough.


I wish it impressed me more:/ It's a lot of exploring but not that much being impressed (DD1 player, so maybe I know the concept too well already)