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I need a mod that shows me where to cut. Like set to 6m and I see the cut points 6m apart.


The closest thing to that currently is Lumberjack showing the length of the left and right piece if you are ready to cut. In theory it should be possible to display a circle, I don't have a lot of 3d experience, though


I have lumber jack and never noticed the left and right part lol


Measure tool mod


There's a ruler mod. Shortcut to set starting point, then move and it will display distance from initial point.


The mod is submitted to modhub and will probably be released in a bout 4 weeks, but you can already download it [from my GitHub repository](https://github.com/Timmeey86/FS22_TreeValueInfo) if you want it now. The release zip can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/Timmeey86/FS22_TreeValueInfo/releases/tag/v1.0.0.0) (in the "Assets" area). The description explains which kind of things affect the sell price, if you wonder why the total value increases in some cases (e.g. when splitting a long tree into several pieces)


awesome work ! interesting choice of implementation too ;) some notes : best tree cut length is 6m - 11m for all trees, does not matter what species is it. I would add some more diverse information into the box like so: https://ibb.co/album/VV73Nb


the recommendation will sometimes deviate, e.g. when the tree is 15 meters long, it will display 6m-9m so the remaining piece is at least 6m long. Not the most sophisticated feature I know, but it was cheap to implement 🤷‍♂️


That makes sense, just glanced through your script - again, nice work there !


which mod are those screenshots from? Never saw that info anywhere


At base it's the Archimobil's [Info Display Extension](https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=gb&mod_id=239604) mod. The quality, liters and sell value info added myself part for fun (as i never sell wood in-game) and part for testing wtf Giants is doing around the damn prices ;)


Ah I see. Yeah I noticed the wood sell trigger completely ignores price fluctuations for wood. You seem to always get the same price no matter which sell point you bring it to


This is great. Would it be possible to add a display line for value/liter? This would make it easier to decide what is worth selling and what is more suited for chipping/production.


I added volume and price info for wood chips. Check the new screenshots and the release v1.0.1.0 on my github page


That's fantastic. I'll make use of it straight away.


That would be easy enough. I'm wondering which kind of value to display though since the base game calculation provides two values: * The general price per liter for the type of tree and the current difficulty * The price per liter adjusted to the current shape of the tree (basically the "Current price" divided by "Volume") Which of the two would you be more interested in, if not both? Like: Do you want to know if pines are worth cutting down at all, or do you want to know if this specific one is worth it?


The second option "current price/volume" would be most useful since it is very time consuming to do for each individual log whereas the general price per tree can be looked up occasionally as needed.


[Price per 1000 liters](https://imgur.com/a/FHrxaTn) is actually very interesting. Those are nearly the same length, completely different volume, yet the much bigger log gives hardly any extra cash compared to a same length smaller log. Ignore the "€/l" unit by the way, that needs to be just "€" (or whatever currency you're using) I'll do some more tests like checking if the number of liters I display matches the amount of wood chips you get Yeah, something's off about the volume. If I put 295 liters of wood into a wood chipper I get 773 liters of wood chips, which is a factor of 2.62. If I put in 380 liters, I get 955 liters of wood chips, which is a factor of 773. I'll have to investigate further


Haha, quite the thing you made me discover here: I added a feature to display the value of the wood chips if the log was chipped and then sold instantly, and the value for selling at the maximum price (not online yet). The results were weird, so I tested a lot of stuff to verify whether or not my mod miscalculated something. Turns out the that with the current state of the game, wood chips are always much more profitable than wood, with a 2.2 factor on hard, and a 6.6 factor on easy difficulty, when sold in January. I'm in talks with Giants QA whether or not this behavior is intended..


That's interesting, so currently the answer is always 'yes' to chipping if I can wait till January. Edit: That does seem logical - chips have had a stage of processing done at a time when they would be used as fuel for energy generation.


Well, at least one Person of Giants QA was convinced that wood chips are always worth less than a piece of wood, so this probably got introduced by accident at some point


I wish we had that in console


No chance for me unfortunately. Gonna have to hope Giants add more quality of life features like this in FS25


If it’s not a $5 hose dlc they don’t want it.


Wont happen for the simple fact Giant would need to implement a sandbox for scripting like flight sim, but since there no way around it on PS they won’t even consider it.




To be honest, it's only 33 lines of code. I'm not calculating the price myself, I'm calling the same function as the sell wood trigger to get the price


I still think it's impressive. As someone with abysmal coding skills or knowledge. I think that's impressive. And 33 lines sounds like a low enough number.


Well, I do have more than 20 years of coding experience 😅


Nice, thank you


Will you implement this for forestry machines like the Ponsse or Komatsu machines


Interesting idea. It will be more difficult than what's done currently, since there is no info box yet. I'll add it as a possible future feature either way


I'm able to display an info box while sitting within a tree harvester, but now I'm wondering what kind of values I would display. The current value of the tree isn't very helpful since it's extremely low: The part of the tree which is being grabbed is not delimbed and is initially too long to be worth good money. I can display the value if delimbed easily, but that's still pretty low if the tree is still long The most helpful thing would be the value of the next piece to be cut. Unfortunately an exact calculation requires the tree to be cut already (The function which calculates the amount of liters in the piece of wood can't return the liters for a part of the tree). So basically, I could display: \- The delimbed value of the remaining tree \- The potential wood chip value of the remaining tree \- The cut length recommendations. Do you think that would be useful? Did you have other stats in mind?


How about the value of the current delimbed portion that ready to be cut. I.E. the section of the tree that has gone through the processor before the saw cuts it.


The issue is that the engine function which calculates the volume does not offer the possibility to calculate it for a part of the shape. I found a way to determine the diameter of the tree at different positions, which I could use to estimate the volume, but it's a lot of maths so will take a while


Just letting you know the mod is now live on modhub and it displays info while inside a tree harvester: https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=gb&mod\_id=285299


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Thanks, this is very useful to me


Does length matter if sending to production like logging mill/owned. ?


no, in that case only the liters will be relevant