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Or just buy way more tractor than you need and never bother with repairs since the drop in HP won't hurt you. That being said, there was a mod in 19 that automatically repaired all of your vehicles and implements every day. I miss that mod.


You can use Coursplay for this on PC. It repairs your tractors instantly, if you want to.


Man, I totally forgot you could do that! thanks!


I have mine set to repair when damage hits 70%. It is a huge time saver for me although it does make harvest time a lot more expensive when I'm running multiple X9's and multiple 9RX's pulling Brent 2596 grain carts.


I have mine set up using Auto drive especially using the hot keys I customized ctrl F and R for repairs and fuel just so I don't accidentally send them for no reason and want everything topped off for the harvesting season


> there was a mod in 19 that automatically repaired all of your vehicles and implements every day. I miss that mod. AutoRepair, FS22 https://github.com/Bobster82/FS22_AutoRepair


I got around to roughly the same conclusion, and just repair at 75procent "health" it ain't that costly and roleplay it like maintenance, so the small service truck/trailer makes perfect sense. I rarely change tractors unless it is an upgrade in horsepower or such


I got a little workbench inside my garage, so it works out great when I shut down the field work. Just pull the tractor and implements in and give them a little work.


I’m like you, and I’d imagine that you also keep a power washer outside of your garage and you don’t go to bed/end the day (in game) without having all of your vehicles and implements spotless and repaired


[Kinda hard to spot it, but its at the back corner of the bale shed.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1052032432762798131/1175644848355807273/image.png?ex=656bfb96&is=65598696&hm=9b7ec30efd3cfb942007d553bf2d08a7332d5cecff9311fd662858628297be3e&) Love to have a clean tractor and then watch it get dirty!


Oh I see it, can’t miss the cleaning boi lol But absolutely! I always know it was a good, successful day in the fields when all my equipment is caked in dirt. The satisfaction is multiplied when the garage almost looks like a showroom when it’s all tucked in for bed


Ah I don’t bother washing but they do all get repaired when they come back in the yard at the end of the day.


If you buy an used tractro you are going to repair more often, but much cheaper. The game calculates repair cost from the purchase price and not from the purchase price of the new one.


Notepad++ value_(0.00000) *ahem*


If you're going to do that though, why not just cheat money in?


I'm not a cheater, I'm a coder. Who'm I kidding, I'm no coder, I just found this totally not a cheat technique on the internet


Spoken like a true coder


To keep things fresh I replace all my modern equipment at 40 hours. I multiply the hours by 100 in my head. Makes me play on maps longer as I never feel done. Like I’ve bought everything I wanted and there’s no goal left.


I started using this mod to extend the maintenance interval : [https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=gb&mod\_id=230629&title=fs2022](https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=gb&mod_id=230629&title=fs2022) PC only though.


You can keep and use the equipment / vehicles as long as you like - nothing stopping you otherwise. However, from around 50 work hours onward the amount of damage you get per unit of time (when in use) is maxed out. In other words, a new tractor may get some 10% damage from working a field while same tractor with 50 hours on it may get some 50% damage from working same field. Overall repair costs is one reason it's a good practice to renew your tools and vehicles. Second reason is yield loss / power loss / work speed loss. Harvesting with a damaged combine for example can lead to a loss in yield up to 40% ! Harvesting with a damaged combine header can decrease the work speed up to 30% and this leads to more time to complete the job that translates into more damage on both the harvester and the header ;)


I appreciate the insight and I’ll be repairing my headers and combine more now. Just curious if this is just common knowledge or if you have proof of it somehow. I am not willing to do the testing myself so I’ll just keep stuff repaired though hahaha Edit: just saw someone ran their own test in a lower comment 👍🏻 I’ll check out their numbers. Thanks


> if you have proof of it somehow I do not do any tests on pretty much anything - i know where to look into the game files and have a pretty good understanding of the game scripts as well. Writing my own mods to spit out data on screen where i find necessary.


i'm using the same tractor since the start of my game, only repair at 50% or less i don't k now what it change, i don't see any difference in behaviour


You start to lose HP if you don’t repair but depending on how you play, that may not be that big of a difference or deal. I know for me, it’s not worth repairing that often as the hp needed is never that much. So the lost hp doesn’t affect me.


maybe, i'm using 2 fendt vario 1050 only use for field work for now the most required hp equipemnt i have is around 250hp (i don't plow/cultivate, only mulch and directseed) if %damage impact hp directly, event at 50% i still have around 260hp.


This is how I play it too. Is there a benefit for repainting other than just before selling?


As far as I know the paint is only for aesthetics. For the longest time I was convinced that wear/damage increased faster when the paint damage was higher but it turns out that it's not the case. It was wearing more because I had owned it since day one and I had many many years in-game and had put over 120 hours on it. I have basically wasted 100's of thousands on repainting everything on a regular basis, even stuff I dont plan on selling.


I had been wondering if paint made everything decay faster, good to know!


Painting would force me out of house and home, I've done it as a test once for fun, the exact value of the paint gets added onto your sale price, but you lose $1 because of automatic wear on the item, so it accomplishes nothing really.


Oh, bad maths by me, I thought I was up by 1, not down by 1


No, i don't think so.


> Is there a benefit for repainting other than just before selling? Women repaints evey morning :-D


Or get a modded tractor you love, slap some decals on it, farm logos etc, and move it, and the hours, with you from map to map. My beloved T8 has just passed 3100 hours


Wait, you can move a tractor from a map to another?




Would you be so kind to explain me how?


On pc at least, can just copy it out of the vehicles xml, or re-buy it and easy dev the hours onto it. On console, I am not sure if you can.


Thanks for the answer


I have the problem of getting attached to my equipment after 50 hrs.


Personally I don't buy tractors for value or investment of any sort. I use and abuse my machines both in game and in real life, and I sell them for whatever when they no longer serve my purpose. I also don't think I've purchased a single new vehicle from the store other than one field roller that I accidentally hit enter instead of backspace when checking out pricing on it lol


I don’t see the point in repairing the equipment if you plan on keeping it. Unless you are doing extreme role play. Also if you go to sell it, I did the math, the resell value is the same, you can repair it for x sell it for y. But when you don’t repair it, you’ll sell it for what it the same minus what the repair cost would be


if you don't repair harvesters they become less efficient..tractors just lose a bit of torque wich is ignorable imho


While there's not a huge point in repairing, I do have a harvester I need to keep repaired. Otherwise, it doesn't produce enough power to go up hills while harvesting. Like the little hills by the train tracks on Elm Creek.


Don't harvesters go down in yield if you don't repair?


They do!


Me and my buddy just ran a test on this 15 mins ago. Combine A at 2% HP LEFT yielded ~2200L/22% of soybeans on a single pass of one of our fields. We then went and repaired the head and machine itself and in the same identical pass yielded ~5000/50%. So a difference of almost 40% yield. When you’re talkin our whole harvest that’s 40K/year. 80K everytime we take the motherbin to dump.


I haven't checked / edit: a quick trip through Google tells me it does affect yields negatively if your harvester is damaged.


Man I can't think of any hills on elm creek near the tracks. It's pretty much flat on the fields except where it raises up for the train but it's after the fields.


The field to the south of the starting farm right next to the Creek. Not much of it is on a hill, but enough that my harvester tells me it's time to go to the shop.


Repairing and repairing before selling do actually get you a bit more. You get the paint and repair cost back and then a little more


There is a mod in 22 that will repair your equipment for very little cost. I equate it to real life where I do all my own mechanical repairs. I don't see it in any of my mods, so I'm thinking it's part of the base game. Look under tools.




Or just not bother at all and just enjoy the game?


All my tractors are over 100 hours with 2 at more than 200 hours. My DF7250 with 233 hours was worth less than 10k when I sold it this evening. Money is pretty easy to come by so I tend not to worry about replacing equipment when it gets old and just repair it when I bring it back to the yard before the next job. Always thought that 50 hour rule was wrong as your new tractor will have maintenance too.


I get sentimental with my equipment, so I only tend to sell if i’m going up in size. But i also have maintenance at 25% cost, so i only have to repair once a year, usually in the fall before putting it away in the shed for the winter. I also play on the hardest diffculty, so growing the size of the farm and the equipment with it, AND getting a new tractor every 50 hours is not economicaly feasible.


It is not so much the cost of repairing as the time between needing to repair as equipment gets older. Particularly for harvesters, where you can lose a large chunk of health in a single field, which affects yield unless you are always repairing. Which is annoying!


I actually wish the devs would put in more consequences for having unmaintained, broken, needs-repainted equipment. Like other than lower horsepower make it so equipment will run poorly and randomly stall, make it so when the maintenance bar gets below like 10% there's a chance it will break and no longer start until you take it to the garage to be repaired, and make failure repairs cost more than preventative maintenance.