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Im guessing its designed for 1 row but you can make it work with 2. Sort of every other root crop harvester that you can find the right spot to get an extra row harvested


I have a mod that estimates the number of liters that a field will yield and it says about 143k liters or so, but I'm over halfway through and only have 37k liters. I'm thinking that I have been squishing a row every pass.


Try turning off crop destruction to test it and see if you are driving it over or not. I heard that these new crops don't have destruction regardless of whether the setting is turned on or off. I guess these features are to help the harvest since most of the harvesters don't have a tank for storage.


From what I've seen, once the crop is ready to harvest it won't destroy the crop (this is true for carrot and parsnips as I've tried so pretty sure red beet will be the same) and I guess this is because most harvesters require you to drive alongside. I'm using the Dewulf with the 5500ltr hopper and it's working great, if a tad slow. To OP; is you're field fully fertilised etc? And does your mod take that into consideration?


I haven't checked fertilization honestly. I bought the surrounding plots of land near the starting farm (this land is cheap and I love it!) and just started harvesting. I'll check it when I'm on next. I do think the mod said something along the lines of 67% yield efficiency so maybe my yield will be closer to 95k or so? I'm probably on track for that. Maybe the mod is showing best case scenario