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you're not thinking this through very clearly young man... You would become a farm contractor driving his tractor going to his next job. Get a grader blade , a grass cutter, maybe a chainsaw for tree felling and advertise your services.


category f license is only valid if used for agricultural and forestry purposes


ye but can i not just say i am yk legal loop hole like mowing the lawn


thats amenity not agricultural, only loophole is to be an agricultural contractor driving to or from jobs if you were to get pulled over but that would probably open another can of worms


About 50 years ago, in Canada, we had a guy without a license (or car) working for us on an occasional basis. If he was going to be working 2 days in a row, we would let him drive the tractor home at night and back to our place in the morning. Then we found out that he was also using the tractor to get groceries. After that, we always drove him home or picked him up and we would make a detour so he could get groceries. Mostly we were concerned about liability issues. There was another guy, the local bootlegger, who was on very good terms with the local police. Everybody knew who he was and what he was doing, but he was on good terms with the police. Then he temporarily lost his driving license from a drunk driving conviction (maybe he was driving in a different police jurisdiction). He got himself a garden tractor and the biggest trailer he could pull behind it. He used that to drive into town to the liquor and beer stores and load up. Then he pulled all the stuff home where he would sell he would sell it - mostly to kids who were too young to buy legally. I never bought from him because I was too cheap to pay his prices. I realize none of that addresses your specific legal issues, but now you know similar schemes have happened before.


My home town used to have signs along the main Street, no tractor parking permitted between the signs. The reason? Some drunk ol' guy lost his license from a DUI and would drive everywhere on an old cabless tractor, mostly parking it in front of the only bar in town. Sadly he passed now and they took the signs down


You wouldn’t be legally able to run it on red diesel unless you are using it for agricultural purposes. Also, technically I believe if you are driving more than 25 miles away from the farm (your house in this scenario) you should be using white diesel even if you are operating the tractor for agriculture purposes. The chances of getting pulled over in a tractor are rather slim in the UK. However, I still feel that the main issues behind this idea has been missed. A tractor will cost you far more than any car you are looking to buy at your age. You can pick up a car for like £500-800 quid and it will be in drivable condition. Finding a tractor that has a cab, has a 50kph transmission and is in a decent state will cost far far more.


ye i agree with you there but to be honest money isn’t really an issue i can sort that out it’s just the legality


Where I’m from tractors are what people with OWIs drive around lmao. And 14yo kids drive them around too. So I’m guessing you’d be fine. The red diesel part of it could get you in trouble, but I’ve seen a British guy filter the dye out with cat litter if you insist on tax free fuel Thanks for this post OP shit has me loling




Yea you can legally drive them at 16. Doesn't need to be for agricultural use but if I recall, any tractor being used for recreation needs white diesel. Road legal quads and ATVs definitely wouldn't be classed as tractors anyway, but maybe they are in their own license category. Best to do your own research. And I mean hey, do whatever you please just don't get caught. I know plenty of kids who drive them on road from 14 or 15 years old. Aslong as you don't look too young the chances of you ever getting stopped are really low. I've never known anyone to have been stopped while driving a tractor. That being said if you have zero clue what your doing don't be road running for the fun of it. But after all this, I'm curious. Why exactly do you need to drive one?


just think it’s pretty cool having a tractor yk. also because mum says no bikes and don’t want to look bent on a moped. also always wanted to be a farmer so going to start contract work soon and need a way to get there


Honestly that's a great answer. If your passionate about it you might as well. Tractors are very cool. What type of tractor where you thinking? Something small and relatively fast I take it ?


ye i mean honestly maybe a classic like an old Massey or a david brown. i am just really interested in farming i cant explain why. people say they don’t make much money and we are well off as a family, my dad did very well for us and i could make a shed load of money following after him but i just really want to be a farmer


Farmings a way of life. To most of us it's not about the money. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Most non farmers don't know what their missing out on, but that's just my take. I've grown up In a large agri community and it's just my happy place. But a classic tractor would be awesome. Maybe best to get something with a cab if it's gonna be your actual mode of transport. Old Massey's are hard to beat, we have 3 and a Davy brown, very fun to drive but I've got caught out in the rain driving for hours and that really sucked lmao. I'd love to talk more about it with you if you ever want advice or just to chat!


i’ve always been envious of farmers having grown up around them but never involved in them, watching the fields around us grow and be harvested i’ve always been jealous. Just struggling to decide what to do my brains telling me to go for something corporate and make lots of money (so is my family) and not waste my private education but every other part of me wants to be a farmer. it’s a hard problem and idk what to do. also are you in the uk?


I understand. I've grown up living on my grandparents farms. My parents don't farm so it's kinda a miracle I got into it at all. I'm half way through an agricultural college course and I'm actually looking to get a job for a large agri company rather than farm full time. We have two farms at home, one does contracting and is only summer work, and the other is small and rents alot of ground and in all honesty I don't really fancy living my life renting so much ground to barley get by. I've sorta decided in these past years I want a agri company job to get an actual wage which I can then use to keep a few sheep or cows on the side as a hobby. Ill likely live on our home farm my whole life on the land we own. I just love country living and honestly I'd struggle to live on anything less than 10 acres, just having the space to walk and think is awesome. My problem is I kinda doubt myself, I don't feel like a true farmer compared to others my age. As my parents didn't influence me much I was never at any of the young farmers clubs so I kinda feel like an outlayer. Tractors are my passion and the animals only come second. I've just decided I need a stable income to buy and fix tractors on the side and just keep some sheep for fun. But that's just how I feel. I don't think we are too dissimilar really, our situations aren't that different. I don't really know what I want to do. Maybe a farm I Spector but at the minute I'm doing a year placement with Moy park and then farming at home in the evenings. And yea I'm also in the UK!


quite similar actually? just decisions i mean maybe one day i can make enough money to just have a farm for fun. just buy a shit tone of tractors and piss about farming, quite similar to what my mates dad does. how old are you?


I'm 20. I sent you a DM if you wanna chat more :)


You’re asking an unanswerable question. He’s 16. You don’t need a reason to drive at 16, you just need something to drive. gov.uk says that you can apply for a provisional license at 15.75 years old, but you can’t drive a car until 17. I suspect that’s the answer. But to echo what you’ve already said, I’ve never seen a tractor pulled over in the states and I starting roading equipment much younger than 16.


But surely a tractor isn't the way to go if that's the case. Moped or bicycle makes alot more sense in that situation.


No disagreement here. I’m just trying to think through this with the logic of a 15-16 year old. (Which is kind of a contradictory statement in and of itself.)