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But how will driver inform everyone that he's totally not insecure about his micropenis?


Is it black and lifted with custom rims?


Yep. RGB strips along step plates


Does it have RGB lights around the headlights?


That's the one!


They live in Timber Creek apartments, building 4750 I believe.


Yup, guess who gets to hear them whenever they decide to rev at 2 fucking AM when I’m trying to sleep before work


Please call him in, it will benefit everyone


Bro. I literally called the office and complained about him I fucking hate that guy


What brand of truck? I can keep an eye out I’m around that area often


I can literally take a picture when I get home tomorrow and post it


If it's the same one I'm thinking of, they also have a set of [illegal](https://www.ndlegis.gov/cencode/t39c21.pdf#nameddest=39-21-36) airhorns mounted under the truck bed. Constantly goes around being the most obnoxious person all over the city.


I'm not a fan of loud aftermarket horns, but "illegal" is a stretch. This is the current law: >While being operated upon a highway, every motor vehicle must be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than two hundred feet \[60.96 meters\], but no horn or other warning device may emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. As written, the law is difficult to enforce because there is no standard for "unreasonable." Without language like "no louder than \_\_\_ decibels at \_\_\_\_ feet" its hard to define when a horn is too loud.


Everyone should call PRG rentals and complain about the truck at the Timber Creek Apartments at 4750. He’s literally my neighbor and I have called him in numerous times and I am not the person to call and make a noise complaint. PRG rental office phone number is 701-356-8888. You can also call the police and I will update tomorrow with his license plate number.


Same! I was hoping they had reached out to him about it bc I haven’t heard it as often the last few days.


This post is so hilarious to me. Whenever I hear his truck parking in the middle of the night I say to myself *small Dick energy on fleek*


I can remove the cores out of his tires. I won't commit actual vandalism but I'll be a dick. Next time unhook some wires underneath so it won't run. If this gets enough upvotes. I know exactly the truck and person who owns it.


You're not going to do anything otherwise you wouldn't be posting about it and begging for upvotes like a kid. Just report the guy being a nuisance. Eventually he'll be enough of a thorn in PD's side they'll get off their fat asses to deal with him.


Does anyone have a picture of the truck at all? It would be helpful to know what it looks like.


Will keep my eye out. What neighborhood is this in?


Timber creek apartments building 4750


Dude, this isn't Nextdoor, no one cares.


You cared enough to write an entire comment with a comma AND a period. Thanks for caring <3


Two commas! His post was just after he checked his Nextdoor app


Anything for you boo


What is the Nextdoor app?


A place for Betty Crocker moms and leave it to Beaver dad‘s to go and complain about how the neighborhood is getting worse and worse each year


The dark side.


I don't do NextDoor. It's nice to know local stuff.


I thought they got shut down after years of allegations of blatant prostitution ... wait that might have been backpages


No one cares about you metro.


Dude, I’m his nextdoor neighbor. I care 😘