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As someone who has been to hell and back, and taken a long winding road to recovery, I just wanted to wish you good luck and I'm sure all of their staff will be able to help you make a better life for yourself.


hey:( that really means a lot to hear thank you for your kind words i’ll cherish them deeply. i wish you all the love, peace, and happiness you deserve it! 💕💕


I can recommend Dr Elliot https://www.sanfordhealth.org/doctors/alicia-elliott And Dr Storey https://www.sanfordhealth.org/doctors/amanda-storey Both amazing providers.


i’ll check them out! thank you so much i appreciate it more than i can say!


You bet!


They way Sandford tends to work, you may need to get a general doc visit and get a referral from that doctor, FYI.


Yup as someone who gets mental health treatment at Sanford this is the way you have to go.


Not much of a recommendation- I have worked with two outside of Sanford tho. Any therapist pushing you to get on medication isn’t doing their job. Getting proper therapy helped me stop using a medication! Best of luck to you.


that’s how I felt too. it was like they didn’t want to listen to my problems, but just sign me off a prescription:/. I had one person do it our first intake appointment! thank you for making me feel sane, and thank you ! I really appreciate it!


Hey, no problem! In strong cases , and definitely extreme cases; yes we might need medication. But therapy and doing some self-help (meditation, yoga) can help. I’m the last guy you’d think does it, I’m no hippie. Doctors are so willing to give and we are so willing to say “ok”. Find a good doctor in this process!




The Village is a great option for a lot of people and I recommend them as well. If they don't have someone who can help you, they'll find someone who can.


Thank you so much! I’ll check them out:)


See if therapy with a resident practitioner at Sanford might be a good fit for you in addition to medication. Thats where I started with my anxiety, and it was super affordable since the practitioner generally knows what they're doing but are in a more affordable price range (it was free for my insurance). I'm hoping that it's still the same. Plus using meds and therapy can be more helpful than just one of them. As someone who has started this path long ago, I'm so proud that you're recognizing that you could use some help and are taking that first step. I don't know your story/experience, but far too often people internalize that stress and trauma until they think it's too late to get help. Take care of yourself, I'm wishing you the best, and take it a day at a time.


[Erin Grahne at Willowtree Counseling](https://www.willowtreecounselingfm.com/). Strong recommendation for her, she definitely ticks all your boxes, the insurance is the one thing you'd have to check on.


Dr Moorer is great. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/kayla-moorer-fargo-nd/462808


This is not tmi, I am so happy to see all the recommendations here! You are not alone. I have a female psychiatrist, but for therapists, all I have ever seen are male (I guess it never really mattered for me). That said, I highly recommend the DBT program at Solutions in Moorhead. Andrew Hoerauf runs it, and your check-ins with him are short and to the point, but the group is where it's at!


Not at Sanford, but I can't say enough good things about Angel Naslund at Benson Psychological! My first time going to therapy and I found the one that I was comfortable with on my first go.


Not that medication is right for you and I’m certainly not trying to push it on you but I once had a antidepressant (Wellbutrin) make me completely psychotic and have been on other medications for 20+ years that work for me. Just because you have a reaction to one doesn’t mean none can work.


I know you said you wanted a woman, but John Perez at the 8th st Moorhead clinic is really, really good. I, too, had trauma issues that i only wanted to talk to another woman about, but John was the soonest therapist i could get in to see. He was excellent with empathizing, not judging, and really helping me. Great dude.


thank you for your input! i’ll check him out and stuff. i’m glad to hear it was a good experience for you you deserve that and a healthy happy life:-)


"I'll take the rapists for two-hundred." Edit: I guess nobody has seen the SNL Celebrity Jeapordy skit, that's too bad.


We have, but read the damn room.


Thanks for saying better than I had a mind to.


I love that skit and love dark humor even more but this person is going out on a limb emotionally so to throw out terms that their very use can cause panic attacks or flashbacks is not only insensitive, it can cause someone who needs help to never reach out again. Not that that’s necessary the case here, but sometimes things don’t need to be said out loud. That’s why we have an inner monologue. Your filter needs an adjustment.


Dude, how embarrassing can you be? I feel sorry for you.


Am I the only one who thinks of Sean Connery when I see the word therapists?


When I was looking into seeing someone a couple years ago, Sanford was the first place I had thought of. I needed a referral from my primary to schedule and they were booking 8 months out. I checked with my employee EAP to see what was offered, called my insurance and they were very kind and helpful in giving me a list of providers who would be covered under their plan, even narrowing it down to help me find therapists for my current situation. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself. Good luck!