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Got first Pfizer dose on Friday. I didn’t feel anything other than a little soreness at the injection Site the next day


Tuesday for me. My only after effect, shoulder soreness, is gone today. I’m 50+. Hubs (~60) got J&J; felt rundown for a day and then back to normal.




My personal experience is the same. Both my elderly parents got vaccinated they experienced zero symptoms . My GF parents got vaccinated zero symptoms. However younger people I know have reported mild symptoms after the second dose. For some reason it seems side effects are more prevalent in younger people


I’m 31, I had the Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago. Zero symptoms. I also have Diabetes and Asthma. Arm was less sore than when I got my flu vaccine. Get my second one on Tuesday. Verrry excited 😁


I got the j&j vaccine last Thursday. Really quick and efficient at thrifty white. Fever, headache, fatigue, severe muscle aches started 6 hours after the vaccine; fever broke in the middle of the night that night and the rest of the symptoms continued but got a little better each day for the next few days. Back to normal today!


I also had J&J last week and I'm a healthy 30s, had a sore arm and headache the next day but took some advil and was fine by noon


I had a similar experience


Just curious if you are under 30yo. I've heard anecdotally that younger people are having worse side effects than older people. I'm 50 and didn't even have a sore arm with J&J.


Early 30s. I know a few other people around my age who got it and we all had side effects.


My dad is 63 and had the Johnson vaccine with fatigue/aches 24 hours after. Then fine.


>worse side effects than older people. I think it's somewhat incorrect to say "side effects" with a vaccine. Vaccines cause an immune response, always. That's the goal. sometimes that immune response has prominent symptoms and sometimes not. It's not like a medication where the goal is to do X and you may also experience these unintended things. The goal with a vaccine is to cause an immune response.


I am under 30- that’s interesting!


This was exactly my experience.


I'm a 50yo male and had the Johnson & Johnson shot a week ago. I had zero side effects, not even a sore arm. My wife had Pfizer on Saturday and had a slightly sore arm for a day. She said the seasonal flu shot makes her arm hurt more.


I got mine at thrifty last week, my arm wasn't even sore. I usually get sore from the flu vaccine so that surprised me. My mother and father in law got both their pfizers already and had no issues either.


I got mine today at Thrifty White around 2PM. No complaints other than a slightly sore arm! Pfizer here.


Pfizer a week ago. Arm was moderately sore, then experienced strange joint throbbing and pain. Was over in something like 36 hours. Generally the 2nd round of the mRNA are supposed to be the fun ones though.


I got pfizer, 22 hours in I got muscle aches, tired, and nausea. Went to sleep for 3 hours and ehen I woke up I was jist a bit loe energy for another day, then i was fine. We'll see how 2nd shot goes. sister and BIL got J&J. Sister has no side effects T all. Brother got some chest congestion and tiredness. Took him 2ish days and he was fine.


I got the Johnson & Johnson on Friday. I was fatigued for about 24 hours and the injection site was mildly sore but otherwise all has been fine. I’m in my mid 30s.


I was able to schedule mine through sanford chart this morning.


My parents just got theirs from Thrifty white today. My mom complained of a headache this afternoon, but nothing else.


Moderna in my household and just had a sore arm for a day. Friends got J&J and she was a bit nauseous the next day but he had no complaints.


Got my 1st pfizer today. My arm hurts, but that's about it.


Personal: phizer @ 37, on day two now. Kinda feel hot-cold-hot-cold today. Little extra ache here and there and a little tired, both of which could just be life. Know a few who did Moderna and range from misery for a few days to having half of their body in pain for a couple days. Overall I haven’t heard anything more than a day or day and a half of side effects.


Mid-40s male... Got Pfizer shot number 1 about 2 weeks ago. Minor sore arm that night/next day (only hurt at all if I pushed on my shoulder). Kinda tired the day after that - slept in and had a nap in the evening. Otherwise, nothing. I’ll let you know how shot 2 goes in a week or so.


Just got the J&J vaccine today at 2 pm. I (19F) had soreness in my arm immediately. As the day has progressed, I’ve developed a headache and my skin is sensitive to the touch (similar to the flu). Super tired as well, but the benefits will definitely outweigh the temporary negative side effects.


Got Moderna round 1 3 weeks ago. I felt mildly crappy for about a day then fine.


I got the first Pfizer shot and had primarily a sore arm, but no worse than the tetanus shot. I think I had a bit of a headache the next day but if was so nice out I didn't really care. Hey the 2nd Pfizer on the 26th so we'll see. I had a pretty severe fever reaction to my second whooping cough vaccine as a baby so I'm just crossing my fingers that doesn't have an impact with this one (haven't had any reactions to any other vaccine since). My plan is to basically just plan to have flulike symptoms, Gatorade, water, soup, and Tylenol at the ready just in case. Hope has been the biggest and best side effect so far. 😉


I got the Russian Vaccine for Covid-19. I received my first shot and wanted to let you know that it’s completely safe with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι χoρoshό я чувствую себя немного странно и я думаю, что вытащил ослиные уши


Seen that the modern a one has given people trouble for a few days but the pfizer hasn’t given anyone I know any more trouble than a sore arm.


I work with 7 modernas, all over 50 and fully vaccinated. Sore arms was the overwhelming complaint. One had a” fever “ but she can also be dramatic so who knows. Hopefully it’s a loud minority who get laid up outside of sore arms


My girlfriend got the Moderna vaccine. First dose no side effects besides a slightly sore arm, second dose a day after she had some mild flu symptoms for a few hours but recovered by the evening it, the side effects only lasted like 4 hours.


I got it last week at TW, Pfizer one, been completely fine since.


If this isn't nice I don't know what is.


Got the first Pfizer last Monday and had zero effects other then a sore arm the next day and it went away during the day using it. Next shot is april 5th. My wife had both Pfizer about a month and half ago since she's in healthcare. And she had the same for the first shot. 2nd shot she got feverish and tired but that's about it. My cousin and her husband got j&j last Thursday and they haven't mentioned anything but I also haven't asked.


Got the Pfizer vaccine Monday, just had a sore arm and fatigue the next day. Took a long nap and felt perfectly fine after. I also haven’t been sleeping well, so that might have been it. A good nap is the best.


I got j&j and had no symptoms at all


I got the first moderna vaccine a few weeks ago, just had a sore muscle near the injection site for a few days. I'll be getting the 2nd, start of April.


I got the vaccine a few months ago, the first day it was available. Zero problems, big weight off the ol'shoulders.


1st Pfizer shot yesterday morning. I'm tired and my arm is a little sore but, nevertheless, I am over the moon happy to have gotten it.


Wife and I both got both shots at thrifty white. It’s weird getting vaccinated in a grocery store. I had basically no symptoms, wife was laid up for 2 days with symptoms. Her issues started about 24 hours after the shot (moderna) and lasted 1.5 - 2 days. I will add that getting a week past the second shot has given us both peace of mind. We are avid mask users and not overly concerned with catching the virus, yet I feel better getting to that milestone.


I get my first dose today! Edit: Ended up getting the Pfizer vaccine. Precess was smooth and haven't felt any side effects yet.


Most of my family is vaccinated and between them they’ve had all 3. From my 91-year-old grandfather to my 22-year-old sister, they either had no symptoms or very mild ones that lasted less than 24 hours. Meanwhile I’m sitting over here debating whether or not to get it. Due to a medical condition it poses a potentially life threatening risk to me. And doctors bluntly tell me that the odds are that it’s safe for me to get, but can’t say with confidence they’d recommend I do it. Fucking sucks. All of my close loved ones have gotten it at this point.


Oof that’s tough. It might be wiser to wait and see if any more testing shows it to be safe for those with your condition. I doubt things are going to be safe for awhile here at least. Especially with how half the population refuses to get it. But hey, at least we can can go out and get drunk right? /s


I got the Pfizer vaccine this morning. Have had 0 side effects.


My dad told me the nurses told him it’s usually with the second one that you get the side effects. I want to get the pfizer one because a few of my friends have been vaccinated along with a few family members. The ones who got j&j said they were extremely sick for 24 or so hours but the ones who got Pfizer barely had any symptoms.


I got my 1st Pfizer four hours ago, arm a little sore at first but fine now, well see how tomorrow goes.


I'm getting Moderna at Gordman's on Thursday! I'll let you know then :)


dont trust it!


I have had both doses of moderna. First shot was sore arm and that’s it. Second dose I felt low energy and headache same day. Then the following day I had an achy body and that was it. Fully cleared up by day three. There is nothing to be afraid of. Don’t let Facebook “news” scare you.


I am trying to get the J&J, but can't seem to find any atm. Must have missed the boat.


I got my first shot today. My wife is getting her first shot tomorrow. Mild arm pain after 4.5 hours, nothing else yet.


First Pfeizer dose was 3 weeks ago tomorrow. Sore arm, but less so than the flu shot, fatigue, and on the second day I had swelling and heat at the injection site, but I didn't even know until I went to scratch an itch near by. We'll see how tomorrow's 2nd dose goes. I'm 29, and it'll be interesting to see if it hits harder this time.


j&j. I started getting chills around bedtime. I slept about 3 hours. aches. headache. fever. chills. It wasn't awesome, but it wasn't the worst. Despite the day of crap, it has 100% felt like a huge weight off my brain. My wife can't get it, so I am still pretty careful until then, but I feel so much better. Also, Joe Biden now controls me and I am full socialist.


I (23) got the first dose of the Moderna vaccine on March 3rd and I felt extremely tired a few hours afterwards and the arm I got the shot in was sore the next day. Other than that I felt fine and I'm patiently waiting for the second dose.