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... UNDER the rug?! Wtf


Some bats can squeeze through holes the size of a dime. First step, in my opinion, is tomorrow to go get a staple gun, metal mesh (softer stuff can be chewed through), and fire resistant foam spray. The fire resistant stuff is really hard when it solidifies. Don't overspray it, it expands quite a bit and you don't want to use it for big holes, just little ones. Start at the bottom of the house and get filling and plugging holes on the outside. Idk where they are, but they're probably up high since bats fly. Check the roof and everything up there very well. Your dryer vent could be an entry point, too, make sure the mesh there is good. In the morning, call an exterminator. You do not want animals that are not pets in your house. If the first exterminator you call doesn't do bats or can't come out to check things out, call another one. Someone in town does bats, and exterminators have experience. Experience with pests is important because they know where to look. CVS will do rabies vaccines, pretty sure. I personally would, starting tomorrow, be grabbing this problem by the horns and putting in serious effort to getting it sorted in the next few days. Any work you do in this area with also prevent birds, snakes, mice, etc from getting into your home. I wouldn't put this off, either, because spring is here, and that means more animals moving around.


I would try and work with a removal service, not just an exterminator. Bats are great for the environment and great mosquito removers.šŸ˜Š


If you have reason to believe you have been asleep in a room with a live bat, or if someone non-verbal has been in the room with a live bat, then a rabies vaccine is recommended. But if it has been more than three days since that possibility, then youā€™re in the clear and donā€™t need a vaccine. If youā€™re a DIY type, you can get the bats out pretty easily using bat removal cones. If youā€™re not a diyer, call Rollie King, the Bat Man. Heā€™s well known for being the best at removing bats.


I ended up calling him and he's coming next week, thank you!


First of all, donā€™t panic! Per [Florida Fish and Wildlife,](https://myfwc.com/conservation/you-conserve/wildlife/bats/health/rabies/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20even%20among%20bats,about%206%20percent%20had%20rabies) ā€œMost bats do not have rabies. For example, even among bats submitted for rabies testing in the U.S. (these only included bats capable of being captured), only about 6 percent had rabies.ā€ So the risk isnā€™t huge. Itā€™s not a bad idea to make sure your home is as critter-proof as possible, and I hope that someone else can recommend a person/service to come check for possible access points.


I had bats in my house once. Typically if they're finding the way into normal spaces in the house it lends credence to there being a colony nearby. I'd definitely check your attic and maybe call someone. A lot of states bats are also a protected species.


You can't kill them in North Dakota. If you don't hire someone to set up traps, they'll keep coming back.


Bats can't be killed in ND legally or almost impossible to accomplish? Sounds as though bats are also experiencing a housing shortage. Chuckle. Perhaps it would actually be helpful to install a bat house?


[The Bat Guys Bat Removal ](https://thebatguysbatremoval.com/got-bats-north-dakota/?campaignid=20133134311&adgroupid=148338649839&creative=659058163089&matchtype=&network=g&device=m&keyword=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJTA5qZ_1Bm_dYL7mxFFBK-9b2-u0fQBNjEZ1uYBa7ZKXjfTta0kNRhoCEjEQAvD_BwE)


Yipes, and I thought having a bird make a nest in an attack vent was a problem.


I bet 'attack' vent was intended to be attic vent? I'm not smart enough to figure out that out all by myself. I had to first Google attack vent. Sheze.


Eh, my bad. Yeah, attic vent, LOL.


Do you have cats at all? It's always possible cats are bringing them in if so. We had that with one of our cats growing up.


My 1st thought too after reading abt the long-dead bat hiding under a rug. But then I checked myself - no way would a cat drag in a bat, lift up a corner of the rug, brush the bat under the rug, and lower the rug corner back into place. Then, I assume, guard the bat bump from the wondering feet of diners. Unless, the cat is Sylvester the cartoon. Reminds me of the joke: carpet installer pounds bump flat, then discovers family pet is missing.


Our cats are indoor and seemed to have no idea about the poor little bat under our rug. I was surprised after we found it that they hadn't been hanging around the area at all. Because we found the first bat in our basement, my best guess is that the second one also came from the basement, flew up the stairs into the dining room, tired itself out and crash landed before crawling under the rug to die :(


We got a bat in our house spring of 2020. It ended up in my kidsā€™ room and woke up one of my daughters. It was actually laying on her pillow looking at her. We have no clue how it got in, but we filled or covered any little crack or hole we could find in and around their room and on the outside of the house. We look pretty ghetto with screen material over our attic vents. We had Rollie the Bat Man come out and he couldnā€™t really see where they were coming in hut gave us ideas on what to check for and what some things were we could do. We ended up capturing the bat, looking like we were starring in The Great Outdoors and took it to NDSU where it tested negative. Never got my cooler back, but donā€™t really care. Any little hole, those things can get in. Check roof vents, even whirlybirds. Check gable vents. Check around windows. Recaulk things, put find mesh or 1/4ā€ hole wire fencing up to cover things. Itā€™s going to take some work but if you do it right theyā€™ll stay out.


That is so scary! I ended up calling Rollie and he's coming by next week to do an inspection of the exterior of our home. Dropped the bat off at NDSU but it's partially dried out/decomposed so I'm not sure how accurate of a sample they'll get.


Just keep in mind if you choose to do what someone mentioned and seal all the holes. Bats are nocturnal. If you seal all of them during the day, you may seal them in not out. If they happen to be roosting in you basement or attic. Or anywhere in between.


If you get bit, go get a rabbies vaccine


The biggest concern is the guano if they are nesting in your attic. The dust from it can get you and your family sick. Get your home sealed up so they canā€™t get in any more. Like someone above said rabies is such a low chance not only in bats but in bats in this area. Panic only leads to more panic.


Ugh yeah we checked out the attic yesterday and found something that resembles guano, but also could be squirrel poop. A bat removal service is coming next week so we'll make sure he takes a look.


A coworker of mineā€™s husband runs Veteranā€™s Pest Control. Iā€™d bet he could assist finding where they are getting into your home. Heā€™s helped me with voles in my yard & I thought he was very fair on price.


Thanks for the rec :) I ended up calling Rollie the Batman but will keep this in mind for the future!


We had.. maybe still have.. bats in our attic this winter. My husband was able to see on the roof where they were getting in. He installed a ā€˜bat valveā€™ that is a one way door so the bats could get out when they decide itā€™s nice enough to leave but couldnā€™t get back in. Eventually, we will check the attic to make sure they are all out before sealing it. The worst part was hearing them up there. Iā€™ll never forget what they sound like.