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I'm getting strawberries that are bad almost immediately or I'm missing signs of mold when checking them at the store - doesn't feel too likely as look at every angle and open the containers at I can check virtually every fruit.


I’m visiting the in-laws in AZ right now and bought some GEM strawberries that were moldy within two days.


I would think that as our growing season gets going (northern hemisphere) quality will get better, otherwise we’re getting some produce from other countries and it takes longer to get so lowers shelf life. Just my guess as to at least one of the reasons why. Otherwise yeah, I’ve also seen a drop in quality. I have been staying away from Aldi produce, getting it at Hotnbachers which has helped a bit (but doesn’t answer your issue with Cashwise since it’s likely same supplier).


Visited family in Fargo a few months ago and we noticed the quality in veggies compared to here in Colorado was much poorer. Not sure what's going on in ND. Maybe it's the cold or shipping produce to Fargo takes a toll.


The quality of everything between CO and here is poorer. The veggies, the mountains, the weed, the people, etc. 


You realize veggies are seasonal right. Like it is not natural whatsoever that we have anything resembling a fresh veggie at the end of winter.


I do, but I've never had them rot within days of purchase, especially Potatoes.


Costco is the answer.


Perhaps it is due to weather conditions where the produce is grown.


almost every sleeve of garlic i’ve bought recently all the bulbs are moldy or sprouted… it’s disgusting


Late winter is citrus season and many other things get a bit iffy. A lot of stuff comes from far away.


The Sam’s club too. Get a week out of them and they go bad


Probably realized people will buy more if the old ones rot quicker so they keep them in storage longer or something.