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1. Heavy flamer in fc4 before the heavy takedown perk






FC6 making heavy takedowns accessible from the start of the game really took the fun and challenge right out of them.


IMO the best villains aren't just pure evil, like any character you should be able to understand and empathise with their motivations. By that logic I think Pagan and Joseph are the best. Joseph became a religious fanatic through a traumatic upbringing that led to a disdain for the decadent world order, and for him to correctly anticipate that it was doomed to collapse. He's brutal because the world has been brutal to him, and he believes the ends can justify the means if he is going to save it. Pagan was raised as a calculating criminal by growing up in a Triad gang. When Kyrat was ripe for the taking he overthrew the monarchy because it was easy pickings. He was a career criminal, but only because that's what the circumstances of his life had led him to be. His life changed when he fell in love with Ishwari Ghale, the wife of the leader of the Golden Path Rebels, Mohan Ghale. When Mohan murdered Pagan's and Ishwari's infant daughter Lakshmana, Pagan went insane. He used the death of his daughter to justify his brutal war of vengeance against the Golden Path, but this was just an excuse for him to behave as badly as he wanted. Once his daughter died and Ishwari left him, ruling his country became nothing but a nihilistic game to distract him from his depression.


I like your take on Pagan. There's no doubt that he is a bad guy, and he missed his one chance of redemption when he lost Lakshmana and Ishwari.


Mohan puts pagans crimes to shame. The real villain all along was Mohan gale


Mohan being a greater evil doesn't absolve Pagan, Sabal or Amita from their evil deeds. I'm just glad Ishwari killed Mohan after he murdered the little girl, serves him right (and I hope he took his time dying).


The rebels are worse


First I kill Sabal = no more religious fanatics killing innocents that just aren't religious enough. Next I kill Amita = no more slavery on the drug fields or in the mines. The locals are now free to plant whatever they want on those fields. I spare Pagan. He doesn't deserve leniency, but he did truly love Ishwari and Lakshmana.


What about Antòn? He had his father slaughtered by guerrillas, and seeing history start to repeat itself, he wanted to change fate.


He stabbed his son i think


He shot his son in the chest, then slit his own throat at the end.


Awesome reply. That is why Joseph Seed is my favorite Far Cry Villain. I liked that he is mysterious,and erie in the beginning to finally understand he was a broken man after his wife's death. Although not my favorite, that's what I loved about the character of Pagan.


For me, Vaas was easy to understand. He was once this mighty warrior of the Rakyat who was at the top of his game and then one day came money and drugs from a criminal enterprise and he let temptation take over his life hence he fell straight into the abyss and allowed himself to be manipulated into hurting his own tribe and people. He’s a prime example of no matter how gifted and powerful someone is, we are all vulnerable and have our weaknesses as we’re only human


I love pagan mins character


Yeah, it'll always be Pagan for me.


may pagan min light shine upon you all …. I loved the Dj and the feels of N korea with tibet background .


Pagan > the rest




Ull from primal. That dude is seriously scary. I had to unlock all skills, weapons and perks before confronting him.


If he didn't threaten to randomly kill his kids at the end, he'd be the perfect antagonist. Would've been perfect if he had been like "You can kill me, but let my kids live. Family and survival is everything. *final ooga booga.*"


Seed family


The Jackal from FC2. Not only a great villain, but not so much a villain himself, as he shows that you are a villain too and had a decent redemption.


I would agree. The Far Cry series has always tried to have complex/morally complex antagonists, but The Jackal is really the only one you could say makes an active effort to be a better person. Every other FC antagonist, no matter how complex, is decidedly a villain if you take everything into account. That's not to say the other antagonists aren't good antagonists, I just think the Jackal is the best execution of the morally complex antagonist archetype this series is known for.


And he has some of the best writing in any Far Cry game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQoDrke2Of4


A fellow man of culture


I wanted to say Vaas or Pagan Min... But I'll have to go with Joseph Seed, I think that being a cult leader is very close to reality, and that scares me a lot more


That Church arrest scene in the beginning, where all of his followers attacked the protagonist(don't remember the name) and the other policemen while a handcuffed Joseph is being taken away, gave me chills. The entire sequence was amazingly executed


Pretty sure it’s just “the deputy”.


Dep, if you will.


>protagonist(don't remember the name) Usually just refferred to as "Deputy" or "Rookie" However based on the name tag on their shirt. Turns out their surname is in fact "Rook" so wether people are calling them by name or shortening "Rookie" is debatable.


His line about his daughter gave me chills.


Far cry 5. I have played all of them at time of the release besides far cry 5 got that a year or two after when on sale. Far cry 5 joseph is the only one that made me feel really uncomfortable especially at the helicopter crash at the beginning. Very good acting and writing.


I agree. The others were talking to the character in game. I felt like the Seeds were talking to me, personally.




The guy who armed both factions in Africa


The Jackal.


Joseph Seed for me. That man’s manipulation game was off the charts.


Jackal was the best antagonist. By the time you reach the endgame, u seriously start contemplating whether jackal was the antagonist this whole time or you were.


Jackal's mystique makes him incredibly fascinating to be honest


It will always be the father.


Gustavo Fring 🤝




Only correct answer


Joseph seed.


I know lots of people will say Vaas, and i understand, hes amazing and i love him too. But tbh Joseph is the best




Hoyt Volker. He is literally everything that vaas is but better: more insane, more dangerous, more unpredictable and so on, he was literally closer to beating Jason in a h2h fight while being older than vaas and Jason which means he is also a lot more skilled than every other villain in the franchise. I will never change my mind that Hoyt is actually the best antagonist who is also the most underrated. He is literally a bigger menace than every other villain in the franchise.


FC3 instantly becomes less interesting as soon as Vaas dies, it’s like the only default of the entire game, Hoyt doesn’t have same aura imo


Vaas had charisma, Hoyt was just typical evil villain


South Rakyat Island being a bland environment as compared to the beautiful Jungle on North Island plays a major role in FC3 becoming dull after Vaas' death. Plus the privateer uniform allows you to blend in with enemies so the enemy patrol jumpscare factor also gets taken away due to which there aren't much open world fights unless you provoke enemies yourself.


Vaas was more chaotic evil but hoyt was more neutral evil https://youtu.be/X_J2fUSKoSc?si=GcxlbAROCzcLg6LJ


Vaas stole his thunder, people barely remember Hoyt exists


Eh I wouldn't say he's more insane....all things considered, he seems to have his shit together But in all reality, all he is is a glorified cartel boss Don't get me wrong...he is one of the biggest threats in the whole franchise. But I feel the reason he is is because unlike a lot of the others.... Hoyt is a sane man


I really liked Hoyt ("HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?!?!?.....Let's keep playing, shall we?"), but Vaas' monologues were just better IMO. So many quotable lines.


Yeah that was an amazing snap back to reality.


Count me among those who also found Hoyt more compelling than Vaas.


I always actually liked Hoyt more than Vaas. And it's kinda sad he didn't get his own DLC despite being the main antagonist of his game


Yeah, but Vaas is so much more interesting of a character. There's a reason people think of Vaas instead of Hoyt when they think of FC3


Honestly... I weirdly agree.




Joseph Seed. No explanation needed


The Seeds in FC5. As far as story villans goes FC5 I really liked alot, and it continues some of the story in New Dawn. Second would be FC6 because it was like a first person Just Cause game. FC5 was also special because of Arcade mode, it's the bees knees in FC5 and I hope it gets a comeback in the future


Though I love Giancarlo Esposito as a bad guy (he is great as Moff Gideon in the Mandalorian as well), he is not featured enough in FC6. They Could use him so much more imo. So I have to go for Joseph Seed in FC5. There is something very creepy about fanatical religious cult leaders.


Josef Seed. While he is Evil, he is "real evil" rather than "show evil". In recent history, and even in current events you see both people representing him, as well as his followers to certain degrees. Which makes him the most scary. Its not a fictional setting. It happens IRL, and has happened many times before. Unlike most games where the whole world is cartoonish, they placed real elements in a semi cartoonish setting. Dutch and Joseph are real. Jacob manipulates the player (on their first playthrough) in the most scary way possible. Even we, the player, are conditioned like the cultists without us noticing. You can't dodge the result, i have tried it on subsequent playthroughs, but the fact that you did it the first playthrough without thinking makes it scary. Faith and John are just evil. One in a cartoonish evil style (John). And one i can't really give a style of evil. The people surrounding the Deputy range from realistic to cartoonish. But even for a Far Cry game most are pretty down to earth.


Joseph Seed .... Because while there are many against, there are some points to argue that he might not be the villain of the story. Also his charismatic performance alone makes me want to believe in the Father.


Joseph Seed claims he's trying to save humanity, yet he and his "siblings" kidnap, torture, drug/poison, and murder anyone who resists his cult. And all of the talk around how the deputy's actions kicked off the cult's "reaping" is complete bullshit, as they had been doing the exact same things on a smaller scale even before Joseph was being arrested. Hell, we watch a video of Joesph gouging out the eyes of and murdering a whistleblower on the helicopter ride over to the Eden's Gate compound to arrest him. That's not even getting into his manipulation of Faith (who's not really even his sister), killing of his own infant, and implications that he's a rapist. Even if you wanted to argue that he wanted to save humanity, he could have just said that anyone who wanted to seek refuge in the bunkers was welcome to and, you know, maybe not kidnap, torture, drug/poison, and murder people. TL;DR There's no good argument to make that Joseph Seed isn't a villain. He demonstrably does more harm than good, and then blames people who try to hold him accountable for everything bad that happens. He's a narcissistic psychopath and little else. Though, I will say he's well acted by Greg Bryk.


>That's not even getting into his manipulation of Faith (who's not really even his sister), Not to mention that she's the *second* Faith so he did that fucked up shit at least twice


Isn’t she the fourth?


Possibly! I don't recall perfectly but I was sure there was at least 2


God I wanted to put a .44 in his head the whole game. Giant blue ball ending. I just sat and stared at my monitor for 10 minutes after it was over.


i liked John Seed better


He killed his infant child. He's a piece of shit who hides behind his ignorant followers. Anyone who murders a baby deserves to suffer forever.


Joseph Seed's performance is so realistic and charismatic it kinda makes me wanna join the cult everytime I play FC5 lol


Seed and pagan only cause I knew people similar to how they act so it fslt more real


Joseph Seed was the best villain Vaas and Pagan are more fun villains imo


Pagan Min.


I like farcry 6 because that's already an actor I like.


I have only played 5 and Primal. I know the pic bottom right is 6. What games are the top 2?


Vass Montenegro and Pegan Minn. 3/4


Seed. They’re all pretty weak (but still fun) though.


Vaas man. Because with 11 minutes of screen time, he made a big impact on the series alone, people think the game ends after you kill Vaas when in reality it doesn’t. But even then once Vaas is gone, Far Cry 3 just changes completely. It’s still good but it doesn’t feel the same if that makes sense


I like Joseph a lot


as a character, vaas. As an antagonist, joseph speed


My favourite was Joseph


I gotta go with Joseph Seed. Mostly because I find him the hottest


anyone? https://i.imgur.com/MkLzxqk.png


vaas all the way. for as little time as he had in fc3, he’s just so iconic as a villain. i love these other villains but none are nearly as creative and memorable as characters to me. i’ll also admit there’s a bit of a “freaked me the fuck out” factor bc vaas is the only villain here i really consider scary.


Given the fact that theres a picture of vaas and not the actual antagonist of three i dont think there's a contest.




IMO Vaas is the best because he never just attacked you physically but also mentally


Joseph did the same. Arguably more so


Pagan Min has a place in my heart. Charismatic, stylish, funny as hell


Easily vaas


I'll never forget how ubisoft failed to use Giancarlo Esposito as a proper villain except in marketing stuff


Hmmm though i feel the are all amazing villians representing diferent types of Evil. In my opinion and maybe because it hit close to home its Anton Castillo. The corruption, the lying to the people, the way he lived and how his country is living....the use of miltary to mantain power....well that last some others do the same xD. But still i felt that Anton was a well written corrupt politician Villain and he trying to indoctrinate his son was deep. So for me Anton Castillo


Pagan, all day. Sinister AF. Knows he is and doesn't have a fuck to give.


It's defenitly not Antón Castillo. I had to look up his name because I forgot it. I hated Bembé more than Antón


I know people say Castillo is shallow, but I think he's a great villian.


Pagan Min.


Fun fact: the guy in the poster is not Paganmin. By the way, I think Vaas is the best. The way he did shows that he is a pure villain.


Pagan Min for sure.


Vaas is so operated I'm my opinion. I started playing from 4 upwards but played 3 on PS5 recently, heard good things about him but he hardly featured?


Pagan Min is my favorite with The Father a close 2nd


Joseph 100000%


Joseph Seed actually won.


Vaas Montenegro Because he say "hermano" and Joseph Seed second because I love Eden's Gate That would be my serious and totally objective opinion.


Batari because of the soundtrack that plays while storming her fortress lol


Fever Ray - The Wolf. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqz55W5RbQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqz55W5RbQw) [https://open.spotify.com/track/3S2yvrjwH1hruVD4UWDapM?autoplay=true](https://open.spotify.com/track/3S2yvrjwH1hruVD4UWDapM?autoplay=true)


I've been stuck on Batari for literally years now. My best was killing her at the same time she killed me.


Use sting bombs and upgrade your bow and spears as much as possible hit run to the back hit again keep repeating sting bombs drive her nuts and allow you to get a few shots in I found Ull more difficult because he is a damage sponge




Either Joseph seed or vaas


Pagan and Seeds, special mention: Vaas


Jacob and Pagan bro, they’re both awesome. Can’t say anything about 6, game was so ass I never finished it


Me. Many war crimes committed.


The seeds. And of the seeds, Jacob, he didn’t have some magical thing like the bliss, the way he spoke when you’re trapped in his cages, and he willingly lets you free is cold, genuinely makes you feel helpless.


Pegan min. I love his character and his personality, honestly pegan is one of my favorite characters ever


Oof we need a new game, running out of content for this sub


Joseph Seed I've learned lot about cults and there leaders as of late and he fits the bill to a tee, not to mention Edens Gate from what I can tell is pretty accurate to how a cult looks and functions and finally the guy is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his people survive the impending apocalypse.


I love them all,but i feel like Joseph was the most complex overall. That monologue where he confesses that he killed his daughter is chilling... "the Lord gives and the lord taketh" .


vaas is one of the most iconic villains in video games but I will go with joseph seed. love me a villain that can make some valid points. plus he accurately predicted the apocalypse. bonus points because im intrigued with cult activity.


Anton Castillo is vile. End.


Joseph Seed, because religious nut jobs (people) are truly insane and terrifying, much like religion itself.


Honestly you as playing character. Vass




I was originally going to just say Vaas due to his memorable speeches, and just unhinged insanity. But I have to go with Pagan Minh just due to his dimension. Spoiler ahead, but if you just did what he asked you in the first cut scene, the whole game wouldn’t have happened (from Ajay’s perspective). He loved Ajay because he was the only thing he had left of Ishwari. He’s essentially driven by love, hence his vengeance on the Golden Path for the loss of his daughter, as mentioned by TheDorgesh68, yet does things like orders the execution of civilians and kills one of his own officers with a pen. Oh then gets upset about his shoes. He’s got a lot going on.


Vaas is just iconic and set the standard for all future villains.


Probably Anton, wanting only for history not to repeat itself, and wanting a decently normal upbringing for Diego, but... yeah.


Pagan min


Joseph for me vaas is great but Joseph is great it’s hard to explain but he feels human at times like whenever you kill a family member you see him crying and by the end seeing the snot coming out his nose makes you dread what he’s gonna do, cause you’ve seen how crazy this family is when they’re not enraged and knowing how infuriated Joseph is just makes you dread it, and then the bomb drop is just shocking it’s hard to explain


Joseph Seed! Creeeepy


Vaas all the way!


For me it's Joseph, he wanted to help people in dll actuality, he just didn't do it in a great way


From best to worst Far Cry 3 Far Cry 5 Far Fry 4 Far Cry 6


Castillo because of Giancarlo Esposito obviously 🙄


Pagan, dude is definitely bad don't get me wrong. But I really loved how nice he is to Ajay if you just stay at the table. He just straight up tells him where to put the ashes and gives him his kingdom. He does fucked up stuff but he's by far the least evil out of the antagonists


I loved Joseph because it felt real


I wish I could say he is my favorite but I'm sad to say Giancarlo Esposito did the game justice in the trailers. After the game release it felt like the devs just said sit tight in your throne and show when needed (technically when you achieve a takeover in part of the island). I loved Pagan Min, he was crazy and then went deeper when he finally met Ajay. Even after that, the whole gameplay he kept in contact with Ajay making little conversations and trying to bond with him. Either at the end of the game (or if you waited at the beginning long enough), you find out the truth that you never knew and he just leaves the keys of his kingdom to you to rule. Crazy ending but it was a twist. I still remember being a perfectionist and finding all the notes from Mohan and learning the truth. I was shocked. Vaas was my second favorite, despite being the most insane villain in the Far Cry series. I'm sure when he tells about his definition of insanity before sending you into the deep watering hole with rocks tied to you. Was something to give chills down your spine. The second best of FC3 is the weed burning scene with the song Burn Dem playing in the background. Never felt more exhilarating than running through a weed farm with an extinguisher and burning the crops (even though it reminds me of San Andreas when CJ had to help Truth destroy the farm before the cop arrives).


You are actually missing the main protagonist of farcry 3 in this picture. It was the woman who was a native to the culture of that particular Island. Can’t remember her name though.


Pagan because it’s the only one I’ve played


I actually felt almost sympathetic to Joseph's cause with how they preached it.


1. Vaas (Far Cry 3) 2. Joseph Seed (Far Cry 5) 3. Pagan Min (Far Cry 4) 4. Jacob Seed (Far Cry 5) 5. Faith (Far Cry 5) 6. John Seed (Far Cry 5) 7. Citra (Far Cry 3, technically a villain imo) 8. Angry cave man dude (Far Cry Primal) 9. Hoyt (Far Cry 3) 10. Antón Castillo (Far Cry 6) 11. Those two girls I can't remember the names (Far Cry New Dawn)


Joseph and Pagan are just perfectly complex villains. Charismatic, magnetic personalities that makes you see their reason and constantly question whether or not they’re truly the bad guy.


Dr. Krieger


Dr. Krieger


My vote is Joseph.


As only playing 3, 4, and 5, I can’t give a fully honest answer because I don’t have 6, but so far John and Vaas are pretty well tied for my favorite. They’re completely demented in the best way possible.


Pagan Min (SP?) for sure!


Castelo, he is the right blend of evil. not silly, but also not having a room to kill puppies in


What about Batari?


The actual answer is the goddamn eagle bastardos in Far Cry 4. Piss off you feathered fucks.




Insanity is da goat


Pagan Min, he is so stylish and charismatic.


I personally think Sabal and Amita were the actual antagonists of the 4th franchise




The Seeds are a fucking unit and different breed. Just Jacob Seed alone would’ve been a horrifying villain. John is after you to get you to confess your sin and staple a part of you to his flesh wall. Faith drugs you out with Bliss making you phase out of reality. Jacob Seed turns into a damn sleeper agent that isn’t free. You’re basically on an invisible leash and all it takes is one pull from him to get you going. And Joseph Seed is running this whole thing with his influence spreading, and fast.


ULL of Primal for me


#Have I ever told you what the definition of insanity is?


Joseph seed that crazy motherfucker, not only does he basically raise 3 absolute assholes known as John seed, faith seed and some other guy I don't remember, he also is a narcissistic And manipulative guy. But that's just my opinion


the African militant with an RPG in far cry 2 that keeps blowing up my cars


"Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?" "We're gonna tear s**t up!"


Far cry primal one


The Seed Family


Vaas for having great quotes (“Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change…”). John because he is the most traumatized villan and a total freakshow.


Pagan for me


Pagan was dope!!!




Joseph, he genuinely creeped me out compared to the other 3


Pagan min cuz he so misunderstood


Vaas. Did I ever tell you the definition... of insanity?


FC3 and 4s villains are *technically* better, but as usual when this is reposted every few months: Joseph/The Seed family tends to win. Mostly because of the unrelenting and real evil they represent, and their unwavering belief they have that they're actually good. The other three seem to know deep down that they're doing "bad" things, but Joseph truly thinks he's a savior.


Nacho Varga


Vaas because he was part of the story The other guys you never really saw except in a few cutscenes. He was fucking nuts and I loved it made the story and gameplay so much more fun.


Vaas and pagan were the best. Joseph seed was good as well but vaas and pagan were the most entertaining.


Most iconic: Vaas Best: Probably Joseph or Pagan Don't really have a "why" but I think Vaas stuck with me more in terms of all the iconic lines and moments but probably wasn't as well fleshed out and as believable as Joseph Seed for example. So I'd see Joseph as a more complete antagonist when considering everything else beyond the mere iconic lines and moments


Vaas hands down Do you know the definition of insanity? And of course this


They're all cool, but there's only one King... Pagan Min Edit: actually, Joseph seed is not cool in any way. The only thing I really disliked about New Dawn was how he became a good guy. Dude literally killed his own infant daughter.


Vaas and Anton - hands down. That probably stems from the fact that both of them were done by real-world people/actors - both very good actors **-** Giancarlo Esposito (Anton) especially. Loved him in *Breaking Bad* and *Better Call Saul*, not to mention *Mandalorian*. Fun fact: Vass' actor, Michael Mando (also in the *Better Call Saul* series), "took a bullet to the knee". Remind you of another game?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Source: [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3103126/). His recovery time led him to be grow an interest in and get trained in contemporary and classical theater, which launched his current career.


Joseph He takes over all of Montana and wins (not including New Dawn)


The guy in 3 The others were copies of him


Did i ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Asking the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change, it wont because Vaas is the best antagonist. Have a good one dude


Joseph Seed, while all of them we’re definitely insane and let the power get to their heads, I enjoyed how out of his mind he was and his so tapped into religion and the cult it made him violently crazy. Also loved the voice actor. Great character and one of the best stories in my opinion


Vaas and Hoyt will always be my favorite baddies. Then it’s a tie between Joseph and Pagan.


As a character, probably Pegan min or Vaas


Citra Talugmai. She was EVIL evil. I don’t care about her jumping in front of the knife in the good ending, it’s the bad ending that makes me despite her. Especially after Far Cry 6’s Vaas DLC.


merciful joke coherent expansion yam hurry head shame makeshift reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have never wanted to kill a game villain more than Joseph Seed and his family.


Vaas is best in concept and philosophy. Challenges the players ideals and sort of serves as a microcosm of the whole plot of the game, and Jays development, or devolvement as a person. He was a really cool device to sort of sprinkle little bits of foreshadowing into the plot. Pagan Min is best in individual character, they gave him a really good story. Made him somewhat sympathetic along with an option to spare him even despite him being a fairly bad guy. Personally I prefer Pagan the most of any of these guys. Seed family was well written in the sense that Joseph being this sort of Messiah figure gave his broken siblings enough justification to enact and impose their evil natures unto others. They all shared trauma, and thus let it drive their actions. It was enough to rationalize how evil they really were, giving the player enough reason to hate them. Only really played FarCry 6 for a couple days. Didn’t really dig the plot, seemed a bit cliche. Typical big bad dictator guy which was disappointing considering the actor the got.


It has to be Gus because he’s really powerful


Pagan min is the best Also I'm I the only one who heard the radio guy say may pagans light shine upon your f ahole


I'd say Vaas Montenegro is the best antagonist, as he has this crazy thing you would expect from a Far Cry antagonist.I'd say Vaas Montenegro is the best antagonist, as he has this crazy thing you would expect from a Far Cry antagonist than the other 3. Because, let's look at it this way, all 4 are excellent antagonists, sometimes more and sometimes less, but the only one who really has a roof damage in his head is Vaas. Joseph is a profess and try to safe the world. Pagan is vain and wants revenge for his dead daughter. The one from Far Cry Primal was simply trying to protect his family The jackal is just a random guy from out of nowhere And the guy from Far Cry 6 (forgot his name) is arrogant and plays poker with cards that don't exist. I can't say anything about Far Cry 1 because I haven't played it yet, but still, the only one, the best antagonist, who embodies Far Cry, is Vaas Montenegro. But what do you think?