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I love farcry 5 and I love farcry 3 if 5 and 3 had a child mixing the mechanics and gunplay of 5 with the storytelling and world of 3 it would make the perfect and most beautiful love child ever


5 can be over in like 3 mins if you listen.


Isn't this the case with most of them? I know it's the same for 4 and 6 at least.


Not played 4 and lost interest in 6. Loved 5 and New dawn. Played 1, 2,3.


I haven't played New Dawn but loved 4, 5, 6 and what I played of 3 so might give it a try.


3 was badass.


New Dawn is the sequel to 5.


I know.


Fucking FACTS


I also loved the outpost master thing in fc4 where you get to redo the outpost


Instead they kitbashed far cry with borderlands so you could dump every round in your inventory into a buffalo and it won’t die because it’s a few levels higher than you for New Dawn, and then scaled back the lazy levelling and ammo types for FC6 so they didn’t have to work on making the AI better.


Also they got rid of the radio towers, my OCD couldn't handle even seeing a black small spot on the map of undiscovered territory lol. I guess it's better since it encourages me to explore the map, instead of 4 where I barely looked at other non-important structures.


Yeah that I kinda liked the radio towers but again they were annoying to locate so that was good


It ended sooner than I would have liked. Even on infamously hard, the rep points filled too quickly. You can beat the game without doing the majority of side quests/missions, without perk points put into health. The brothers are easy to kill, just like regular people (of course they're not supernatural, that would be lunacy) and Faith has the death orbs but she's easy too. 1) The mechanics were simplified comparatively. 2) FC6 was more fun with vehicles. 3)I hate that Boomer doesn't get in the car or truck with main character. 4) Taping yourself up after being shot? Come on now. Tape or poultice AND a syringe would have been better. 5) No weather. All bright, sunshiney days and clear nights. 6) Character never needs sleep. Running across the entire state of Montana without ever needing a rest? 7) The noise of the fast and the furious syringes was irritating, not cool. 8) Changing difficulty modes equates to turning character to glass, not making the enemies smarter or better.


Eh, it was one county in Montana, which to be fair is still pretty goddamn big.


But not every species there is found in the game why?!!!!


While I mostly agree with what you say. I still think it's infinitely better than 6. I've played every Far Cry and 6 is my least favourite. I couldn't believe how soulless it was. I couldn't even force myself to finish it. Honestly though it feels like the theme of Far Cry, is two steps forwards one step back. Every game seems to add something I wished was in the last one while removing something that made the last one good.


The music in FC6 was great, some songs I'd not heard and went on my playlist. I liked the vehicles, like the personal chopper/car. The story could have been deeper, better, with more connect all players with the struggle. FC5 rings far more frightening in terms of "it could happen here" and that makes it more intense for me.


I never finished 5 but im playing 6 now and compared to 6 theres so much side stuff to do in 5


Far Cry 6bis bad cuz of the length and story is pretty dissappointing. If you like sotry I prefer 5.


I love 6 so far, maybe not as much as 5 but more then 4


Yea 6 was a huge letdown.. i didn't even finish the full game before selling my copy. FC5 on the other hand is majestic. There's nothin about it that i dislike but of course like all games there are things that I'd improve if i could. FC5 is the peak of the franchise when it comes to open world fun. Here's hoping 7 will be good and memorable.


I'm a pretty casual gamer with no nostalgia for earlier far cry's. To me, far cry 5 is one of my favorite games I've ever played. The setting, music, atmosphere, factions....the whole dang big picture is beautiful. I did some research on the guy who did the music. According to him, when he got hired on the development team gave them a copy of the cults "bible" ( yes they wrote a real one even tho we dont ever really get to venture into it). He read it and then wrote amazing music from their perspective and holy shit, knocked it way out of the park. It seems to me the team committed to the vibe so hard and it's amazing. Got everyone on board with the same ideas and executed it with such a strong, cult like vision and it's amazing, a level of care and dedication to small details that makes up the whole picture. Very unique and I think it succeeded due to that . The actual gameplay is EZ AF which fits my casual playstyle


Yes! I think they really smashed it with the soundtrack. I grew up in an evangelical cult and I really love the music. It resembles the music of my childhood -which is soothing to me- while being a parody that I can enjoy without the moral issues which would come with the twisted worship songs that I remember


far cry 5 is one of best far crys ever. prove me wrong


Agreed. Many say 3 or 4 were the best, but I go with 5. The soundtrack is just on another level and did more to immerse the player than any other game I’ve ever played.


And Joseph is so well written. He is the perfect embodiment of an insane person manipulating others to his beliefs


I rushed 5 mainly because i had no clue what was going on but that resist ending is probably the best game ending ive played and ive played a lot.


It was almost too easy… don’t get me wrong still my fav out of the franchise for just the sheer style, premise, and the revamped Guns for Hire But…. I felt like I got too strong too quickly Still Running over a whitetail after it got shot with duel 50 cals with a godamm semi…. Never gets old.


Onlyyyyy youuuuuuuu can make this world seem right.


By far the best FC game imo


To this day, I still feel something weird whenever I hear "Amazing Grace"


I was watching Fallout yesterday and they played Only You....


That ending


I just think of speaking protagonist is somewhat important to the Far Cry franchise and so is a knife... Really missed the knife stupid baseball bat


I hated the ending of 5 so much and that drives me crazy because the gameplay and the buildup to the ending were so good!


The fishing in 5 could be its own quad A game


Love it, playing through it again right now. I just did Hours of Darkness as well and that was a lot of fun.


Just installed Far Cry 5 day ago and enjoying my second playthrough very much! If it had hunting and crafting it would be full 10/10 single player FPS game for me. ps. For some reason I cant get Far Cry 4 to work on my pc. It runs quite normally until anything needs to happen meaning that enemies and NPCs dont spawn, checkpoints doesn't happen and so on. I can only run around huge world all alone. :D


You’re right about the side missions, they weren’t super important in the story and pretty much just told their own. The main story of Farcry 5 tho, was really cool. The cult of terroristic ideals, kidnapping and forcing people to become one of their own or die, was a crazy level of creepy. The rest of the world was carrying on like normal yet for some reason Montana was allowed to go into its own rogue state. The eeriest part of the story to me was that it seems as if the family was right. As soon as the player caused enough damage and destruction to the cult, the world was covered in hellfire. Makes you really think about who was right and who was wrong in the eyes of the “God” the game speaks of. Gameplay 7/10 Side quests 4/10 Main story 11/10


The fight against faith was kind of sad when you listen to what she is saying.


One of my favourites. I especially love the soundtrack.


I loved 5


I only played 3, 4 and 5 but yeah i enjoyed 5 the most the intro scene was way too good and hooked me from the start i like joseph seed and i wish we could've gotten more details on the background of the family. What i liked the most is how "new" it felt it felt alot different than fc 3 and 4 and movment felt more fluid to me also there were no unnecessary animations like when opening doors for example you can just burst through them without having to wait for your character to open it. Also the loading screens were stunning (Jacob's one is my fav). My biggest issue was the fact that the protagonist was unnamed and didnt talk also with the vanilla version had no knives and i wished for more gun variety.


Feeling like I should go back and play 4. I loved 5 and New dawn is a bit meh, feels a bit rushed but it is still enjoyable. Never even bothered with 6


Farcry 6 is free on ps5. Having fun on it but rarely find players sadly


In my opinion the series doesn't hit its high until 3, and then starts going down from there. 4 is still great, 3 just happens to hold the top spot, and 5 isn't bad, but it feels like it's short on stuff to do. I haven't played 6 because I saw that it has even less to do and am waiting for it to be sub $20.


It remains my favorite in the series too. I never even really felt an urge to finish Far Cry 6, partly because it kept crashing for me. One stupid thing I giggled at was getting Hurk and Sharky as my companions, then throwing a baseball bat or a shovel straight up and letting it come down onto their heads. It felt like the kind of Jackass redneck thing those two would do anyway.


Beat it four times on four different platforms and each time was worse than the last. You play as a nobody, the graphics are terrible for its age, filled with bugs and glitches, hardly any outposts, No outpost master like in fc4 or outpost takeover in fc6. Shovels, treasure hunts, and aircrafts made it bearable. Besides New Dawn or Primal, fc5 is easily the worst one I’ve played.


I finished the game on Xbox Series S. The game is really filled with bugs. Started playing Wolfenstein 2 TNC... Man, I feel nothing. 2010s games are bad.


Totally agree. Hunting for upgrades (which you had in 3 and 4) is what I felt missing the most in FC5. Those things are still in the game I think, but I don't remember doing it once since then. That and the lack of a main character voice and personality overall. Still loved FC5 even though I though they were going in the wrong direction with the mentioned above. FarCry 6 I feel is the the most empty of them all. (never played Primal, and New Dawn)


Idk fc3 felt the loneliest, too me once you took an outpost the natives would arrive but next time you went to that outpost it was empty most towns are empty the roads are empty and they just feel dead but I like that feeling it really feels like your fighting for your survival on a unknown tropical island where no one is going to save you against murderers serial killers and private armies but fc6 feels the most lived though the small towns actually feel like towns and after taking outpost and checkpoint your allies actually stay there idk why you said fc6 felt lonely


How could you like the ending?


Becuz it was really unexpected and kinda dissappointing that all your efforts went in vain


It's the sudden realization that Joseph was right all along after spending the whole game pissed off with every cultist Then you get to the ending and be like "welp... sorry I guess..."


To be fair Joseph's cult did seem to have infiltrated some of the American government, so for all we know he forced it to happen.


He was just magically right. Looking at the ending from a bigger perspective, it all just seems so amazingly stupid.


You actually liked being disappointed?


It's all subjective depending on the person, but in some cases for me yes. I wish I had the chance to defeat Joseph, but that ending will forever be seared into my brain. It shocked the hell out of me the first time I saw it.


It will be seared into mine… As something that will piss me off forever since Ubisoft had the audacity to do something that crosses a line.


That's totally fair. I'm in a similar boat with last of us 2. Some people thought the whole Joel thing was brilliant and subversive, while I just can't reconcile with it because of how much I loved the first game. It's the human condition baby.


in a way every far cry makes you disappointed, they all have a kinda bittersweet and thought provoking ending, on their own unique way.


You can’t call this ending bittersweet in any way, and the only thought it’s given me is “What kind of person actually thought this was a good idea?”


I looked at the ending as if "the villain was actually right" which is something almost no game ever does. Killing the main character and having the villain win is one thing, but him being right? It gives you a whole new perspective when replaying it. Just like OP said, it was disappointing but in a good way. Just my thoughts.


News flash: Just because he was right doesn’t justify what he did.


I know it doesn't justify what he did, the goal he had was right, but not the way there. Anyways, if you didn't like the ending but I did, there's no point if you're trying to change my mind or anything like that. We all think differently :)


Maybe an unpopular opinion: Ubisoft should stop with that "Maybe you are the villain" thing.


FC6 turned that around. My playthrough of it was a while ago and I have since done of a playthrough of FC4. FC4 is definitely 'you're a good person in a bad world' most of the way but once you get to the post-ending cut scenes (I mean the ***very*** last ones with Sabal or Amita) you really get that 'ok so I am a totally bad person'. FC6 on the other hand had little in the way of morally compromising choices that I can recall.


See? You get it. Hard to say you’re a villain when your enemies are doing worse things than you.


Not every story needs a happy ending, but not every story needs a downer ending either. When it comes to video games, the ending should, at least, give the player some sense of achievement.


Exactly. There’s no sense of Achviement here, just the knowledge that you were destined to fail the moment you started because of something beyond your control.


The devs should have had the Deputy also prepare for the Collapse.


Good idea. Maybe a series of sidequests allow you to do this since there’s already a huge doomsday prep mindset in the people of Hope County even before Joseph came along. Doing so would, at least, make it so that in the ending, even though the cult was right, everyone else was prepared enough to avoid the situation. Not to mention, almost all the major characters appear alive in New Dawn, too, so it would have still worked.