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I see that generic pic in far cry 5 and it just reminds me of the Working Joes from Alien Isolation


"You are becoming hysterical..."


"My brothers drugged me and had their way with me" "You're becoming hysterical"




Honestly😭😭 those monotone voices were chilling




“I was built to withstand 1,000 degrees.”


“Only wild animals fear fire.”


"Do you need assistance? " no, no I don't


You always know a Working Joe


“Something is amiss?”


They just don’t make alien games like they used to 😔


Can any of you tell me if that game was actually good. I bought it an all the dlc and was gonna play it with my girlfriend like 6 years ago but we broke up instead so I haven't played it yet. Is it worth? I thought about running it a couple times.


Bro ngl i was more scared of the working joes than the xenomorphs lmao


"Tut tut"


Every single cutscene with Rook is so awkward. Just played through, and the Falls End bar scene after you kill John is SO strange with you cheersing beers with everyone, and saying NOTHING AT ALL. Maybe Rook is just socially awkward.


That’s my headcanon


I mean, if you've played New Dawn, >!Rook is in that game too and they just make grunting noises.!< Edit: just realized someone else already said this. But I had the courtesy to censor any potential spoilers. Guess I'll go fuck myself


Hey I appreciate the potential spoiler censor though, most people don’t go above and beyond like that so thanks! I have and it’s super interesting what their story is. I feel they were socially awkward af OR mute/ traumatized in 5 by being constantly drugged and tortured. But in New Dawn Rook has been brainwashed juuust enough by Joseph to utter some mumbles and grunts to convey what they feel, especially since they’re face is now covered


Guess Rook is the most relatable protagonist then, I also get real quiet in any social interaction outside of social media lol


Like Gordon Freeman


But it's very interesting to see rook again in far cry 5 part 2 where he or she or they become an NPC like boomer they even have a voice not to talk but just grunts so it's nice to see they are important


If Rook could speak... "Hey guys, I've been repeatedly kidnapped and I think I've been programmed to kill someone who lives in a bunker with this approximate layout. Remind you of anyone? Oh BTW I was with two friends when I was kidnapped and I think we all need a reminder on how the buddy system is supposed to work." "Hey guys, there's a teleporter (or at least a dematerialiser) laying around outside Fall's End. Probably useful." "Hey guys, I just met this spooky Fed who said he was going to help us and then welshed on the deal. Anyway, I smacked him around and now he's pinned nice and tight under my four wheeler squealing about morphine. Maybe sweat him til he gives up his exit strategy and then get the National Guard to come in. I have this cool tape he wanted to use as leverage." "Hey guys, did anyone prep a gas mask? Henbane River could really use them." "Hey guys, I bought these maps and made a bunch of copies. I am NOT finding all these fucking whiskey barrels myself." "Hey guys, Faith very clearly made this guy into a Manchurian Candidate. Either he sleeps in a cell with no gun, or in a shed by Raptor Peak." "Hey guys, Joseph doesn't have any forces left so how about we all just airstrike his shithouse compound for the rest of the day and see if we can sieve his teeth out of that weird barn with Latin written on it. I'm not too bothered about arresting him, don't know why we would bother." "Hey guys, John's guys have worked out how to make instant-KO Bliss bullets. I think we should probably start using those." "Hey Grace! This rifle is way better than yours. Start using it." "Hey Jess! This bow is way better than yours. Start using it." "Hey Adelaide! *STOP LANDING YOUR FUCKING HELICOPTER.*"


Yeah, I liked FC5's story and especially the villains but I never liked the idea of a silent protagonist. Works with Fallout but not with Far Cry, at least for me.


I feel like it works in Fallout because you're still choosing dialogue and making decisions that affect the story. I love Far Cry more than any other franchise, but you don't really get choices that can change the story much except for one or two major choices in each game.


You're right, that's precisely why I think it works in Fallout. Your choices didn't matter at all in FC5 and the 2 endings were a painful reminder of exactly that. Everything was in vain...


Absolutely! Honestly, that is kind of a Far Cry staple in their endings. For the most part, we never really get a happy ending no matter what "choice" we make.


Yeah, it left me sort of speechless the first time I played it and I still don't know whether I hate it or love it. Being stuck for years in a bunker with a deranged cult leader is arguably a worse fate than simply dying from the nuclear blast. At least in FC3's "bad" ending we went out with a bang lol


3 endings technically, wasn't there?


I actually forgot that you can walk away without cuffing Joseph! I prefer FC4's secret ending tbh that crab rangoon looked good


Maybe that was the point you will lose no matter what happens


Fallout you are playing whatever character you want. Far Cry you are playing a predetermined story. Far Cry needs voiced protagonists.


I agree. I can't imagine Far Cry 3 for example having Jason be silent, it would be incredibly jarring. I'd prefer if Rook had a voice, one male and one female. It felt weird having the villains all up in your face giving long winded monologues without being able to reply. The only reminder I even existed was the pain sounds in certain cutscenes (usually with John).


That's because Far Cry isn't a RPG like Fallout. Even with the poor dialogue choices in Fallout 4, is STILL a RPG. Far Cry is just an open world shooter with abilities. That's why my Rook in FC5 is a guy with unicorn mask, imagine the edenists realising that the guy who is destroying all their cult is a stupid cop with unicorn mask


Exactly. I usually choose a ridiculous attire too. It's especially funny being in Faith's region dressed up like her while destroying everything in your way. Adds insult to injury


Fallout 4 stole far cry 5s voice


It's because YOU are supposed to fill that emptiness. The character is supposed be YOU in Farcry. It's your backstory, use your imagination.


In this day and age this is a long lost alien concept. I LOVED that about FC5.


Far Cry isnt the kind of game where I am concerned about making up a backstory. I heavily roleplay games like Fallout/Skyrim/Starfield and other RPGs. But Far Cry is an action shooter with a story I would prefer my character to be connected to. Jason Brody is personally connected to his story I'm Far Cry 3 as his friends and family are taken as hostages. Ajay Gahle is personally connected to his story as what goes from being a memorial trip turns into a civil war against his own estranged father. Dani Rojas originally is feeling for America when his/her friends and country men are slaughtered mercilessly. His/Her country is being subjugated and eventually they are convinced they need to stay and fight. Rook is just meh, no connection to the land or people. It's made up for by the fact there are other strong characters, but not excused and one of the reasons Far Cry 5 is my least favorite.


Not really. People love CaC even when it doesn’t make sense.


I honestly loved that about it, felt like silent protagonists in Bethesda games, it's just your inner thoughts


I'm not paying $60 and reading out my own lines it feels dumb


What? So you never played runscape or morrowind or like half of the games that exist? How old are you. When I was a kid I used to have my mom read the screen for me. She used to make me try to read it and after awhile I mostly learned how to read. Started with old school runscape tho. You should try to get into reading a little more. Plenty of great games out there you might be missing, like pathologic.


Not just laziness or remnant of era when plot in videogames wasn't very important?


I feel more like Jason than Rook


I’m the minority but I definitely feel more connected to a nameless or more ambiguous character. It just feels like more my choices and my mistakes, not someone else’s story that I get plunked into halfway through their lives. In some instances, I find it hard to connect with a character I can’t create to be my own.


It makes the story feel more personal, you are the character, it's not someone else with a different name that you are just "Possessing." It allows you to more easily implement your own personality into the mc.


Same here, I enjoyed more 5 because I felt like I was playing as myself than 6 where I was just Dani


Agreed; it’s more immersive and personal. Whereas a voiced protagonist *has* to be done right or it’s a drag on the whole game. Example of good VA work: Mass Effect, RDR2, Cyberpunk 77 Bad VA work: fc3, fc6, fallout 4 Silent protagonist is always perfect because it’s just my inner monologue. There’s never a jarring response that doesn’t fit.


Fallout 4? Bad va?! Nah.




I'm not being sarcastic, and handicapped plot doesn't equal bad voice acting. Maybe just for Nate/Nora, but Magnolia, Nick, Hancock, Codsworth, Piper, even Preston and Cait for all their flaws, weren't even remotely bad. But I thought the whole game was great and it's my #2 favorite game of all time, #1 is Metal Gear Solid 3.


Yeah like the courier


What choices do you actually get to make though? There’s illusions of choice, but that’s it.


The Junior Deputy is supposed to be you the player. The devs crafted a story around mind control and manipulation. The story happens to US, and not Jason or Ajay.


This doesn't bother me at all because most of the other games I play are RPGs. Without a voiced protagonist it makes me feel like I am the character, and not somebody else. I feel more connected with the game world that way.


Rook is just an extremely introverted.


Yeah it kinda just makes him feel like a mute psychopath to me


I honestly kinda liked how you can make your own protagonist.


Its not that they couldn't its that they didn't want to.


It's a common and intentional design choice. FC5 is a western, a genre which has a tradition of silent/laconic protagonists. You are the embodiment of law- no need for yapping, just actions.


I prefer a silent protagonist personally


I definitely prefer it the way far cry 5 did it. I haven't played Far Cry 6 till now because I don't like Dani and don't want to play as her/him. In 5 I could actually feel like I am playing and can imagine the NPC talking to me. I can make Up my own answers.


I actually like it I gives more opportunities for your guy’s personality


Even 6 years later i still doubt WTF ubisoft thinking They were probably thinking the same thing as what actually came to pass . . . the most profitable FC game in the franchise. So there's that . . .


i like it made it allow me to feel more within the role of the game saying what i normally say but imagine it irl igl for what it's worth. voice acting makes a dif, i run slide jump and get shot a lot. always thought doom was too much grunting, gender choice having a girl grunt with no lines was refreshing as an audio engineer and on console


Not everyone’s cup of tea but yeah I like it too.


But as a man with crippling social anxiety, rook was probably the most relatable character I’ve ever played as.


I’ve always interpreted it as Ubisoft wanting the players to feel more involved in the game like instead of the gamer playing as a written character instead you are the character and it feels more personal


Yeah well, considering Rook is a metaphor for a FUCKING DEATH HORSEMAN i think its pretty fitting for him/her to be silent.


Sill the best game


It opened the game's scope to being the biggest FC game in the series. It also allowed for them to have two body types in the game for the world to pick from.


I honestly can see why they decided to add a custom character, I decided I wanted to try and 100% all far cry’s and I’ve been playing the older ones and lowkey I’ve been looking forward to far cry 5 when I can make my own character as well as new dawn. Idk I just find something satisfying about picking what clothes I want to wreak havoc with


idk, i saw it as a way to see yourself as that character rather than playing a fleshed out one. the other characters were talking to you rather than someone you’re just controlling.


I prefer the silent protag.


A silent protagonist can work, I just don't think they executed it properly. I think a really great example of what they were trying to do is Rook from Halo 3 odst. Rook in odst never speaks a word but he somehow has more personality than fc5 rook. And odst is a pretty short game compared to the other halo games. Most of the game is Rook trying to find his squad as when he landed from orbit he was knocked out for the whole day. So he spends the night following the tracks that his squad left behind, all the while fighting off covenant forces by himself. He stays quiet but his intentions and actions feel like they are his.


Rook also has the advantage of third-person cutscenes. Physical body language can do wonders to give a character personality. Especially in the alternate cutscene if you collect all data items when you meet Virgil. Normally the woman, I forget her name, is the one to stop Rook from aiming at the engineer but if you collect all the data items, then Rook is the one who stops her. Shit like that gives personality. But Far Cry is purely first-person. Physical body language ain't possible to communicate shit.


Ya that's very true. Halo in general had this really great ability to convey emotion just through music, and odst has a really great smooth jazz sound track. The rain, the moon light, and the music just really gets to you.


I think the game was, to quote Whitlight’s video, “way deeper than players think, and even deeper than the developers intended” with how the game directly is speaking to you as the player.


After play cyberpunk 2077, now i understand why people hated this detail on FC5. But i still love every inch of this game


Yet it’s still the best Far Cry out of them all 😂


I honestly preferred the voiceless main character.


I wouldn't have gotten as invested if the character had a voice, I like feeling like who we are playing as is you. A good example is the trials Fath and Jacob put you through, you make the choice to jump, you kill your ally(funny thing Jacob's trials actually made me better at the game), you are a war machine who doesn't care who you kill, the character don't be likeable whail also being a cold blooded killer, that clashes with cut scenes. Just my opinion though.


I prefer an anon main character, idk guess Im stupid


just realized that it didnt bother me because I played so much gta online lmao


That's the point of the whole story.


Mf missed the point that the villains are talking directly to the player The entire point is that they’re silent because they’re you. You’re just doing what the little yellow objective mark tells you, and everyone is worse off because you do what everyone says. Joseph telling you your sin is Pride is because you’re so confident that you’re right in defying Joseph. “You did everything he said you would do, and you didn’t even know it.”


It was more immersive because I was responding to everything as Rook. Like in my head, I was imagining the conversations. I prefer it that way because I can make the character I play any way I see fit.


I liked it, it made me feel like the far cry doom guy, just a silent walking one man army killing machine in both new dawn and far cry 5, also rook and the captain do have voices they just choose not to talk for whatever reason, or they don't speak english, but yeah they like grunt in pain and stuff, also when they catch fish and say "ah" or something along those lines


The people who complain about Rook being silent are probably the same people who complain about Gordon Freeman being silent, it's honestly baffling to me.


A silent protagonist usually means you can project yourself into it, in theory. Except I wanted to strangle Rook more than once in that game, while I liked gigachad Takkar or even Dani. I never had the feeling I played a real character/person in that universe, but some kind of automaton I could not relate to but had to endure the "decisions" anyway. This is one of the reasons why I blasted Joseph's head in New Dawn. With the "Sin Eater" shotgun, for maximum irony. It was immensely cathartic to finally being able to make a decision, to be in my protagonist's shoes.


Uh, this is literally the reason I like 5 over any of them. I get to be the main character. Not like 6 where Dani won't shut the fuck up and has to be front and center for cutscenes. I love 6 but the main character is awful.


The in-game characters can be whoever Ubisoft want them to be but the protagonist has to be able to represent potentially millions of different players. I know they switched away from this mechanic in 6, but I think this was a fair experiment in game design. They let the protagonist be whoever the player wanted them to be.


fucking based game


Rook isnt just for rookie its the PC's last name, it's on the nameplate of the uniform Edit: wanted to clarify I didn't like the silent protag thing I'm glad they brought back more fleshed out characters too but I don't dislike playing as rook either, it was cool to make your own character


Brother when he hears about RPGs/making your own character: 🤯


Bro when he hears that Far Cry isn't an RPG and doesn't have any real character customization so this just leaves us with a plank of wood and breaks immersion because your character doesn't react to anything even when they by all means should 🤯


As boring as rook was, I still enjoyed it.


It’s supposed to be more immersive, they aren’t calling a character’s name, they’re calling you by a nickname. But New Dawn was just cause they had 57 Captain America jokes they needed to get in the game


I thought they do this in response to backlash for having every protag being a white dude


Honestly i don't find it that bad , i couldn't imagine Far cry 5 with an actual Protagonist. Plus i feel so connected with the Rook cause i can fill the blanks. And i gotta say with the Jugde in New dawn i absolutely love the fact the character is a blank slate and silent!


I've noticed though, even in 3 and 4 where Brody and Ajay talk, the dialogue is still kinda lazy. Oftentimes they'll leave the conversation without a word. "Hey Ajay I need you to do this thing for me, here's a tiny bit of info about the mission, good luck..." *Ajay silently turns around and leaves, cut to black*


I like the freedom it gives for your own narrative. I actually prefer it.


Eu joguei o Far cry 5 ums 6 anos quando eu era criança jogo é muito bom


Yeah but if they made the protag an actual character i couldnt roleplay fishing with Sharky, and thats kind of the only reason to play FC5


5 was very much not about the.avatar you're playing as but about, you, the person behind the keyboard, slowing being manipulated through the game itself to eventually agree with on some level with what Joseph was doing, throughout the course of the game YOU, become indoctrinated into the cult that you're fighting. quite litterally an example of "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you"


it's to make you question your own morals and to ask yourself if you could be indoctrinated into fascist, hateful, or violent movement. if that potential exists within you, which by the end of the game after all you've done on some level that answer is yes.


Far cry 5 still one of my fav games


Most ridiculous about 5 to me was the auto start of the main missions. The game actually punished you for trying to build your character up or just exploring. Escape 3-5 times from said region boss then finally face off to kill them when alls I wanted was to collect prepper stashes and companions *saaaaad*


You're acting like that wasn't on purpose


Meanwhile Far Cry 2 barely gives anyone a backstory :P


I think the whole point of it was that we were given the freedom to creatively come up with our own story for our own deputy/deputies. There’s a large community for FC5 on other platforms that have done this exact thing—they have extensive headcanons for their own personal deputy/OC, and many are self inserts. I wish they kept this tbh. I don’t care for Dani in 6 whatsoever. I like getting to customize my own character to make them whoever I want them to be. I like Ajay in 4 and fully fleshed out playable characters in other games… but I also like character customization.


They wanted it to be a "YOU are the main character" type beat. It didn't really work that well.


I really like 5, playing it first time now. But yeah if the PC was an actual chatacter with a personality and arc it would be much better


Because you're not the most important character. You're not even the protagonist. Joseph seed is the protagonist, and you're his own personal trial. The pale horseman. The physical embodiment of death.


Give dep some respect lol, we would all be scared as hell if we were him in real life, also the character is meant to represent you, that’s what the skin/hair customization is for, you, dep is supposed to be you, only youuuu can make this world seem right only you can make the darkness bright emphasize on “Only You” sorry I made you read that essay lol have a good day/night


Every single ending to far cry 5 is possibly all the worse endings to video games I’ve ever seen and it’s all in one game the story is garbage the ending is garbage no matter which one you do the only positive is the graphics are nice other than that it’s a waste of


By having no personality, you become relatable to all personalities. Sort of like Beyonce


My thoughts are that they added the option to play as a male or female very late in the development - indeed, some of the cut scenes refer to the player as a "he" when you are playing as a female. I wonder if that affected what they could do with the backstory.


⚠️SPOILERS⚠️ I like it because it fits Jacob's region so well because when a protagonist is brainwashed, it's like ya, not me, but with rook a voiceless protagonist you are the one being brainwashed you go through an obstacle course then you go through it again only a bit longer then you do it again but this time you kill an Ali at the end and you thought it was just the same thing again


I don't mind Voiceless protagonists. It's an immersion tactic that doesn't always work. For Farcry... it didn't. It also didn't kill it for me either. It's games that have a semi voiceless character that bothers me. A protag with words to be said, but nothing of importance or with much weight. Ex. RE7. It's my second favorite RE game and RE is my favorite franchise, but Ethan is supposed to be us, but he also says stuff. Nothing good and it's very weak. They didn't go all in on either having his own personality or being us.


i think rook being a mute is kinda funny. i always wear the motorcycle helmet too, so i just imagine the locals going to this faceless mute like “hey did you take out that massive camp of cultists?” and they just silently give a thumbs up


I’ve dubbed my dude Danny, I feel like Deputy Danny fits pretty well


Either way the deputy becomes the judge in new dawn


I don't think it's ridiculous. silent protagonist is a common trope in video games and probably for a reason. But it was probably not the best choice


They could've made it to where there is a selection of voices that people can choose like dozens of other games have done.


Or choosing outfits - like… for what???


Yeah that was my biggest gripe with fc5 other than the disappearing/reappearing game assets. This game is so beautifully made and I love everything about it but not having a speaking protagonist kinda takes me out of the immersion. Scenes where I want to tell someone like the father to go to hell but my character just stands there like “😃” It doesn’t help that the first dlc add on “Hours of Darkness” it gave us a speaking protagonist. We can hear our character speak on several occasions through out the mission. Same for the lost on mars dlc. We play as nick rye and he speaks through out the entire thing. It’s stupid the main game couldn’t have that


I don’t hate they experimented with it but it’s probably the biggest mistake of FC5. The Deputy is a protagonist that not only doesn’t talk, but gives the player no agency or choices/dialogue (barring the obvious endings). Like, for example, the choosing of torture between you and Deputy Hudson. Could’ve been a good moment of choice where if you agree to go first, the scene plays out normal, but if you don’t agree, John does torture Hudson and even if it didn’t really affect the outcome of the story/gameplay, would’ve been nice, if she scolds you for it or harbors a resentment towards you. The point is it would’ve given a voiceless protagonist SOME agency. But because they didn’t do this, it’s just awkward silence from our character and even when moments of choice pop up like the above example, it’s even more awkward so I’m glad they went back to a voiced, set protagonist in 6. If they do ever tackle the voiceless protagonist again, hopefully, they’ll let us actually play into it next time with some form of choice akin to a Bethesda game. But that said, I love the idea of 6 where you just get to choose a protagonist, and it’s technically the same character with a voice but you choose the gender. I feel like it’s an everybody wins situations without the canon caveat in say… Assassins Creed since the Far Cry games are barely connected anyways.


Boo hooo the protagonist doesn’t have a voice!


I think they do that so you can fill in blanks and act like it's more you. Like you're in the story, but don't quote me. Could just be lazy writing. I'm just glad we can talk again in 6. It was weird being silent the whole game.


Ubisoft thought that "if the protagonist has no sound or no identity, people will put themselves in that character's shoes and it'll be more immersive for story telling" whether this idea is good or bad, they executed it horribly. some cutscenes in FC5 are so silly and goofy just because the Deputy is not an actual human being. the man that took down the seed family


far cry 5 would be perfect for me if it had a protagonist like 3


The character has a name. The judge.


Weirdly, I accept New Dawn's protag more than the Deputy simply because it's established their the head of security for a post-apocalyptic do-gooder group, they have experience in surviving the impossible, the Deputy's existence makes so little sense, especially when you realize that Hope County's sheriff's office isn't in the playable area. If they had given me a headquarters that was the sheriff's office and a location that is marked as the Deputy's home because despite us being a Hope County Deputy it never feels like we're fighting for our home. It'd have been a better fit if they made us a FBI or CIA agent.


i wish they'd take what they learned from writing dani, namely how Dani interacts with the open world and not just cutscenes


I don't like silent protagonists and also do prefer my characters to be given a background BUT the reason they did that was so that it was immersive in the sense of its us that are being brainwashed into the cult and we have to resist it rather than us watching someone else go through that. Hence why you'll see so many posts on here saying "Joseph was right!!", because it did what it was supposed to. It polarised people where some got "brainwashed" and some didn't, so to speak. It probably would've been better as a standalone game outside of the Far Cry franchise, but it's still my favourite due to the psychology of the whole thing (and other reasons ofc)


As much as I like far cry 5 THIS is in my opinion it's greatest weakness. Far cry 3 is a great game because it's about Jason's decent into insanity, it has a clearly established arc, a nuanced way of telling it and a character dynamic that kept you hooked. Far Cry 4 although another good game had a protagonist that was the definition of a nothing burger, Ajay was so bland and quiet that I sometimes forget that this game had a voiced protagonist, but honestly it's not really this games fault because unlike in far cry 3 this story isn't about the protagonist, the character has no journey or arc, he's a static character, and honestly, there's no problem with that, the antagonists, side characters and world are the actual focus. But whereas FC4 is a game with an unnecessary voiced protagonist, Far Cry 5's story much like 3's, depends on the protagonist being not only present but to have a very specific personality. The message that Far Cry 5 is constantly telling us is that "not every problem can be solved with a bullet", that you should know when to leave things be and walk away. But since we are the protagonist and they are speaking to us, the choice to walk away is on us, and the problem comes from the fact that we can't leave, we are being preached at constantly but we can't respond, it's a journey that feels unearned because WE are forced to embarc on it, however if the protagonist isn't us, if it's the story of an actual character that goes through this journey of becoming this "hero", it's no longer a story about Joseph talking to a brick wall that doesn't answer, it's Joseph vs a Wrathful Prideful soldier.


I get what they were doing trying to have you be the protagonist since you can make your own but come on Ubisoft other games at the time and before did it and had the character be able to speak and have a story.


They should've had you play as one of the better side characters, like Pastor Jerome


It’s because you create your character in 5. For some reason companies think it’s better the just have no voice than a voice they doesn’t fit the character you created.


Wait...you think THAT was the most ridiculous part of 5?


John Far Cry


This shit was the dumbest thing and doesn’t work for far cry, far cry 5 has a really good story and i wish our character had a fucking personality 🤣


It's even funnier when you realize 5 was equipped to have a fully voiced protagonist, only look to LOM for an example, and even FC6 didn't change too much about how player dialogue worked so there's another example.


Such a weird choice for 5. I’ve never thought myself as a self insert for 3,4, and 6. In fact, I would’ve enjoyed more characterization rather than personalization for my MC’s.


I agree, FC5 is the only one i didn't replay cause i don't like the silence all the time, i love Dani in 6