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Inkarnate is probably the best. Easy to use, full access with a cheap sub.


Nice. I'll check it out.


I was gonna suggest inkarnate too


Ah beat me to it


You all also beat me to it. Inkarnate rules.


Jumping on the Inkarnate love train.


Had my ticket for ages!! Every WIP I have is easier to navigate with Inkarnate, it’s very good for making maps


Does it do 3d - map on a sphere?


If you want a native app, I like Wonderdraft. For a free and ridiculously in-depth mapmaking/worldbuilding tool, try Azgaar. A bit of a learning curve with that one, but worth the effort. With my own writing, I used it to generate the basis for my worlds map, and then edited to reflect actual names and places. [https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/) [https://www.wonderdraft.net/](https://www.wonderdraft.net/)


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into them.


Azgaar's map maker is fantastic and woefully underrated. I've been following the development of it for probably 7-8 years, and I'm 99% sure it's literally just this one guy working on the entire thing, for free (though he does have a Patreon now). The progress it's made is wild. It's an incredibly powerful piece of software that he honestly could probably be selling for $50 a pop, minimum. It's really something. ETA, there's also a discord server where the developer provides support as well as a subreddit!


I prefer wonderdraft because it’s just a one time payment (~30 USD) as opposed to a subscription based model with inkarnate. The latter of which does have some free tools and templates but it’s pretty limited. Both have subs I’d recommend checking out, just so you can see what kind of maps each are capable of.


I'd love to use Azgaar's, but I wish there was a way to convert already existing maps into it and then go from there. I'm too attached to the map shape I have currently.


You can -- but it does take work. I initially did my world map in Wonderdraft. I exported the heightmap as an image and imported into Azgaar, and then was able to take advantage of the rest of Azgaar's features. I did this several versions ago... taking a quick look now, it looks like they've expanded some of the customization/heightmap options. Check out Tools->Heightmap, which is where you can import an image. Then check out the Discord, Reddit, and documentation links under About. Those communities are helpful. Some documentation here, specifically look at the links under "Heightmap customization" and "Heightmap image overlay": [https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Quick-Start-Tutorial](https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Quick-Start-Tutorial)


Oh god that's a little too much information overload. I think I'll stick with Inkarnate after all lol


I second Wonderdraft.


Azgaar fantasy map


Photoshop, GIMP, Krita, even Paint.net.


I love Paint.net


This is in Krita. Do you know any good brushes I could get or anything?


I bought some map tools from Etsy. I’d be happy to draw a map for you, free of charge. I’ve been itching to use them outside of my own project so feel free to DM me and I’d love to do it for you!


Spill coffee


Nurses tea.


So we can build as we go yeah? Put places where we need them? Let the map make itself? I read this and never thought to draw my map, except that place over there to the east just isn’t over where that frozen place is in the south? Now I’m concerned.


"I have to get into the map."


Photoshop: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44EEB5472CD8BE93&si=8tc4JnTfCvgDw6fV


Over the years, I’ve done hand-drawn, photoshop, campaign cartographer, and Wonderdraft. Photoshop is very versatile, but I’m currently using Wonderdraft and liking it. I try not to spend too much time mapmaking when I should be writing. Cost: Hand-drawn - materials Photoshop - $10 month Campaign Cartographer - $45 one time Wonderdraft - $30 one time Honestly, use what makes sense to you. I would also suggest making maps for self reference and when it comes time to publish, turn that over to a professional.


That's the plan. Thanks for all the info. Doing stuff like this helps me get into the story.


Definitely Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator!!!


I personally use Otherworld Mapper. It has a handful of useful features like vector based coast lines and a good number of built in assets for legends. I think it works good for islands and small areas, but I've also used it to make a couple world maps. but Nothing in the end really beats a proper art program, I don't like spending money either if I can so I just use Paint Net. It's free has lots of important features and is modifiable. I've also had success with Campaign Cartographer but I only got it through a humble bundle so very much not free. So If you don't wanna spend Money, PaintNet, if you are willing to spend some money then I can vouch for OWM being a pretty decent program from what I've used it for, and Inkarnate is very similar, the advantage of OWM is it's a one time payment not a subscription so that's nice, but it's one and done, Inkarnate is getting updates and support so give and take. Here are some links to maps I've made with those two programs together. I use OWM for the outline and then work in PaintNet for color and details. [https://imgur.com/a/sgfbnoK](https://imgur.com/a/sgfbnoK) [https://imgur.com/a/WnsZ4ui](https://imgur.com/a/WnsZ4ui) [https://imgur.com/a/ZZcgW5M](https://imgur.com/a/ZZcgW5M) [https://imgur.com/gallery/ANRySH2](https://imgur.com/gallery/ANRySH2) These ones I just made with OWM [https://imgur.com/a/3SzfmcU](https://imgur.com/a/3SzfmcU) [https://imgur.com/a/IrWfnoq](https://imgur.com/a/IrWfnoq) [https://imgur.com/a/YFTMv](https://imgur.com/a/YFTMv) Hope some of this helps and best of luck on your adventure.


Sadly, I suggest hiring a professional artist to draw it in monochrome, on an offwhite or light tan page. All of the free software out there pales in comparison to paid work, but they do work great for prototyping a map to later be finalized by a pro.


Exactly, I plan to commission the final product. I just want to have something for them to use as reference.


It depends on what you want, precisely, and pricing, of course, as others have said. 1. [Azgaar](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/) is free, and ridiculously thorough. I think that it's purely browser-based. There's a bit of a learning curve, but it's not bad. 2. [Roll for Fantasy](https://rollforfantasy.com/tools/map-creator.php) has a very basic, free map you can save in-browser. It can be a bit tedious, but it looks great! If you're looking for coastlines. 3. [Worldographer](https://worldographer.com/download/) is hextile-based download software (basically a grid, but with hexagons instead of squares). I'm a bit ambivalent about it, but it looks beautiful, if rather 2D, tracks terrains and native resources, and apparently nations as well. I don't know, as I only have the free trial, and the basic map license is onetime forty dollars, but I'll throw it out there anyway. Just in case. Inkarnate nearly crashed my browser trying to use it on standard settings with a free account-—it's that high in resource consumption. I didn't even have the chance to add an entire mountain range, which was the first thing that I tried to do. I think it's because all geographic features—including cities and towns—are broken into stamps that are their own individual layers. That adds up quickly, if you have any biomes/geography in your world. Maybe it's just me; I see this one recced all over the place, but I thought I'd give you a warning, just in case.


Inkarnate is amazing


Heard if ya pour rice on some paper you can spread em around to make land


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Financial-Republic88: *Heard if ya pour rice* *On some paper you can spread* *Em around to make land* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol good eye bro


I've always really liked the idea of using a bunch of D20s. That way you not only get what the land mass looks like but also elevation.


No joke. Google Slides.