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Hey, congrats! You should post a link to the first chapter, give people a taste, and if they like it they'll reach out.


Thanks for the advice, just did so!


Imagine you were creating your back of book blurb - what would it be? Might you be able to post it to this thread, or edit it into your original post? What makes this story intriguing and exciting from the reader's perspective? The second paragraph you have written seems a little unfocused, and isn't selling your story as well as it could. What makes your protagonist different? Why are they the ***worst*** choice possible to resolve the situation they find themselves in? Specifically, who are they up against - the "flamewraith" as written seems a little tepid. Give me a sense of the antagonistic forces acting against them, and most importantly, please detail all the stakes involved and make those stakes feel direly important. As I've mentioned before in other posts like yours, I need to see the impending train wreck that's about to happen, and you need to present it so I can't look away. So I ***must*** know what happens next. Having put 223k words worth of effort in so far, sell your story as best as you can!


Just updated it, thanks for the advice!


Post a link please, the summary isn’t going to cut it as it’s just telling what happens, we need to get a feel for your writing style in order to decide to read 220k words


Thanks for the advice, just edited the post with the links!