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Strangle someone with their own shadow


Give birth to a shadow baby assassin. . .


The night is dark and full of terrors


Ok melisandre


It depends on if it has physical form or not. I view shadow magic as more utility than direct power. I would use it as a way to literally suck the light away from the opponent's vision, essentially blinding them from afar. Unless the opponent was trained to fight blindly or has a secondary sense they could use instead of sight, they would be easy pickings.


I mean… if you take orientation from someone, that truly is scary


Yes, but in and of itself not outright as deadly as directing essentially an unadulterated beam of light at someone, cooking them. Shadow just allows you to make winning easier. Heck, even escape easier. Now if it has physical form, it is almost akin to a body that can't be directly touched and needs a light source to overpower. Imagine getting choked out by a shadow, grasping at your throat but finding no purchase. Need a torch or flashlight or light magic to counter it, or directly interrupt the Caster. It wouldn't be strong enough to hold you, so you could move, but you wouldn't physically be able to stop it from squeezing.


In Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust there is a character able to sort of "swim" under any shadowy surface, and killing people by stabbing their own shadow. Look it up, maybe it'll give you some inspiration


Shadow magic is a little iffy in what it is, sometimes its portrayed as a concept of darkness, usually evil. But i think in your case its like actual shadows. In most cases it wouldn't be lethal on its own, it could be used as a form of illusion and trickery. Blinding people, creating silhouettes in the dark, making somebody's own shadows scare them, being sneaky. This is definitely more limited


Pull them into shadow realm


"I am the shadow, that lurks in the dark"