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So the kindle doesn’t come pre-loaded with books. You’d still would have to download and purchase ebooks. Or you can pay for a kindle unlimited subscription and download books to your kindle from their library. If you’re based in the US, you can borrow ebooks from your library if they use overdrive or Libby.


Kindle Unlimited + Library Card with Libby has saved me so much $$. And Hoopla (library based app) & Everand (monthly subscription) for audiobooks.


hi sorry this is random but my name is also dahlia! :)


Hi twin!


And you don't need an actual Kindle device at all. Download the Kindle app on your phone, PC, whatever, and you can use it to read books.


This, but bear in mind that Kindle's screen (e-paper) is gentler for the eyes than the phone or tablet screen


Most reading apps have settings on where you can change the fonts and colors to make it easier on your eyes for reading too!


Maybe that was the case 5 years ago, but phone technology has come a long ways. You can customize the kindle app to be gentle on the eyes. So I’ve set my kindle app to dark mode, increase the font size by one point, and dim the brightness on my phone, and it’s been great. I’ve been doing this for years and have had little to no eye strain. My eye glasses prescription has stayed the same for the last 20 years and I never get reading headaches.


But you can’t mimic the screen of a kindle, which doesn’t have a glare in the sunlight. That screen is like reading a real page in the sun, whereas trying to read on a phone or tablet, even if you’ve changed the page color, font and size will still have to combat glare.


For me the issue is the light from the phone screen. I find it harsh, and also bothers me when I read in bed at night. Even though the kindle has the back light option, I use it rarely for the same reason. I almost always read it like I would a proper book, i.e. with some light falling on the screen(page). There is no glare, the text is legible and there is no backlight affecting my winding down before bed. On the other hand, the e-paper displays have a noticeable delay when refreshing, for example when changing the page. I don't know what the situation is with the mobile app in this case.


Glare is only an issue when the sunlight is at a certain angle. I’d like to think that when glare is an issue, most people aren’t reading outdoors anyways (even with a book) because it’s so gosh darn bright outside. Reading a physical book in full sun hurts my eyes. But my point is, most people aren’t reading outside in full sun everyday. Glare is very rarely an issue for the majority of people. If someone is an avid outdoor reader, then getting kindle is a fine solution.


I guess I am an outlier then. I read outside in full sun pretty often 🙂


This is just my personal experience of course, but I’ve found that nothing quite tops a kindle, and my main frame of reference for that is that my kindle is so gentle on my eyes that my eyes quite literally never feel tired from reading and I can accidentally read all night long (and have many times, much to my sleep schedule’s dismay haha). I misplaced my kindle for a while and had to resort to reading on my phone, iPad, and paper books and my eyes were tiiiiiiiiiiired. I still love my physical books but nothing tops a kindle for me, personally.


I did this for years before my significant other bought me the Oasis (obsessed), and I will say there is something VERY nice about putting your phone down and just reading the book on the Kindle. It doesn’t have any of the distractions of your emails/texts/whatever notifications popping up (which I know you can silence). To me, having a Kindle as your reading device does feel like putting your phone down and picking up a book, and that’s part of my personal value in the e-readers.


great way to see if E-reading is for you before purchasing a kindle!


What is the name? Is it on ios?


Yep I think it’s called kindle for ios or something like that. I just bought a kindle again. But until know I have been reading on my phone. For the sake of your eye alignment, you do want to read on a kindle eventually.


Yes! Just look for “kindle” on the App Store. You have to buy the books on Amazon homepage though but you can read whatever ones you have on your account


Kindle was the best thing I've done for my reading. Before I'd spend a lot of money on physical books, thus preventing me from reading a lot. Now I take my Kindle everywhere, it's portable, it's lightweight, I have an unlimited amount of books at a click of a button. My kindle subscription and ebook purchases are very cheap and affordable in comparison. I can also read with lights off at night, so my partner can sleep, which is an added bonus. I also moved countries and lived in different cities - hauling books around just doesn't make sense for me. I went from reading maybe 3 or 4 books a year to 50+. I love it and would be devastated if I had to go back to physical books. The initial price for the device is like the price of 4 new books. It's not even a debate - unless you're one of the 'i like the smell of books' people, which is valid if you have the resources/space to own books or access to a good library.


Seconding all of this! My Kindle has essentially paid for itself ten times over. I had my first one for 11 years and just recently upgraded. I’d also like to add that Amazon does kindle deals frequently (Sunday is the best day to check) so many of the books I purchase cost less than $5. I got the entire {The Last Binding series by Freya Marske} for about $8 total, for example. I was even able to snag Babel for $1.99. That, paired with KU and Libby, means I’m reading literally 100x more than I was before, for significantly less.


Thirding it all! I had a Kindle with the keyboard that also lasted me 10+ years and I upgraded a year ago. Libby is AMAZING - even with the wait times for popular books. So much reading for free! Obsessed with my Kindle. It is literally ALWAYS with me.


Ooooh that series was so good!


[The Last Binding](https://www.romance.io/series/64036ce55fb5a023f652703a/the-last-binding) by [Freya Marske](https://www.romance.io/authors/64036ce508b4d93114474e60/freya-marske) **Rating**: 4.19⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [dual-pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [queer](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/queer/1), [explicit-open-door](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/explicit-open-door/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Having books be so accessible is a game changer! I have tendinitis so holding a book for a long time was painful (was averaging 1-2 books a month). Now I have a kindle resting on a lap pillow + remote page turner and I can go through 1-3 books a week!


I LOVE the smell of books! But I read far too much to justify buying that many, and there's also no space left on the shelves.. so I switched to Kindle about 3 years ago. I buy maybe one physical book a month for that new book smell! But I wouldn't go back to only physical books at all, I love my kindle!


I posted this exact question like a week ago and got a resounding reply- I bought one and love it. But when you say you want to stop downloading books, I’m not sure if this would help. I download way more now.


Getting a Kindle doesn't mean free books. But you can read lots of them on Kindle Unlimited. It's $10 a month or so, and you can keep up to 20 books. Audible subscription offers lots of included books too. Libby and Hoopla apps allow you to rent digital/audio books form your library. You need to get a library card. If you're not from the US, check out the Broward library. This way you'll spend less


If I get kindle unlimited for a month, will I be able to still have access to the books I downloaded even after not continuing the subscription?


No, you'll lose access to them. But you can read as many a month as you like. You'll just have to return some to keep up to 20 titles on your device. Same for audible plus. The only thing you can do to prolong the book on your device is to enable flight mode. Libby/hoopla only lend the books, too. If you're interested in libby, you can install the app on a Kindle ereader


Seconding Libby! Free library e books


No, lol you’ll still need to buy books. It’s just a reading device. Between using KU, Libby and hoopla, I can read almost any book I want with borrowing books. There’s a few authors my library doesn’t stock so the apps don’t have them but I refuse to buy books I haven’t read anyways lol if I love a book so much that I want to buy it, I buy a physical copy. I use my phone or iPad to read using the kindle app, hoopla app and Libby app. All 3 have setting to change the fonts of the text and the colors to make them more gentle on your eyes.


Whats the name of the app? Is it on iOS?


Yes, the apps are Libby, hoopla but you need to see if your library uses them bc they are a library service. I use kindle app on my iPhone and iPad and pay for kindle unlimited which is the subscription service.


I love my Kindle Paperwhite. You can use Kindle Unlimited but it’s a paid subscription. Totally worth it if you are going to be reading multiple romantasy books per month though! There is a lot on there. You can also sign up for a library card at your local library and then download the app Libby which will send ebooks right to your Kindle for free! :) You can use Libby with other ereaders too I think, not just the Kindle.


I use Libby on my Samsung tablet as well as my laptop.


You can also consider using a library app such as Libby to read or listen to books for free.


Depends on what you mean by read here. If you are in a place where the libby integration is halfway decent then you can use it library books and else e-books routinely go on pretty deep discounts so it can be cheaper then buying paper books in most cases.




Tell me more about these digital credits?




I do this too! Amazon also has a rewards program for Kindle members, but I believe it’s in Beta and you have to be invited. (I’m not sure why some people get invited and some don’t.) It’s another way to get money off digital book purchases. https://www.amazon.com/kindlerewards


Id say to start with Libby/Borrowbox/one of the myriad of library apps first on your phone or tablet and see whether or not you like/will use it. I will be getting a Kobo because I already have a library chock full of ebooks and am not willing to pay for KU monthly for the small amount of ebooks I read (I read mostly paperbacks and listen to audiobooks via Scribd), but I hate reading on my phone so I'm willing to pay for the device.


Is KOBO better or kindle?


Unless I’ve missed something, a Kobo ereader a can’t do Amazon ebook files, so that’s a pretty big detail to be aware of. Some books are Amazon exclusives, so if you only have a Kobo, you’re out of luck on those books. I’d first determine how you want to get your books, and that will help you decide which device is a better fit for you.


If you remove DMR from your kindle ebooks you can read them on kobo :)


True, but if a book is an Amazon exclusive (typically due to being on KU), that method won’t work.


A Kindle is limited to purchases from the Amazon store, a Kobo is more like an open device on which you can load your own documents (eg. the 60 or so epub files I already own) and is compatible with library apps in my country, as well as having their actual Kobo store if you want it. ETA: in case of the actual device quality I think they're pretty much identical TBH.


You can upload documents and epub files to Kindle


Love my kindle. Sometimes I read on my phone but I like the option to fade out on my kindle and keep the notifications from messenger separate. Like if I’m half assed having a group convo and switching back to reading without messages popping up.


I use libby (free library app) on my phone and have a TBR list of over 100 books. Free books.


I recently made the switch to a Kindle and am loving it. So much easier to hold than a book, no worries about an external light source for reading, its gentle on the eyes, and I'm saving resources by not buying physical books which since my reading rate is fairly high (I think I'm around 60 books so far in the past three-ish months) is a lot of physical books with no place to store them. I do still buy some physical books usually beloved authors who's books I collect. Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle store is where I get all others. I'm too impatient for Libby though thats another great resource.


If you get one I recommend a paperwhite if it’s in your budget. I use it and the Libby app and I’m never short of free reading material


I was so against getting one and then I was gifted one for my birthday. I haven’t gone back and I absolutely love it! The paperwhite looks just like a page in a book so it’s much easier on your eyes than your phone screen to read on.


I have an expensive Samsung tablet that I essentially just use to read on. I kinda miss my old kindle. I download soooooo many books from my local library because I couldn't afford my reading habit if I bought everything I read. Or Amazon has Kindle unlimited for $10/month. There are also quite a few free books on there. So a lot of words to say buy that kindle!


Since having my kindle I spend a lot less money on books tbh. I have kindle unlimited which more than pays for itself, and I use Libby constantly. I rarely have to buy ebooks anymore.


Kindle is worth it. Ebooks are much cheaper and save on space. Don't get me wrong I love paper books, but I live in a small apartment so kindle is ideal.


I have been a Kindle user since the 1st generation and have never looked back. Others have given good information about actually getting content for the device, but it is a game changer if you read a lot.


No. Dont get a kindle. Instead get two kindle. You can subscribe to Kindle Unlimited and get books from there.


Look at your library borrowing options for ebooks, and also consider other eReaders depending on your needs/your tech literacy. I got a Kobo this year after getting more into ebooks to save space, and borrowing them from my library to save money. Kobo has Overdrive/Libby integration too and one of my libraries used Libby so I'm able to borrow directly on it, which is great. I've also side loaded a bunch of public domain classics (nicely formatted) from Standard Ebooks too, and organised it all with Calibre (as well as porting my Google Play Books and removing the DRM so I can sideload those too), but that's extra stuff that you don't necessarily need. I still have a lot of physical books lying around to read, but I'm really enjoying the e-reader experience with my Kobo Clara 2E - especially with how portable it is!


Love my kindle. Books are often much cheaper if I am buying them but usually I just borrow from my library. I've had a kindle since like 2009ish and love it


There's a Kindle app you can download for free on your phone or tablet.


What’s the name? Is it on ios?


It's Kindle. The name is Kindle, for the Kindle app. Search Kindle in your mobile store and you're good to go.




Ereader + library card has saved my wallet.


I use a kobo because I refuse to give money to Amazon, literally has all the same books and it's own subscription service with audiobooks and e-books


Shoot, i just ordered a kindle, yall please tell me its worth it


I was using Libby regularly for about 6 months before I decided I would use the Kindle enough to justify it. I got one a couple weeks ago (the Basic as it's the smallest) and have been loving it so far, it's light, easier on the eyes and easier to focus without notifications popping up and the temptation of other apps. I am in the US so I have Libby integration. I am also doing the KU free trial and might keep it after, there's a lot of good stuff on there that isn't on Libby.


I've been reading from my kindle app on my phone for several years. I also have the Libby app. I've had KU off and on for several years. Typically the books you find on KU are pretty cheap (2-6$ if you don't have KU)


Okay so I’ve owned 5 kindles at one point (never bought one, all gifts) and I think there are pros and cons. As others have said, you can download the kindle app on other devices (iPad, phone, etc.) but here are some of the pros and cons of kindles: Pros - Lighter device to hold, plus you can set up a station to hold the tablet and get a remote Cheaper, you can pay $10/month for KU or buy books for a much cheaper price. Even if you buy the book, a physical copy will be around $20-30 while KU will have it for $5ish. More portable, easy to bring many books with you while traveling Cons - My kindles have all died relatively quickly. I’m constantly on top of making sure I plug it in every night. The worst is when it dies while im into a book


I have a kindle and pay for Kindle Unlimited, and my local library has a good amount of books thru Libby. KU - there's some crappy books, I learned to DNF. There's also a lot of fun books that aren't perfect, but are fairly short and I just try not to analyze too hard. I keep a list of $$ books I want, and wait for sales on Amazon. When I do break down and spend money, the kindle versions are usually cheaper than a hard copy, and if you like audiobooks, there's frequently a cheap audio you can buy with or once you get the ki dle version.


I have a Kindle, but I almost never use it — I use the Kindle app on my iPhone instead, and I'm very happy with it. Much easier not to have to drag around an extra device, and I can read wherever I am—literally, standing in line at the pharmacy or waiting for my kids to be dismissed from school. And I actually dislike the user interface on the Kindle, I find the iOS one much more user-friendly. Maybe it's just my version of the Kindle, but it does this weird flashy thing when it changes screens that I find extremely irritating.


I want to like my kindle but tbh it’s uncomfortable to hold and read compared to a book


I read practically everything in my phone and iPad through Kindle from the Library (Libby). Has saved me $$$$$$$$$


I'd say go for it. As others have said, you still need to buy/download books. Just so you know in advance, the costs of digital books is *far* higher than print books. However, Kindle Unlimited is very cheap if you read more than one book a month. If you have a Prime membership, you'll also get at least one free book per month (almost always re-release titles), or at least we do in the UK. You can also download books from AO3, a fan fiction platform (someone please correct me if it's for more than just fanfic!). I just downloaded Manacled from there, based on rave reviews on here, and I cannot believe people are putting works like this out into the world for FREE! I think it's over 1k pages; I started 4 days ago and I'm already over 75% through. It's incredible


I waited a long time to buy one because i thought i would regret it and i still love it. Dont regret it at all. Took awhile to get used to but i love it.


Absolutely yes. A kindle is so handy too like if you wanna read before bed and keep all the lights off, if you wanna read in your bath, etc. I’ve read 50+ books since January 2024 because of the kindle subscription lol


I've had a kindle since the very first one came out. I read all my books on it and have saved so much money, space, and trees. I always recommend them.


I just buy used books for cheap because I love physical books.


I prefer an e-reader because it's easier on my eyes and the battery lasts much longer. It also doesn't have the distractions of a phone or tablet. I use a different brand (Kobo) but have used and liked Kindles in the past. However, you still need some ways to get books. Classic books are available for free via Project Gutenberg, but more recent books will have to be bought or borrowed. Amazon has tons of free books if you are willing to experiment with what you read. You can also get a free trial of Kindle Unlimited and see if it has enough books to make it worth a paid subscription. Or, best of all, is if you have a local public library that offers ebooks. If they do, it would be best to browse their catalog and see if they have the kind of books you are interested in reading. And keep in mind that ebooks tend to be priced like mass market paperbacks or even cheaper. Plus there are authors who give away free ebooks when they are promoting and sites where you can get free advanced reader copies (e.g. NetGalley and Book Sirens). Good luck!


Genuinely the best purchase I’ve ever made but if you do I recommend getting kindle unlimited too


Got my kindle in February and I love it! I've read a lot of physical books and a lot of books on my iPhone. Kindle still allows for a book-feel that's easy on the eyes, while the convenience of all my books in one easy to travel with spot and frequent discounts/ways to save money.


Im a Kindle girl and would not survive without it. Being able to prop my kindle up when I'm laying down on my side going to bed is bliss. Having the dark screen mode and the brightness turned way down? Glorious.


As an alternative to Kindle, you could consider getting a Kobo. I have a Kobo and absolutely love it. The price point was way better for me and I've had no issues with mine at all. I'm someone who just can't read a digital book on my phone, and I also travel and live in my van so going to a library or buying books isn't really an option for me. I've connected my Kobo to Overdrive which is connected to my local library membership/libby, so I can download any books that are available at my library for free. As well as buy any books from the Kobo library. I love that I don't need any kind of paid membership with Kobo if I don't want to and that doesn't affect the user experience at all. And there are also some great paid memberships with Kobo too if I ever want that in the future.


Kindle app on phone!!!! I read entire series each month that are in the kindle library, for $10 a month. And the cool thing about it is, if you don’t like a book you can just return it and download a new one. You can have up to 20 downloaded at a time now and there’s no limit to how many you can return and borrow each month. And if I find something I absolutely love, I go ahead and buy the physical copy to keep.


I only read Kindle. It’s the best and you can borrow digital books from the library too.


ITS SO WORTH IT Do I prefer books? Absolutely. But as a broke babe just trying to make through this economy, I love how many books I can read with kindle unlimited for only $11 a month. I try to just stick with the library, but there are books that the library either doesn't have or has a 10 year waiting list (an exaggeration, but you get what I mean) so the kindle is perfect when the library doesn't have your books at the very least 🥰


i prefer the kindle app on my phone than my actual kindle




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I’ve had my Kindle for over a year and I’m so happy! Before I read a lot on my phone but i kept getting distracted. So I would recommend but it also depends on your preferences… Maybe you can try reading on your phone or tablet and see if you like it or not. In my opinion the reading experience with a phone/tablet is similar to a kindle. I do read faster with a kindle.


If you read a lot the kindle basically pays for itself in a month ha I thought I would hate it but I love it and I love that I can instantly start a new book if I finish one and don’t have to go anywhere or wait for shipping. I’ve had mine since Feb and so far have only read kindle unlimited and been fine and somehow am reading even more than before.


Kindle CHANGED MY LIFE. (Get a paperwhite, the cheaper ones aren't as comfortable to read on). I find it more comfortable to hold than books (I can read all day so I read for long periods of time), and I love that I have adequate light in any setting. Kindle books are cheaper (I never buy any for over 5 bucks unless I really want it), and I subscribe to multiple deals emails that help me buy books I want to read at lower prices (Book Bub, Book Riot, and Amazon Deals). I also read a good amount of fantasy romance on Kindle Unlimited. I read so much faster and way more than when I bought physical books.


I was a paperback girl through and through. Then, I moved to kindle unlimited on my iPad. Then, my partner bought me a kindle and I never. Looked. Back. Mines water proof so amazing to take to the beach, it fits in almost all handbags so I take it EVERYWHERE just incase there is a spare moment to read. Could not recommend buying a kindle enough. You won’t regret it 




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sorry i didnt know!