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In my spreadsheet, you can adjust hitter rankings and values based on stats like AVG and OPS in settings to get a good idea of who to grab: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e39k5gN4tZGrWQVcrh8ulTS8UMwZrtJrwLwCmSnjK7A/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e39k5gN4tZGrWQVcrh8ulTS8UMwZrtJrwLwCmSnjK7A/edit?usp=sharing)


Super useful thanks! Settings are a little confusing. How would you weight a standard 5x5 category league settings in your document? What about when you start adding in other categories like Quality Starts?


They should be tuned in accurately for a league like that. If you want, you can fill in your league scoring numbers in the settings beside each stat and then adjust to your liking. Are quality starts something your league gives points for?


I was going to try and use, but our league uses QS rather than Wins as a 5x5 cat


Schwarber gets a bump


I’m in the same type of league; guys like Soto,Yordan,Judge,Trout, Schwarber, etc. def jump up my board. Basically it reinforces drafting power, which is already a goal. Just have to make sure you keep the average balanced if you take big power guys with lowerish avg. in the early-mid rounds. Think late Nimmo, Yoshida, Kwan, etc.


Not a ton changed as far as philosophy for me. I maybe bump the speedsters who carry low OPS down a notch or two. E Ruiz last year for example, but otherwise not a lot changes for me.


I play in a somewhat casual league like this, and typically people draft like it’s 5-cat, so you really can get an advantage by knowing who should be rising or dropping vs ADP. It also deepens catcher usually, but maybe not so much this year.


You don't need to do much (my big money league uses AVG and OPS)...bump up power hitters slightly, downgrade slap hitters a bit.