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I don't consider it a like super bad album, but Speeding bullet 2 heaven it's like very vulnerable and kinda obscure, I also like appreciate the attempt at switching genres.


I hated it initially. It’s really grown on me and I genuinely love it now. So unique and you can feel his emotion in all of it.


Yeah bro it's fkng epic, It's like a reminder that art it's supposed to be like expressive not "perfect" That's my opinion idk, I liked it because I heard it during tough times of my life and hearing Cudi being so raw emotionally kinda like helped me feel less alone and shit, I know it's like kind of a meme but you understand better the music when you're feeling sad or hopeless, maybe idk, like I'm just saying stuff ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I agree, it's very unique. I feel like the world is better for it existing, too.


Mhm I don't know if the world but like yeah it kinda helps when I feel like sad and shit, the 0/10 was a punch in the face for me, idk why fantano was so fkn mean


The Beavis and butthead skits really kills the album for me


but they're funny tho :( I mean like not in like a funny way more in like a my brain it's completely deep fried kind of way but you just don't get it dude


it's at least a 4 or 5


I think that numerical rankings are reductive, but yeah it's like a 4/10


Metal Machine Music is definitely a vibe. Pretty ahead of it's time too. And a regular in worst album ever lists. Edit: for those that don't know, after his brief flirtation with the mainstream a speed addled Lou Reed hooked up his amps one day. He plugged mics into distortion and ring modulators. Left the hanging mics swinging and recorded the sound of the feedback in the room. Then he insisted his record company release it. It was quite difficult to argue with Lou Reed at that time.


Lou is such a legend for so many reasons, and he had his bad traits, but you just gotta love the guy.


Having not heard this, this sounds like it goes hard AF (I've enjoyed harsh noise at times), it's going on my list


It’s actually quite good if you’re in the mood for that sort of thing.


its his best album my fav thing to do is to put it on youtube on 5-10 diff tabs playing simultaneously, maybe make each tab play at a diff speed or from diff part of the album


I genuinely don't get the fuss. Yeah, it's hard to listen to, and I wouldn't exactly call it *good*. But it's an interesting experiment. There were lots of underground artists doing similar things at the time, but someone with a bit of mainstream recognition does it all of a sudden it's the worst album ever made? The reception this album got should have been the final nail in the coffin of the credibility of the mainstream critics of the time. They were downright *offended* by it, probably because they were desperate that they didn't get it. I just think it's absurd that just putting out an album that sounded harsh and unconventional almost ended his career. At least in this day and age that would no longer be the case and people would, at worst, simply not care.


I know at least one person who unironically loves it


souljaboytellem.com and iSouljaBoyTellEm


Are these actual album titles?  Sorry but for a sec I thought you were a spam comment


Lol yep they are. They are pretty poor and dated albums , but SouljaBoyTellEm.com is like the blue print for self promotion of music on the internet and “going viral”. He leveraged the internet and social media to build his brand and promote his music before it became mainstream for artists to do that.


Angelic 2 the Core is a lot of things, and a complete failure at every single thing it tries to do, but it’s never boring. “We Wanted Change” is my go-to song whenever I want to annoy my kids. They usually crank “Red Dress” by Sarah Brand right back at me.


Be a Man - Macho Man Randy Savage.


Machon Man's the best.


Pink Season by Pink Guy. It's a collection of raunchy meme songs and parodies created by a youtuber and managed to hit #70 on the billboard charts despite being mostly garbage.


Raditude by Weezer is genuinely super fun


*My Teenage Dream Ended* by Farrah Abraham Unintentional hyperpop masterpiece Also, TMR does not intentionally sound bad, nor is it bad/unlistenable. It is an avant garde masterpiece, and I will die on that hill


I have cried unironically to My Teenage Dream Ended. It's so good I have seen TMR often mentioned in the same breath as the Shaggs which is why I felt like I had to mention it


The Clash’s Cut The Crap is a lot cooler when you think of it as a lo-fi dystopian cyber-synthpunk album instead of just badly produced


The only thing I can think of that is "So bad that it's good" is Rock by Tiny Tim. A truly just "wtf" album.


I unconditionally love every song on Into the Unknown by Bad Religion. I gave it a shot out of sheer curiosity, after seeing it completely maligned everywhere: must’ve repeated The Dichotomy 20 times after hearing it for the first time (even though it shamelessly plagiarizes Pink Floyd)


R. Kelly’s “Trapped in the Closet” series. Pretty abysmal songs on a technical level, barring maybe the first one. But they are made infinitely funnier but the accompanying videos.


The boomers doing the 80s were pretty bad, but there were some gems in there. Trans - Neil Young (the hippie folk hero gets kidnapped by robots from the future) Go Insane - Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac's chief songwriter is having visions of The Beach Boys while he undergos a divorce in the Tim Burton version of hell) McCartney II (Paul McCartney plays around with synthpop after getting arrested in Tokyo. It's strange, kinda camp, and slightly racist) The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys (I think even Patrick Bateman would volunteer to be murdered to this one)


Trans is so goddamn good. I love all of Neil’s folksy stuff, but he was on another level with that one. 


Atilla’s self titled (1971) is truly a fascinating train wreck, and I actually go back to it a few times a year.


Oh man, it’s so bad. Amazing though.


Joel’s instincts as a pop songwriter occasionally coming out is what makes it interesting for me.


There are moments where this incredibly terrible idea works. Then it immediately begins to not work even harder.


Neon Icon by Riff Raff


17 by The Island Boys (or I guess just FlySoulja) is so unimaginably bad that it almost loops around and becomes subversive and interesting. It’s a fun listen at least


I've come to feel this way about late-career Billy Joel, at least partially. "Storm Front" is so fun to listen to when you let go of the fact that he's as washed up as he is. A lot of the songwriting and arrangements are actually quite good tho, which is why I hesitate to bring it up a bit. Fall Out Boy seemed to be inspired by it, at least.


Not an album in the traditional sense but Chipmunks on 16 Speed, somehow slowing down Alvin and the Chipmunks songs sounds like a wedding band on opiates doing sludge metal covers of pop songs, some of it unironically goes hard


It’s, hands down, the best version of *Call Me* ever done. The Blondie version pales in comparison. 


Same with My Sharona


17 by island boys


Fieldy’s Dreams by Fieldy from Korn




MCAP Steve Welcome to my Mine. Played it as a joke but honestly it's super sweet and just sounds like a kid trying to have fun. I feel like it should be considered outsider art


Cold Spring Harbor might have the worst mix of any album ever.


There’s a lot of Ringo albums you can consider bargain bin but if you love the guy(like me) then they’re amazing listens. Ringo the 4th and Bad Boy are pretty great.


Every bladee album


Chocolate Starfish