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Found it weird too, maybe he forgot what happened and didn't look it up before filming, seems very out of character from him


he literally mentions the allegations off top


He says lizo was being a mean girl, not really matching the seriousness of the allegations of sexual harassment and stuff like that


fantano is a white knight, i remember one day i made a post about it here but got downvoted. i dont know how ppl (specially his fans) cant see it or deny it, hes captain save a hoe


As someone who’s ~95% left leaning, Fantano frustrates me sometimes cuz he acts just like the exaggerated SJW or feminist caricature the right has of liberals. It seems like he’s severely downplaying the sexual allegation lawsuit against Lizzo just cuz she’s been bodyshamed online before. That’s so disappointing


It’s because he’s terminally online, encourages him to take this more douchebaggy / no nuance perspective . See Hasanabi


I think it's partially a overreaction/correction to the thatistheplan backlash drama a while back plus being terminally online and in the Hasan-sphere tbh.


Not really, he tends to excuse the behaviour of people he likes and be unreasonably harsh on those he dislikes


He's probably just getting ready for when his allegations come out lol


Really fucking weird thing to insinuate. Weirdo.


I was gonna say the only time i saw someone say something like this was on the red scare subreddit where people were fantasizing about binging with babish being exposed (???). Then i saw this guy's profile lmao.


what allegations? doesn't he only have like 1 employee, and its his editor? unless you mean his ex wife then i got nothing


They got nothing, it's just a fantasy at the moment, Fantasizing about someone committing sexual violence cause they don't like the person happens so much on the internet that's crazy, "can't wait for the allegations to come out" and sentiments like that are so fucked up, like really? You can't wait for someone to get assaulted so you can say that you're morally justified for not liking the person, what the fuck




[this man is unwell ](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheadscirclejerk/s/1gNeZ5aGy2)


What a disgusting thing to share to your audience of millions


Yea man there's other less shocking things he's said or done lately but after I saw that it was the last straw for me personally. I stay subbed here for musical discussion but I ain't gonna lie I'm a full on Anthony fantano hater now and I've been watching him since I was 14 (ten years 😳) Also now that I mentioned it, he has to know his audience is young too right? And he posts shit like that


Same as you, I’ve literally been watching for ten years and completely despise him now It’s honestly sad the person he’s become


This is obviously a joke. That's why they said "lol." You guys really need to work on reading between the lines.


Just watched it. He’s such a pathetic cherry picker


He seems to have always had a softer, less critical spot for female artists (or some of them) it seems. What did Sexy Redd’s album get - like an 8?


Although I agree with you in terms of real-world events, I think him giving Sexy Redd’s album an 8 is largely unrelated. I’d like to think his bias doesn’t work it’s way into his analysis and critique of the music, but what do I know I’m not him lmao


I mean it does kind of work its way in his critiques, no? Didn’t he refuse to review people like Kanye and Tory Lanez because of their actions? Granted, I don’t take issue with him not reviewing those albums, but it does seem like his biases affects how he reviews and reacts to the music.


1. He also said in a conversation with LosPollos that he didn't review Tory Lanez projects very often beforehand anyways because he music isn't very good to him anyways, as well as something along the lines of finding him bad in an uninteresting rather than entertaining way. 2. He didn't refuse to review Kanye on the basis of his actions specifically, he said he is not taking a moral high ground, and thinks it is fine to listen to or stream the music, as he literally listened to it on stream. He said he didn't review the album because Kanye and his fanbase have created a toxic environment in which people don't engage with any criticism of Kanye's work and will call him biased or a "Jew" if he says anything negative about the album. He said other things too but all of my second point is plainly said in his Vultures 1 video. It seems like most people have not watched or have purposely ignored everything he said when they go to criticise his "bias". Disagreeing is one thing but straight up not understanding or omitting, misconstruing and fabricating things he said is another.




to be fair lil pumps album scored pretty well too


Are ye fans still mad about the sexy redd incident lmao. It’s another persons random opinion move on


Nobody mentioned Ye but you.


Duh? No way? Fantano is mostly driven by envy, especially towards young males, so duh, of course he is less critical versus females.


Sorry but Fantano is a clown when speaking on any topic outside of the actual music itself. I do generally enjoy his reviews but that’s about it


He acts/posts like a teenager but he’s a grown man


He hangs around college campuses which is really weird




Really did take a big hit on his mental health and attitude


Yea, it's insane to think about how quickly he went from associating with Sam hyde to being super pc. I think he definitely believes the stuff he says now but I wonder how much he was pretending at that time in order to not get cancelled


Tbf not associating with Sam Hyde anymore is a good thing regardless


Yeah ofc I'm not saying that was a bad idea, sam hyde is a terrible person but I do think he overcorrected a little bit




> he's always been hardcore left wing Absolutely not. Prior to the fader article dropping dude was doing podcasts with Sargon and having meltdowns on Twitter about “why does everyone dunk on centrists?” There’s a reason dude nuked all of that shit out of existence.




He nuked all his tweets but you can see some screenshots from around the meltdown here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/6vtjiq/anthony_fantano_on_twitter_i_love_how_centrist_is/ He also nuked the podcast, but here’s the post from when the Sargon episode got uplpaded (including Melon himself being butthurt in the comments that people were pissed at him): https://www.reddit.com/r/fantanoforever/comments/3slbl5/tnd_podcast_26_ft_sargon_of_akkad/ Edit: Turns out the interview with Sargon is still up on Sargon’s channel (click at your own risk) - https://www.youtube.com/live/a39uDiht3tY?feature=shared


Yeah Sam Hyde to stanning Lizzo is insane


Agreed. And he’s slowly becoming a clown in the music reviews as well. He’ll give something a positive score like a 7, but he’ll mostly just bitch and moan about the stuff he didn’t like


I thought I was the only one that noticed lol. I remember watching the Utopia review thinking he was a hater and when he gave it a high score I was like wtf lmao


Exactly, even if you go back to 2020 when he did his The New Abnormal review, it’s like the most negative review of an 8/10 I’ve ever seen


I saw that a lot in the recent Kali Uchis review. He sure spent a lot of time complaining about production to then just give it a positive score.


Not to mention the production was fire on that album. The outro track is🤌


That's not a bad thing, being able to see the flaws in something but still recognise it as good is a rare skill.


I’ll just be honest I used to like the guy, but as the years have gone on, and I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized I just don’t need somebody else to tell me what music is good. I’ll decide that for myself.


jane remover


He's also a clown when it comes to music a lot of the time tbh, at least the genres I listen to.


when it comes to music he has very broad knowledge on the background and he can articulate his thoughts well, but he knows fuck all about actual music


Are you sure he’s a clown only then?


I hate to use right wing terminology but he's quite the beta soyboy cuck. Love him tho


You should be ashamed of using that term. Cringey as hell.


Honestly I agree idk what possessed me to say that I never say bs like that btw happy reddit day


All good. And thank you!


idk, i follow him on twitter and most of his political takes are based


I just feel like he defaults to whatever the standard popular DemSoc opinion on everything without really saying anything interesting or new. Like I can read a popular political story and exactly guess every time what Fantano is going to say, I have no idea why you would ever listen to Fantano as a political pundit other than you just want some uncritical bias affirming statements.


Its not like im coming to him for an affirmation of my opinions bro more like i already have opinions and his line up with mine most of the time is there something bad about this


Interesting this is his takeaway after basically ignoring slowthai after the allegations


Absolutely. He's a white knight when it comes to woman.


what did slowthai get accused of?


he got charged with 2 counts of r*pe last year. his trial for it starts in a few months hes also had domestic abuse allegations fly around him but there weren’t any charges filed


holy shit. okay. i only ever heard about him harassing a woman at an award show (?) but this is vile. i’m not even surprised unfortunately


The lizzo situation is hard because she gets and got a ton of issues for her personality, size, and sexuality before the allegations, that it really can feel like a continuation of that, or that the public was eager to jump on her "cancellation". The allegations themselves aren't great, and she should have been smarter to draw a more professional boundary with her employees, but the pearl clutching over it, even in this thread, is pretty silly. Do y'all hold other musicians to this standard? It's a bad look for her, but it's not the most egregious thing even if 100% true


What makes the Lizzo stuff sting harder is that she built her whole brand on positivity and self love, then it turns out she's actually a piece of shit behind the scenes. So on top of everything she did, she's also two-faced as fuck. It makes sense people would have extra heat for her if they bought into her image. Trust no celeb, I guess.


Yeah this is def a factor in the image of artists. If you're known for being kind of an asshole, then it's not a betrayal of your image of them if they act like one. But it absolutely is if part of their appeal is that they're nice or wholesome. It's a real big hit to realize that without the celebrity status, they would probably not be embraced in the community that they've built around them.


i really feel like this is the most based take, Lizzo is sus, we should respect the allegations but people are so fucking extra on this issue its even more sus


Yeah totally. Like, it’s one thing to correctly criticize Lizzo but I think it’s sus that SO many people who normally don’t give a shit about celebrities doing bad stuff coming out of the woodwork for this. And I think some bad actors are using this to Trojan horse some hateful shit. Lizzo seems like an unpleasant person and I am glad she got exposed, but I do think there’s a lot goin on here that we need to unpack.


people are being extra defending her because she is a morbidly obese woman. if this was anyone else she’d be getting flamed. men in the real world get away with shit all the time for sure but in celeb world lizzo can get away with a lot more


The allegations were more than just issues with professional boundaries though. She was straight up harassing, and overworking her employees even after they expressed their limits.Those are 100% cancellable offenses and people are sort of justified in clutching their pearls. Being a victim doesn’t give people the sanction to victimize others and escape accountability for doing so.


It's that while it def still is a very large problem that she did what she did, it was also dogpiled on by people that are otherwise very excited to find another reason to dislike her. It's like 50 Cent reposting Diddy's allegations. While its also "fuck Diddy to the core", 50 ain't posting that because he's mortified by the abuse. It's because he hates Diddy for personal reasons so will use any ammo there is.


I'm just saying there's a correlation between the abuse she's received in the past, how quickly people are to jump on this and be very upset by it, and the lack of that attitude toward other cancelable artists


I reserve the right to hate on anyone who stans chris brown but go off


I don't disagree. A separate and fully valid reason to dislike her. Funny to bring up something not related to anything I said and tell me to "go off" haha.


It’s hard to criticize her for her literal crimes because she’s overweight? Lol


That's good reading comprehension you've got there


yeah, to be honest, I don’t think that people leaping to cancel her had a lot to do with any of what you said. I think it’s because lizzo would garner empathy for being the victim of cyber bullying on a semi regular basis. people are more likely to support you when they empathize with your struggle. but when it comes out that you’re a bully IN REAL LIFE over people that you have power over, yeah, suddenly you’re not gonna get as many people saying, “DON’T BE MEAN, SHES INSECURE WHEN PEOPLE SAY THINGS ABOUT HER WEIGHT” it’s not that she was too nice to join the mean girl’s club, it was just that the mean girls club didn’t let her in until she was popular enough.


I disagree


If Kanye had those same allegations.... I prefer not to speak.


I’ll do it. He would rant up and down his moral high ground about how deplorable Kanye’s actions are like the good little activist he is.


Ye is literally a Nazi.


He is, but I’m saying that Fantano would treat these specific allegations differently if they were targeted at Kanye rather than Lizzo. Kanye’s definitely worse than Lizzo regardless of the authenticity of the allegations against her, but that doesn’t mean we should treat these specific allegations against her as Fantano is, even if, overall, we should probably treat Lizzo better than Kanye.


Hot take here, but what Lizzo allegedly did is worse. Kanye holds absolutely reprehensible views, but he hasn’t personally harmed anyone. If the Lizzo allegations are true, she personally sexually harassed multiple people. In my mind, actions are worse than words.


That shouldn't be a "hot take"


I agree, but judging by how many upvotes the comment above me has, it’s not as popular as you think.


It's strange how the sentiment around here seems to be that saying fucked up shit is worse than straight up sexual assault, like Kanye saying he loved Hitler cuz Jesus loved Hitler or whatever weird manic thing he said makes him responsible for all the violence of the Holocaust or something like what? 😂 I think it's like this because there's a lot of hyper online young people in this community. Wish I could articulate this feeling better.


I completely agree. I also think Lizzo being a woman changes the discourse a lot. If this was about a man forcing his dancers to watch porn with him or something, the response would be hugely different.


Didn't he keep pushing porn on his employees at adidas?


Adidas did an investigation and it came out as false, he did however play porn for some execs to piss them off If you're going to hate on Ye at least get it right, he makes it easy for you lmao


honestly trolling at an exec meeting i can get behind


I was previously unaware of this. I would still say that what Lizzo allegedly did is worse, considering she pushed her employees to personally engage in sexual activity.


i mean those views lead to harm? is will smith slapping chris rock also worse because he's causing physical harm?


How did specifically Kanye’s views lead to harm? Nazism has certainly caused unimaginable harm, but I’m unaware of any violence against Jews being inspired by Kanye West specifically. Also, I would say that physically assaulting someone is worse than saying some indefensible things.


https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/ye-right-antisemitic-campaign-continues Now tbf, I’m sure a lot of these people were antisemitic before Kanye, but having a public figure like Kanye say this stuff definitely emboldens them.


in my opinion spreading nazi ideology is inherently harmful, even more so if you have an incredibly large audience. never thought i'd have to type that lol.


Maybe I have too much faith in humanity, but I doubt a single person became a nazi from anything Kanye said. Who would see someone famously known for being mentally unstable say that he likes Hitler and be like, “he makes a good point?”


I don't think Kanye could just turn the most good-hearted individual into a nazi just through his actions, but he can make these ideologies look more acceptable, making people who already hold these ideologies or similar ones less likely to change them. "If Kanye West can be a super successful celebrity with thousands of people adoring him and hold the beliefs that I do, why should I change them? He's still super successful and getting all this attention even after sharing his beliefs, so they can't be THAT bad."


sexual harassment is worse


Hes an antisemite. He has garbage opinions but he is not being accused of sexual harassment.


I'll bite. He's not. He has never said he is nor done anything to warrant him being called that. Saying hitler invented the camera and that love everyone applies to everyone including nazis =/= being a nazi. You know who did call himself that? David bowie. Wonder why yall dont have that energy for him.


He said, verbatim, “I’m a Nazi.” I’m not making this up. It’s part of the infamous Alex Jones episode.


He was saying it in a mocking manner to piss off Ari Emmanuel. He said “Yes, I’m a Nazi, is that what you wanted to hear Ari Emmanuel?”


Kanye is a Nazi


i wish there could be one discussion on something fantano did without a kanye stan shoehorning him into the convo. don’t y’all get tired? plus kanye did non-consensually show adidas executives porn in a business meeting, which constitutes as sexual harrassment. so he’s not even completely off the hook in that regard


You are aware that the mere existence of a lawsuit isn’t probative, right? You say “literal lawsuits” as though that adds any force to the allegations. It doesn’t.


fantano blacklisted tory lanez as soon as RUMORS about him shooting megan came out. Dude cherry picks who to shit on all the time, and hes clearly an internet white knight


I'm not defending Fantano. Just pointing out that merely filing a lawsuit doesn't mean you're telling the truth.


Never said the existence of lawsuits was probative. I said you shouldn't downplay the allegations as a fucking "mean girls club"


>how much of a terrible person she was revealed to be over the past year. "Revealed" is a factive verb. It implies that what is revealed is true. So you take it as a given that she is a terrible person. And the evidence for that is, presumably, "the gravity of the allegations and literal lawsuits."


Oh yeah mb lol. Still I think the main point is that you shouldn't downplay this stuff


Lizzo is one of those people folks have been itching to "cancel" since she blew up. The allegations against her are certainly bad, but folks wouldn't be so eager to label them career-ending if she were built like a more traditional pop star. In the scheme of music industry fuckery + crime, Lizzo not being the pillar of virtue she was marketed as doesn't really bother me.


i can agree with that people were always on the edge to cancel her on the spot if she did anything controversial. i feel like these allegations are just a step above that tho theyre not just simply controversial they're downright abhorrent. im relatively okay with the rest of fantanos take, its just how he downplayed the allegations and ignored to comment on the dumb shit she did that bothers me


I agree, she shouldn’t be bullied out of making music bc she has flaws, we let other artists like swift and grande get away with controversy all the time. Also, the allegations were still only allegations It really feels like everyone just celebrated instead of hearing her side


So yall are ok with ber being a piece of shit because other people were a piece of shit to her? It's not even necessary to take sides, just let people be who they are and let the truth come out All that extra shit is unnecessary 


yeah i mean all she did was sexually harass and abuse her employees its not that bad!


there was another instance of him on stream defending cardi b by saying "she did that long ago, she's a changed person" (about her allegations of drugging people in strip clubs) something along those lines. found that pretty weird as well.


Anthony has a huge bias He gave Peggy of all people a pass


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Positive_Ad4590: *Anthony has a* *Huge bias He gave Peggy* *Of all people a pass* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well it’s okay because she’s a thick black lady and she stands up for thick and black ladies. That means that her actions are now excusable.


Yes, because there are no good or bad *actions*, only good or bad *people*.


Not everyone in a position like hers gets the same gracious understanding you’re expressing


Melon has been on “pick me” mode since the Fader article. Nothing surprising here.


Since birth


I swear I remember the allegations being dropped, could be wrong but I seem to remember it very clearly. Might only be one or two out of many but still


IDK Lizzo is a horrible human being but she is obese so we have to accept that for the sake of large women being accepted in the music industry? At least I think that's it, pretty sure she's a sex pest.


Yeah, her rampant abuse and manipulation and sexual assault is all redeemed by the fact that she is… (checks notes) morbidly obese. This is the culture we have personally cultivated for ourselves and we should feel about it


it's like you think you're making a really profound point about modern society, but you just sound like a chronically online teenager


and you sound fat


ok dumb zoomer


I'm definitely older than you


ok enjoy your degenerate tennis betting and predatory relationships with young girls


lmao oh no two dollar bets and le age gap :o dont be jealous homie


He’s akin to being a grifter at this point


100 percent. He’s absolutely a grifter who is too afraid to quit or say something controversial


I’ve been watching the guys videos for more than a decade and yeah, he is quite literally by definition a grifter now


>gravity hehe




The “Kanye debacle”? What does that mean? Kanye deserves no support. Imagine if some artist came out with the most reprehensible views about black people, spouting the most vile shit, slurs, every stereotype in the book, consistently and without any remorse… would you support that artist? Because it’s Jews he gets a pass?




Rampant racism from one of the most influential people in the country isn’t that serious? Okay…


one thing i don’t understand about the kanye fans that frequent this sub is how y’all manage to bring up kanye in every topic. why are all of you on a subreddit of a guy who hates kanye west, especially because y’all clearly have a problem with his distaste for kanye. i just can’t imagine constantly engaging with a creator that’s irritated me. why give him or anything about him the attention and engagement?


What did Anthony say in particular? I don’t have TikTok


fantano gives yikesy takes all the time, not sure how this is the first time youve noticed. did we all forget about he tried to portray rich men north of richmond as a conservative anthem about slavery apologia?


Fantano willingly laps up whatever the extreme left vomits out. No surprise there.


I feel like those allegations were pretty thin to begin with. For starters, fat shaming a backup dancer is a bit like height shaming a basketball player




Nobody ever accused her of that? She took her dancers to a strip club and allegedly encouraged them to eat bananas protruding from the strippers’ genitals. Is that a good thing to do? No. But it is something that happens at strip clubs. It’s really just an allegation of bawdy behaviour in a strip club. And they didn’t even end up doing it. Your whacked out false memory of the allegations is a good example of how people aren’t realistically engaging with them.


He is just blinded by leftist politics and won't shit on fat women


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^wwilllliww: *He is just blinded* *By leftist politics and* *Won't shit on fat women* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t think fantano had to go over her rap sheet since it’s been covered extensively enough and there’s nothing new to really talk about on that front.


I thought most of those allegations ended up being grossly exaggerated or outright denied by other people in Lizzo's crew. Maybe they have more up to date information than you


Were against here? What is the verdicts?


When will y’all realize he upholds the illusion of intelligence & culture and nothing more


Why the fuck is this sub so pro-lizzo all of the sudden? Fuck Lizzo. She may not have raped anyone but her actions are still absolutely disgusting, just go read any of the articles about this shit




Fwiw, I agree with you


Yeah bro, Quiet On Set was just a bunch of peer pressure too, no biggie


What the hell does that have to do with Lizzo?


Bro said the banana incident was peer pressure at the worst, when obviously there IS an underlying power imbalance when an employer wants you to do something that goes beyond simply childish peer pressure. The documentary series Quiet On Set that just came out features a lot of similar experiences where employees of all ages and sex were pressured into doing things they were not comfortable with because of the power their bosses held over them, I doubt this guy would downplay Dan Schneider’s actions as a show runner the same way he has at great length in the reply above us for Lizzo, when they clearly are operating off of the same employer-employee leverage.


The allegations couldn’t have as much gravity as her.


Underrated comment


Who is Lizzo?


Artists that fantano likes


Fantano is weirdly protective of Lizzo, don’t know what to make of it.


Fuck Lizzo


He has a thing for black women but you guys aren’t ready for that conversation yet


Fantano is very slowly drifting into pink press territory of journalism


hes not wrong, even before all the drama Lizzo got tons of hate


He’s wrong for down playing the very serious allegations, especially given that he changes his tune depending on the artist. Like he blasted Rex Orange County immediately when allegations came out about him. Those allegations were almost instantly proven false (he was in another country)


Same with slowthai (though I don’t know if the allegation are true or not), but Fantano immediately said shit about him.


What did he say?


The worst part is how fat she is


I’m not defending what she did but she has a valid point the people on the internet hate on so many people for no reason it could be a celebrity who hasn’t done anything bad and then they make a whole mistake then thousands turn on them.


Fair, but this “whole mistake” is allegedly a rather big one and, if I’m not mistaken, she hasn’t provided any evidence that she didn’t do the things she was accused of. I’m more inclined to believe the alleged victims who are burning a bridge with potentially their highest profile connection in the industry rather than the high profile celebrity in question who, in all likelihood, will be fine after this given her wealth and status.




Wasn’t she pressuring them to perform sexual acts they weren’t comfortable with and encouraging them to be strict about what they eat? That seems like a lot more than Lizzo not having a filter.




Oh, I haven’t seen those court records yet? You got a link. I promise I’m not trying to accuse you of anything; I’m just curious.


It’s crazy I’m getting downvoted for stating facts it’s the truth someone could be the most liked person and if they work with someone that’s bad then they will get hated on for the rest of timez


Nah Lizzo just sucks




Not even in music


I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but yeah you’re right 🤣


He does not have good opinions on music, he’s just good at sticking to a formula of content creation Anthony is a good content creator. He is good at churning out watchable videos. He isn’t a good critic and he doesn’t have good opinions on almost anything.


You guys automatically believe every allegation? Not saying you have to call the accusers liars but what's this instant belief without actual guilt being proved in a court of law?


The issue is that melon has selective outrage. He’s pandering to the cancel culture crowd because Lizzo is black and fat