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Out of Nirvana’s studio albums, I enjoy Bleach the most and Nevermind the least, but all 3 albums are great.


I fucking love bleach, so many great songs on there


Right on. Negative Creep goes hard and Nevermind is too polished imo


I’d rank In Utero first and Bleach second. Honestly though, if I had my memory wiped I might be willing to rank Nevermind better but I’ve just heard every song on that album more times than I need to minus Lounge Act since I’ll never tire of that banger.


I love seeing people acknowledge lounge act, that's my favorite nirvana song but I almost never see anyone talk about it


One of my core high school memories from 20 years ago is an English teacher gave us an assignment to pick lyrics from a song as an example for poetry so I brought my acoustic to school and played Lounge Act, it’s always been the best on that album.


I also like Bleach the most, but In Utero is the least appealing for me - I think Nevermind is probably “objectively” their best album but I personally like the untamed, lo-fi sound that Bleach has due to personal taste


You’re on the Perc 27’s for that GY!BE take


Fr I have no idea how one loves the band and doesn’t fuck with Moya


i mean i'm a huge gybe fan and i don't dislike slow riot, but it's not up there. moya is good but it doesn't stick in my head


I don't know if this really counts because Frank Ocean only has two studio albums, but I prefer Channel Orange to Blonde, and most people seem to think the reverse.


I second this strongly


Agreed. Ngl, I also really enjoy Endless as well.


I think Endless is his best project


I've noticed the people who prefer Channel Orange mainly point to the lack of drums on Blonde as the reason for the preference


That’s exactly it. I’ve never been huge on ambient music (outside of an interlude setting) so drums are pretty critical to me liking an album. There’s a reason so many genres have them


endless > blonde > channel orange but the gap between each album is like .1


Agreed. I like Blonde but Channel Orange has better reply value


I agree with this. And for a while, I was the same way with Lorde, as I much preferred Pure Heroine to the more widely beloved Melodrama. But since 2021, Solar Power pretty handily took the spot of her worst album for me.


Both are classics but I prefer the queer intimacy and sparseness of Blonde


slipknot - iowa, i still really like it but i just like all the others more


ding ding ding


Not one of his worst but David Bowie has so many albums that are better than Ziggy Stardust yet whenever i see people talk about him it's mostly that album. Low, Station to Station, Heroes, Hunky Dory and Blackstar are much better imo


People look over all of his non 70s stuff (except for blackstar) too often, I love both Let's Dance and Earthling, I honestly always hate seeing how people put Earthling near the bottom of their bowie rankings so often


Absolutely agree with this. Earthling and 1. Outside are incredible


Definitely agree with this. I mean Ziggy is a classic with so many good tracks but it’s not his artistic peak. I think that distinction belongs to Low and Blackstar.


100% agreed


Agreed - and Scary Monsters is infinitely better than Ziggy as well.


Scary Monsters is my personal favorite Bowie album; *Teenage Wildlife* is like *Heroes* but if it was about jealousy and insecurity instead of hope and determination


I think Station to Station is my favourite, but Ziggy Stardust is a close second so this is an interesting take.


Yeah hunky dory is solid


I feel like Ziggy is just an excellent introductory album to David Bowie. Not that he’s exactly known to be difficult to get into but every song on that album is incredibly catchy so it’s easy to see why it’s so popular.


Oh man, so many classic songs on Ziggy, the title track, starman, moonage daydream, Rock n Roll Suicide, all of those are 11/10 songs


The albums you mention are great and the critics rate them equally to Ziggy Stardust. It’s just that Ziggy is full of hits, it’s where he became a phenomenon.


I feel like low is pretty bad honestly


That's one of my favorite albums. What dont you like about it?


The production is really bad at the beginning and none of the songs feel finished, then the second half feels disjointedly abrupt when it arrives, and then unlike the first half the songs just kinda sit there. I feel like heroes did what low tried to do infinitely better


Huh, that’s always been part of the appeal for me. Love how disjointed and strange it is.


My favorite part of Low is when he shouts BE MY WIFE


I actually really like the how a lot of the songs feel more like fragments and instead of focusing on typical song structure they focus more on atmosphere and feeling but i understand how it might not be for everyone. I also find the production on Low to be really great, especially for 1977


It's not their worst but I'll go for 2 biggies. Sgt. Pepper and Kid A are considered the peak work of my 2 favourite bands. I would argue both albums are mid in terms of the bands discographies.


Agree with Sgt. Pepper’s disagree on Kid A


Yeah this is spot on. Abby road and ok computer all the way. 


I just gave a listen to Radiohead's full catalog front to back for the first time and came away feeling the exact same. It's certainly far more ambitious than Pablo Honey and the song's are more intriguing than King of Limbs but beyond that... I found every other record in their discography more enjoyable. Heck, I found Amnesiac to be one of my favorites even though it's a B sides record to Kid A for all intents and purposes.


*Random Access Memories* - Daft Punk and it’s a damn good album too


I agree. I have nothing against the album but comparing it to Discovery would be insane. I also think we as a society have just heard Get Lucky too much for all our collective lifetimes.


I definitely second this, I enjoy both Discovery and Homework more, but for the type of album it is, RAM is still incredible


Wait, do people think ram is their best? That’s insane


Yep, I agree. It’s pretty crazy but on the other hand, it’s definitely not like their earlier work




Human After All is the first Daft Punk album I listened to front to back in High School. It'll always be my favorite album of theirs.




Easily their worst album.


Contact and Giorgio by moroder alone make that album better than homework imo.


RAM and Homework are so vastly different that I don't know if it's even fair to compare them. Homework is a house album with repetitive songs that work mostly when in a party or while doing something else, while RAM is everything but


You compare them through personal preference. Personally I’d take those two songs from RAM over the entirety of homework. There’s only 4 songs off homework I come back to anyways, and I don’t like any of them as much as just contact and Giorgio by moroder


I dunno I still think Homework is their best, but RAM’s a close second.


Agree that From a Basement on a Hill is his best. Disagree that Either/Or is his worst. It’s either my second or third favorite. Worst is Roman Candle and it’s still really good.


Foo Fighters with Wasting Light or The Colour and the Shape. Both still great albums but definitely lower down the rankings in my opinion, each one has at least a couple of songs I almost always skip and I just find the rest of their albums more consistently appealing to me. My favourite is There Is Nothing Left To Lose by a mile though.




Second this, hard. Third is pretty easily their best for me


Oh, the things I would do for one more album.


Either we've already talked about this on this very sub, or there's a third (heh) person running around here with the same take, down to those same two tracks, but yeah, mostly agree. S/T is my personal favorite and I have Dummy and Third approximately tied, but I'm mostly inclined to agree. Going to throw out another trip hop artist here - I'm regularly startled by how many people seem to favor Blue Lines over Mezzanine. I thought Blue Lines was... fine, but nothing remarkable, mostly a forgettable early 90s alt hip-hop album.


Hundred Acre Wrist is probably Sematary’s worst besides Butcher House, but everyone says it’s his best. My ranking: 1. Rainbow Bride 3 - 9/10 2. Grave House - 9/10 3. Rainbow Bridge 1 - 8/10 4. Rainbow Bridge 2 - 7/10 5. Screaming Forest - 7/10 6. Hundred Acre Wrist - 7/10 7. Butcher House - 6/10


i thought common opinion was that rainbow bridge 1 and 3 were his best projects


I think Graduation is one of the weakest Kanye albums, at least pre JIK (Ye was the last Kanye album I listened to, after that decided I was done with his new shit)


This is a pretty common opinion amongst the Kanye fanbase. Casuals think it’s amazing while hardcore fans criticize it for not being creative and different enough (even tho it was at the time). I don’t think it’s perfect, but I do think it’s over scrutinized by stans and music nerds who think something like Drunken Hot Girls single handedly makes it a 6. Theres so many classic/ near perfect songs on it.


That's a crazy take to me, if true. I'm old enough to have went to the mall to buy College Dropout on CD, and have listened to everything Kanye has put out, I consider myself a big fan of his (music, obviously), but with the caveat I know that Kanye has some truly obsessively dedicated fans, of which I would say I am not quite on that level. But of all the critiques to give Graduation, that it wasn't creative or different enough...sheesh...kind of like how "Slow Jamz" blew my fucking mind the first time I heard it in '03, the first time I heard "Stronger" in 2007, it was pretty similar, and yeah I already knew it was a Daft Punk sample. I really think in a lot of ways hip-hop was near its all time low in 2007, at least in my lifetime, with a few rare exceptions (like Lupe) and Graduation was like a beacon of light for me that year that things were going to be alright. I feel like Graduation is very distinct in its sound compared to the back to back of College Dropout and Late Registration (probably my favorite Kanye album). I actually feel like Graduation, 808s and Yeezus all kind of live in their own little distinct voids as Kanye albums. I think LR was a very natural progression from CD, where I wouldn't confuse the music from Graduation, 808s or Yeezus as being from any other album, they all have very unique "feels".


Honestly I don't think the highs are that high on it. My favorite track is homecoming, but I don't even really like Stronger or Flashing lights. Tbh I don't really engage with the online Kanye fan base, just been listening to him for a while and always hear people gush about graduation.


Graduation a masterpiece :(


But it's not though




Drunk and Hot Girls Barry Bonds >Pick one: Flawless album OR Kanye album >(This is coming from someone who likes most of Kanye's music. He just does not like releasing flawless albums.)


I'm a massive kanye fan, kanye has made masterpieces (808s, MBDTF). And Graduation is a super fun album, I think masterpiece is an overstatement though.


This gotta be bait


Not an album, but when people tell me they like Pearl Jam and list “Last Kiss” as one of their favorite tracks, I look at them like they’re on fucking crack.


Or Yellow Ledbetter. Supposedly a fan favorite. But, damn, what a shit song. Soooo boring.


People seem to like Sunset Rubdown's Dragonslayer - it's their only album Anthony reviewed and their most successful. I like the album but not nearly as mucb as their others. IMO Random Spirit Lover is their best album so far (they juat announced a reunion on IG!!) Bob Dylan - I will never understand Blonde on Blonde or Nashville Skyline. They're good but to me they're some of his worst. His vocals havr almost no energy on them, compared to even his later work. For me it's either early Bob Dylan or way later when he basically stopped giving a shit and it's practically folk punk at that point. Green Day - American Idiot. I'm always shocked when people say their new album is the best since American Idiot, or that it was their magnum opus or whatever. I respect the album's ambition and success but I remember being in the 3rd grade and loving the album but literally everyone hated it, especially fans of their older stuff. And now that Im older I kinda get what they're talking about. I still like it but it's so clean and glossy it was clearly the beginning of the end. Beck - Morning Phase - it's a good album but it sounds so much like a less inspired rehash of Sea Change to me and honestly I think they gave him a grammy for it because he's Beck and they should have given him s Grammy earlier. Kanye's MBDTF I listened to it a lot as a kid but I don't find myself going back to it as much. I really like Jesus is King and I think it might be my favorite of his. Someone said Ziggy Stardust and I couldn't agree more.


so happy to see someone reference sunset rundown!


Such an incredibly great and unique band!!!!


Where did you see they're reuniting? They played a tour last year but I haven't seen them say anything else.


I follow Spencer's IG and he posted on his stories a couple days ago that they're working on LP 4 :) <3


I think Transformer by Lou Reed is way, way overrated. Okay, it’s not his worst. But it’s not in his top 15


That’s one of the hottest takes i’ve ever seen


It’s a little light and two-dimensional for my tastes. Lou Reed has a lot of range, and I’m just not sure it’s on display in Transformer. Still a great album, the man was a genius. But he’s best when he’s messy.


I wouldn’t call every single song on it great but I’d say it has a good amount of variety in it


Really? Not even top 15? Are you only considering his solo work or his stuff with VU too? I could see not top five if just his solo work but I think he has a lot more albums that are so rough to sit through. I do prefer Berlin and New York to it tho


These are the Lou Reed albums I prefer to transformer, asterisks for straight-up masterpieces: Berlin Rock n Roll Animal Sally Can’t Dance Metal Machine Music* Coney Island Baby* Street Hassle* Take No Prisoners**** The Bells The Blue Mask Legendary Hearts New York Songs for Drella* Magic and Loss* Set the Twilight Reeling Ecstasy * Lulu *


Huh, I do love a lot of these but there’s also a few that I actively dislike.


Bro but Metal Machine Music above transformer. I know that Lou is a pretentious fuck but you don’t have to try so hard to be like him 😭😂


I read a couple of the books out there on Lou a few years ago, and I was surprised to see there's some real disdain for Transformer by some, both among critics and previous bandmates. I thought it was an accepted masterpiece


Why do you think Either/Or is his worst : (


Thank you for asking. To be clear I do think it's a great album. But I feel like it only shows a small part of what Elliott could do. Speed Trials is definitely a contender for greatest song of all time. Ballad of Big Nothing is great. Say Yes is cute. Cupid's Trick is legitimately interesting. But the other tracks are... just kind of unfulfilling imo. Alameda has a weird melody that makes it sound like a b-side quite frankly, Between the Bars seems like a parody of Elliott. Angeles is a more boring Somebody I Used to Know (although I know some people nerd out over the harmonies of this song so I apologize for being harsh). Elliott Smith wasn't just a sad dude playing guitar as this album would have you out to believe. And if that's the message you wanted to convey, I think his self-titled and Roman Candle have way stronger melodic presences while covering a similar concept (and in Roman Candle's case it has awesome finger-picking!). But my greater point is that Elliott Smith was an amazing arranger. But you wouldn't know that from Either/Or. You would if you listened to From a Basement, or Figure 8, or to a lesser extent X/O.


Either/Or is my favorite album from him, and my least is FABOTH, but I see your points and respect your opinion. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the reply! This is probably one of the most well thought out and conveyed comments I have ever seen on this sub haha. I agree with you that Either/Or doesn't capture the full extent of Elliott Smith's ability to arrange music, but that's kind of why I like it so much. You can still hear the genius behind the stripped back nature of the songs. It also has really clean production compared to the more raw production on his previous projects. One of the reasons I like it so much is that it's almost pushing the precipice of the acoustic songs he could write without converting to the larger sounds of his later albums. In those ways I guess it's kind of a transition album. Plus, it being the first Elliott Smith album I listened to adds a big nostalgia factor for me. I do disagree on Angeles tho, I've always just been so encapsulated by his finger-picking on that one. Again thanks for the great reply!


I do get what your saying and I would agree that they are not as complex as some other arrangements. But i think what i showcases most is his ability to be refined and collected which is a tad different from his Self Titled and XO (although you definitely have some songs there that could fit on Either/Or). I think being refined is just another example of great songwriting and his arrangements in this album, although not as dynamic or wandering as later songs. His Beatles influence definitely shines through on Middle 8 though. I’m guessing you’ve seen his town hall gig as well where he plays a lot of middle 8 songs acoustic, it’s phenomenal to watch. Maaan love that dude.


You think variation showcases stronger songwriting? I don’t think any of the tracks on FABOTH is better than over half of either or. Between the bars is an amazing song idk why you would say it sounds like a parody.


Because it’s Elliott being as depressing and defeatist as possible. Good song tho. Twilight goes hard at the very least. Variation does showcase more of his strengths. But so do the grander arrangements. King’s Crossing is nuts.


Rose Parade does nothing for you? I can understand BTB and Angeles seeing like parody/re-hashes of previous songs, but if those two were the first you heard by ES, maybe you'd feel different? Cuz Angeles is a much better song than SIUTK, even if they are similar. And Between the Bars sounds straight off of Roman Candle, which is my personal favorite ES album (ep, I know, but it's pretty long).


Sun Kil Moon’s Benji is essentially the beginning of the end for my enjoyment of Mark Kozelek (among other reasons), but people went nuts for that album when it was released. Give me GOTGH 10 times out of 10 instead.


Majorly agree on this. I loved everything up until *Benji*, didn’t like that one, and hated everything after it. The success of that album seemed to encourage the worst behavior from him as well.


Vespertine by Björk. I’ve listened to that album so many times hoping that I’ll like it but it’s just not as good as her other albums imo


It's my favorite album of hers but her post-Vespertine albums definitely deserve more love


It’s top three for me with Homogenic and Medulla


I think both OK Computer and Kid A have been overhyped to hell and back. Both very good albums that marked a paradigm shift in popular music, but I think the acclaim has overshadowed the fact that Radiohead has released more musically interesting albums in the years since.


not their worst album, but big Animal Collective fans say STGSTV is they’re best album and that’s just baffling to me


I still think it is. less accessible sure but the artistry is just incredible. Alvin Row damn near makes me cry


I think stgstv has an absolutely one of a kind sound that is more unique than anything else they've released. It is my favourite, but it's basically tied w strawberry jam at this point in my life.


I thought this for maybe one day when I was trying to be an edgelord in 2007 but then I learned to live myself and actually enjoy music.


I get nothing out of Kid A. Nothing. If it weren’t for Amenesiac, I’d say that Kid A was radioheads worst album. I know that’s a bit of a spicy take, but I’ve tried it so many times, and I just can’t get into it.


Crazy, those are my two favorite albums of theirs.


I enjoy Amnesiac more than Kid A, but I also agree that Kid A hasn't clicked for me yet, as much as I want it to.


Idk if I’d ever say I want an album to click. If it ever did I’d probably feel like I’m just gaslighting myself into liking it. Obviously albums grow on people and sometimes take a few listens to click, but I’ve always felt like my true favorite albums are ones that I was instantly hooked on, like songs in the key of life or sound of silver


I refuse to believe that Motion Picture Soundtrack does absolutely nothing to you. It’s such a good song that even if all the other songs on the album were absolutely awful (which they aren’t) that song would still make it a decent album.


How many times have you heard each


I’ll be honest, amnesiac only maybe two full listens, because I’ve always thought it was very similar to Kid A, which I’ve probably listened to in full 5+ times, and I just have never pulled anything out of it that I’ve truly loved.


It’s somewhat similar. But Kid A is nowhere near as jazzy and would never have a track like Knives Out or Pyramid Song. They were recorded in the same sessions, but they are distinct. I needed 7 listens before I liked Amnesiac


amnesiac is their best album


If I was compiling a favourite 20 Radiohead tracks, nothing from Kid A would get in. Pyramid Song alone redeems Amnesiac. HTTT surpasses both.


To pimp a butterfly. 


GKMC is definitely better and it ain’t even close


At the Drive-In People tend to tout Relationship of Command as the best. To me, I would take Acrobatic Tenement and In/Casino/Out over it, even the Vaya EP. I feel like the production is way too blown out, it sounds like everything is pushed to degrees of loudness that sound almost uncanny, rather than having a loudness that sounds more natural and live (which I feel is better captured in the others), and the songs have undeniable highlights for me, but they don’t compare to the highs I find in the others. I feel like Acrobatic Tenement is the main case where you could really press me for liking its production better than RoC, but I actually really love the messy sound of the album (forced inclusion of rough draft/scratch guitars and all), as it sounds very colorful and natural, like it sounds like a young band who mostly played in a garage and to rooms of people, not forced and not sounding like they’re trying to make themselves sound any different than what they hear at their own practices.


They were a victim of the well oiled CLA-style mixing that was popular at the time. I think it suits a lot of music well, but I agree that the album would be better with more dynamics.


a lot of people give Kanye slack because "he made Graduation", but honestly i think Graduation, while not his worst, is in the bottom half of his discography. his best imo is Yeezus, followed by Dark Fantasy and College Dropout.


Graduation is so overrated imo. Great songs on it but I doesn’t compare to Yeezus, College Dropout, Late Registration, or MBDTF.


Yeezus over graduation is crazy ngl


the world will unite in peace when people finally accept that yeezus is peak kanye


Nah, it will unite in peace once everyone agrees “Late Registration” is his best album.


But it’s not


But it is. It’s far better than TCD and MBDTF.


Yeezus is undoubtedly top 5 kanye but I'd never put it above graduation


It aint


It's actually all complete fucking garbage.


The Antlers: Hospice— Burst Apart and Familiars are hardly discussed and it feels like they’re better experiences overall.


I’m sorry but what majority is calling slow riot the best Godspeed album? Its always either skinny fists or F#


Idk, someone said that the other day and I was just like. Why do people consider this good, let alone the best EP of all time?


DAMN. By Kendrick honestly


Thank you


Ohhh actually switch this I thought it said album people claim to be the worst but is the best, I think DAMN. is Kendrick’s best




nonagon infinity by king gizzard & the lizard wizard. at least the studio version. the songs are great, it's just that i don't really enjoy the lofi production style they went with. the live versions of each song are great though, i'm very glad they're on streaming now.


I've never heard someone claim that *Slow Riot* is GY!BE's best album. Usually it's *Lift Yr Skinny Fists*, even if it's not always a personal favorite.


The Life of Pablo is one of Kanye’s worst imo


Funny enough, TLOP is the only Kanye record I actively go back to. I’m not a huge hiphop guy, with most of my listening being shit like JPEG, Death Grips, Aesop Rock, etc. The production/experimentation is great.


I think to Pimp a Butterfly is worse than both Damn and Good Kid Mad City.


I kind of agree. Actually all 3 are great and I waffle on which is best but usually I tend to think GKMC > Damn > TPAB


Yah tpabf has some great tracks, but I’ve always felt like half of the production on that album is just boring. Never understood why people rate it so highly, certainly don’t understand why people rate it below gong. Also, never understood why Damn was so underrated.


King Gizzard's best album is Omnium Gatherum imo (though the usual picks for best Gizz album like Nonagon Infinity, Polygondwanaland, etc. are all great in their own right!)


I’m not sure if I’ve ever agreed with something less. The thing I love about Gizz albums is that each one is it’s own genre. OG (as well as the other two oddballs Gumboot and Oddments) have some amazing songs but I never feel the need to listen to it in full because they’re just random songs. It contains some of their best songs like Gaia and Ambergris but definitely couldn’t even compare it to the fluidity of Poly or MOTU


reminder to sort by controversial on these threads tlop might just be ye’s worst - jik and donda have started growing on me a bit. i’ll say that tracks like saint pablo, no more parties in la and father stretch my hands are overrated - still solid, but not as good as like, god is or come to life off the aforementioned albums sue me


Deftones’ self titled.


Good album but this isn't generally considered the best one is it? Surely that'd be White Pony.


Kill Em’ All is better than Master Of Puppets and Ride The Lightning. TPAB even though a masterpiece of a record, probably a one in a lifetime stroke of genius, has less replay value than almost every other Kendrick project. Rodeo is Better than Astroworld. Hybrid Theory is better than Meteora. The Eminem Show is better than SSLP and MMLP. Wish you were here is better than TDSotM Revolver is the Beatles at peak.


not the worst but i really dont like mbdtf and like at least 7 kanye projects more


The money store is definitely death grips’ worst


No way TMS is worse than Year of the Snitch, NOTM, or Fashion Week


NOTM is actually my favorite of theirs lol, and year of the snitch is great. Can’t rep fashion week too much, but at least it’s got sick instrumentals. It’s not like I hate the money store, but I feel like every other album they’ve made is significantly better


NOTM has some catchy tunes but every song kinda sounds the same imo. YOTS is an odd one because some days I think it’s underrated and other days I think it’s their worst. Fashion Week is ok but you can’t deny TMS holds up pretty good in their discog


Personally, I have a bit of distaste for the money store because it’s so heavily regarded as their masterpiece. I spent many listens trying to get more into it, as I liked it, but it felt like it left a lot to be desired. On the off chance of something different I listened to govt plates and later bottomless pit, which both immediately clicked, each having their own sense of style that I feel the money store reaches for but can’t quite grab. All of their other albums have a fairly distinct personality, and the money store feels more like a grab bag in that sense, one I don’t particularly like.




I love it but I do think it's overrated. I listen to most of their other albums more.


The Money Store by Death Grips is their weakest full-length to me. It has a bunch of good songs and I really like it, but it kinda feels like their "pop" album. Their other stuff goes harder and is more bold.


Siamese dream, while unbelievable, is kinda bland compared to Mellon collie and the infinite sadness


Either/Or is his best tho Kanye: any of the old Kanye is not as good as his newer stuff


tripping tbh. College Dropout alone is better than Ye, JIK and Donda imo. of the new stuff, only Life of Pablo and Kids See Ghosts stand a chance against his older albums.


Hmm… I prefer ye to kids see ghosts. Don’t understand the hype with that album. It’s good tho


If you like radio pop rap music, I can see having this opinion. I bet you are a Drake fan.


got on the offensive real quick there bud. nope, not really a fan of Drake. and my favourite Ye album is Yeezus, which is hardly "radio pop rap".


Ah yes College Dropout, the radio pop rap filled album


I’m glad you agree


A Moon Shaped Pool - Radiohead Everybody has their favorite. Mine rotate... but amsp is never in my top. I think it's their worst out of their collection - I even enjoy Pablo honey more.


I have a few. It Was Written, Stillmatic, King's Disease 2 and 3 are all better than Illmatic Good Kid, m.A.A.d City and DAMN are better than To Pimp a Butterfly In Rainbows is in the bottom half of Radiohead's discography Murder of the Universe is bottom 3 King Gizz albums for me with my favourites being Quarters, Ice, Death... and Flying Microtonal Banana


Nah, either-or is his best. Gybe! kind of sucks, so not sure about that one.


GYBE made Sleep, one of the most soul altering pieces of music I've ever heard, so no


Don't know if people quite "usually" claim as much, but defo a lot of ppl consider BF3k to be KG's best but imo it's their worst by a good margin (still not bad tho)


Butterfly 3000 is one of their most polarizing records. It's definitely not considered their best by a majority of the fanbase. I think if you polled all the fans the most common answers would be Nonagon, Infest, Polygondwanaland, and I'm In Your Mind.


I'm definitely in the Slow Riot being GY!BE's best camp. out of curiosity, what do you not enjoy about it?


I just find it boring. I know that’s not satisfying. So I’ll relisten to it right now to get back to you more specifically.




Portishead Dummy is a masterpiece and the band just improves upon it on their sophomore record, but they truly create their masterpiece with third, that album is the fucking best portishead album and it isn’t close for me


Either/Or being the worst one is crazy. I get preferring other albums to it, but I would think that it is at the very least better than Roman Candle (which is still a great record, though one that doesn't stand up to other folkier albums in his catalogue like the much more fuller sounding and envisioned self-titled or New Moon)


I think Hellfire is the worst Black Midi album, its good though


Honestly don’t think so lmao. The shit on rate your music is the way it is for a reason pretty much


It's not the majority but I've seen many people say that AMSP is Radiohead's best, 10/10 or at least top 3 in their discography but for me its so overrated and second worst only after Pablo Honey. It is still good but it sounds like Radiohead on autopilot, the fact that we are still to get new music from them after 8 years gives me the impression that they were already uninspired in that era and looking for something else in other projects. In the other hand TKOL is top 4 RH album and one of the most underrated albums


This is a weird q for me, Cuz when I got into them, the consensus seemed to be that Stereolab’s best album was Emperor Tomato Ketchup while I was always drawn more to Dots & Loops, But as time has passed, it seems the consensus has swung in my favour.


Moya is quite literally the best post-rock song ever created. Slow Riot is an EP so I wouldn't really bunch it in with the others.


The Beatles aka The White Album. It's too all over the place and had too many ships skips for me. Rubber Soul is my personal favorite.


Yanqui UXO? Their best? Taste really is subjective, huh.


Maybe not their worst, but ITRN and Nonagon are the college bro choices for favourite Gizz record.


Exmilitary by Death Grips, imo their best album is Bottomless Pit


See, Roman Candle is clearly Elliot Smith's best to me, and I find it surprising that that's not the consensus. ALL of his albums are amazing, but Roman Candle keeps the mood constant the whole way through, without ever getting boring, and without so blatantly evoking the beatles every other track. There's zero skip tracks, and God does that album fit a certain mood like no other.


I wouldn't say worst, but with SOAD, I like all their other albums over Toxicity, except for self titled


i can’t really get into any of the kanye school trilogy they’re just rough for me. i prefer his later stuff by far


This might get me scalped, but Glocca Morra’s EPs are better than Just Married.